# IBM(c) 2010 EPL license http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html #------------------------------------------------------- =head1 xCAT plugin to support z/VM (s390x) =cut #------------------------------------------------------- package xCAT_plugin::zvm; use xCAT::Client; use xCAT::zvmUtils; use xCAT::zvmCPUtils; use xCAT::MsgUtils; use Sys::Hostname; use xCAT::Table; use xCAT::Utils; use xCAT::NetworkUtils; use Getopt::Long; use strict; # If the following line is not included, you get: # /opt/xcat/lib/perl/xCAT_plugin/zvm.pm did not return a true value 1; #------------------------------------------------------- =head3 handled_commands Return list of commands handled by this plugin =cut #------------------------------------------------------- sub handled_commands { return { rpower => 'nodehm:power,mgt', rinv => 'nodehm:mgt', mkvm => 'nodehm:mgt', rmvm => 'nodehm:mgt', lsvm => 'nodehm:mgt', chvm => 'nodehm:mgt', rscan => 'nodehm:mgt', nodeset => 'noderes:netboot', getmacs => 'nodehm:getmac,mgt', rnetboot => 'nodehm:mgt', }; } #------------------------------------------------------- =head3 preprocess_request Check and setup for hierarchy =cut #------------------------------------------------------- sub preprocess_request { my $req = shift; my $callback = shift; # Hash array my %sn; # Scalar variable my $sn; # Array my @requests; # If already preprocessed, go straight to request if ( $req->{_xcatpreprocessed}->[0] == 1 ) { return [$req]; } my $nodes = $req->{node}; my $service = "xcat"; # Find service nodes for requested nodes # Build an individual request for each service node if ($nodes) { $sn = xCAT::Utils->get_ServiceNode( $nodes, $service, "MN" ); # Build each request for each service node foreach my $snkey ( keys %$sn ) { my $n = $sn->{$snkey}; print "snkey=$snkey, nodes=@$n\n"; my $reqcopy = {%$req}; $reqcopy->{node} = $sn->{$snkey}; $reqcopy->{'_xcatdest'} = $snkey; $reqcopy->{_xcatpreprocessed}->[0] = 1; push @requests, $reqcopy; } return \@requests; } else { # Input error my %rsp; my $rsp; $rsp->{data}->[0] = "Input noderange missing. Useage: zvm \n"; xCAT::MsgUtils->message( "I", $rsp, $callback, 0 ); return 1; } } #------------------------------------------------------- =head3 process_request Process the command. This is the main call. =cut #------------------------------------------------------- sub process_request { my $request = shift; my $callback = shift; my $nodes = $request->{node}; my $command = $request->{command}->[0]; my $args = $request->{arg}; my $envs = $request->{env}; my %rsp; my $rsp; my @nodes = @$nodes; my $host = hostname(); # Directory where executables are on zHCP $::DIR = "/opt/zhcp/bin"; # Process ID for xfork() my $pid; # Child process IDs my @children; #*** Power on or off a node *** if ( $command eq "rpower" ) { foreach (@nodes) { $pid = xCAT::Utils->xfork(); # Parent process if ($pid) { push( @children, $pid ); } # Child process elsif ( $pid == 0 ) { powerVM( $callback, $_, $args ); # Exit process exit(0); } else { # Ran out of resources die "Error: Could not fork\n"; } # Handle 10 nodes at a time, else you will get errors if ( !( @children % 10 ) ) { # Wait for all processes to end foreach (@children) { waitpid( $_, 0 ); } # Clear children @children = (); } } # End of foreach } # End of case #*** Hardware and software inventory *** elsif ( $command eq "rinv" ) { foreach (@nodes) { $pid = xCAT::Utils->xfork(); # Parent process if ($pid) { push( @children, $pid ); } # Child process elsif ( $pid == 0 ) { inventoryVM( $callback, $_, $args ); # Exit process exit(0); } else { # Ran out of resources die "Error: Could not fork\n"; } } # End of foreach } # End of case #*** Create a virtual server *** elsif ( $command eq "mkvm" ) { # Determine if the argument is a node my $clone = 'FALSE'; if ( $args->[0] ) { $clone = xCAT::zvmUtils->isZvmNode( $args->[0] ); } #*** Clone virtual server *** if ( $clone eq 'TRUE' ) { cloneVM( $callback, \@nodes, $args ); } #*** Create user entry *** # Create node based on directory entry # or create a NOLOG if no entry is provided else { foreach (@nodes) { $pid = xCAT::Utils->xfork(); # Parent process if ($pid) { push( @children, $pid ); } # Child process elsif ( $pid == 0 ) { makeVM( $callback, $_, $args ); # Exit process exit(0); } # End of elsif else { # Ran out of resources die "Error: Could not fork\n"; } } # End of foreach } # End of else } # End of case #*** Remove a virtual server *** elsif ( $command eq "rmvm" ) { foreach (@nodes) { $pid = xCAT::Utils->xfork(); # Parent process if ($pid) { push( @children, $pid ); } # Child process elsif ( $pid == 0 ) { removeVM( $callback, $_ ); # Exit process exit(0); } else { # Ran out of resources die "Error: Could not fork\n"; } # Handle 10 nodes at a time, else you will get errors if ( !( @children % 10 ) ) { # Wait for all processes to end foreach (@children) { waitpid( $_, 0 ); } # Clear children @children = (); } } # End of foreach } # End of case #*** Print the user entry *** elsif ( $command eq "lsvm" ) { foreach (@nodes) { $pid = xCAT::Utils->xfork(); # Parent process if ($pid) { push( @children, $pid ); } # Child process elsif ( $pid == 0 ) { listVM( $callback, $_, $args ); # Exit process exit(0); } else { # Ran out of resources die "Error: Could not fork\n"; } # Handle 10 nodes at a time, else you will get errors if ( !( @children % 10 ) ) { # Wait for all processes to end foreach (@children) { waitpid( $_, 0 ); } # Clear children @children = (); } } # End of foreach } # End of case #*** Change the user entry *** elsif ( $command eq "chvm" ) { foreach (@nodes) { $pid = xCAT::Utils->xfork(); # Parent process if ($pid) { push( @children, $pid ); } # Child process elsif ( $pid == 0 ) { changeVM( $callback, $_, $args ); # Exit process exit(0); } else { # Ran out of resources die "Error: Could not fork\n"; } # Handle 10 nodes at a time, else you will get errors if ( !( @children % 10 ) ) { # Wait for all processes to end foreach (@children) { waitpid( $_, 0 ); } # Clear children @children = (); } } # End of foreach } # End of case #*** Collect node information from zHCP *** elsif ( $command eq "rscan" ) { foreach (@nodes) { $pid = xCAT::Utils->xfork(); # Parent process if ($pid) { push( @children, $pid ); } # Child process elsif ( $pid == 0 ) { scanVM( $callback, $_, $args ); # Exit process exit(0); } else { # Ran out of resources die "Error: Could not fork\n"; } } # End of foreach } # End of case #*** Set the boot state for a node *** elsif ( $command eq "nodeset" ) { foreach (@nodes) { # Only one file can be punched to reader at a time # Forking this process is not possible nodeSet( $callback, $_, $args ); } # End of foreach } # End of case #*** Get the MAC address of a node *** elsif ( $command eq "getmacs" ) { foreach (@nodes) { $pid = xCAT::Utils->xfork(); # Parent process if ($pid) { push( @children, $pid ); } # Child process elsif ( $pid == 0 ) { getMacs( $callback, $_, $args ); # Exit process exit(0); } else { # Ran out of resources die "Error: Could not fork\n"; } } # End of foreach } # End of case #*** Boot from network *** elsif ( $command eq "rnetboot" ) { foreach (@nodes) { $pid = xCAT::Utils->xfork(); # Parent process if ($pid) { push( @children, $pid ); } # Child process elsif ( $pid == 0 ) { netBoot( $callback, $_, $args ); # Exit process exit(0); } else { # Ran out of resources die "Error: Could not fork\n"; } # Handle 10 nodes at a time, else you will get errors if ( !( @children % 10 ) ) { # Wait for all processes to end foreach (@children) { waitpid( $_, 0 ); } # Clear children @children = (); } } # End of foreach } # End of case #*** Update the node (no longer supported) *** elsif ( $command eq "updatenode" ) { foreach (@nodes) { $pid = xCAT::Utils->xfork(); # Parent process if ($pid) { push( @children, $pid ); } # Child process elsif ( $pid == 0 ) { updateNode( $callback, $_, $args ); # Exit process exit(0); } else { # Ran out of resources die "Error: Could not fork\n"; } } # End of foreach } # End of case # Wait for all processes to end foreach (@children) { waitpid( $_, 0 ); } return; } #------------------------------------------------------- =head3 removeVM Description : Delete the user entry from user directory Arguments : Node to remove Returns : Nothing Example : removeVM($callback, $node); =cut #------------------------------------------------------- sub removeVM { # Get inputs my ( $callback, $node ) = @_; # Get node properties from 'zvm' table my @propNames = ( 'hcp', 'userid' ); my $propVals = xCAT::zvmUtils->getNodeProps( 'zvm', $node, @propNames ); # Get HCP my $hcp = $propVals->{'hcp'}; if ( !$hcp ) { xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$node: (Error) Missing node HCP" ); return; } # Get node userID my $userId = $propVals->{'userid'}; if ( !$userId ) { xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$node: (Error) Missing node ID" ); return; } # Capitalize userID $userId =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/; # Power off userID my $out = `ssh $hcp "$::DIR/stopvs $userId"`; xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$node: $out" ); # Delete user entry $out = `ssh $hcp "$::DIR/deletevs $userId"`; xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$node: $out" ); # Check for errors my $rc = xCAT::zvmUtils->checkOutput( $callback, $out ); if ( $rc == -1 ) { return; } # Remove node from 'zvm', 'nodelist', 'nodetype', 'noderes', and 'nodehm' tables # Save node entry in 'mac' table xCAT::zvmUtils->delTabEntry( 'zvm', 'node', $node ); xCAT::zvmUtils->delTabEntry( 'nodelist', 'node', $node ); xCAT::zvmUtils->delTabEntry( 'nodetype', 'node', $node ); xCAT::zvmUtils->delTabEntry( 'noderes', 'node', $node ); xCAT::zvmUtils->delTabEntry( 'nodehm', 'node', $node ); # Remove old hostname from known_hosts $out = `ssh-keygen -R $node`; return; } #------------------------------------------------------- =head3 changeVM Description : Change a virtual server configuration Arguments : Node Option Options supported: * add3390 [disk pool] [device address] [cylinders] [mode] [read password] [write password] [multi password] * add3390active [device address] [mode] * add9336 [disk pool] [virtual device] [block size] [mode] [blocks] [read password] [write password] [multi password] * addnic [address] [type] [device count] * addprocessor [address] * addvdisk [userID] [device address] [size] * connectnic2guestlan [address] [lan] [owner] * connectnic2vswitch [address] [vswitch] * copydisk [target address] [source node] [source address] * dedicatedevice [virtual device] [real device] [mode] * deleteipl * formatdisk [disk address] [multi password] * disconnectnic [address] * grantvswitch [VSwitch] * removedisk [virtual device] * removenic [address] * removeprocessor [address] * replacevs [user directory entry] * setipl [ipl target] [load parms] [parms] * setpassword [password] Returns : Nothing Example : changeVM($callback, $node, $args); =cut #------------------------------------------------------- sub changeVM { # Get inputs my ( $callback, $node, $args ) = @_; # Get node properties from 'zvm' table my @propNames = ( 'hcp', 'userid' ); my $propVals = xCAT::zvmUtils->getNodeProps( 'zvm', $node, @propNames ); # Get HCP my $hcp = $propVals->{'hcp'}; if ( !