#! /usr/bin/perl # IBM(c) 2013 EPL license http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html # This program will start a proxydhcp daemon to handle 4011 request use Sys::Syslog; use IO::Socket::INET; use IO::Select; use Getopt::Long; my $quit = 0; my $doreload = 0; my %nodecfg; my $bootpmagic = pack("C*", 0x63, 0x82, 0x53, 0x63); # set signal handler to set flag to reload configuration file $SIG{USR1} = sub { $doreload = 1; }; $SIG{TERM} = $SIG{INT} = sub { $quit = 1; }; my $verbose; my $tobedaemon; Getopt::Long::Configure("bundling"); Getopt::Long::Configure("pass_through"); GetOptions( 'V' => \$verbose, 'd' => \$tobedaemon, ); if ($tobedaemon) { daemonize(); } # open syslog openlog("proxydhcp", "nofatal", "local4"); my $socket; my $retry = 5; while ($retry > 0) { $socket = IO::Socket::INET->new(LocalPort => 4011, Proto => 'udp', Domain => AF_INET); if ($socket) { last; } else { sleep 1; } $retry--; } unless ($socket) { syslog ("info", "Unable to open socket on port 4011."); closelog(); exit; } # regist my pid to /var/run/xcat/proxydhcp.pid if (open (PIDF, ">/var/run/xcat/proxydhcp-xcat.pid")) { print PIDF $$; close(PIDF); } else { syslog ("info", "Cannot open /var/run/xcat/proxydhcp.pid."); closelog(); exit; } my $select = new IO::Select; $select->add($socket); load_cfg(); until ($quit) { until ($select->can_read(5)) { #Wait for data if ($doreload) { load_cfg(); syslog ("info", "Reload configuration file in select."); } if ($quit) { last; }; yield; } if ($doreload) { load_cfg(); syslog ("info", "Reload configuration file before recv."); } my $data; my $caddr = $socket->recv($data,1500); my ($cport, $cnip) = sockaddr_in($caddr); my $snip = my_ip_facing($cnip); unless ($snip) { syslog ("info", "Cannot find the server ip of proxydhcp daemon"); next; } if (length ($data) < 320) { next; } my @package = unpack("C*", $data); my @replypkg; if (pack("C*", $package[0xec], $package[0xed], $package[0xee], $package[0xef]) != $bootpmagic) { next; } # get the node name of client my $nodename = gethostbyaddr($cnip, AF_INET); # get the winpepath my $winpepath = ""; if ($nodename) { if (defined $nodecfg{$nodename}) { $winpepath = $nodecfg{$nodename}; if ($verbose) {syslog ("info", "Find configure for $nodename= $nodecfg{$nodename} in configuration file")}; } else { $nodename =~ s/\..*//; if (defined $nodecfg{$nodename}) { $winpepath = $nodecfg{$nodename}; if ($verbose) {syslog ("info", "Find configure for $nodename= $nodecfg{$nodename} in configuration file")}; } } } # get the Vendor class identifier my $strp = 0xf0; my $archp = 0; while ($strp < $#package) { if ($package[$strp] eq 60) { $archp = $strp + 0x11; last; } else { $strp += $package[$strp+1] + 2; } } # get the winpe boot loader path my $winboot = $winpepath."Boot/pxeboot.0"; if ($archp) { my $clienttype = substr($data, $archp, 5); if ($clienttype == "00000") { #if ("$package[$archp]$package[$archp+1]$package[$archp+2]$package[$archp+3]$package[$archp+4]" == "00000") { $winboot = $winpepath."Boot/pxeboot.0"; } elsif ($clienttype == "00007") { $winboot = $winpepath."Boot/bootmgfw.efi"; } } syslog ("info", "The boot loader path for node $nodename is $winboot"); # set message type $replypkg[0] = 2; # set the hardware type $replypkg[1] = $package[1]; # set the hardware address length $replypkg[2] = $package[2]; # set the hops $replypkg[3] = $package[3]; # set the transaction ID @replypkg = (@replypkg, @package[4 .. 