use strict;
use SNMP;
use Socket;
use Data::Dumper;
use Getopt::Long;
$SNMP::debugging = 1;
$SNMP::verbose = 1;
$SNMP::best_guess = 1;
# each 0 is four bits: 0000 0000
# thus its broken down: 
# - ports 1-8 are in the first hex number 
# - ports 9-16 are in the second hex number 
# - ports 17-24 are in the third hex number 
# - ports 25-32 are in the fourth hex number 
# - ports 33-40 are in the fifth hex number 
# - ports 41-48 are in the sixth hex number 
# - ports 49-56 are in the seventh hex number 
my @bitmap = (0x01, 0x80, 0x40, 0x20, 0x10, 0x08, 0x04, 0x02);

sub getVlanMask{
	my $session = shift;
	my $vlan = shift;
	my @xs;
	my @hs;
	my $oid = ".$vlan";
	my $hs = $session->get($oid);
		die "Couldn't get OID!" . $session->{ErrorStr} . "\n";
	$hs =~ s/\"//g;  # get rid of quotes!
	@hs = split(" ",$hs);
	#foreach(@hs){ print "$_\n"; }
	@xs = map(hex, @hs);
	#foreach (@xs){
	#	print $_ . "\n";
	unless(scalar(@xs) eq 7){
		print "Could not get vlan mask for $vlan\n";
	#print "Switch mask:\n";
	#printf("%02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x\n", @xs);
# add port 1
# returns a 7 digit hex string to logically or with existing
# to add this port to the subnet
sub getPortMask {
	my $port = shift;
	my @portMask;
	my $hex;
	my $xIndex;
	if($port < 9){ $xIndex = 0;
	}elsif($port < 17){ $xIndex = 1;
	}elsif($port < 25){ $xIndex = 2;
	}elsif($port < 33){ $xIndex = 3;
	}elsif($port < 41){ $xIndex = 4;
	}elsif($port < 49){ $xIndex = 5;
	}elsif($port < 57){ $xIndex = 6;
		print "I don't know how to handle this port...\n";
	$port = $port % 8;
	#print "$port\n";
	$hex = $bitmap[$port];
	#printf("%02x\n", $hex);
	for(0 .. 6){
		if($_ eq $xIndex){ 
			push @portMask, $hex;
			push @portMask, hex(0);
	#print "Port mask:\n";
	#printf("%02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x\n", @portMask);
	return @portMask;

sub getSwitchInfo{
	my $switch = shift;
	my ($version,$community,@junk);
# bunch of xCAT tables stuff here to connect to switch	
  my $info = `tabdump switches | grep smc001 | sed 's/"//g'`;
		# if not in here, we try the defaults.
		$version = 1;
		$community = "public";
		(undef,$version,undef,$community,@junk) = split(/,/,$info);

		print "switch parameters for $switch:\n";
		print "\tSNMP Version: $version\n";
		print "\tSNMP Community: $community\n";
	return($community, $version);

sub connectToSwitch{
	my $switch = shift;
	my $session;
	my ($community, $snmpver) = getSwitchInfo($switch);
	$session = new SNMP::Session(
								DestHost => $switch,
								Version => $snmpver,
								Community => $community,
								UseSprintValue => 1,
	unless($session) {
		print "Failed to communicate with $switch\n";
		print $SNMP::Session::ErrorStr . "\n";
		#xCAT::MsgUtils->message("S","Failed to communicate with $switch");
	return $session;

sub xorMasks{
	my $sm = shift;
	my $pm = shift;
	my @nm;
	foreach(0 .. 6){
		my $foo = @$sm[$_] ^ @$pm[$_];
		##printf("%02x\n", $foo); 
		$nm[$_] = $foo;
	return @nm;	

sub orMasks{
	my $sm = shift;
	my $pm = shift;
	my @nm;
	foreach(0 .. 6){
		my $foo = @$sm[$_] | @$pm[$_];
		##printf("%02x\n", $foo); 
		$nm[$_] = $foo;
	return @nm;	

sub andMasks{
	my $sm = shift;
	my $pm = shift;
	my @nm;
	foreach(0 .. 6){
		my $foo = @$sm[$_] & @$pm[$_];
		##printf("%02x\n", $foo); 
		$nm[$_] = $foo;
	return @nm;	

# KLUDGE function because I can't figure out how to do this with 
# SNMP.pm and I give up after a week of trying.

sub snmpset {
	my $sess = shift;
	my $oid = shift;
	my $type = shift;
	my $val = shift;
	my $snmpset = "/usr/bin/snmpset";	
	my ($cmd, $comm, $vers, $switch);
	unless(-r "/usr/bin/snmpset"){
		print "/usr/bin/snmpset command not found!  Please install net-snmp-utils\n";
		exit 1;