$hcp ) { xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$node: (Error) Missing node HCP" ); return; } # Get node userID my $userId = $propVals->{'userid'}; if ( !$userId ) { xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$node: (Error) Missing node ID" ); return; } # Capitalize userID $userId =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/; # Output string my $out; # add3390 [disk pool] [device address] [cylinders] [mode] [read password] [write password] [multi password] if ( $args->[0] eq "--add3390" ) { my $pool = $args->[1]; my $addr = $args->[2]; my $cyl = $args->[3]; my $mode = $args->[4]; my $readPw = $args->[5]; my $writePw = $args->[6]; my $multiPw = $args->[7]; $out = `ssh $hcp "$::DIR/add3390 $userId $pool $addr $cyl $mode $readPw $writePw $multiPw"`; $out = xCAT::zvmUtils->appendHostname( $node, $out ); } # add3390active [device address] [mode] elsif ( $args->[0] eq "--add3390active" ) { my $addr = $args->[1]; my $mode = $args->[2]; $out = `ssh $hcp "$::DIR/add3390active $userId $addr $mode"`; $out = xCAT::zvmUtils->appendHostname( $node, $out ); } # add9336 [disk pool] [virtual device address] [block size] [blocks] [mode] [read password] [write password] [multi password] elsif ( $args->[0] eq "--add9336" ) { my $pool = $args->[1]; my $addr = $args->[2]; my $blksize = $args->[3]; my $blks = $args->[4]; my $mode = $args->[5]; my $readPw = $args->[6]; my $writePw = $args->[7]; my $multiPw = $args->[8]; $out = `ssh $hcp "$::DIR/add9336 $userId $pool $addr $blksize $blks $mode $readPw $writePw $multiPw"`; $out = xCAT::zvmUtils->appendHostname( $node, $out ); } # adddisk2pool [function] [region] [volume] [group] elsif ( $args->[0] eq "--adddisk2pool" ) { my $funct = $args->[1]; my $region = $args->[2]; my $volume = ""; my $group = ""; # Define region as full volume and add to group if ($funct eq "4") { $volume = $args->[3]; $group = $args->[4]; $out = `ssh $hcp "$::DIR/adddisk2pool $funct $region $volume $group"`; } # Add existing region to group elsif($funct eq "5") { $group = $args->[3]; $out = `ssh $hcp "$::DIR/adddisk2pool $funct $region $group"`; } # Exit else { xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$node: (Error) Option not supported" ); return; } $out = xCAT::zvmUtils->appendHostname( $node, $out ); } # addnic [address] [type] [device count] elsif ( $args->[0] eq "--addnic" ) { my $addr = $args->[1]; my $type = $args->[2]; my $devcount = $args->[3]; $out = `ssh $hcp "$::DIR/addnic $userId $addr $type $devcount"`; $out = xCAT::zvmUtils->appendHostname( $node, $out ); } # addprocessor [type] address] elsif ( $args->[0] eq "--addprocessor" ) { my $type = $args->[1]; my $addr = $args->[2]; $out = `ssh $hcp "$::DIR/addprocessor $userId $type $addr"`; $out = xCAT::zvmUtils->appendHostname( $node, $out ); } # addprocessoractive [address] [type] elsif ( $args->[0] eq "--addprocessoractive" ) { my $addr = $args->[1]; my $type = $args->[2]; $out = xCAT::zvmCPUtils->defineCpu( $node, $addr, $type ); $out = xCAT::zvmUtils->appendHostname( $node, $out ); } # addvdisk [device address] [size] elsif ( $args->[0] eq "--addvdisk" ) { my $addr = $args->[1]; my $size = $args->[2]; $out = `ssh $hcp "$::DIR/addvdisk $userId $addr $size"`; $out = xCAT::zvmUtils->appendHostname( $node, $out ); } # connectnic2guestlan [address] [lan] [owner] elsif ( $args->[0] eq "--connectnic2guestlan" ) { my $addr = $args->[1]; my $lan = $args->[2]; my $owner = $args->[3]; $out = `ssh $hcp "$::DIR/connectnic2guestlan $userId $addr $lan $owner"`; $out = xCAT::zvmUtils->appendHostname( $node, $out ); } # connectnic2vswitch [address] [vswitch] elsif ( $args->[0] eq "--connectnic2vswitch" ) { my $addr = $args->[1]; my $vswitch = $args->[2]; # Connect to VSwitch $out = `ssh $hcp "$::DIR/connectnic2vswitch $userId $addr $vswitch"`; # Grant access to VSWITCH for Linux user $out .= "Granting access to VSWITCH for $userId\n "; $out .= `ssh $hcp "vmcp set vswitch $vswitch grant $userId"`; $out = xCAT::zvmUtils->appendHostname( $node, $out ); } # copydisk [target address] [source node] [source address] elsif ( $args->[0] eq "--copydisk" ) { my $tgtNode = $node; my $tgtUserId = $userId; my $tgtAddr = $args->[1]; my $srcNode = $args->[2]; my $srcAddr = $args->[3]; # Get source userID @propNames = ( 'hcp', 'userid' ); $propVals = xCAT::zvmUtils->getNodeProps( 'zvm', $srcNode, @propNames ); my $sourceId = $propVals->{'userid'}; #*** Link and copy disk *** my $rc; my $try; my $srcDevNode; my $tgtDevNode; # Link source disk to HCP my $srcLinkAddr; $try = 10; while ( $try > 0 ) { # New disk address $srcLinkAddr = $srcAddr + 1000; # Check if new disk address is used (source) $rc = xCAT::zvmUtils->isAddressUsed( $hcp, $srcLinkAddr ); # If disk address is used (source) while ( $rc == 0 ) { # Generate a new disk address # Sleep 5 seconds to let existing disk appear sleep(5); $srcLinkAddr = $srcLinkAddr + 1; $rc = xCAT::zvmUtils->isAddressUsed( $hcp, $srcLinkAddr ); } # Link source disk xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$tgtNode: Linking source disk ($srcAddr) as ($srcLinkAddr)" ); $out = `ssh -o ConnectTimeout=5 $hcp "vmcp link $sourceId $srcAddr $srcLinkAddr MR"`; # If link fails if ( $out =~ m/not linked/i ) { # Wait before trying again sleep(5); $try = $try - 1; } else { last; } } # End of while ( $try > 0 ) # Link target disk to HCP my $tgtLinkAddr; $try = 10; while ( $try > 0 ) { # New disk address $tgtLinkAddr = $tgtAddr + 2000; # Check if new disk address is used (target) $rc = xCAT::zvmUtils->isAddressUsed( $hcp, $tgtLinkAddr ); # If disk address is used (target) while ( $rc == 0 ) { # Generate a new disk address # Sleep 5 seconds to let existing disk appear sleep(5); $tgtLinkAddr = $tgtLinkAddr + 1; $rc = xCAT::zvmUtils->isAddressUsed( $hcp, $tgtLinkAddr ); } # Link target disk xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$tgtNode: Linking target disk ($tgtAddr) as ($tgtLinkAddr)" ); $out = `ssh -o ConnectTimeout=5 $hcp "vmcp link $tgtUserId $tgtAddr $tgtLinkAddr MR"`; # If link fails if ( $out =~ m/not linked/i ) { # Wait before trying again sleep(5); $try = $try - 1; } else { last; } } # End of while ( $try > 0 ) # If target disk is not linked if ( $out =~ m/not linked/i ) { xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$tgtNode: (Error) Failed to link target disk ($tgtAddr)" ); xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$tgtNode: Failed" ); # Exit return; } # If source disk is not linked if ( $out =~ m/not linked/i ) { xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$tgtNode: (Error) Failed to link source disk ($srcAddr)" ); xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$tgtNode: Failed" ); # Exit return; } #*** Use flashcopy *** # Flashcopy only supports ECKD volumes my $ddCopy = 0; $out = `ssh $hcp "vmcp flashcopy"`; if ( $out =~ m/HCPNFC026E/i ) { # Flashcopy is supported xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$tgtNode: Copying source disk ($srcLinkAddr) to target disk ($tgtLinkAddr) using FLASHCOPY" ); # Check for flashcopy lock my $wait = 0; while ( `ssh $hcp "ls /tmp/.flashcopy_lock"` && $wait < 90 ) { # Wait until the lock dissappears # 90 seconds wait limit sleep(2); $wait = $wait + 2; } # If flashcopy locks still exists if (`ssh $hcp "ls /tmp/.flashcopy_lock"`) { # Detatch disks from HCP $out = `ssh $hcp "vmcp det $tgtLinkAddr"`; $out = `ssh $hcp "vmcp det $srcLinkAddr"`; xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$tgtNode: (Error) Flashcopy lock is enabled" ); return; } else { # Enable lock $out = `ssh $hcp "touch /tmp/.flashcopy_lock"`; # Flashcopy source disk $out = xCAT::zvmCPUtils->flashCopy( $hcp, $srcLinkAddr, $tgtLinkAddr ); $rc = xCAT::zvmUtils->checkOutput( $callback, $out ); if ( $rc == -1 ) { xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$tgtNode: $out" ); # Detatch disks from HCP $out = `ssh $hcp "vmcp det $tgtAddr"`; $out = `ssh $hcp "vmcp det $srcLinkAddr"`; # Remove lock $out = `ssh $hcp "rm -f /tmp/.flashcopy_lock"`; return; } # Remove lock $out = `ssh $hcp "rm -f /tmp/.flashcopy_lock"`; } } else { $ddCopy = 1; } # Flashcopy not supported, use Linux dd if ($ddCopy) { #*** Use Linux dd to copy *** xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$tgtNode: FLASHCOPY not working. Using Linux DD" ); # Enable disks $out = xCAT::zvmUtils->disableEnableDisk( $callback, $hcp, "-e", $tgtLinkAddr ); $out = xCAT::zvmUtils->disableEnableDisk( $callback, $hcp, "-e", $srcLinkAddr ); # Determine source device node $srcDevNode = xCAT::zvmUtils->getDeviceNode($hcp, $srcLinkAddr); # Determine target device node $tgtDevNode = xCAT::zvmUtils->getDeviceNode($hcp, $tgtLinkAddr); # Format target disk xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$tgtNode: Formating target disk ($tgtDevNode)" ); $out = `ssh $hcp "dasdfmt -b 4096 -y -f /dev/$tgtDevNode"`; # Check for errors $rc = xCAT::zvmUtils->checkOutput( $callback, $out ); if ( $rc == -1 ) { xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$tgtNode: $out" ); return; } # Sleep 2 seconds to let the system settle sleep(2); # Copy source disk to target disk (4096 block size) xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$tgtNode: Copying source disk ($srcDevNode) to target disk ($tgtDevNode)" ); $out = `ssh $hcp "dd if=/dev/$srcDevNode of=/dev/$tgtDevNode bs=4096"`; # Disable disks $out = xCAT::zvmUtils->disableEnableDisk( $callback, $hcp, "-d", $tgtLinkAddr ); $out = xCAT::zvmUtils->disableEnableDisk( $callback, $hcp, "-d", $srcLinkAddr ); # Check for error $rc = xCAT::zvmUtils->checkOutput( $callback, $out ); if ( $rc == -1 ) { xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$tgtNode: $out" ); # Detatch disks from HCP $out = `ssh $hcp "vmcp det $tgtLinkAddr"`; $out = `ssh $hcp "vmcp det $srcLinkAddr"`; return; } # Sleep 2 seconds to let the system settle sleep(2); } # Detatch disks from HCP xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$tgtNode: Detatching target disk ($tgtLinkAddr)" ); xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$tgtNode: Detatching source disk ($srcLinkAddr)" ); $out = `ssh $hcp "vmcp det $tgtLinkAddr"`; $out = `ssh $hcp "vmcp det $srcLinkAddr"`; $out = "$tgtNode: Done"; } # dedicatedevice [virtual device] [real device] [mode] elsif ( $args->[0] eq "--dedicatedevice" ) { my $vaddr = $args->[1]; my $raddr = $args->[2]; my $mode = $args->[3]; $out = `ssh $hcp "$::DIR/dedicatedevice $userId $vaddr $raddr $mode"`; $out = xCAT::zvmUtils->appendHostname( $node, $out ); } # deleteipl elsif ( $args->[0] eq "--deleteipl" ) { $out = `ssh $hcp "$::DIR/deleteipl $userId"`; $out = xCAT::zvmUtils->appendHostname( $node, $out ); } # formatdisk [address] [multi password] elsif ( $args->[0] eq "--formatdisk" ) { my $tgtNode = $node; my $tgtUserId = $userId; my $tgtAddr = $args->[1]; #*** Link and format disk *** my $rc; my $try; my $tgtDevNode; # Link target disk to HCP my $tgtLinkAddr; $try = 10; while ( $try > 0 ) { # New disk address $tgtLinkAddr = $tgtAddr + 1000; # Check if new disk address is used (target) $rc = xCAT::zvmUtils->isAddressUsed( $hcp, $tgtLinkAddr ); # If disk address is used (target) while ( $rc == 0 ) { # Generate a new disk address # Sleep 5 seconds to let existing disk appear sleep(5); $tgtLinkAddr = $tgtLinkAddr + 1; $rc = xCAT::zvmUtils->isAddressUsed( $hcp, $tgtLinkAddr ); } # Link target disk xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$tgtNode: Linking target disk ($tgtAddr) as ($tgtLinkAddr)" ); $out = `ssh -o ConnectTimeout=5 $hcp "vmcp link $tgtUserId $tgtAddr $tgtLinkAddr MR"`; # If link fails if ( $out =~ m/not linked/i ) { # Wait before trying again sleep(5); $try = $try - 1; } else { last; } } # End of while ( $try > 0 ) # If target disk is not linked if ( $out =~ m/not linked/i ) { xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$tgtNode: (Error) Failed to link target disk ($tgtAddr)" ); xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$tgtNode: Failed" ); # Exit return; } #*** Format disk *** my @words; if ( $rc == -1 ) { # Enable disk $out = xCAT::zvmUtils->disableEnableDisk( $callback, $hcp, "-e", $tgtLinkAddr ); # Determine target device node $tgtDevNode = xCAT::zvmUtils->getDeviceNode($hcp, $tgtLinkAddr); # Format target disk xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$tgtNode: Formating target disk ($tgtDevNode)" ); $out = `ssh $hcp "dasdfmt -b 4096 -y -f /dev/$tgtDevNode"`; # Check for errors $rc = xCAT::zvmUtils->checkOutput( $callback, $out ); if ( $rc == -1 ) { xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$tgtNode: $out" ); return; } # Sleep 2 seconds to let the system settle sleep(2); } # Disable disk $out = xCAT::zvmUtils->disableEnableDisk( $callback, $hcp, "-d", $tgtLinkAddr ); # Detatch disk from HCP xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$tgtNode: Detatching target disk ($tgtLinkAddr)" ); $out = `ssh $hcp "vmcp det $tgtLinkAddr"`; $out = "$tgtNode: Done"; } # grantvswitch [VSwitch] elsif ( $args->[0] eq "--grantvswitch" ) { my $vsw = $args->[1]; $out = xCAT::zvmCPUtils->grantVSwitch( $callback, $hcp, $userId, $vsw ); $out = xCAT::zvmUtils->appendHostname( $node, $out ); } # disconnectnic [address] elsif ( $args->[0] eq "--disconnectnic" ) { my $addr = $args->[1]; $out = `ssh $hcp "$::DIR/disconnectnic $userId $addr"`; $out = xCAT::zvmUtils->appendHostname( $node, $out ); } # removediskfrompool [function] [region] [group] elsif ( $args->[0] eq "--removediskfrompool" ) { my $funct = $args->[1]; my $region = $args->[2]; my $group = ""; # Remove region from group | Remove entire group if ($funct eq "2" || $funct eq "7") { $group = $args->[3]; $out = `ssh $hcp "$::DIR/removediskfrompool $funct $region $group"`; } # Remove region | Remove region from all groups elsif ($funct eq "1" || $funct eq "3") { $out = `ssh $hcp "$::DIR/removediskfrompool $funct $region"`; } $out = xCAT::zvmUtils->appendHostname( $node, $out ); } # removedisk [virtual device address] elsif ( $args->[0] eq "--removedisk" ) { my $addr = $args->[1]; $out = `ssh $hcp "$::DIR/removemdisk $userId $addr"`; $out = xCAT::zvmUtils->appendHostname( $node, $out ); } # removenic [address] elsif ( $args->[0] eq "--removenic" ) { my $addr = $args->[1]; $out = `ssh $hcp "$::DIR/removenic $userId $addr"`; $out = xCAT::zvmUtils->appendHostname( $node, $out ); } # removeprocessor [address] elsif ( $args->[0] eq "--removeprocessor" ) { my $addr = $args->[1]; $out = `ssh $hcp "$::DIR/removeprocessor $userId $addr"`; $out = xCAT::zvmUtils->appendHostname( $node, $out ); } # replacevs [file] elsif ( $args->[0] eq "--replacevs" ) { my $file = $args->[1]; # Target system (HCP), e.g. root@gpok2.endicott.ibm.com my $target = "root@"; $target .= $hcp; if ($file) { # SCP file over to HCP $out = `scp $file $target:$file`; # Replace user directory entry $out = `ssh $hcp "$::DIR/replacevs $userId $file"`; $out = xCAT::zvmUtils->appendHostname( $node, $out ); } else { $out = "$node: (Error) No user entry file specified"; xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$out" ); return; } } # resetsmapi elsif ( $args->[0] eq "--resetsmapi" ) { # Force each worker machine off my @workers = ('VSMWORK1', 'VSMWORK2', 'VSMWORK3', 'VSMREQIN', 'VSMREQIU'); foreach ( @workers ) { $out = `ssh $hcp "vmcp force $_ logoff immediate"`; } # Log on VSMWORK1 $out = `ssh $hcp "vmcp xautolog VSMWORK1"`; $out = "$node: Resetting SMAPI... Done"; } # setipl [ipl target] [load parms] [parms] elsif ( $args->[0] eq "--setipl" ) { my $trgt = $args->[1]; my $loadparms = $args->[2]; my $parms = $args->[3]; $out = `ssh $hcp "$::DIR/setipl $userId $trgt $loadparms $parms"`; $out = xCAT::zvmUtils->appendHostname( $node, $out ); } # setpassword [password] elsif ( $args->[0] eq "--setpassword" ) { my $pw = $args->[1]; $out = `ssh $hcp "$::DIR/setpassword $userId $pw"`; $out = xCAT::zvmUtils->appendHostname( $node, $out ); } # Otherwise, print out error else { $out = "$node: (Error) Option not supported"; } xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$out" ); return; } #------------------------------------------------------- =head3 powerVM Description : Power on or off a given node Arguments : Node Option [on|off|reset|stat] Returns : Nothing Example : powerVM($callback, $node, $args); =cut #------------------------------------------------------- sub powerVM { # Get inputs my ( $callback, $node, $args ) = @_; # Get node properties from 'zvm' table my @propNames = ( 'hcp', 'userid' ); my $propVals = xCAT::zvmUtils->getNodeProps( 'zvm', $node, @propNames ); # Get HCP my $hcp = $propVals->{'hcp'}; if ( !$hcp ) { xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$node: (Error) Missing node HCP" ); return; } # Get node userID my $userId = $propVals->{'userid'}; if ( !$userId ) { xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$node: (Error) Missing node ID" ); return; } # Capitalize userID $userId =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/; # Output string my $out; # Power on virtual server if ( $args->[0] eq 'on' ) { $out = `ssh $hcp "$::DIR/startvs $userId"`; xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$node: $out" ); } # Power off virtual server elsif ( $args->[0] eq 'off' ) { $out = `ssh $hcp "$::DIR/stopvs $userId"`; xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$node: $out" ); } # Power off virtual server (gracefully) elsif ( $args->[0] eq 'softoff' ) { $out = `ssh -o ConnectTimeout=10 $node "shutdown -h now"`; sleep(90); # Wait 1.5 minutes before logging user off $out = `ssh $hcp "$::DIR/stopvs $userId"`; xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$node: $out" ); } # Get the status (on|off) elsif ( $args->[0] eq 'stat' ) { $out = `ssh $hcp "vmcp q user $userId 2>/dev/null" | sed 's/HCPCQU045E.*/off/' | sed 's/$userId.*/on/'`; # Wait for output my $max = 0; while ( !$out && $max < 10 ) { $out = `ssh $hcp "vmcp q user $userId 2>/dev/null" | sed 's/HCPCQU045E.*/off/' | sed 's/$userId.*/on/'`; $max++; } xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$node: $out" ); } # Reset a virtual server elsif ( $args->[0] eq 'reset' ) { $out = `ssh $hcp "$::DIR/stopvs $userId"`; xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$node: $out" ); # Wait for output while ( `vmcp q user $userId 2>/dev/null | sed 's/HCPCQU045E.*/Done/'` != "Done" ) { # Do nothing } $out = `ssh $hcp "$::DIR/startvs $userId"`; xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$node: $out" ); } else { xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$node: (Error) Option not supported" ); } return; } #------------------------------------------------------- =head3 scanVM Description : Get node information from zHCP Arguments : HCP node Returns : Nothing Example : scanVM($callback, $node, $args); =cut #------------------------------------------------------- sub scanVM { # Get inputs my ( $callback, $node, $args ) = @_; my $write2db = ''; if ($args) { @ARGV = @$args; # Parse options GetOptions( 'w' => \$write2db ); } # Get node properties from 'zvm' table my @propNames = ( 'hcp', 'userid' ); my $propVals = xCAT::zvmUtils->getNodeProps( 'zvm', $node, @propNames ); # Get HCP my $hcp = $propVals->{'hcp'}; if ( !$hcp ) { xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$node: (Error) Missing node HCP" ); return; } # Get node userID my $userId = $propVals->{'userid'}; if ( !$userId ) { xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$node: (Error) Missing node ID" ); return; } # Capitalize userID $userId =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/; # Exit if node is not a HCP if ( !