package xCAT_plugin::packimage; BEGIN { $::XCATROOT = $ENV{'XCATROOT'} ? $ENV{'XCATROOT'} : '/opt/xcat'; } use lib "$::XCATROOT/lib/perl"; use Data::Dumper; use xCAT::Table; use Getopt::Long; use File::Path; use File::Copy; use Cwd; use File::Temp; use File::Basename; use File::Path; use xCAT::Utils qw(genpassword); use xCAT::SvrUtils; Getopt::Long::Configure("bundling"); Getopt::Long::Configure("pass_through"); my $verbose = 0; #$verbose = 1; sub handled_commands { return { packimage => "packimage", } } sub process_request { my $request = shift; my $callback = shift; my $doreq = shift; my $installroot = xCAT::Utils->getInstallDir(); @ARGV = @{$request->{arg}}; my $argc = scalar @ARGV; if ($argc == 0) { $callback->({info=>["packimage -h \npackimage -v \npackimage [-p profile] [-a architecture] [-o OS] [-m method]\npackimage imagename"]}); return; } my $osver; my $arch; my $profile; my $method='cpio'; my $exlistloc; my $syncfile; my $rootimg_dir; my $destdir; my $imagename; GetOptions( "profile|p=s" => \$profile, "arch|a=s" => \$arch, "osver|o=s" => \$osver, "method|m=s" => \$method, "help|h" => \$help, "version|v" => \$version ); if ($version) { my $version = xCAT::Utils->Version(); $callback->({info=>[$version]}); return; } if ($help) { $callback->({info=>["packimage -h \npackimage -v \npackimage [-p profile] [-a architecture] [-o OS] [-m method]\npackimage imagename"]}); return; } if (@ARGV > 0) { $imagename=$ARGV[0]; if ($arch or $osver or $profile) { $callback->({error=>["-o, -p and -a options are not allowed when a image name is specified."],errorcode=>[1]}); return; } # load the module in memory eval {require("$::XCATROOT/lib/perl/xCAT/")}; if ($@) { $callback->({error=>[$@],errorcode=>[1]}); return; } # get the info from the osimage and linux my $osimagetab=xCAT::Table->new('osimage', -create=>1); unless ($osimagetab) { $callback->({error=>["The osimage table cannot be opened."],errorcode=>[1]}); return; } my $linuximagetab=xCAT::Table->new('linuximage', -create=>1); unless ($linuximagetab) { $callback->({error=>["The linuximage table cannot be opened."],errorcode=>[1]}); return; } (my $ref) = $osimagetab->getAttribs({imagename => $imagename}, 'osvers', 'osarch', 'profile', 'provmethod', 'synclists'); unless ($ref) { $callback->({error=>["Cannot find image \'$imagename\' from the osimage table."],errorcode=>[1]}); return; } (my $ref1) = $linuximagetab->getAttribs({imagename => $imagename}, 'exlist', 'rootimgdir'); unless ($ref1) { $callback->({error=>["Cannot find $imagename from the linuximage table."],errorcode=>[1]}); return; } $osver=$ref->{'osvers'}; $arch=$ref->{'osarch'}; $profile=$ref->{'profile'}; $syncfile=$ref->{'synclists'}; my $provmethod=$ref->{'provmethod'}; unless ($osver and $arch and $profile and $provmethod) { $callback->({error=>["osimage.osvers, osimage.osarch, osimage.profile and osimage.provmethod must be specified for the image $imagename in the database."],errorcode=>[1]}); return; } if ($provmethod ne 'netboot') { $callback->({error=>["\'$imagename\' cannot be used to build diskless image. Make sure osimage.provmethod is 'netboot'."],errorcode=>[1]}); return; } $exlistloc =$ref1->{'exlist'}; $destdir=$ref1->{'rootimgdir'}; } else { $provmethod="netboot"; unless ($osver) { $callback->({error=>["Please specify a os version with the -o