var winNum = 1; var zIndex = -100; function winNewWin(title){ var dob; var d; dob = document.getElementById('content'); d = document.createElement('div'); d.className = 'block'; var winid = 'window' + winNum; = 'window' + winNum; = zIndex; zIndex++; d.appendChild(winNewTitleBar(title)); var cont = winNewContent(); d.appendChild(cont); dob.appendChild(d); new Draggable(winid, {handle: 'handle'}); winNum++; /* return s the place to start writing */ return cont; } function winNewTitleBar(title){ var ti = document.createElement('h3'); ti.className = 'handle'; var winid = 'window' + winNum; var newHTML = ""; newHTML += " " newHTML += ""; newHTML += " "; newHTML += title; ti.innerHTML = newHTML; return ti; } function winNewContent(){ var doc = document.createElement('div'); doc.className = 'blockContent'; = 'winContent' + winNum ; return doc; } function winKill(wid){ // Todo: make this random effects var w = document.getElementById(wid); Effect.Puff(w); w.parentNode.removeChild(w); // var killU = w.parentNode; // killU.removeChild(w); }