( $hcp =~ m/$node./i ) ) { xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$node: (Error) $node is not a hardware control point" ); return; } # Print output string # [Node name]: # objtype=node # id=[userID] # arch=[Architecture] # hcp=[HCP node name] # groups=[Group] # mgt=zvm # # gpok123: # objtype=node # id=LINUX123 # arch=s390x # hcp=gpok456.endicott.ibm.com # groups=all # mgt=zvm # Output string my $str = ""; # Get nodes managed by this HCP # Look in 'zvm' table my $tab = xCAT::Table->new( 'zvm', -create => 1, -autocommit => 0 ); my @entries = $tab->getAllAttribsWhere( "hcp like '%" . $hcp . "%'", 'node', 'userid' ); my $out; my $node; my $id; my $os; my $arch; my $groups; # Get node hierarchy from /proc/sysinfo my $hierarchy; my $host = xCAT::zvmCPUtils->getHost($hcp); my $sysinfo = `ssh -o ConnectTimeout=5 $hcp "cat /proc/sysinfo"`; # Get node CEC my $cec = `echo "$sysinfo" | grep "Sequence Code"`; my @args = split( ':', $cec ); # Remove leading spaces and zeros $args[1] =~ s/^\s*0*//; $cec = xCAT::zvmUtils->trimStr($args[1]); # Get node LPAR my $lpar = `echo "$sysinfo" | grep "LPAR Name"`; @args = split( ':', $lpar ); $lpar = xCAT::zvmUtils->trimStr($args[1]); # Save CEC, LPAR, and zVM to 'zvm' table my %propHash; if ($write2db) { # Save CEC to 'zvm' table %propHash = ( 'nodetype' => 'cec', 'parent' => '' ); xCAT::zvmUtils->setNodeProps( 'zvm', $cec, \%propHash ); # Save LPAR to 'zvm' table %propHash = ( 'nodetype' => 'lpar', 'parent' => $cec ); xCAT::zvmUtils->setNodeProps( 'zvm', $lpar, \%propHash ); # Save zVM to 'zvm' table %propHash = ( 'nodetype' => 'zvm', 'parent' => $lpar ); xCAT::zvmUtils->setNodeProps( 'zvm', $host, \%propHash ); } # Search for nodes managed by given HCP # Get 'node' and 'userid' properties %propHash = (); foreach (@entries) { $node = $_->{'node'}; # Get groups @propNames = ('groups'); $propVals = xCAT::zvmUtils->getNodeProps( 'nodelist', $node, @propNames ); $groups = $propVals->{'groups'}; # Load VMCP module xCAT::zvmCPUtils->loadVmcp($node); # Get userID @propNames = ('userid'); $propVals = xCAT::zvmUtils->getNodeProps( 'zvm', $node, @propNames ); $id = $propVals->{'userid'}; if (!$id) { $id = xCAT::zvmCPUtils->getUserId($node); } # Get architecture $arch = `ssh -o ConnectTimeout=2 $node "uname -p"`; $arch = xCAT::zvmUtils->trimStr($arch); if (!$arch) { # Assume arch is s390x $arch = 's390x'; } # Get OS $os = xCAT::zvmUtils->getOsVersion($node); # Save node attributes if ($write2db) { # Save to 'zvm' table %propHash = ( 'hcp' => $hcp, 'userid' => $id, 'nodetype' => 'vm', 'parent' => $host ); xCAT::zvmUtils->setNodeProps( 'zvm', $node, \%propHash ); # Save to 'nodetype' table %propHash = ( 'arch' => $arch, 'os' => $os ); xCAT::zvmUtils->setNodeProps( 'nodetype', $node, \%propHash ); } # Create output string $str .= "$node:\n"; $str .= " objtype=node\n"; $str .= " arch=$arch\n"; $str .= " os=$os\n"; $str .= " hcp=$hcp\n"; $str .= " userid=$id\n"; $str .= " nodetype=vm\n"; $str .= " parent=$host\n"; $str .= " groups=$groups\n"; $str .= " mgt=zvm\n\n"; } xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$str" ); return; } #------------------------------------------------------- =head3 inventoryVM Description : Get hardware and software inventory of a given node Arguments : Node Type of inventory (config|all) Returns : Nothing Example : inventoryVM($callback, $node, $args); =cut #------------------------------------------------------- sub inventoryVM { # Get inputs my ( $callback, $node, $args ) = @_; # Get node properties from 'zvm' table my @propNames = ( 'hcp', 'userid' ); my $propVals = xCAT::zvmUtils->getNodeProps( 'zvm', $node, @propNames ); # Get HCP my $hcp = $propVals->{'hcp'}; if ( !$hcp ) { xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$node: (Error) Missing node HCP" ); return; } # Get node userID my $userId = $propVals->{'userid'}; if ( !$userId ) { xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$node: (Error) Missing node ID" ); return; } # Capitalize userID $userId =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/; # Output string my $str = ""; # Load VMCP module xCAT::zvmCPUtils->loadVmcp($node); # Get configuration if ( $args->[0] eq 'config' ) { # Get z/VM host for specified node my $host = xCAT::zvmCPUtils->getHost($node); # Get architecture my $arch = xCAT::zvmUtils->getArch($node); # Get operating system my $os = xCAT::zvmUtils->getOs($node); # Get privileges my $priv = xCAT::zvmCPUtils->getPrivileges($node); # Get memory configuration my $memory = xCAT::zvmCPUtils->getMemory($node); # Get processors configuration my $proc = xCAT::zvmCPUtils->getCpu($node); $str .= "z/VM UserID: $userId\n"; $str .= "z/VM Host: $host\n"; $str .= "Operating System: $os\n"; $str .= "Architecture: $arch\n"; $str .= "HCP: $hcp\n"; $str .= "Privileges: \n$priv\n"; $str .= "Total Memory: $memory\n"; $str .= "Processors: \n$proc\n"; } elsif ( $args->[0] eq 'all' ) { # Get z/VM host for specified node my $host = xCAT::zvmCPUtils->getHost($node); # Get architecture my $arch = xCAT::zvmUtils->getArch($node); # Get operating system my $os = xCAT::zvmUtils->getOs($node); # Get privileges my $priv = xCAT::zvmCPUtils->getPrivileges($node); # Get memory configuration my $memory = xCAT::zvmCPUtils->getMemory($node); # Get processors configuration my $proc = xCAT::zvmCPUtils->getCpu($node); # Get disks configuration my $storage = xCAT::zvmCPUtils->getDisks($node); # Get NICs configuration my $nic = xCAT::zvmCPUtils->getNic($node); # Create output string $str .= "z/VM UserID: $userId\n"; $str .= "z/VM Host: $host\n"; $str .= "Operating System: $os\n"; $str .= "Architecture: $arch\n"; $str .= "HCP: $hcp\n"; $str .= "Privileges: \n$priv\n"; $str .= "Total Memory: $memory\n"; $str .= "Processors: \n$proc\n"; $str .= "Disks: \n$storage\n"; $str .= "NICs: \n$nic\n"; } else { $str = "$node: (Error) Option not supported"; xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$str" ); return; } # Append hostname (e.g. gpok3) in front $str = xCAT::zvmUtils->appendHostname( $node, $str ); xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$str" ); return; } #------------------------------------------------------- =head3 listVM Description : Show the info for a given node Arguments : Node Option Options supported: * getnetworknames * getnetwork [networkname] * diskpoolnames * diskpool [pool name] [space (free or used)] Returns : Nothing Example : listVM($callback, $node); =cut #------------------------------------------------------- sub listVM { # Get inputs my ( $callback, $node, $args ) = @_; # Set cache directory my $cache = '/var/opt/zhcp/cache'; # Get node properties from 'zvm' table my @propNames = ( 'hcp', 'userid' ); my $propVals = xCAT::zvmUtils->getNodeProps( 'zvm', $node, @propNames ); # Get HCP my $hcp = $propVals->{'hcp'}; if ( !$hcp ) { xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$node: (Error) Missing node HCP" ); return; } # Get node userID my $userId = $propVals->{'userid'}; if ( !$userId ) { xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$node: (Error) Missing node ID" ); return; } # Capitalize userID $userId =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/; my $out; # Get disk pool names if ( $args->[0] eq "--diskpoolnames" ) { # If the cache directory does not exist if (!(`ssh $hcp "test -d $cache && echo Exists"`)) { # Create cache directory $out = `ssh $hcp "mkdir -p $cache"`; } my $file = "$cache/diskpoolnames"; # If a cache for disk pool names exists if (`ssh $hcp "ls $file"`) { # Get current Epoch my $curTime = time(); # Get time of last change as seconds since Epoch my $fileTime = xCAT::zvmUtils->trimStr(`ssh $hcp "stat -c %Z $file"`); # If the current time is greater than 5 minutes of the file timestamp my $interval = 300; # 300 seconds = 5 minutes * 60 seconds/minute if ($curTime > $fileTime + $interval) { # Get disk pool names and save it in a file $out = `ssh $hcp "$::DIR/getdiskpoolnames $userId > $file"`; } } else { # Get disk pool names and save it in a file $out = `ssh $hcp "$::DIR/getdiskpoolnames $userId > $file"`; } # Print out the file contents $out = `ssh $hcp "cat $file"`; } # Get disk pool configuration elsif ( $args->[0] eq "--diskpool" ) { my $pool = $args->[1]; my $space = $args->[2]; $out = `ssh $hcp "$::DIR/getdiskpool $userId $pool $space"`; } # Get network names elsif ( $args->[0] eq "--getnetworknames" ) { $out = xCAT::zvmCPUtils->getNetworkNames($hcp); } # Get network elsif ( $args->[0] eq "--getnetwork" ) { my $netName = $args->[1]; $out = xCAT::zvmCPUtils->getNetwork( $hcp, $netName ); } # Get user entry elsif ( !$args->[0] ) { $out = `ssh $hcp "$::DIR/getuserentry $userId"`; } else { $out = "$node: (Error) Option not supported"; } # Append hostname (e.g. gpok3) in front $out = xCAT::zvmUtils->appendHostname( $node, $out ); xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$out" ); return; } #------------------------------------------------------- =head3 makeVM Description : Create a virtual server * A unique MAC address will be assigned Arguments : Node User entry text file (optional) Returns : Nothing Example : makeVM($callback, $node, $args); =cut #------------------------------------------------------- sub makeVM { # Get inputs my ( $callback, $node, $args ) = @_; # Get node properties from 'zvm' table my @propNames = ( 'hcp', 'userid' ); my $propVals = xCAT::zvmUtils->getNodeProps( 'zvm', $node, @propNames ); # Get HCP my $hcp = $propVals->{'hcp'}; if ( !$hcp ) { xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$node: (Error) Missing node HCP" ); return; } # Get node userID my $userId = $propVals->{'userid'}; if ( !