#!/usr/bin/perl # IBM(c) 2007 EPL license http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html # confignics postscript for configuring additional ethernet and ib NIC adapters. # This module parses NIC environment variables containing data from the nics table # for the specific node i.e.: # NICNODE - the node name # NICIPS - comma separated list of ips per NIC # NICHOSTNAMESUFFIXES - comma spearated list of hostname suffixes per NIC # NICTYPES - ethernet or infiniband # NICCUSTOMSCRIPTS - script to configure nic, i.e. configeth or configib # NICNETWORKS - network and subnetmask for the adapter. use strict; use Socket; use Data::Dumper; # Only three args are supported for confignics: # "-s" to allow the install nic to be configured. If not set # then the install nic will not be configured. # "--ibaports=x" to specify the number of ports for an ib adapter. # This value will set in an environment variable # prior to calling configib. # "-r" unconfigure/remove existing configured nics. This flag will # compare existing configured nics with nics in the nics table # if nic doesn't exist in nics table then ifdown and remove # config file (ifcfg-*) my $ibaports = 1; # default to one port per ib adapter. my $cfg_inst_nic = ''; my $rem_eth_nics = ''; # ethernet nics to remove if -r is set my $rem_ib_nics = ''; # ib nics to remove if -r is set my $rem_nics = 0; my $arg =''; while ($arg = shift(@ARGV)) { if ( $arg eq "-s" ) { $cfg_inst_nic = 1; } elsif ( $arg =~ /--ibaports=(\d)$/) { $ibaports = $1; } elsif ( $arg eq "-r" ) { $rem_nics = 1; } } my $ibnics = ''; my $ethnics = ''; my $bridgednics = ''; my $nicips = $ENV{NICIPS}; my $niccustomscripts = $ENV{NICCUSTOMSCRIPTS}; my $nictypes = $ENV{NICTYPES}; my $xcatpostdir = "/xcatpost"; my %cust_script_nics = (); # hash to save nics specified in niccustomscripts my $type = ''; my $nic = ''; my $MAC = $ENV{MACADDRESS}; my $inst_nic = ''; my $thisnode = $ENV{NODE}; # After discussing with Bruce, getting install nic in following order: # 1) get NODE env var, resolve to ip and get related nic info, if not found: # 2) Check if INSTALLNIC is set to specific nic then use that nic, if set to "mac" # then use mac to get nic. If still not set then: # 3) check PRIMARYNIC in similar manor as INSTALLNIC. # If still not found then exit with error. my $cfg_nic_ref_hash = {}; # set from get_install_nic my $nic_to_cfg_ref_hash = {}; # set from env variables in mypostscript $cfg_nic_ref_hash = get_current_nics(); $inst_nic = get_install_nic(); $bridgednics = get_bridged_nics(); # niccustomscripts specifies which NICS need to be configured. # and which script to use to configure it. # Strip NIC and customscript and then call the custom script with the NIC # it is up to the custom script to verify information passed in NIC env vars. # i.e. if customscript is "eth1:configeth eth1, eth2:configeth2" # then first get eth1 for the nic and "configeth eth1" for the command to run" # the do the same for eth2. if ( defined $niccustomscripts && length $niccustomscripts > 0 ) { system("logger -t xcat -p local4.info 'confignics $thisnode: processing custom scripts: $niccustomscripts '"); foreach my $customscript (split(/,/,$niccustomscripts)) { my @script = (); if ( $customscript =~ /!/ ) { @script = split(/!/,$customscript); } else { @script = split(/:/,$customscript); } $cust_script_nics{$script[0]} = 1; my @s = split(/ /,$script[1]); # if installnic then verify that "-s" flag was passed in. if (($inst_nic ne $script[0]) || (($inst_nic eq $script[0]) && $cfg_inst_nic)) { runcmd("$script[1]"); system("logger -t xcat -p local4.info 'confignics $thisnode: executed custom script: $script[1] '"); } } } # Get nic from nicips. If nic is in cust_script_nics hash then ignore this nic. # otherwise, get nictype if set or determine type from nic name, eth* or en* # implies ethernet, ib* implies infiniband. # # configib prefers to have ib adapters configured in one call for performance # reasons. So add ib nics to a list and call configib outside the loop. foreach my $nic_ips (split(/,/,$nicips)) { $type = ''; my $type_found = 0; $nic = ''; my @nic_and_ips = (); if ( $nic_ips =~ /!