# IBM(c) 2008 EPL license http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html healthCheck.README This README describes how to use the healthCheck script. The syntax of the healthCheck command is: healthCheck { [-n node_list] [-M]} {[-p min_clock_speed] [-i method] [-m min_memory] [-l min_freelp] [ -H [--speed speed --ignore interface_list --width width]]} [ -h ] -M Check status for all the Managed Nodes that are defined on this MN. -n node_list Specifies a comma-separated list of node host names, IP addresses for health check. -p min_clock_speed Specifies the minimal processor clock speed in MHz for processor monitor. -i method Specifies the method to do Infiniband interface status check, the supported check methods are LL and RSCT. -m min_memory Specifies the minimal total memory in MB. -l min_freelp Specifies the minimal free large page number. -H Check the status for HCAs. --speed speed Specifies the physical port speed in G bps, it should be used with -H flag. --ignore interface_list Specifies a comma-separated list of interface name to ignore from HCA status check, such as ib0,ib1. It should be used with -H flag. --width width Specifies the physical port width, such as 4X or 12X. It should be used with -H flag. -h Display usage information. This script is used to check the system health for both AIX and Linux Managed Nodes on Power6 platforms. It will use xdsh to access the target nodes, and check the status for processor clock speed, IB interfaces, memory and large page configuration. If xdsh is unreachable, an error message will be given. 1. Processor clock speed check This script will use xdsh command to access the target nodes, and run "/usr/pmapi/tools/pmcycles -M" command on the AIX MNs or "cat /proc/cpuinfo" command on Linux MNs to list the actual processor clock speed in MHz. Compare this actual speed with the minimal value that user specified in command line with -p flag, if it is smaller than the minimal value, a warning message will be given out to indicate the unexpected low frequency. 2. IB interface status check by llstatus In LoadLeveler cluster environment, all the nodes are sharing the same cluster information. So we only need to xdsh to one of these nodes, and run LoadLeveler command "/usr/lpp/LoadL/full/bin/llstatus -a" on AIX or "/opt/ibmll/LoadL/full/bin/llstatus -a" on Linux nodes to list the IB interface status. If the status is not "READY", a warning message related to its nodename and IB port will be given out. This check process needs the "llstatus" command existed on the MNs, if it does not exist, an error message will be output. 3. IB interface status check by lsrsrc This script will use xdsh command to access the target nodes, and run "/usr/bin/lsrsrc IBM.NetworkInterface Name OpState" command on AIX or Linux MNs to list the IB interface status for each node. If the "OpState" value is not "1", a warning message related to its nodename and IB port will be given out. 4. Memory check This script will use xdsh command to access the target nodes, and run "/usr/bin/vmstat" command on AIX MNs or "cat /proc/meminfo" commands on Linux MNs to list the total memory information. If the total memory is smaller than the minimal value specified by the user in GB, a warning message will be given out with the node name and its real total memory account. 5. Free large page check This script will use xdsh command to access the target nodes, and run "/usr/bin/vmstat -l" command on AIX MNs or "cat /proc/meminfo" commands on Linux MNs to list the free large page information. If the free large page number is smaller than the minimal value specified by the user, a warning message will be given out with the node name and its real free large page number. 6. Check HCA status This script will use xdsh command to access the target nodes. For AIX nodes, we use command ibstat -v | egrep "IB PORT.*INFO|Port State :|Physical Port" to get the HCA status of Logical Port State, Physical Port State, Physical Port Physical State, Physical Port Speed and Physical Port Width. The expected values are "Logical Port State: Active", "Physical Port State: Active", "Physical Port Physical State: Link Up", "Physical Port Width: 4X". If the actual value is not the same as expected one, a warning message will be given out. This is an example of the output of ibstat command: c890f11ec01:/ # ibstat -v | egrep "IB PORT.*INFO|Port State:|Physical Port" IB PORT 1 INFORMATION (iba0) Logical Port State: Active Physical Port State: Active Physical Port Physical State: Link Up Physical Port Speed: 2.5G Physical Port Width: 4X IB PORT 2 INFORMATION (iba0) Logical Port State: Active Physical Port State: Active Physical Port Physical State: Link Up Physical Port Speed: 2.5G Physical Port Width: 4X For Linux nodes, we use command ibv_devinfo -v | egrep "ehca|port:|state: |width:|speed:" to get the HCA status of port state, active_width, active_speed and phys_state. The expected values are "port state: PORT_ACTIVE", "active_width: 4X", "phys_state: LINK_UP". If the actual value is not the same as expected one, a warning message will be given out. This is an example of the output of ibv_devinfo command: c890f11ec05:~ # ibv_devinfo -v | egrep "ehca|port:|state:|width:|speed:" hca_id: ehca0 port: 1 state: PORT_ACTIVE (4) active_width: 4X (2) active_speed: 2.5 Gbps (1) phys_state: LINK_UP (5) port: 2 state: PORT_ACTIVE (4) active_width: 4X (2) active_speed: 2.5 Gbps (1) phys_state: LINK_UP (5) But for "Physical Port Speed" on AIX nodes or "active_speed" on Linux nodes, since SDR and DDR adapters will use the different speeds, SDR is 2.5G and DDR is 5.0G, so the user needs to specify this "Speed" by flag "--speed", for example: healthCheck -N AIXNodes -H --speed 2.5 If "--speed" is not specified with "-H" flag, healthCheck script will list the actual value of "Physical Port Speed" gotten from ibstat command for each HCAs, so that it is easy for the user to use "grep" command to find the speed value he/she wants. The output format is <node_name>:<interface_name>:< Physical Port Speed >: <speed_value>, for example: c890f11ec01.ppd.pok.ibm.com: ib0: Physical Port Speed: 2.5G c890f11ec01.ppd.pok.ibm.com: ib1: Physical Port Speed: 2.5G c890f11ec02.ppd.pok.ibm.com: ib0: Physical Port Speed: 5.0G c890f11ec02.ppd.pok.ibm.com: ib1: Physical Port Speed: 5.0G Since the output of ibstat or ibv_devinfo is identified by HCA name and port number, so we will use the mapping table below to map the HCA name and port number to its interface name. Please see the table below: Interface Name Adapter Name Port Number ib0 iba0/ehca0 1 ib1 iba0/ehca0 2 ib2 iba1/ehca1 1 ib3 iba1/ehca1 2 ...... For "Physical Port Width" on AIX nodes or "active_width" on Linux nodes, since it could be 4X or 12X, so the user needs to specify this "width" by flag "--width", for example: healthCheck -N LinuxNodes -H --width 4X If "--width" is not specified, healthCheck script will list the actual value of "Physical Port Width" gotten from ibstat command for each HCAs, so that it is easy for the user to use "grep" command to find the speed value he/she wants. The output format is <node_name>:<interface_name>:< Physical Port Width >: <width_value>, for example: c890f11ec01.ppd.pok.ibm.com: ib0: Physical Port Width: 4X c890f11ec01.ppd.pok.ibm.com: ib1: Physical Port Width: 4X c890f11ec02.ppd.pok.ibm.com: ib0: Physical Port Width: 4X For the ports that are not used by the target nodes, the user could use --ignore flag to exclude them from HCA status check. If the user does not specify these "unused port" with --ignore flag, healthCheck script will check all HCA check items for all interfaces, and return the warning message to for the failed ones. The user could use grep piped into wc -l to get the total number of "unused port".