$userId ) { xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$node: (Error) Missing node ID" ); return; } # Capitalize userID $userId =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/; # Get user entry file (if any) my $userEntry = $args->[0]; # Create virtual server my $out; my @lines; my @words; my $target = "root@" . $hcp; if ($userEntry) { # Copy user entry $out = `cp $userEntry /tmp/$node.txt`; $userEntry = "/tmp/$node.txt"; # Get MAC address in 'mac' table my $macId; my $generateNew = 1; @propNames = ('mac'); $propVals = xCAT::zvmUtils->getNodeProps( 'mac', $node, @propNames ); # If MAC address exists if ( $propVals->{'mac'} ) { # Get MAC suffix (MACID) $macId = $propVals->{'mac'}; $macId = xCAT::zvmUtils->replaceStr( $macId, ":", "" ); $macId = substr( $macId, 6 ); } else { # Get HCP MAC address # The HCP should only have (1) network and (1) MAC address xCAT::zvmCPUtils->loadVmcp($hcp); $out = `ssh -o ConnectTimeout=5 $hcp "vmcp q v nic" | grep "MAC:"`; if ($out) { @lines = split( "\n", $out ); @words = split( " ", $lines[0] ); # Extract MAC prefix my $prefix = $words[1]; $prefix = xCAT::zvmUtils->replaceStr( $prefix, "-", "" ); $prefix = substr( $prefix, 0, 6 ); # Generate MAC address my $mac; while ($generateNew) { # If no MACID is found, get one $macId = xCAT::zvmUtils->getMacID($hcp); if ( !$macId ) { xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$node: (Error) Could not generate MACID" ); return; } # Create MAC address $mac = $prefix . $macId; # If length is less than 12, append a zero if ( length($mac) != 12 ) { $mac = "0" . $mac; } # Format MAC address $mac = substr( $mac, 0, 2 ) . ":" . substr( $mac, 2, 2 ) . ":" . substr( $mac, 4, 2 ) . ":" . substr( $mac, 6, 2 ) . ":" . substr( $mac, 8, 2 ) . ":" . substr( $mac, 10, 2 ); # Check 'mac' table for MAC address my $tab = xCAT::Table->new( 'mac', -create => 1, -autocommit => 0 ); my @entries = $tab->getAllAttribsWhere( "mac = '" . $mac . "'", 'node' ); # If MAC address exists if (@entries) { # Generate new MACID $out = xCAT::zvmUtils->generateMacId($hcp); $generateNew = 1; } else { $generateNew = 0; # Save MAC address in 'mac' table xCAT::zvmUtils->setNodeProp( 'mac', $node, 'mac', $mac ); } } # End of while ($generateNew) # Generate new MACID $out = xCAT::zvmUtils->generateMacId($hcp); } else { xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$node: (Error) Could not find the MAC address of the zHCP" ); } } # If the user entry contains a NICDEF statement $out = `cat $userEntry | egrep -i "NICDEF"`; my $line; if ($out) { # Get the network used by the HCP $out = `ssh $hcp "vmcp q v nic" | egrep -i "VSWITCH|LAN"`; @lines = split( '\n', $out ); # There should only be one network $line = xCAT::zvmUtils->trimStr( $lines[0] ); @words = split( ' ', $line ); my $netName = $words[4]; # Find NICDEF statement my $oldNicDef = `cat $userEntry | egrep -i "NICDEF" | egrep -i "$netName"`; $oldNicDef = xCAT::zvmUtils->trimStr($oldNicDef); my $nicDef = xCAT::zvmUtils->replaceStr( $oldNicDef, $netName, "$netName MACID $macId" ); # Append MACID at the end $out = `sed --in-place -e "s,$oldNicDef,$nicDef,i" $userEntry`; } # Open user entry $out = `cat $userEntry`; @lines = split( '\n', $out ); # Get the userID in user entry $line = xCAT::zvmUtils->trimStr( $lines[0] ); @words = split( ' ', $line ); my $id = $words[1]; # Change userID in user entry to match userID defined in xCAT $out = `sed --in-place -e "s,$id,$userId,i" $userEntry`; # SCP file over to HCP $out = `scp $userEntry $target:$userEntry`; # Remove user entry $out = `rm $userEntry`; # Create virtual server $out = `ssh $hcp "$::DIR/createvs $userId $userEntry"`; xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$node: $out" ); # Check output my $rc = xCAT::zvmUtils->checkOutput( $callback, $out ); if ( $rc == 0 ) { # Get VSwitch of HCP (if any) my @vswId = xCAT::zvmCPUtils->getVswitchId($hcp); # Grant access to VSwitch for Linux user # GuestLan do not need permissions foreach (@vswId) { xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$node: Granting VSwitch ($_) access for $userId" ); $out = xCAT::zvmCPUtils->grantVSwitch( $callback, $hcp, $userId, $_ ); xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$node: $out" ); } # Remove user entry file (on HCP) $out = `ssh -o ConnectTimeout=5 $hcp "rm $userEntry"`; } } else { # Create NOLOG virtual server $out = `ssh $hcp "$::DIR/createvs $userId"`; xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$node: $out" ); } return; } #------------------------------------------------------- =head3 cloneVM Description : Clone a virtual server Arguments : Node Disk pool Disk password Returns : Nothing Example : cloneVM($callback, $targetNode, $args); =cut #------------------------------------------------------- sub cloneVM { # Get inputs my ( $callback, $nodes, $args ) = @_; # Get nodes my @nodes = @$nodes; # Return code for each command my $rc; my $out; # Child process IDs my @children; # Process ID for xfork() my $pid; # Get source node my $sourceNode = $args->[0]; my @propNames = ( 'hcp', 'userid' ); my $propVals = xCAT::zvmUtils->getNodeProps( 'zvm', $sourceNode, @propNames ); # Get HCP my $srcHcp = $propVals->{'hcp'}; # Get node userID my $sourceId = $propVals->{'userid'}; # Capitalize userID $sourceId =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/; foreach (@nodes) { xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$_: Cloning $sourceNode" ); # Exit if missing source node if ( !$sourceNode ) { xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$_: (Error) Missing source node" ); return; } # Exit if missing source HCP if ( !$srcHcp ) { xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$_: (Error) Missing source node HCP" ); return; } # Exit if missing source user ID if ( !$sourceId ) { xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$_: (Error) Missing source node ID" ); return; } # Get target node @propNames = ( 'hcp', 'userid' ); $propVals = xCAT::zvmUtils->getNodeProps( 'zvm', $_, @propNames ); # Get target HCP my $tgtHcp = $propVals->{'hcp'}; # Get node userID my $tgtId = $propVals->{'userid'}; # Capitalize userID $tgtId =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/; # Exit if missing target HCP if ( !$tgtHcp ) { xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$_: (Error) Missing target node HCP" ); return; } # Exit if missing target user ID if ( !$tgtId ) { xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$_: (Error) Missing target node ID" ); return; } # Exit if source and target HCP are not equal if ( $srcHcp ne $tgtHcp ) { xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$_: (Error) Source and target HCP are not equal" ); return; } #*** Get MAC address *** my $targetMac; my $macId; my $generateNew = 0; # Flag to generate new MACID @propNames = ('mac'); $propVals = xCAT::zvmUtils->getNodeProps( 'mac', $_, @propNames ); if ( !$propVals->{'mac'} ) { # If no MACID is found, get one $macId = xCAT::zvmUtils->getMacID($tgtHcp); if ( !$macId ) { xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$_: (Error) Could not generate MACID" ); return; } # Create MAC address (target) $targetMac = xCAT::zvmUtils->createMacAddr( $_, $macId ); # Save MAC address in 'mac' table xCAT::zvmUtils->setNodeProp( 'mac', $_, 'mac', $targetMac ); # Generate new MACID $out = xCAT::zvmUtils->generateMacId($tgtHcp); } } #*** Link source disks *** # Get MDisk statements of source node my @words; my $addr; my $type; my $srcMultiPw; my $linkAddr; # Load vmcp module xCAT::zvmCPUtils->loadVmcp($sourceNode); # Hash table of source disk addresses # $srcLinkAddr[$addr] = $linkAddr my %srcLinkAddr; my %srcDiskSize; # Hash table of source disk type # $srcLinkAddr[$addr] = $type my %srcDiskType; my @srcDisks = xCAT::zvmUtils->getMdisks( $callback, $sourceNode ); foreach (@srcDisks) { # Get disk address @words = split( ' ', $_ ); $addr = $words[1]; $type = $words[2]; $srcMultiPw = $words[9]; # Add 0 in front if address length is less than 4 while (length($addr) < 4) { $addr = '0' . $addr; } # Get disk type $srcDiskType{$addr} = $type; # Get disk size (cylinders or blocks) # ECKD or FBA disk if ( $type eq '3390' || $type eq '9336' ) { $out = `ssh -o ConnectTimeout=5 $sourceNode "vmcp q v dasd" | grep "DASD $addr"`; @words = split( ' ', $out ); $srcDiskSize{$addr} = xCAT::zvmUtils->trimStr( $words[5] ); } # If source disk is not linked my $try = 10; while ( $try > 0 ) { # New disk address $linkAddr = $addr + 1000; # Check if new disk address is used (source) $rc = xCAT::zvmUtils->isAddressUsed( $srcHcp, $linkAddr ); # If disk address is used (source) while ( $rc == 0 ) { # Generate a new disk address # Sleep 5 seconds to let existing disk appear sleep(5); $linkAddr = $linkAddr + 1; $rc = xCAT::zvmUtils->isAddressUsed( $srcHcp, $linkAddr ); } $srcLinkAddr{$addr} = $linkAddr; # Link source disk to HCP foreach (@nodes) { xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$_: Linking source disk ($addr) as ($linkAddr)" ); } $out = `ssh -o ConnectTimeout=5 $srcHcp "vmcp link $sourceId $addr $linkAddr RR $srcMultiPw"`; if ( $out =~ m/not linked/i ) { # Do nothing } else { last; } $try = $try - 1; # Wait before next try sleep(5); } # End of while ( $try > 0 ) # If source disk is not linked if ( $out =~ m/not linked/i ) { foreach (@nodes) { xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$_: Failed" ); } # Exit return; } # Enable source disk $out = xCAT::zvmUtils->disableEnableDisk( $callback, $srcHcp, "-e", $linkAddr ); } # End of foreach (@srcDisks) # Get the network name the HCP is on $out = `ssh $srcHcp "vmcp q v nic" | egrep -i "VSWITCH|LAN"`; my @lines = split( '\n', $out ); my $line = xCAT::zvmUtils->trimStr( $lines[0] ); @words = split( ' ', $line ); my $hcpNetName = $words[4]; # Get the NICDEF address of the network on the source node my @tmp; my $i; my $hcpNicAddr; # Find the NIC address xCAT::zvmCPUtils->loadVmcp($sourceNode); $out = `ssh $sourceNode "vmcp q v nic"`; @lines = split( '\n', $out ); for ( $i = 0 ; $i < @lines ; $i++ ) { if ( $lines[$i] =~ m/$hcpNetName/i ) { $line = xCAT::zvmUtils->trimStr( $lines[ $i - 1 ] ); @words = split( ' ', $line ); @tmp = split( /\./, $words[1] ); $hcpNicAddr = $tmp[0]; last; } } # Exit if network address is not found if ( $out && !