/ ) { @nic_and_ips = split(/!/,$nic_ips); } else { @nic_and_ips = split(/:/,$nic_ips); } $nic = $nic_and_ips[0]; # do not configure if nic is in the customscript hash if ($cust_script_nics{$nic_and_ips[0]} == 1 ) { system("logger -t xcat -p local4.info 'confignics $thisnode: nic $nic_and_ips[0] already configured through custom script '"); } else { # Find matching type for this nic foreach my $nic_type (split(/,/,$nictypes)) { my @nic_and_type = (); if ( $nic_type =~ /!/ ) { @nic_and_type = split(/!/,$nic_type); } else { @nic_and_type = split(/:/,$nic_type); } if ($nic_and_type[0] eq $nic ) { $type = $nic_and_type[1]; # verify type is "ethernet" or "infiniband" if ($type =~ /ethernet|infiniband/i ) { $type_found = 1; } last; } } # if no matching nic type then derive nic type from nic if ( !$type_found ) { if ( $nic =~ /(eth|en)\d+/i ) { $type = "ethernet"; } elsif ($nic =~ /ib\d+/i ) { $type = "infiniband"; } } if ("ethernet" eq lc($type)) { # Ensure to only configure the install nic if the "-s" flag was set. if (($inst_nic ne $nic) || (($inst_nic eq $nic) && $cfg_inst_nic)) { if ($ethnics) { $ethnics = $ethnics . "," . $nic; } else { $ethnics = $nic; } } else { system("logger -t xcat -p local4.info 'confignics $thisnode: Not configuring install nic $nic '"); } } elsif ("infiniband" eq lc($type)) { if ($ibnics) { $ibnics = $ibnics . "," . $nic; } else { $ibnics = $nic; } } else { system("logger -t xcat -p local4.info 'confignics $thisnode: unknown type $type for NIC: $nic '"); } } } # set_nics_to_remove will compare $rem_nics for install nic, and bonded or bridged nics # and set $rem_nics to only those $nics that should be unconfigured. if ( $rem_nics ) { set_nics_to_remove(); } my $cmd = ''; # Call configeth now to configure all ethernet adapters in one call. if ($ethnics) { $cmd = "configeth -c $ethnics"; } if ( $rem_eth_nics) { if ($cmd) { $cmd = $cmd . " -u $rem_eth_nics"; } else { $cmd = "configeth -u $rem_eth_nics"; } } if ($cmd) { runcmd("$cmd"); system("logger -t xcat -p local4.info 'confignics $thisnode: executed $cmd '"); } else { system("logger -t xcat -p local4.info 'confignics $thisnode : no ethernet nics to configure'"); } # Call configib now to configure all ib adapters in one call. if ($ibnics) { runcmd("NIC_IBNICS=$ibnics NIC_IBAPORTS=$ibaports configib"); system("logger -t xcat -p local4.info 'confignics $thisnode: executed script: configib for nics $ibnics '"); } exit 0; sub runcmd { my $cmd = shift @_; $cmd .= ' 2>&1'; my @output = `$cmd`; my $rc = $? >> 8; if ($rc) { system("logger -t xcat -p local4.err 'confignics $thisnode: command $cmd failed with rc $rc: " . join('',@output) . "'"); my $errout= "confignics $thisnode: command $cmd failed with rc $rc.\n"; print $errout; exit $rc; } print join("\n",@output),"\n"; } sub get_current_nics { my @ip_addr_array = `ip addr show`; my $nic_name; my $nic_type; my $nic_state; my $nic_slave; my $nic_mac; my $a_len = scalar(@ip_addr_array); my %nics; my $i = 0; while ( $i < scalar(@ip_addr_array)) { #print "array index $i: @ip_addr_array[$i]\n"; # check if line starts with "number: text:" # if so then it is the start of a nic stanza which looks like: # 3: eth1: mtu 1500 qdisc mq state UP qlen 1000 # link/ether 5c:f3:fc:a8:bb:93 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff # inet brd scope global eth1 # inet6 fd55:faaf:e1ab:336:5ef3:fcff:fea8:bb93/64 scope global dynamic # valid_lft 2591627sec preferred_lft 604427sec # inet6 fd56::214:5eff:fe15:849b/64 scope global # valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever # inet6 fe80::5ef3:fcff:fea8:bb93/64 scope link # valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever if ( $ip_addr_array[$i] =~ /^(\d+): / ) { # get nic name $ip_addr_array[$i] =~ /^\d+: ([^:].