flag"],errorcode=>[1]}); return; } unless ($arch) { $arch = `uname -m`; chomp($arch); $arch = "x86" if ($arch =~ /i.86$/); } unless ($profile) { $callback->({error=>["Please specify a profile name with -p flag"],errorcode=>[1]}); return; } } unless ($destdir) { $destdir="$installroot/netboot/$osver/$arch/$profile"; } $rootimg_dir="$destdir/rootimg"; my $distname = $osver; until (-r "$::XCATROOT/share/xcat/netboot/$distname/" or not $distname) { chop($distname); } unless ($distname) { $callback->({error=>["Unable to find $::XCATROOT/share/xcat/netboot directory for $osver"],errorcode=>[1]}); return; } unless ($installroot) { $callback->({error=>["No installdir defined in site table"],errorcode=>[1]}); return; } my $oldpath=cwd(); unless ($imagename) { $exlistloc=xCAT::SvrUtils->get_exlist_file_name("$installroot/custom/netboot/$distname", $profile, $osver, $arch); unless ($exlistloc) { $exlistloc=xCAT::SvrUtils->get_exlist_file_name("$::XCATROOT/share/xcat/netboot/$distname", $profile, $osver, $arch); } #save the settings into DB, it will not update if the image already exist my @ret = xCAT::SvrUtils->update_tables_with_diskless_image($osver, $arch, $profile, "netboot"); unless ($ret[0] eq 0) { $callback->({error=>["Error when updating the osimage tables: " . $ret[1]], errorcode=>[1]}); return; } } # before generating rootimg.gz or rootimg.sfs, need to switch the rootimg to stateless mode if necessary my $rootimg_status = 0; # 0 means stateless mode, while 1 means statelite mode $rootimg_status = 1 if (-f "$rootimg_dir/.statelite/"); my $ref_liteList; # get the litefile entries my @ret = xCAT::Utils->runcmd("ilitefile $osver-$arch-statelite-$profile" , 0, 1); $ref_liteList = $ret[0]; my %liteHash; # create hash table for the entries in @listList if (parseLiteFiles($ref_liteList, \%liteHash)) { $callback->({error=>["Failed for parsing litefile table!"], errorcode=>[1]}); return; } $verbose && $callback->({data=>["rootimg_status = $rootimg_status at line " . __LINE__ ]}); if($rootimg_status) { xCAT::Utils->runcmd("mkdir $rootimg_dir/.statebackup", 0, 1); # read through the litefile table to decide which file/directory should be restore my $defaultloc = "$rootimg_dir/.default"; foreach my $entry (keys %liteHash) { my @tmp = split /\s+/, $entry; my $filename = $tmp[1]; my $fileopt = $tmp[0]; if ($fileopt =~ m/link/) { # backup them into .statebackup dirctory # restore the files with "link" options if ($filename =~ m/\/$/) { chop $filename; } # create the parent directory if $filename's directory is not there, my $parent = dirname $filename; unless ( -d "$rootimg_dir/.statebackup$parent" ) { unlink "$rootimg_dir/.statebackup$parent"; $verbose && $callback->({data=>["mkdir -p $rootimg_dir/.statebackup$parent"]}); xCAT::Utils->runcmd("mkdir -p $rootimg_dir/.statebackup$parent", 0, 1); } $verbose && $callback->({data=>["backing up the file $filename.. at line " . __LINE__ ]}); $verbose && print "++ $defaultloc$filename ++ $rootimg_dir$filename ++ at " . __LINE__ . "\n"; xCAT::Utils->runcmd("mv $rootimg_dir$filename $rootimg_dir/.statebackup$filename", 0, 1); xCAT::Utils->runcmd("cp -r -a $defaultloc$filename $rootimg_dir$filename", 0, 1); } } } # TODO: following the old genimage code, to update the stateles-only files/directories # # another file should be /opt/xcat/xcatdsklspost, but it seems not necessary xCAT::Utils->runcmd("mv $rootimg_dir/etc/init.d/statelite $rootimg_dir/.statebackup/statelite ", 0, 1) if ( -e "$rootimg_dir/etc/init.d/statelite"); if ( -e "$rootimg_dir/usr/share/dracut" ) { # currently only used for redhat families, not available for SuSE families if ( -e "$rootimg_dir/etc/rc.sysinit.backup" ) { xCAT::Utils->runcmd("mv $rootimg_dir/etc/rc.sysinit.backup $rootimg_dir/etc/rc.sysinit", 0, 1); } } my $xcat_packimg_tmpfile = "/tmp/xcat_packimg.