<?php /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Produce the page for running commands on the nodes of the cluster ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ $TOPDIR = '..'; $expire_time = gmmktime(0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2038); //setcookie('history[]', "date;hello.sh", $expire_time); require_once "$TOPDIR/lib/functions.php"; insertHeader('Run Commands on Nodes', array("$TOPDIR/themes/default.css"), array("$TOPDIR/lib/CommandWindow.js", "$TOPDIR/js/prototype.js", "$TOPDIR/js/scriptaculous.js?load=effects", "$TOPDIR/js/window.js"), array('manage','dsh')); echo <<<EOS <div id=content> <FORM NAME="dsh_options" onsubmit="checkEmpty();"> <TABLE class="inner_table" cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5> <TBODY> <TR><TD colspan=3> EOS; if (isset($_REQUEST['noderange'])) { echo "<B><FONT size='+1'>Run Command on: </FONT></B>"; if (strlen($_REQUEST['noderange']) > 70) { echo "<TEXTAREA rows=1 cols=70 readonly name=nodeList class=middle>" . $_REQUEST['noderange'] . "</TEXTAREA>\n"; } else { echo "<INPUT size=70 type=text name=nodeList id=nodeList class=middle value='" . $_REQUEST['noderange'] . "'>\n"; } } else { echo "<B><FONT size='+1'>Run Command on a Group of Nodes</FONT></B>\n"; } echo <<<EOS2 </TD></TR> <TR><TD colspan=3> <P>Select a previous command from the history, or enter the command and options below. Then click on Run Cmd.</P> </TD></TR> <TR><TD colspan=3> EOS2; // <INPUT type="button" id="runCmdButton" name="runCmdButton" value="Run Cmd" class=middle onclick="CommandWindow.updateCommandResult()"> insertButtons(array('label' => 'Run Cmd', 'onclick' => 'CommandWindow.updateCommandResult()')); echo "</TD></TR>\n"; if (!isset($_REQUEST['noderange'])) { echo "<TR class=FormTable><TD colspan=3>Run Command on Group:<SELECT name=nodegrps id=nodegrpsCboBox class=middle><OPTION value=''>Choose ...</OPTION>\n"; $nodegroups = getGroups(); foreach ($nodegroups as $group) { //if($group == $currentGroup) { $selected = 'selected'; } else { $selected = ''; } echo "<OPTION value='$group' $selected>$group</OPTION>\n"; } echo "</SELECT></td></tr>\n"; } ?> <TR class=FormTable> <TD colspan=3>Command: <INPUT size=80 type=text name=command id=commandQuery class=middle> <!-- onchange='CommandWindow.updateCommandResult()' --> History: <SELECT name=history onChange="_setvars();" class=middle> <OPTION value="">Choose ...</OPTION> <?php if (isset($_COOKIE['history'])) { foreach ($_COOKIE['history'] as $value) { echo "<option value='$value'>$value</option>\n"; } } ?> </SELECT> </TD> </TR> <TR class=FormTable> <TD colspan="3" nowrap><INPUT type="checkbox" name="copy_script" id="copyChkBox"> Copy command to nodes (The command specified above will 1st be copied to /tmp on the nodes and executed from there.)</TD> </TR> <TR class=FormTable> <TD colspan="3" nowrap><INPUT type="checkbox" name="run_psh" id="pshChkBox" checked readonly> Use parallel shell (psh) command instead of xdsh. Currently this option must be used, and the options below (associated with xdsh) are disabled.</TD> </TR> <TR class=FormTable> <TD colspan="3"><B>Options:</TD> </TR> <TR class=FormTable> <TD width="37"></TD> <TD width="210" valign="top" nowrap><INPUT type="checkbox" name="serial" id="serialChkBox" disabled>Streaming mode</TD> <TD width="500">Specifies that output is returned as it becomes available from each target, instead of waiting for the command to be completed on a target before returning output from that target.</TD> </TR> <TR class=FormTable> <TD></TD> <TD valign="top" nowrap><INPUT type="checkbox" name="monitor" id="monitorChkBox" disabled>Monitor</TD> <TD>Prints starting and completion messages for each node. Useful with Streaming mode.</TD> </TR> <TR class=FormTable> <TD></TD> <TD valign="top" nowrap><INPUT type="checkbox" name="verify" id="verifyChkBox" disabled>Verify</TD> <TD>Verifies that nodes are responding before sending the command to them.</TD> </TR> <TR class=FormTable> <TD></TD> <TD valign="top" nowrap><INPUT type="checkbox" name="collapse" id="collapseChkBox" disabled>Collaspe Identical Output</TD> <TD>Automatically pipe the xdsh output into xdshbak which will only display output once for all the nodes that display identical output. See the xdshbak man page for more info.</TD> </TR> <TR class=FormTable> <TD></TD> <TD valign="top" nowrap>Fanout: <INPUT type="text" name="fanout" id="fanoutTxtBox" disabled></TD> <TD>The maximum number of nodes the command should be run on concurrently. When the command finishes on 1 of the nodes, it will be started on an additional node (the default is 64).</TD> </TR> <TR class=FormTable> <TD></TD> <TD valign="top" nowrap>UserID: <INPUT type="text" name="userID" id="userIDTxtBox" disabled></TD> <TD>The user id to use to run the command on the nodes.</TD> </TR> <TR class=FormTable> <TD></TD> <TD valign="top" nowrap>Remote Shell: <INPUT type="text" name="rshell" id="rshellTxtBox" disabled></TD> <TD>The remote shell program to use to run the command on the nodes. The default is /usr/bin/ssh.</TD> </TR> <TR class=FormTable> <TD></TD> <TD valign="top" nowrap>Shell Options: <INPUT type="txt" name="shell_opt" id="shell_optTxtBox" disabled></TD> <TD>Options to pass to the remote shell being used.</TD> </TR> <TR class=FormTable> <TD></TD> <TD valign="top" nowrap><INPUT type="checkbox" name="ret_code" id="ret_codeChkBox" disabled>Return Code</TD> <TD>Prints the return code of the (last) command that was run remotely on each node. The return code is appended at the end of the output for each node.</TD> </TR> <TR><TD colspan="3"> <font class="BlueBack">Tips:</font> <UL> <LI>See the <A href="<?php echo $TOPDIR; ?>/support/doc.php?book=manpages&section=xdsh">xdsh man page</A> for more information about this command.</LI> </UL> </TD></TR> </TBODY> </TABLE> </FORM> <div> <SCRIPT language="JavaScript"> <!-- // in CSM perl script this portion used to be javascript to get // and set cookies, now php has handled it //window.onload = function(){window.document.dsh_options.runCmdButton.focus()}; function _setvars(){ var form = window.document.dsh_options; form.command.value = form.history.value; } function checkEmpty(){ var form = window.document.dsh_options; var cmd = form.command.value; if (cmd.length == 0) { alert('Enter a command before pressing the Run Cmd button.'); return false; } else { return true; } } --> </SCRIPT> </BODY> </HTML>