=head1 Name

B<rinv> - remote hardware inventory

=head1 B<Synopsis>

B<rinv> [B<-h>|B<--help>|B<-v>|B<--version>]

=head2 BMC/MPA specific:

B<rinv> I<noderange> {B<pci>|B<model>|B<serial>|B<asset>|B<vpd>|B<mprom>|B<deviceid>|B<guid>|B<firm>|B<diag>|B<bios>|B<mparom>|B<mac>|B<all>}

=head2 PPC (with HMC) specific:

B<rinv> I<noderange> {B<bus>|B<config>|B<serial>|B<model>|B<firm>|B<all>}

=head2 PPC (using Direct FSP Management) specific:

B<rinv> I<noderange> {B<firm>}

B<rinv> I<noderange> {B<deconfig> [B<-x>]}

=head2 Blade specific:

B<rinv> I<noderange> {B<mtm>|B<serial>|B<mac>|B<bios>|B<diag>|B<mprom>|B<mparom>|B<firm>|B<all>}

=head2 VMware specific:

B<rinv> I<noderange> [B<-t>]

=head1 B<Description>

B<rinv>  retrieves  hardware  configuration  information from the on-board
Service Processor for a single or range of nodes and groups.

Calling B<rinv> for VMware will display the UUID/GUID, nuumber of CPUs, amount of memory, the MAC address and a list of Hard disks.  The output for each Hard disk includes the label, size and backing file location.

=head1 B<Options>

=over 7

=item B<pci>

Retrieves PCI bus information.

=item B<bus>

List all buses for each I/O slot.

=item B<config>

Retrieves number of processors, speed, total  memory,  and  DIMM

=item B<model>

Retrieves model number.

=item B<serial>

Retrieves serial number.

=item B<firm>

Retrieves firmware versions.

=item B<deconfig>

Retrieves deconfigured resources. Deconfigured resources are hw components (cpus, memory, etc.) that have failed so the firmware has automatically turned those components off. 

=item B<-x>

To output the information of deconfigured resources in XML format.

=item B<asset>

Retrieves asset tag.  Usually it's the MAC address of eth0.

=item B<vpd>

Same as specifying model, serial, deviceid, and mprom.

=item B<diag>

Diagnostics information of firmware.

=item B<mprom>


=item B<deviceid>


=item B<guid>


=item B<all>

All of the above.

=item B<-h>|B<--help>

Print help.

=item B<-v>|B<--version>

Print version.

=item B<-t>

Set the values in the vm table to what vCenter has for the indicated nodes.


=head1 B<Examples>

=over 4

=item *

To retrieve all information available from blade node4, enter:

 rinv node5 all

 node5: Machine Type/Model 865431Z
 node5: Serial Number 23C5030
 node5: Asset Tag 00:06:29:1F:01:1A
 node5: PCI Information
 node5:  Bus  VendID  DevID    RevID  Description              Slot Pass/Fail
 node5:  0    1166    0009     06     Host Bridge              0	PASS
 node5:  0    1166    0009     06     Host Bridge              0	PASS
 node5:  0    5333    8A22     04     VGA Compatible Controller0	PASS
 node5:  0    8086    1229     08     Ethernet Controller      0	PASS
 node5:  0    8086    1229     08     Ethernet Controller      0	PASS
 node5:  0    1166    0200     50     ISA Bridge               0	PASS
 node5:  0    1166    0211     00     IDE Controller           0	PASS
 node5:  0    1166    0220     04     Universal Serial Bus     0	PASS
 node5:  1    9005    008F     02     SCSI Bus Controller      0	PASS
 node5:  1    14C1    8043     03     Unknown Device Type      2	PASS
 node5: Machine Configuration Info
 node5: Number of Processors:
 node5: Processor Speed: 866 MHz
 node5: Total Memory:	  512 MB
 node5: Memory DIMM locations:  Slot(s)  3  4

=item *

To output the information of deconfigured resources in XML format for CEC cec01, enter:

 rinv cec01 deconfig -x


=item *

To retrieve 'config' information from the HMC-managed LPAR node3, enter:

 rinv node3 config

 node5: Machine Configuration Info
 node5: Number of Processors: 1
 node5: Total Memory (MB): 1024

=item *

To retrieve information about a VMware node vm1, enter:

 rinv vm1
 vm1: UUID/GUID: 42198f65-d579-fb26-8de7-3ae49e1790a7
 vm1: CPUs: 1
 vm1: Memory: 1536 MB
 vm1: Network adapter 1: 36:1b:c2:6e:04:02
 vm1: Hard disk 1 (d0): 9000 MB @ [nfs_192.168.68.21_vol_rc1storage_vmware] vm1_3/vm1.vmdk
 vm1: Hard disk 2 (d4): 64000 MB @ [nfs_192.168.68.21_vol_rc1storage_vmware] vm1_3/vm1_5.vmdk


=head1 SEE ALSO