$hcpNicAddr ) { foreach (@nodes) { xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$_: (Error) Node is not on the same network ($hcpNetName) as the hardware control point" ); } return; } # Get VSwitch of source node (if any) my @srcVswitch = xCAT::zvmCPUtils->getVswitchId($sourceNode); # Get device address that is the root partition (/) my $srcRootPartAddr = xCAT::zvmUtils->getRootDeviceAddr($sourceNode); # Get source node OS my $srcOs = xCAT::zvmUtils->getOs($sourceNode); # Get source MAC address in 'mac' table my $srcMac; @propNames = ('mac'); $propVals = xCAT::zvmUtils->getNodeProps( 'mac', $sourceNode, @propNames ); if ( $propVals->{'mac'} ) { # Get MAC address $srcMac = $propVals->{'mac'}; } # Get network configuration file # Location of this file depends on the OS my $srcIfcfg = xCAT::zvmUtils->getIfcfgByNic( $sourceNode, "0.0." . $hcpNicAddr ); # Get source hardware configuration (SUSE only) my $srcHwcfg = ''; if ( $srcOs =~ m/SUSE/i ) { $srcHwcfg = xCAT::zvmUtils->getHwcfg($sourceNode); } # Get user entry of source node my $srcUserEntry = "/tmp/$sourceNode.txt"; $out = `rm $srcUserEntry`; $out = xCAT::zvmUtils->getUserEntryWODisk( $callback, $sourceNode, $srcUserEntry ); # Check if user entry is valid $out = `cat $srcUserEntry`; # If output contains USER LINUX123, then user entry is good if ( $out =~ m/USER $sourceId/i ) { # Turn off source node $out = `ssh -o ConnectTimeout=10 $sourceNode "shutdown -h now"`; sleep(90); # Wait 1.5 minutes before logging user off $out = `ssh $srcHcp "$::DIR/stopvs $sourceId"`; foreach (@nodes) { xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$_: $out" ); } #*** Clone source node *** # Remove flashcopy lock (if any) $out = `ssh $srcHcp "rm -f /tmp/.flashcopy_lock"`; foreach (@nodes) { $pid = xCAT::Utils->xfork(); # Parent process if ($pid) { push( @children, $pid ); } # Child process elsif ( $pid == 0 ) { clone( $callback, $_, $args, \@srcDisks, \%srcLinkAddr, \%srcDiskSize, \%srcDiskType, $hcpNicAddr, $hcpNetName, \@srcVswitch, $srcOs, $srcMac, $srcRootPartAddr, $srcIfcfg, $srcHwcfg ); # Exit process exit(0); } # End of elsif else { # Ran out of resources die "Error: Could not fork\n"; } # Clone 4 nodes at a time # If you handle more than this, some nodes will not be cloned # You will get errors because SMAPI cannot handle many nodes if ( !( @children % 4 ) ) { # Wait for all processes to end foreach (@children) { waitpid( $_, 0 ); } # Clear children @children = (); } } # End of foreach # Handle the remaining nodes # Wait for all processes to end foreach (@children) { waitpid( $_, 0 ); } # Remove source user entry $out = `rm $srcUserEntry`; } # End of if #*** Detatch source disks *** for $addr ( keys %srcLinkAddr ) { $linkAddr = $srcLinkAddr{$addr}; # Disable and detatch source disk $out = xCAT::zvmUtils->disableEnableDisk( $callback, $srcHcp, "-d", $linkAddr ); $out = `ssh -o ConnectTimeout=5 $srcHcp "vmcp det $linkAddr"`; foreach (@nodes) { xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$_: Detatching source disk ($addr) at ($linkAddr)" ); } } # Turn back on source node $out = `ssh $srcHcp "$::DIR/startvs $sourceId"`; foreach (@nodes) { xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$_: $out" ); } #*** Done *** foreach (@nodes) { xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$_: Done" ); } return; } #------------------------------------------------------- =head3 clone Description : Clone a virtual server Arguments : Target node Disk pool Disk password (optional) Source disks Source disk link addresses Source disk sizes NIC address Network name VSwitch names (if any) Operating system MAC address Root parition device address Path to network configuration file Path to hardware configuration file (SUSE only) Returns : Nothing Example : clone($callback, $_, $args, \@srcDisks, \%srcLinkAddr, \%srcDiskSize, $hcpNicAddr, $hcpNetName, \@srcVswitch, $srcOs, $srcMac, $srcRootPartAddr, $srcIfcfg, $srcHwcfg); =cut #------------------------------------------------------- sub clone { # Get inputs my ( $callback, $tgtNode, $args, $srcDisksRef, $srcLinkAddrRef, $srcDiskSizeRef, $srcDiskTypeRef, $hcpNicAddr, $hcpNetName, $srcVswitchRef, $srcOs, $srcMac, $srcRootPartAddr, $srcIfcfg, $srcHwcfg ) = @_; # Get source node properties from 'zvm' table my $sourceNode = $args->[0]; my @propNames = ( 'hcp', 'userid' ); my $propVals = xCAT::zvmUtils->getNodeProps( 'zvm', $sourceNode, @propNames ); # Get HCP my $srcHcp = $propVals->{'hcp'}; # Get node userID my $sourceId = $propVals->{'userid'}; # Capitalize userID $sourceId =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/; # Get source disks my @srcDisks = @$srcDisksRef; my %srcLinkAddr = %$srcLinkAddrRef; my %srcDiskSize = %$srcDiskSizeRef; my %srcDiskType = %$srcDiskTypeRef; my @srcVswitch = @$srcVswitchRef; # Return code for each command my $rc; # Get node properties from 'zvm' table @propNames = ( 'hcp', 'userid' ); $propVals = xCAT::zvmUtils->getNodeProps( 'zvm', $tgtNode, @propNames ); # Get HCP my $hcp = $propVals->{'hcp'}; if ( !$hcp ) { xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$tgtNode: (Error) Missing node HCP" ); return; } # Get node userID my $tgtUserId = $propVals->{'userid'}; if ( !$tgtUserId ) { xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$tgtNode: (Error) Missing node ID" ); return; } # Capitalize userID $tgtUserId =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/; # Exit if source node HCP is not the same as target node HCP if ( !( $srcHcp eq $hcp ) ) { xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$tgtNode: (Error) Source node HCP ($srcHcp) is not the same as target node HCP ($hcp)" ); return; } # Get target IP from /etc/hosts my $targetIp = xCAT::zvmUtils->getIp($tgtNode); if ( !$targetIp ) { xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$tgtNode: (Error) Missing IP for $tgtNode in /etc/hosts" ); return; } my $out; my @lines; my @words; # Get disk pool and multi password my $i; my %inputs; foreach $i ( 1 .. 2 ) { if ( $args->[$i] ) { # Split parameters by '=' @words = split( "=", $args->[$i] ); # Create hash array $inputs{ $words[0] } = $words[1]; } } # Get disk pool my $pool = $inputs{"pool"}; if ( !$pool ) { xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$tgtNode: (Error) Missing disk pool" ); return; } # Get multi password # It is Ok not have a password my $tgtPw = $inputs{"pw"}; # Set IP address my $sourceIp = xCAT::zvmUtils->getIp($sourceNode); # Save user directory entry as /tmp/hostname.txt, e.g. /tmp/gpok3.txt # The source user entry is retrieved in cloneVM() my $userEntry = "/tmp/$tgtNode.txt"; my $srcUserEntry = "/tmp/$sourceNode.txt"; # Remove existing user entry if any $out = `rm $userEntry`; $out = `ssh -o ConnectTimeout=5 $hcp "rm $userEntry"`; # Copy user entry of source node $out = `cp $srcUserEntry $userEntry`; # Replace source userID with target userID $out = `sed --in-place -e "s,$sourceId,$tgtUserId,i" $userEntry`; # Get target MAC address in 'mac' table my $targetMac; my $macId; my $generateNew = 0; # Flag to generate new MACID @propNames = ('mac'); $propVals = xCAT::zvmUtils->getNodeProps( 'mac', $tgtNode, @propNames ); if ($propVals) { # Get MACID $targetMac = $propVals->{'mac'}; $macId = $propVals->{'mac'}; $macId = xCAT::zvmUtils->replaceStr( $macId, ":", "" ); $macId = substr( $macId, 6 ); } else { xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$tgtNode: (Error) Missing target MAC address" ); return; } # If the user entry contains a NICDEF statement $out = `cat $userEntry | egrep -i "NICDEF"`; if ($out) { # Get the network used by the HCP $out = `ssh $hcp "vmcp q v nic" | egrep -i "VSWITCH|LAN"`; @lines = split( '\n', $out ); # There should only be one network my $line = xCAT::zvmUtils->trimStr( $lines[0] ); @words = split( ' ', $line ); my $hcpNetName = $words[4]; # If the user entry contains a MACID $out = `cat $userEntry | egrep -i "MACID"`; if ($out) { my $pos = rindex( $out, "MACID" ); my $oldMacId = substr( $out, $pos + 6, 12 ); $oldMacId = xCAT::zvmUtils->trimStr($oldMacId); # Replace old MACID $out = `sed --in-place -e "s,$oldMacId,$macId,i" $userEntry`; } else { # Find NICDEF statement my $oldNicDef = `cat $userEntry | egrep -i "NICDEF" | egrep -i "$hcpNetName"`; $oldNicDef = xCAT::zvmUtils->trimStr($oldNicDef); my $nicDef = xCAT::zvmUtils->replaceStr( $oldNicDef, $hcpNetName, "$hcpNetName MACID $macId" ); # Append MACID at the end $out = `sed --in-place -e "s,$oldNicDef,$nicDef,i" $userEntry`; } } # SCP user entry file over to HCP xCAT::zvmUtils->sendFile( $hcp, $userEntry, $userEntry ); #*** Create new virtual server *** my $try = 10; while ( $try > 0 ) { if ( $try > 9 ) { xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$tgtNode: Creating user directory entry" ); } else { xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$tgtNode: Trying again ($try) to create user directory entry" ); } $out = `ssh $hcp "$::DIR/createvs $tgtUserId $userEntry"`; # Check if user entry is created $out = `ssh $hcp "$::DIR/getuserentry $tgtUserId"`; $rc = xCAT::zvmUtils->checkOutput( $callback, $out ); if ( $rc == -1 ) { # Wait before trying again sleep(5); $try = $try - 1; } else { last; } } # Remove user entry $out = `rm $userEntry`; $out = `ssh -o ConnectTimeout=5 $hcp "rm $userEntry"`; # Exit on bad output if ( $rc == -1 ) { xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$tgtNode: (Error) Could not create user entry" ); return; } # Load VMCP module on HCP and source node xCAT::zvmCPUtils->loadVmcp($hcp); # Grant access to VSwitch for Linux user # GuestLan do not need permissions foreach (@srcVswitch) { xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$tgtNode: Granting VSwitch ($_) access for $tgtUserId" ); $out = xCAT::zvmCPUtils->grantVSwitch( $callback, $hcp, $tgtUserId, $_ ); # Check for errors $rc = xCAT::zvmUtils->checkOutput( $callback, $out ); if ( $rc == -1 ) { # Exit on bad output xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$tgtNode: $out" ); return; } } # End of foreach (@vswitchId) #*** Add MDisk to target user entry *** my $addr; my @tgtDisks; my $type; my $mode; my $cyl; my $srcMultiPw; foreach (@srcDisks) { # Get disk address @words = split( ' ', $_ ); $addr = $words[1]; push( @tgtDisks, $addr ); $type = $words[2]; $mode = $words[6]; $srcMultiPw = $words[9]; # Add 0 in front if address length is less than 4 while (length($addr) < 4) { $addr = '0' . $addr; } # Add ECKD disk if ( $type eq '3390' ) { # Get disk size (cylinders) $cyl = $srcDiskSize{$addr}; $try = 10; while ( $try > 0 ) { # Add ECKD disk if ( $try > 9 ) { xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$tgtNode: Adding minidisk ($addr)" ); } else { xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$tgtNode: Trying again ($try) to add minidisk ($addr)" ); } $out = `ssh $hcp "$::DIR/add3390 $tgtUserId $pool $addr $cyl $mode $tgtPw $tgtPw $tgtPw"`; # Check output $rc = xCAT::zvmUtils->checkOutput( $callback, $out ); if ( $rc == -1 ) { # Wait before trying again sleep(5); # One less try $try = $try - 1; } else { # If output is good, exit loop last; } } # End of while ( $try > 0 ) # Exit on bad output if ( $rc == -1 ) { xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$tgtNode: (Error) Could not create user entry" ); return; } } # End of if ( $type eq '3390' ) # Add FBA disk elsif ( $type eq '9336' ) { # Get disk size (blocks) my $blkSize = '512'; my $blks = $srcDiskSize{$addr}; $try = 10; while ( $try > 0 ) { # Add FBA disk if ( $try > 9 ) { xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$tgtNode: Adding minidisk ($addr)" ); } else { xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$tgtNode: Trying again ($try) to add minidisk ($addr)" ); } $out = `ssh $hcp "$::DIR/add9336 $tgtUserId $pool $addr $blkSize $blks $mode $tgtPw $tgtPw $tgtPw"`; # Check output $rc = xCAT::zvmUtils->checkOutput( $callback, $out ); if ( $rc == -1 ) { # Wait before trying again sleep(5); # One less try $try = $try - 1; } else { # If output is good, exit loop last; } } # End of while ( $try > 0 ) # Exit on bad output if ( $rc == -1 ) { xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$tgtNode: (Error) Could not create user entry" ); return; } } # End of elsif ( $type eq '9336' ) } # Check if the number of disks in target user entry # is equal to the number of disks added my @disks; $try = 10; while ( $try > 0 ) { # Get disks within user entry $out = `ssh $hcp "$::DIR/getuserentry $tgtUserId" | grep "MDISK"`; @disks = split( '\n', $out ); xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$tgtNode: Disks added (" . @tgtDisks . "). Disks in user entry (" . @disks . ")" ); if ( @disks != @tgtDisks ) { $try = $try - 1; # Wait before trying again sleep(5); } else { last; } } # Exit if all disks are not present if ( @disks != @tgtDisks ) { xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$tgtNode: (Error) Disks not present in user entry" ); return; } #*** Link, format, and copy source disks *** my $srcAddr; my $tgtAddr; my $srcDevNode; my $tgtDevNode; my $tgtDiskType; foreach (@tgtDisks) { #*** Link target disk *** $try = 10; while ( $try > 0 ) { # Add 0 in front if address length is less than 4 while (length($_) < 4) { $_ = '0' . $_; } # New disk address $srcAddr = $srcLinkAddr{$_}; $tgtAddr = $_ + 2000; # Check if new disk address is used (target) $rc = xCAT::zvmUtils->isAddressUsed( $hcp, $tgtAddr ); # If disk address is used (target) while ( $rc == 0 ) { # Generate a new disk address # Sleep 5 seconds to let existing disk appear sleep(5); $tgtAddr = $tgtAddr + 1; $rc = xCAT::zvmUtils->isAddressUsed( $hcp, $tgtAddr ); } # Link target disk xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$tgtNode: Linking target disk ($_) as ($tgtAddr)" ); $out = `ssh -o ConnectTimeout=5 $hcp "vmcp link $tgtUserId $_ $tgtAddr MR $tgtPw"`; # If link fails if ( $out =~ m/not linked/i ) { # Wait before trying again sleep(5); $try = $try - 1; } else { last; } } # End of while ( $try > 0 ) # If target disk is not linked if ( $out =~ m/not linked/i ) { xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$tgtNode: (Error) Failed to link target disk ($_)" ); xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$tgtNode: Failed" ); # Exit return; } # Get disk type (3390 or 9336) $tgtDiskType = $srcDiskType{$_}; #*** Use flashcopy *** # Flashcopy only supports ECKD volumes my $ddCopy = 0; $out = `ssh $hcp "vmcp flashcopy"`; if ( ($out =~ m/HCPNFC026E/i) && ($tgtDiskType eq '3390')) { # Flashcopy is supported xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$tgtNode: Copying source disk ($srcAddr) to target disk ($tgtAddr) using FLASHCOPY" ); # Check for flashcopy lock my $wait = 0; while ( `ssh $hcp "ls /tmp/.flashcopy_lock"` && $wait < 90 ) { # Wait until the lock dissappears # 90 seconds wait limit sleep(2); $wait = $wait + 2; } # If flashcopy locks still exists if (`ssh $hcp "ls /tmp/.flashcopy_lock"`) { # Detatch disks from HCP $out = `ssh $hcp "vmcp det $tgtAddr"`; xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$tgtNode: (Error) Flashcopy lock is enabled" ); return; } else { # Enable lock $out = `ssh $hcp "touch /tmp/.flashcopy_lock"`; # Flashcopy source disk $out = xCAT::zvmCPUtils->flashCopy( $hcp, $srcAddr, $tgtAddr ); $rc = xCAT::zvmUtils->checkOutput( $callback, $out ); if ( $rc == -1 ) { xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$tgtNode: $out" ); # Try Linux dd $ddCopy = 1; } # Wait a while for flashcopy to completely finish sleep(10); # Remove lock $out = `ssh $hcp "rm -f /tmp/.flashcopy_lock"`; } } else { $ddCopy = 1; } # Flashcopy not supported, use Linux dd if ($ddCopy) { #*** Use Linux dd to copy *** xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$tgtNode: FLASHCOPY not working. Using Linux DD" ); # Enable target disk $out = xCAT::zvmUtils->disableEnableDisk( $callback, $hcp, "-e", $tgtAddr ); # Determine source device node $srcDevNode = xCAT::zvmUtils->getDeviceNode($hcp, $srcAddr); # Determine target device node $tgtDevNode = xCAT::zvmUtils->getDeviceNode($hcp, $tgtAddr); # Format target disk # Only ECKD disks need to be formated if ($tgtDiskType eq '3390') { xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$tgtNode: Formating target disk ($tgtAddr)" ); $out = `ssh $hcp "dasdfmt -b 4096 -y -f /dev/$tgtDevNode"`; # Check for errors $rc = xCAT::zvmUtils->checkOutput( $callback, $out ); if ( $rc == -1 ) { xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$tgtNode: $out" ); return; } # Sleep 2 seconds to let the system settle sleep(2); # Copy source disk to target disk xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$tgtNode: Copying source disk ($srcAddr) to target disk ($tgtAddr)" ); $out = `ssh $hcp "dd if=/dev/$srcDevNode of=/dev/$tgtDevNode bs=4096"`; } else { # Copy source disk to target disk # Block size = 512 xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$tgtNode: Copying source disk ($srcAddr) to target disk ($tgtAddr)" ); $out = `ssh $hcp "dd if=/dev/$srcDevNode of=/dev/$tgtDevNode bs=512"`; # Force Linux to re-read partition table xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$tgtNode: Forcing Linux to re-read partition table" ); $out = `ssh $hcp "cat<checkOutput( $callback, $out ); if ( $rc == -1 ) { xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$tgtNode: $out" ); return; } # Sleep 2 seconds to let the system settle sleep(2); } # Disable and enable target disk $out = xCAT::zvmUtils->disableEnableDisk( $callback, $hcp, "-d", $tgtAddr ); $out = xCAT::zvmUtils->disableEnableDisk( $callback, $hcp, "-e", $tgtAddr ); # Determine target device node (it might have changed) $tgtDevNode = xCAT::zvmUtils->getDeviceNode($hcp, $tgtAddr); # Get disk address that is the root partition (/) if ( $_ eq $srcRootPartAddr ) { # Mount target disk my $cloneMntPt = "/mnt/$tgtUserId"; $tgtDevNode .= "1"; xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$tgtNode: Mounting /dev/$tgtDevNode to $cloneMntPt" ); # Check the disk is mounted $try = 10; while ( !(`ssh $hcp "ls $cloneMntPt/etc/"`) && $try > 0 ) { $out = `ssh $hcp "mkdir -p $cloneMntPt"`; $out = `ssh $hcp "mount /dev/$tgtDevNode $cloneMntPt"`; # Wait before trying again sleep(10); $try = $try - 1; } # If the disk is not mounted if ( !(`ssh $hcp "ls $cloneMntPt/etc/"`) ) { xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$tgtNode: (Error) Could not mount /dev/$tgtDevNode" ); # Flush disk $out = `ssh $hcp "sync"`; # Unmount disk $out = `ssh $hcp "umount $cloneMntPt"`; # Remove mount point $out = `ssh $hcp "rm -rf $cloneMntPt"`; # Disable disks $out = xCAT::zvmUtils->disableEnableDisk( $callback, $hcp, "-d", $tgtAddr ); # Detatch disks from HCP $out = `ssh $hcp "vmcp det $tgtAddr"`; return; } #*** Set network configuration *** # Set hostname xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$tgtNode: Setting network configuration" ); $out = `ssh $hcp sed --in-place -e "s/$sourceNode/$tgtNode/i" $cloneMntPt/etc/HOSTNAME`; # If Red Hat - Set hostname in /etc/sysconfig/network if ( $srcOs =~ m/Red Hat/i ) { $out = `ssh $hcp sed --in-place -e "s/$sourceNode/$tgtNode/i" $cloneMntPt/etc/sysconfig/network`; } # Get network configuration file # Location of this file depends on the OS my $ifcfgPath = $cloneMntPt; $ifcfgPath .= $srcIfcfg; $out = `ssh $hcp sed --in-place -e "s/$sourceNode/$tgtNode/i" \ -e "s/$sourceIp/$targetIp/i" $cloneMntPt/etc/hosts`; $out = `ssh $hcp sed --in-place -e "s/$sourceIp/$targetIp/i" \ -e "s/$sourceNode/$tgtNode/i" $ifcfgPath`; # Get network layer my $layer = xCAT::zvmCPUtils->getNetworkLayer( $hcp, $hcpNetName ); # Set MAC address my $networkFile = $tgtNode . "NetworkConfig"; if ( $srcOs =~ m/Red Hat/i ) { # Red Hat only $out = `ssh $hcp "cat $ifcfgPath" | grep -v "MACADDR" > /tmp/$networkFile`; $out = `echo "MACADDR='$targetMac'" >> /tmp/$networkFile`; } else { # SUSE only $out = `ssh $hcp "cat $ifcfgPath" | grep -v "LLADDR" | grep -v "UNIQUE" > /tmp/$networkFile`; # Set to MAC address (only for layer 2) if ( $layer == 2 ) { $out = `echo "LLADDR='$targetMac'" >> /tmp/$networkFile`; $out = `echo "UNIQUE=''" >> /tmp/$networkFile`; } } xCAT::zvmUtils->sendFile( $hcp, "/tmp/$networkFile", $ifcfgPath ); # Remove network file from /tmp $out = `rm /tmp/$networkFile`; # Set to hardware configuration (only for layer 2) if ( $layer == 2 ) { #*** Red Hat *** if ( $srcOs =~ m/Red Hat/i ) { my $srcMac; # Get source MAC address in 'mac' table @propNames = ('mac'); $propVals = xCAT::zvmUtils->getNodeProps( 'mac', $sourceNode, @propNames ); if ($propVals) { # Get MAC address $srcMac = $propVals->{'mac'}; } else { xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$tgtNode: (Error) Could not find MAC address of $sourceNode" ); # Unmount disk $out = `ssh $hcp "umount $cloneMntPt"`; # Disable disks $out = xCAT::zvmUtils->disableEnableDisk( $callback, $hcp, "-d", $tgtAddr ); # Detatch disks from HCP $out = `ssh $hcp "vmcp det $tgtAddr"`; return; } # Set MAC address $out = `ssh $hcp sed --in-place -e "s/$srcMac/$targetMac/i" $ifcfgPath`; } #*** SUSE *** else { # Get hardware configuration my $hwcfgPath = $cloneMntPt; # Set layer 2 support $hwcfgPath .