name "memcached" maintainer "Opscode, Inc." maintainer_email "" license "Apache 2.0" description "Installs memcached and provides a define to set up an instance of memcache via runit" long_description, '')) version "1.3.0" depends "runit", "~> 1.0" depends "yum" recipe "memcached", "Installs and configures memcached" %w{ ubuntu debian redhat fedora centos scientific amazon }.each do |os| supports os end attribute "memcached/memory", :display_name => "Memcached Memory", :description => "Memory allocated for memcached instance", :default => "64" attribute "memcached/port", :display_name => "Memcached Port", :description => "Port to use for memcached instance", :default => "11211" attribute "memcached/user", :display_name => "Memcached User", :description => "User to run memcached instance as", :default => "nobody" attribute "memcached/listen", :display_name => "Memcached IP Address", :description => "IP address to use for memcached instance", :default => ""