/* xCAT WebUI authentication handling functions/setup */ /* IBM(c) 2007 EPL license http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html */ function onlogin (data, textstatus) { $("#password").val(""); //clear the password field regardless of what happens if (data.authenticated == "yes") { $("#logstatus").text("Logged in successfully"); //todo: nrtree.refresh(); // Fix tree potentiall broken through attempts to operate without auth $("#logdialog").dialog("close"); window.location = '../index.php'; // it has remembered what page they were trying to go to } else { $("#logstatus").text("Authentication failure"); $("#logstatus").css("color","#ff0000"); } } function authenticate() { $("#logstatus").css("color","#000000"); $("#logstatus").html('Authenticating...<img src="../images/throbber.gif"/>'); var passwd=$("#password").val(); $.post("../lib/log.php",{ username: $("#username").val(), password: passwd },onlogin,"json"); } $(document).ready(function() { $("#logdialog").dialog({ modal: true, closeOnEscape: false, closebutton: false, /* dialogClass: 'LogDialog', */ overlay: { backgroundColor: "#CCCCCC", opacity: 0.3 }, height: 270, width: 350, autoOpen: true, buttons: { "Log In": authenticate }, open: function(type, dialog) { if (document.location.protocol == "http:") { $("#logstatus").html("Unencrypted Session!"); $("#logstatus").css("color","#ff0000"); } if ($("#username").val() == "") { $("#username").focus(); } else { $("#password").focus(); } } }); $("#username").keydown(function(event) { //When 'enter' is hit while in username, advance to password if (event.keyCode==13) { $("#password").focus(); } }); $("#password").keydown(function(event) { //Submit authentication if enter is pressed in password field if (event.keyCode==13) { authenticate(); } }); });