	$comm = $sess->{Community};
	$vers = $sess->{Version};
	$switch = $sess->{DestHost};

	$cmd = "$snmpset -c $comm -v $vers $switch $oid $type $val";
	#print "$cmd\n";	
	system("$cmd >/dev/null");
	#print "ec: $?\n";
	if($? > 0){
		print "Failed to execute command $cmd\n";	
		exit 1;
	return $?;

sub addNodeToVlan{
	# to run: switchport allowed vlan add $port (use bitmap)
	# snmpset .. $oid1.$vlan x 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
	my $oid1 = '.';
	# to run: switchport native vlan $vlan
	# snmpset .. $oid2.$port u $vlan
	my $oid2 = '.';
	my $session = shift;
	my $vlan = shift;
	my $port = shift;
	#$oid1 .= ".$vlan";
	#print "$oid1 \n";
	my @xs;  # netmask for current switch
	my @pm;  # netmask for port 
	my @jm;  # the joined netmask
	@xs = getVlanMask($session, $vlan);
	@pm = getPortMask($port);
	@jm = orMasks(\@xs, \@pm);
	#print "Join mask:\n";
	printf("%02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x\n", @jm) if $::DEBUG;
	my $mask = sprintf("%02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x ", @jm);

	#  PART 1:  add the switchport allowed capability

	# TODO:  This part I can't get working so I'm just going to do an 
	# snmpset command here instead.
	#my $v1 = new SNMP::Varbind([$oid1,$vlan,$mask, 'OCTETSTR']);
	#print Dumper($v1);
	#if($session->{ErrorStr}) {
	#	print "Error! " . $session->{ErrorStr} . "\n";
	snmpset($session, "$oid1.$vlan", "x", "\'$mask\'");

	#  PART 2: add the switchport native

	# first get the current one for part 3:
	my $currNativeVlan = $session->get("$oid2.$port");
		die "Couldn't get OID!" . $session->{ErrorStr} . "\n";
	print "currNativeVLAN: $currNativeVlan\n" if $::DEBUG;
	print "$currNativeVlan -> ";
	# set the new switchport native vlan
	my $v2 = new SNMP::Varbind([$oid2,$port,$vlan,'GAUGE32']);
	#print Dumper($v2);
	if($session->{ErrorStr}) {
		print "Error! " . $session->{ErrorStr} . "\n";
	#  PART 3: take it off the other one it is on
	delPortFromVlan($session, $port, $currNativeVlan);	


# returns the vlan number
sub getVlans{
	my $session = shift;
	my %vlans;
	# IF-MIB:ifName: .
	my $ifName = '.';
	my $varbind = new SNMP::Varbind([$ifName, '']);
  if($session->{ErrorStr}) {
		print "Error! " . $session->{ErrorStr} . "\n";
	# varbind: name: ifName, 1, Port1, OCTETSTR
		#print $varbind->[2] . "\n";
		my $name =  $varbind->[2];
		if($name =~ /VLAN/){
			#print "Found $name on " . $session->{DestHost} . "\n";
			$name =~ s/VLAN//g;
			# we subtract 1000 off the name to give us the actual VLAN.
			$vlans{$name} = $varbind->[1] - 1000;
			#	print "\t$_\n";
	#print Dumper(%vlans);
	#foreach(keys %vlans){
	#	print "VLAN: $_ has value: ". $vlans{$_} ."\n";
	return \%vlans;

# return 1 if port is on vlan return 0 if not on vlan
sub checkPortVlan{
	my $rc = 0;
	my $session = shift;
	my $p = shift;
	my $v = shift;
	my @xs;  # netmask for current switch
	my @pm;  # netmask for port 
	my @jm;  # the joined netmask
	@xs = getVlanMask($session, $v);
	@pm = getPortMask($p);
	@jm = andMasks(\@xs, \@pm);
	#print "And Mask:\n";
	#printf("%02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x\n", @jm);
	my $m = sprintf("%x%x%x%x%x%x%x", @jm);
	#print "m: $m\n";
	if($m > 0){
		#print "port $p is on VLAN $v on switch " . $session->{DestHost}  . "\n";
		$rc = 1;
	return $rc;

sub delPortFromVlan {
	my $session = shift;
	my $port = shift;
	my $vlan = shift;
	print "removing port $port from vlan $vlan\n" if $::DEBUG;
	# first check and see if its on there:
	unless(checkPortVlan($session, $port, $vlan)){
		print "Port $port is not on VLAN $vlan\n";
	my @vm = getVlanMask($session, $vlan);
	my @pm = getPortMask($port);
	my @xm = xorMasks(\@vm, \@pm);
	#print "portmask:\n";
	#printf("%02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x\n", @pm);
	#print "vlanmask:\n";
	#printf("%02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x\n", @vm);
	#print "xormask:\n";
	#printf("%02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x\n", @xm);