*):/; $nic_name = $1; # get state of nic either "UP" if different, such as DOWN, not configured # then assume state is DOWN. if ($ip_addr_array[$i] =~ /,UP/ ) { $nic_state = "UP"; } else { $nic_state = "DOWN"; } # Check if this nic is part of a bridge or bonded interface. If bonded on # redhat then "SLAVE" or "MASTER" will be in the first line of stanza # inside <>. # # A bridged interface is a little different. The command, "brctl show", is used # to show information about bridged interfaces. The subroutine get_bridged_nics() # writes out $bridgednics which is a comma separated strings of bridged nics. # If $nic_name matches a bridgednic then set nic_slave=1 for now to lump them # with bonded nics for now since we will not unconfigure bridged or bonded nics. # $nic_slave = 0; # default to 0 if ($ip_addr_array[$i] =~ /SLAVE/ ) { $nic_slave = 1; } if ($ip_addr_array[$i] =~ /MASTER/ ) { $nic_slave = 1; } if ($nic_name =~ /$bridgednics/) { $nic_slave = 1; } # example output shows type is "link/ether" for ethernet or # "link/infiniband" for ib. Look ahead to next line for this. $ip_addr_array[$i+1] =~ /^\s+link\/([a-z]+) /; $nic_type = $1; $i++; # CHECK: it looks like there could be a usb nic ethernet adapter. Need to investigate # if more needs to be done for that such as it is handled differently. # If value is not "ether" or "infiniband" then continue on to next stanza if ($nic_type ne "ether" && $nic_type ne "infiniband") { next; } my @line = split(' ', $ip_addr_array[$i]); $nic_mac = $line[1]; # move on to next line and loop through all lines for additional information or # and until the line is the start of a new stanza. # This is where things get dicey and may need enhancements: # inet brd scope global eth5 # indicates an ipv4 address with a netmask of /24, a broadcast address, # scope global nicname (eth5). If this was an aliased ip then nicname would be eth5:1 or such. # inet6 fd55:faaf:e1ab:336:3640:b5ff:fe89:66c4/64 scope global dynamic # it appears that valid ips have "scope global" $i++; # print "NIC: $nic_name, TYPE: $nic_type, MAC: $nic_mac SLAVE: $nic_slave, STATE: $nic_state \n"; $nics{$nic_name} = {}; $nics{$nic_name}->{state} = $nic_state; $nics{$nic_name}->{mac} = $nic_mac; $nics{$nic_name}->{slave} = $nic_slave; $nics{$nic_name}->{type} = $nic_type; $nics{$nic_name}->{ips} = []; while ($i < scalar(@ip_addr_array) && !($ip_addr_array[$i] =~ /^(\d+): / ) ) { # $ip_proto - is either inet or inet6 # $ip_mask is "ipaddr or ipv6addr"/netmask and possibly "brd broadcastip" # $scope has the scope (global, link, site, host) if global or site then # only data after scope is the nic "label", i.e. eth0, eth5:1. # note that "tentative" may appear but is not a label. # On RH for an ip alias with same netmask/subnet then line will be: # inet brd scope global secondary eth2:1 my ($ip_proto, $ip_mask, $scope) = $ip_addr_array[$i]=~/\s+(inet|inet6)\s+(.+)\s+scope\s+(.+)$/; if ( $ip_proto =~ /inet/ ) { # line contains inet or inet6. Process info my ($nic_ip_mask, $junk) = split(' ', $ip_mask); my ($nic_ip, $nic_mask) = split('\/', $nic_ip_mask); my ($sc, $label, $more_label) = split(' ', $scope); if ( $sc ne "link" ) { # this is a valid one to keep if ($label eq "secondary") { $label = $more_label; } #print "\tPROTO: $ip_proto, IP: $nic_ip, MASK: $nic_mask, SCOPE: $sc, LABEL:$label\n"; push @{$nics{$nic_name}->{ips}},{ip => $nic_ip, netmask => $nic_mask, label => $label }; } } $i++; } next; # next nic stanza or end of file. } $i++; } return \%nics; } sub get_install_nic { # get "NODE" from env, resolve to ip and determine which nic it belongs # to. This should be the "base" nic, i.e. eth0, eth1 - not eth1:1 # To do: Need to find equivalent methods for an ipv6 address. my $node = $ENV{NODE}; my $installnic = $ENV{INSTALLNIC}; my $primarynic = $ENV{PRIMARYNIC}; my $i_p_nic = ''; # variable to hold installnic or primarynic value my @ip_info; my $inst_ip; my @addr_info; my %hash = $cfg_nic_ref_hash; @addr_info = gethostbyname($node); @ip_info = unpack("C4", $addr_info[4]); # Is this only for ipv4 or does this include ipv6 as well? $inst_ip = join(".",@ip_info); # get ip output, compare ip_addr and determine nic. foreach my $k (keys %$cfg_nic_ref_hash) { my $nic = $cfg_nic_ref_hash->{$k}; my $ips = $nic->{'ips'}; if (defined($ips)) { foreach my $ip_info (@$ips) { my $ip = $ip_info->{'ip'}; # print " IP:$ip"; if ($ip eq $inst_ip) { return $k; } } } } # install nic not found from configured nics. Try to get install nic from environment # variables. if ($installnic) { $i_p_nic = $installnic; } elsif ($primarynic) { $i_p_nic = $primarynic; } if ($i_p_nic eq "mac") { # determine nic from mac. Get all NICs and their mac addresses from ifconfig # and compare that with MACADDR. my @ifcfg_info = split(/\n/,`ifconfig -a | grep HWaddr | awk '{print \$1,\$5;}'`); foreach my $nic_mac (@ifcfg_info) { my @nicmac = split(/ /,$nic_mac); if (uc($nicmac[1]) eq uc($MAC)) { $inst_nic = $nicmac[0]; last; } } } else { # INSTALLNIC not set or is not known } if ($installnic =~ /(e(n|th)\d+)$/ ) { $inst_nic = $1; } elsif ($installnic eq "mac") { # determine nic from mac. Get all NICs and their mac addresses from ifconfig # and compare that with MACADDR. my @ifcfg_info = split(/\n/,`ifconfig -a | grep HWaddr | awk '{print \$1,\$5;}'`); foreach my $nic_mac (@ifcfg_info) { my @nicmac = split(/ /,$nic_mac); if (uc($nicmac[1]) eq uc($MAC)) { $inst_nic = $nicmac[0]; last; } } } else { # INSTALLNIC not set or is not known system("logger -t xcat -p local4.info 'confignics $thisnode: install nic $inst_nic not known '"); } return; } # subroutine compares configured nic hash with defined nics from nics table. # If configured nic is not in nics table and it is not the install nic then # set global variables $rem_eth_nics and $rem_ibnics. # This subroutine needs to be called after get_current_nics() and after parsing # custom scripts and nics to be configured. sub set_nics_to_remove { my $do_not_remove; my %hash = $cfg_nic_ref_hash; foreach my $nic_key (keys %$cfg_nic_ref_hash) { my $nic = $cfg_nic_ref_hash->{$nic_key}; # check if $nic is in $ethnics, $ibnics, $cust_script_nics or is $inst_nic. # if not then add to appropriate list to be removed. if ($nic_key eq $inst_nic) { } elsif ($ethnics =~ /$nic_key/ ) { } elsif ($ibnics =~ /$nic_key/) { } elsif ($cust_script_nics{$nic_key}) { } else { # now check if nic is part of bonded or bridged interface. # if ( $nic->{slave} ) { system("logger -t xcat -p local4.info 'confignics $thisnode: Not removing $nic_key. It is part of a bonded or bridged interface. '"); } elsif ( $nic_key =~ /@/ ) { # For a vlan interface on redhat the nic name appears as # nic.vlan@nic, i.e. eth0.30@eth0 and in this case the label will be # eth0.30. So verify that there is no "@" in the nic name (should we # also check that the label contains a "."?) my ($label, $base) = split(/@/,$nic_key); # need to make sure that $base is not added to nics to be removed. # add both the label and base to $do_not_remove. if ($do_not_remove) { $do_not_remove = $label . "," . $base; } else { $do_not_remove = $do_not_remove . "," . $label . "," . $base; } } else { # finally have a nic to remove. Determine if it is ib or eth if ($nic->{type} eq "ether") { if ( $rem_eth_nics ) { $rem_eth_nics = $rem_eth_nics . "," . $nic_key; } else { $rem_eth_nics = $nic_key; } } if ($nic->{type} eq "infiniband") { if ( $rem_ib_nics ) { $rem_ib_nics = $rem_ib_nics . "," . $nic_key; } else { $rem_ib_nics = $nic_key; } } } } } } # Bridged interfaces do not show differently than ethernet nics in # the "ip addr show" command. Therefore the command "brctl show" is # used to get the bridged nics. # This subroutine will set the global variable $bridgednics. # brctl show output is similar to: # bridge name bridge id STP enabled interfaces # virbr0 8000.5254004a3d54 yes virbr0-nic # first line is skipped as it is the heading. The values specified by # bridge name and interfaces show up as nics in the "ip addr show" output. # Therefore need to put both of these # in the $bridgednics string # because we don't want to remove either of those interfaces. sub get_bridged_nics { # first, ensure that brctl is installed. If not then just exit since there will be no # bridged interfaces. my $i; if ( -e "/usr/sbin/bcrtl" ) { my @bridge_out = `brctl show`; my $lines = scalar(@bridge_out); for ($i=1; $i < $lines ; $i++) { # brctl ouput puts half tabs '\cI' and line feed \cJ' chars in # the ouput. Need to convert these to spaces then split. # Get first and last values for nics. $bridge_out[$i] =~ s/\cI/ /g; my @br = split(/ /,$bridge_out[$i]); if ( $bridgednics ) { $bridgednics = $bridgednics . "," . $br[0] . "," . $br[-1]; } else { $bridgednics = $br[0] . "," . $br[-1]; } } } }