7]); # set elapsed time $replypkg[8] = 0; $replypkg[9] = 0; # set bootp flag $replypkg[0xa] = 0; $replypkg[0xb] = 0; # set client ip @replypkg = (@replypkg, @package[0xc .. 0xf]); # set Your (client IP) @replypkg = (@replypkg, 0, 0, 0, 0); #set Next server IP (set my IP) @replypkg = (@replypkg, unpack("C*", $snip)); # set dhcp relay agent ip @replypkg = (@replypkg, 0, 0, 0, 0); # set client hardware address @replypkg = (@replypkg, @package[0x1c .. 0x2b]); # set server host name foreach (0x2c .. 0x6b) { $replypkg[$_] = 0; } # set the boot file name @replypkg = (@replypkg, unpack("C*", $winboot)); my $lenth = length ($winboot); foreach (0x6c + $lenth .. 0xeb) { $replypkg[$_] = 0; } # add magic cookie #my @xx = unpack("C*", $bootpmagic); #@replypkg = (@replypkg, @xx); @replypkg = (@replypkg, unpack("C*", $bootpmagic)); # set dhcp msg type $replypkg[0xf0] = 0x35; # option number $replypkg[0xf1] = 0x1; # msg length $replypkg[0xf2] = 0x5; # dhcp ack # set dhcp server identifer $replypkg[0xf3] = 0x36; # option number $replypkg[0xf4] = 0x4; # msg length @replypkg = (@replypkg, unpack("C*", $snip)); # set the bcd path my $winbcd = $winpepath."Boot/BCD"; $replypkg[0xf9] = 0xfc; # option number $replypkg[0xfa] = length($winbcd) + 1; # msg length @replypkg = (@replypkg, unpack("C*", $winbcd)); $replypkg[0xfa + length($winbcd) + 1] = 0; $replypkg[0xfa + length($winbcd) + 2] = 0xff; $socket->send(pack("C*", @replypkg), 0, $caddr); syslog ("info", "The BCD path for node $nodename is $winbcd"); # debug package detail if (0) { my $msg; my $firstline = 1; my $num = 0; foreach (@replypkg) { my $v = sprintf("%2x ", $_); $msg .= $v; if (($num - 5)%8 eq 0) { $msg .= " "; } if (($num - 5)%16 eq 0) { syslog ("info", $msg); print $msg."\n"; $msg = ""; } $num++; } print $msg."\n"; } } closelog(); # daemonize the service sub daemonize { chdir('/'); umask 0022; my $pid = fork; if ($pid) { exit; } open STDOUT, '>/dev/null'; open STDERR, '>/dev/null'; $0='proxydhcp-xcat'; $progname = \$0; } # load configuration from /var/lib/xcat/proxydhcp.cfg to %nodecfg sub load_cfg { $doreload = 0; if (! -r "/var/lib/xcat/proxydhcp.cfg") { return; } if (! open (CFG, "</var/lib/xcat/proxydhcp.cfg")) { syslog ("info", "Cannot open /var/lib/xcat/proxydhcp.cfg"); return; } my $mycfg; while (<CFG>) { $mycfg .= $_; } my $p = 0; while (1) { my $name = substr($mycfg, $p, 50); $p += 50; my $value = substr($mycfg, $p, 150); $p += 150; $name =~ s/\0//g; $value =~ s/\0//g; if ($name) { $nodecfg{$name} = $value; } else { return; } } close(CFG); } # get the ip in xCAT MN/SN which facing target ip sub my_ip_facing { my $peer = shift; unless ($peer) { return undef; } my $noden = unpack("N", $peer); my @nets = split /\n/, `/sbin/ip addr`; foreach (@nets) { my @elems = split /\s+/; unless (/^\s*inet\s/) { next; } (my $curnet, my $maskbits) = split /\//, $elems[2]; my $curmask = 2**$maskbits - 1 << (32 - $maskbits); my $curn = unpack("N", inet_aton($curnet)); if (($noden & $curmask) == ($curn & $curmask)) { return inet_aton($curnet); } } return undef; }