	# this is the untagged remove	
	my $oid1 = '.';
	my $mask = sprintf("%02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x ", @xm);
	snmpset($session, "$oid1.$vlan", "x", "\'$mask\'");

	# this is the tagged  remove
	my $oid2 = '.';
	#my $mask = sprintf("%02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x ", @xm);
	#print "tagged mask: $mask\n";
	snmpset($session, "$oid2.$vlan", "x", "\'$mask\'");

sub displayHelp{
	my $ec = shift;
	print "nodesw changes the vlan of a node to a specified vlan\n";
	print "requires xCAT 2.0, Switch configured with SNMP sets, and only tested on SMC8648T\n";
	print "nodesw -h|--help\n";
	print "nodesw [-v] <noderange> vlan <vlan number>\n";
	print "nodesw [-v] <noderange> show\n";
	exit $ec;

sub getNodeRange{
	my $nr = shift;
	my @nr = `/opt/xcat/bin/nodels $nr switch.switch switch.port`;
	my $nh;
		print $nr[0];
		exit 1;
		my($n,$char,$val) = split(/:/, $_);
		$char = (split(/\./,$char))[1];
		$val =~ s/ //g;
		$nh->{$n}{$char} = $val;

		foreach(keys %$nh){
			print $_ .":";
			print " switch:" . $nh->{$_}{'switch'} ;
			print " port:" . $nh->{$_}{'port'};
			print "\n";

	# make sure all fields are defined
	my $e = 0;
	foreach my $node (keys %$nh){
			print "$node does not have a defined switch in xCAT! (nodels $node switch.switch)\n";
			print "$node does not have a defined port in xCAT! (nodels $node switch.port)\n";
	if($e > 0){
		exit 1;

	# return the node hash
	return $nh;

sub show{
	my $oid2 = '.';
	my $nh = shift;
	foreach my $node (keys %$nh){
		my $port = $nh->{$node}{'port'};	
		my $switch = $nh->{$node}{'switch'};	
		my $session = connectToSwitch($switch);
		my $currNativeVlan = $session->get("$oid2.$port");
    	die "Couldn't get OID!" . $session->{ErrorStr} . "\n";
  	print "$node: $currNativeVlan\n";

##### commands:
# get VLANS
# check VLANs that contain port X

# we want to put this port on this new vlan, here is how we do it:
# connect to switch to see:

my $help =0;
$::DEBUG = 0;
	'h|help' => \$help,
	'v|verbose' => \$::DEBUG


	print "verbose is set to on!\n";

my $nr = "";
my $nodeRange = shift;
my $cmd = shift;
my $vlan = shift;

unless ($nodeRange){
	print "missing noderange!\n\n";

unless($cmd) {
	print "missing operation! [show | vlan ]\n\n";

if($cmd eq 'vlan'){
		print "missing vlan number!\n\n";
	$nr = getNodeRange($nodeRange);
	chVlan($nr, $vlan);

}elsif($cmd eq 'show'){
	print "showing $nodeRange vlan settings\n" if $::DEBUG;
	$nr = getNodeRange($nodeRange);
	print "unrecognized operation requested: $cmd\n\n";

# getVlans
# find all vlans  of a switch
#my $vlans = getVlans($session);

#  checkPort Vlan
#checkPortVlan($session, $port, $vlans->{$_};

# addPortToVLAN
# get all VLANs
sub chVlan{
	my $nh = shift;
	my $currSwitch = '';
	my ($session, $vlans, $exists);
	foreach my $node (keys %$nh){
		my $port = $nh->{$node}{'port'};	
		my $switch = $nh->{$node}{'switch'};	
		unless($switch eq $currSwitch){
			$session = connectToSwitch($switch);
			$vlans = getVlans($session);
			$exists = 0;
			$currSwitch = $switch;

		foreach(keys %$vlans){
		# see if the requested VLAN actually exists
			if( $_ eq $vlan){
				print "VLAN $_ exists on $switch\n" if $::DEBUG;
				# if it exists see if its already on it
				$exists = 1;
				if(checkPortVlan($session, $port, $vlans->{$_})){
					print "$node: port $port already exists on $switch VLAN $vlan\n";
					exit 1;
					print "Adding Port: $port to VLAN: $vlan\n" if $::DEBUG;
					print $node . ": ";
					if(addNodeToVlan($session, $vlan, $port) eq 0){
						print "Added port: $port to VLAN: $vlan\n" if $::DEBUG;
						print "$vlan\n";
			print "VLAN $vlan does not exist on " . $session->{DestHost} . "\n";
			exit 1;