$$"; my $excludestr = "find . "; my $includestr; if ($exlistloc) { my $exlist; my $excludetext; open($exlist,"<",$exlistloc); system("echo -n > $xcat_packimg_tmpfile"); while (<$exlist>) { $excludetext .= $_; } close($exlist); #handle the #INLCUDE# tag recursively my $idir = dirname($exlistloc); my $doneincludes=0; while (not $doneincludes) { $doneincludes=1; if ($excludetext =~ /#INCLUDE:[^#^\n]+#/) { $doneincludes=0; $excludetext =~ s/#INCLUDE:([^#^\n]+)#/include_file($1,$idir)/eg; } } my @tmp=split("\n", $excludetext); foreach (@tmp) { chomp $_; s/\s*#.*//; #-- remove comments next if /^\s*$/; #-- skip empty lines if (/^\+/) { s/^\+//; #remove '+' $includestr .= "-path '". $_ ."' -o "; } else { s/^\-//; #remove '-' if any $excludestr .= "'!' -path '".$_."' -a "; } } } # the files specified for statelite should be excluded my @excludeStatelite = ("./etc/init.d/statelite", "./etc/rc.sysinit.backup", "./.statelite*", "./.default*", "./.statebackup*"); foreach my $entry (@excludeStatelite) { $excludestr .= "'!' -path '" . $entry . "' -a "; } $excludestr =~ s/-a $//; if ($includestr) { $includestr =~ s/-o $//; $includestr = "find . " . $includestr; } print "\nexcludestr=$excludestr\n\n includestr=$includestr\n\n"; # debug # add the xCAT post scripts to the image unless ( -d "$rootimg_dir") { $callback->({error=>["$rootimg_dir does not exist, run genimage -o $osver -p $profile on a server with matching architecture"], errorcode=>[1]}); return; } # some rpms like atftp mount the rootimg/proc to /proc, we need to make sure rootimg/proc is free of junk # before packaging the image system("umount $rootimg_dir/proc"); copybootscript($installroot, $rootimg_dir, $osver, $arch, $profile, $callback); my $passtab = xCAT::Table->new('passwd'); if ($passtab) { my $pass = 'cluster'; (my $pent) = $passtab->getAttribs({key=>'system',username=>'root'},'password'); if ($pent and defined ($pent->{password})) { $pass = $pent->{password}; } my $oldmask=umask(0077); my $shadow; open($shadow,"<","$rootimg_dir/etc/shadow"); my @shadents = <$shadow>; close($shadow); open($shadow,">","$rootimg_dir/etc/shadow"); unless ($pass =~ /^\$1\$/) { $pass = crypt($pass,'$1$'.genpassword(8)); } print $shadow "root:$pass:13880:0:99999:7:::\n"; foreach (@shadents) { unless (/^root:/) { print $shadow "$_"; } } close($shadow); umask($oldmask); } # sync fils configured in the synclist to the rootimage $syncfile = xCAT::SvrUtils->getsynclistfile(undef, $osver, $arch, $profile, "netboot", $imagename); if (defined ($syncfile) && -f $syncfile && -d $rootimg_dir) { print "sync files from $syncfile to the $rootimg_dir\n"; system("$::XCATROOT/bin/xdcp -i $rootimg_dir -F $syncfile"); } my $verb = "Packing"; my $temppath; my $oldmask; unless ( -d $rootimg_dir) { $callback->({error=>["$rootimg_dir does not exist, run genimage -o $osver -p $profile on a server with matching architecture"]}); return; } $callback->({data=>["$verb contents of $rootimg_dir"]}); unlink("$destdir/rootimg.gz"); unlink("$destdir/rootimg.sfs"); if ($method =~ /cpio/) { if ( ! $exlistloc ) { $excludestr = "find . |cpio -H newc -o | gzip -c - > ../rootimg.gz"; }else { chdir("$rootimg_dir"); system("$excludestr >> $xcat_packimg_tmpfile"); if ($includestr) { system("$includestr >> $xcat_packimg_tmpfile"); } #$excludestr =~ s!-a \z!|cpio -H newc -o | gzip -c - > ../rootimg.gz!; $excludestr = "cat $xcat_packimg_tmpfile|cpio -H newc -o | gzip -c - > ../rootimg.gz"; } $oldmask = umask 0077; } elsif ($method =~ /squashfs/) { $temppath = mkdtemp("/tmp/packimage.$$.XXXXXXXX"); chmod 0755,$temppath; chdir("$rootimg_dir"); system("$excludestr >> $xcat_packimg_tmpfile"); if ($includestr) { system("$includestr >> $xcat_packimg_tmpfile"); } $excludestr = "cat $xcat_packimg_tmpfile|cpio -dump $temppath"; } else { $callback->({error=>["Invalid method '$method' requested"],errorcode=>[1]}); } chdir("$rootimg_dir"); `$excludestr`; if ($method =~ /cpio/) { chmod 0644,"$destdir/rootimg.gz"; umask $oldmask; } elsif ($method =~ /squashfs/) { my $flags; if ($arch =~ /x86/) { $flags="-le"; } elsif ($arch =~ /ppc/) { $flags="-be"; } if (! -x "/sbin/mksquashfs") { $callback->({error=>["mksquashfs not found, squashfs-tools rpm should be installed on the management node"],errorcode=>[1]}); return; } my $rc = system("mksquashfs $temppath ../rootimg.sfs $flags"); if ($rc) { $callback->({error=>["mksquashfs could not be run successfully"],errorcode=>[1]}); return; } $rc = system("rm -rf $temppath"); if ($rc) { $callback->({error=>["Failed to clean up temp space"],errorcode=>[1]}); return; } chmod(0644,"../rootimg.sfs"); } system("rm -f $xcat_packimg_tmpfile"); # move the files in /.statebackup back to rootimg_dir if ($rootimg_status) { # statelite mode foreach my $entry (keys %liteHash) { my @tmp = split /\s+/, $entry; my $filename = $tmp[1]; my $fileopt = $tmp[0]; if ($fileopt =~ m/link/) { chop $filename if ($filename =~ m/\/$/); xCAT::Utils->runcmd("rm -rf $rootimg_dir$filename", 0, 1); xCAT::Utils->runcmd("mv $rootimg_dir/.statebackup$filename $rootimg_dir$filename", 0, 1); } } xCAT::Utils->runcmd("mv $rootimg_dir/.statebackup/statelite $rootimg_dir/etc/init.d/statelite", 0, 1); xCAT::Utils->runcmd("rm -rf $rootimg_dir/.statebackup", 0, 1); } chdir($oldpath); } ########################################################### # # copybootscript - copy the xCAT diskless init scripts to the image # ############################################################# sub copybootscript { my $installroot = shift; my $rootimg_dir = shift; my $osver = shift; my $arch = shift; my $profile = shift; my $callback = shift; my @timezone = xCAT::Utils->get_site_attribute("timezone"); if ( -f "$installroot/postscripts/xcatdsklspost") { # copy the xCAT diskless post script to the image mkpath("$rootimg_dir/opt/xcat"); copy ("$installroot/postscripts/xcatdsklspost", "$rootimg_dir/opt/xcat/xcatdsklspost"); if($timezone[0]) { copy ("$rootimg_dir/usr/share/zoneinfo/$timezone[0]", "$rootimg_dir/etc/localtime"); } chmod(0755,"$rootimg_dir/opt/xcat/xcatdsklspost"); } else { my $rsp; push @{$rsp->{data}}, "Could not find the script $installroot/postscripts/xcatdsklspost.\n"; xCAT::MsgUtils->message("E", $rsp, $callback); return 1; } # the following block might need to be removed as xcatdsklspost.aix may no longer be used if ( -f "$installroot/postscripts/xcatdsklspost.aix") { copy ("$installroot/postscripts/xcatdsklspost.aix", "$rootimg_dir/opt/xcat/xcatdsklspost.aix"); chmod(0755,"$rootimg_dir/opt/xcat/xcatdsklspost.aix"); } #if ( -f "$installroot/postscripts/xcatpostinit") { # copy the linux diskless init script to the image # - & set the permissions #copy ("$installroot/postscripts/xcatpostinit","$rootimg_dir/etc/init.d/xcatpostinit"); #chmod(0755,"$rootimg_dir/etc/init.d/xcatpostinit"); # run chkconfig #my $chkcmd = "chroot $rootimg_dir chkconfig --add xcatpostinit"; #symlink "/etc/init.d/xcatpostinit","$rootimg_dir/etc/rc3.d/S84xcatpostinit"; #symlink "/etc/init.d/xcatpostinit","$rootimg_dir/etc/rc4.d/S84xcatpostinit"; #symlink "/etc/init.d/xcatpostinit","$rootimg_dir/etc/rc5.d/S84xcatpostinit"; #my $rc = system($chkcmd); #if ($rc) { #my $rsp; # push @{$rsp->{data}}, "Could not run the chkconfig command.\n"; # xCAT::MsgUtils->message("E", $rsp, $callback); # return 1; # } #} else { #my $rsp; # push @{$rsp->{data}}, "Could not find the script $installroot/postscripts/xcatpostinit.\n"; # xCAT::MsgUtils->message("E", $rsp, $callback); # return 1; #} return 0; } sub include_file { my $file = shift; my $idir = shift; my @text = (); unless ($file =~ /^\//) { $file = $idir."/".$file; } open(INCLUDE,$file) || \ return "#INCLUDEBAD:cannot open $file#"; while(<INCLUDE>) { chomp($_); s/\s+$//; #remove trailing spaces next if /^\s*$/; #-- skip empty lines push(@text, $_); } close(INCLUDE); return join("\n", @text); } =head3 parseLiteFiles In the liteentry table, one directory and its sub-items (including sub-directory and entries) can co-exist; In order to handle such a scenario, one hash is generated to show the hirarachy relationship For example, one array with entry names is used as the input: my @entries = ( "imagename bind,persistent /var/", "imagename bind /var/tmp/", "imagename tmpfs,rw /root/", "imagename tmpfs,rw /root/.bashrc", "imagename tmpfs,rw /root/test/", "imagename bind /etc/resolv.conf", "imagename bind /var/run/" ); Then, one hash will generated as: %hashentries = { 'bind,persistent /var/' => [ 'bind /var/tmp/', 'bind /var/run/' ], 'bind /etc/resolv.conf' => undef, 'tmpfs,rw /root/' => [ 'tmpfs,rw /root/.bashrc', 'tmpfs,rw /root/test/' ] }; Arguments: one array with entrynames, one hash to hold the entries parsed Returns: 0 if sucucess 1 if fail =cut sub parseLiteFiles { my ($flref, $dhref) = @_; my @entries = @{$flref}; foreach (@entries) { my $entry = $_; my @str = split /\s+/, $entry; shift @str; $entry = join "\t", @str; my $file = $str[1]; chop $file if ($file =~ m{/$}); unless (exists $dhref->{"$entry"}) { my $parent = dirname($file); # to see whether $parent exists in @entries or not unless ($parent =~ m/\/$/) { $parent .= "/"; } my @res = grep {$_ =~ m/\Q$parent\E$/} @entries; my $found = scalar @res; if($found eq 1) { # $parent is found in @entries # handle $res[0]; my @tmpresentry=split /\s+/, $res[0]; shift @tmpresentry; $res[0] = join "\t", @tmpresentry; chop $parent; my @keys = keys %{$dhref}; my $kfound = grep {$_ =~ m/\Q$res[0]\E$/} @keys; if($kfound eq 0) { $dhref->{$res[0]} = []; } push @{$dhref->{"$res[0]"}}, $entry; }else { $dhref->{"$entry"} = (); } } } return 0; } 1;