= $srcHwcfg; my $hardwareFile = $tgtNode . "HardwareConfig"; $out = `ssh $hcp "cat $hwcfgPath" | grep -v "QETH_LAYER2_SUPPORT" > /tmp/$hardwareFile`; $out = `echo "QETH_LAYER2_SUPPORT='1'" >> /tmp/$hardwareFile`; xCAT::zvmUtils->sendFile( $hcp, "/tmp/$hardwareFile", $hwcfgPath ); # Remove hardware file from /tmp $out = `rm /tmp/$hardwareFile`; } } # End of if ( $layer == 2 ) # Remove old SSH keys $out = `ssh $hcp "rm -f $cloneMntPt/etc/ssh/ssh_host_*"`; # Flush disk $out = `ssh $hcp "sync"`; # Unmount disk $out = `ssh $hcp "umount $cloneMntPt"`; # Remove mount point $out = `ssh $hcp "rm -rf $cloneMntPt"`; } # Disable disks $out = xCAT::zvmUtils->disableEnableDisk( $callback, $hcp, "-d", $tgtAddr ); # Detatch disks from HCP $out = `ssh $hcp "vmcp det $tgtAddr"`; sleep(5); } # End of foreach (@tgtDisks) # Update DHCP $out = `makedhcp -a`; # Power on target virtual server xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$tgtNode: Powering on" ); $out = `ssh $hcp "$::DIR/startvs $tgtUserId"`; # Check for error $rc = xCAT::zvmUtils->checkOutput( $callback, $out ); if ( $rc == -1 ) { xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$tgtNode: $out" ); return; } } #------------------------------------------------------- =head3 nodeSet Description : Set the boot state for a node * Punch initrd, kernel, and parmfile to node reader * Layer 2 and 3 VSwitch/Lan supported Arguments : Node Returns : Nothing Example : nodeSet($callback, $node, $args); =cut #------------------------------------------------------- sub nodeSet { # Get inputs my ( $callback, $node, $args ) = @_; # Get node properties from 'zvm' table my @propNames = ( 'hcp', 'userid' ); my $propVals = xCAT::zvmUtils->getNodeProps( 'zvm', $node, @propNames ); # Get HCP my $hcp = $propVals->{'hcp'}; if ( !$hcp ) { xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$node: (Error) Missing node HCP" ); return; } # Get node userID my $userId = $propVals->{'userid'}; if ( !$userId ) { xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$node: (Error) Missing node ID" ); return; } # Capitalize userID $userId =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/; # Get install directory and domain from site table my $siteTab = xCAT::Table->new('site'); my $installDirHash = $siteTab->getAttribs( { key => "installdir" }, 'value' ); my $installDir = $installDirHash->{'value'}; my $domainHash = $siteTab->getAttribs( { key => "domain" }, 'value' ); my $domain = $domainHash->{'value'}; my $masterHash = $siteTab->getAttribs( { key => "master" }, 'value' ); my $master = $masterHash->{'value'}; my $xcatdPortHash = $siteTab->getAttribs( { key => "xcatdport" }, 'value' ); my $xcatdPort = $xcatdPortHash->{'value'}; # Get node OS, arch, and profile from 'nodetype' table @propNames = ( 'os', 'arch', 'profile' ); $propVals = xCAT::zvmUtils->getNodeProps( 'nodetype', $node, @propNames ); my $os = $propVals->{'os'}; my $arch = $propVals->{'arch'}; my $profile = $propVals->{'profile'}; # If no OS, arch, or profile is found if ( !$os || !$arch || !$profile ) { # Exit xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$node: (Error) Missing node OS, arch, and profile in nodetype table" ); return; } # Get action my $action = $args->[0]; my $out; if ( $action eq "install" ) { # Get node root password @propNames = ('password'); $propVals = xCAT::zvmUtils->getTabPropsByKey( 'passwd', 'key', 'system', @propNames ); my $passwd = $propVals->{'password'}; if ( !$passwd ) { xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$node: (Error) Missing root password for this node" ); return; } # Get node OS base my @tmp; if ( $os =~ m/sp/i ) { @tmp = split( /sp/, $os ); } else { @tmp = split( /\./, $os ); } my $osBase = $tmp[0]; # Get autoyast/kickstart template my $tmpl = "$profile.$osBase.$arch.tmpl"; # Get host IP and hostname from /etc/hosts $out = `cat /etc/hosts | grep "$node "`; my @words = split( ' ', $out ); my $hostIP = $words[0]; my $hostname = $words[2]; if ( !$hostIP || !$hostname ) { xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$node: (Error) Missing IP for $node in /etc/hosts" ); return; } # Get the network name the HCP is on $out = `ssh $hcp "vmcp q v nic" | egrep -i "VSWITCH|LAN"`; my @lines = split( '\n', $out ); my $line = xCAT::zvmUtils->trimStr( $lines[0] ); @words = split( ' ', $line ); my $hcpNetName = $words[4]; # Get NIC address from user entry my $userEntry = `ssh $hcp "$::DIR/getuserentry $userId"`; $out = `echo "$userEntry" | grep "NICDEF" | grep "$hcpNetName"`; if (!$out) { # Check for user profile my $profileName = `echo "$userEntry" | grep "INCLUDE"`; if ($profileName) { @words = split( ' ', xCAT::zvmUtils->trimStr($profileName) ); # Get user profile my $userProfile = xCAT::zvmUtils->getUserProfile($hcp, $words[1]); # Get the NICDEF statement containing the HCP network $out = `echo "$userProfile" | grep "NICDEF" | grep "$hcpNetName"`; } } # If no NICDEF is found, exit if ( !$out ) { xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$node: (Error) Missing NICDEF statement in user entry of node" ); return; } # Grab first NICDEF address @lines = split( '\n', $out ); @words = split( ' ', $lines[0] ); my $readChannel; my $writeChannel; my $dataChannel; # Convert subchannel to decimal my $channel = sprintf('%d', hex($words[1])); $readChannel = "0.0." . ( sprintf('%X', $channel + 0) ); if ( length($readChannel) < 8 ) { # Prepend a zero $readChannel = "0.0.0" . ( sprintf('%X', $channel + 0) ); } $writeChannel = "0.0." . ( sprintf('%X', $channel + 1) ); if ( length($writeChannel) < 8 ) { # Prepend a zero $writeChannel = "0.0.0" . ( sprintf('%X', $channel + 1) ); } $dataChannel = "0.0." . ( sprintf('%X', $channel + 2) ); if ( length($dataChannel) < 8 ) { # Prepend a zero $dataChannel = "0.0.0" . ( sprintf('%X', $channel + 2) ); } # Get network type (Layer 2 or 3) $out = `ssh $hcp "vmcp q lan $hcpNetName"`; if ( !$out ) { xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$node: (Error) Could not determine network type (layer 2 or 3)" ); return; } # Go through each line my $layer = 3; # Default to layer 3 @lines = split( '\n', $out ); foreach (@lines) { # If the line contains ETHERNET, then it is a layer 2 network if ( $_ =~ m/ETHERNET/i ) { $layer = 2; } } # Get MAC address (Only for layer 2) my $mac = ""; my @propNames; my $propVals; if ( $layer == 2 ) { # Search 'mac' table for node @propNames = ('mac'); $propVals = xCAT::zvmUtils->getTabPropsByKey( 'mac', 'node', $node, @propNames ); $mac = $propVals->{'mac'}; # If no MAC address is found, exit # MAC address should have been assigned to the node upon creation if ( !$mac ) { xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$node: (Error) Missing MAC address of node" ); return; } } # Get networks in 'networks' table my $entries = xCAT::zvmUtils->getAllTabEntries('networks'); # Go through each network my $network = ""; my $mask; foreach (@$entries) { # Get network and mask $network = $_->{'net'}; $mask = $_->{'mask'}; # If the host IP address is in this subnet, return if (xCAT::NetworkUtils->ishostinsubnet($hostIP, $mask, $network)) { # Exit loop last; } else { $network = ""; } } # If no network found if ( !$network ) { # Exit xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$node: (Error) Node does not belong to any network in the networks table" ); return; } @propNames = ( 'mask', 'gateway', 'tftpserver', 'nameservers' ); $propVals = xCAT::zvmUtils->getTabPropsByKey( 'networks', 'net', $network, @propNames ); my $mask = $propVals->{'mask'}; my $gateway = $propVals->{'gateway'}; my $ftp = $propVals->{'tftpserver'}; # Convert to nameserver IP my $nameserver; if ($propVals->{'nameservers'} eq '') { $nameserver = xCAT::InstUtils->convert_xcatmaster(); } else { $nameserver = $propVals->{'nameservers'}; } if ( !$network || !$mask || !$ftp || !$nameserver ) { # It is acceptable to not have a gateway xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$node: (Error) Missing network information" ); return; } # Get broadcast address of NIC my $ifcfg = xCAT::zvmUtils->getIfcfgByNic( $hcp, $readChannel ); $out = `ssh $hcp "cat $ifcfg" | grep "BROADCAST"`; @words = split( '=', $out ); my $broadcast = $words[1]; $broadcast = xCAT::zvmUtils->trimStr($broadcast); $broadcast =~ s;"|';;g; # Load VMCP module on HCP xCAT::zvmCPUtils->loadVmcp($hcp); # Sample paramter file exists in installation CD (Use that as a guide) my $sampleParm; my $parmHeader; my $parms; my $parmFile; my $kernelFile; my $initFile; # If punch is successful - Look for this string my $searchStr = "created and transferred"; # Default parameters - SUSE my $instNetDev = "osa"; # Only OSA interface type is supported my $osaInterface = "qdio"; # OSA interface = qdio or lcs my $osaMedium = "eth"; # OSA medium = eth (ethernet) or tr (token ring) # Default parameters - RHEL my $netType = "qeth"; my $portName = "FOOBAR"; my $portNo = "0"; # Get postscript content my $postScript; if ( $os =~ m/sles10/i ) { $postScript = "/opt/xcat/share/xcat/install/scripts/post.sles10.s390x"; } elsif ( $os =~ m/sles11/i ) { $postScript = "/opt/xcat/share/xcat/install/scripts/post.sles11.s390x"; } elsif ( $os =~ m/rhel5/i ) { $postScript = "/opt/xcat/share/xcat/install/scripts/post.rhel5.s390x"; } elsif ( $os =~ m/rhel6/i ) { $postScript = "/opt/xcat/share/xcat/install/scripts/post.rhel6.s390x"; } else { xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$node: (Error) No postscript available for $os" ); return; } # SUSE installation my $customTmpl; my $pkglist; my $patterns = ''; my $packages = ''; if ( $os =~ m/sles/i ) { # Create directory in FTP root (/install) to hold template $out = `mkdir -p $installDir/custom/install/sles`; # Copy autoyast template $customTmpl = "$installDir/custom/install/sles/" . $node . "." . $profile . ".tmpl"; if ( -e "$installDir/custom/install/sles/$tmpl" ) { $out = `cp $installDir/custom/install/sles/$tmpl $customTmpl`; } else { xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$node: (Error) An autoyast template does not exist for $os in $installDir/custom/install/sles/" ); return; } # Get pkglist from /install/custom/install/sles/compute.sles11.s390x.otherpkgs.pkglist # Original one is in /opt/xcat/share/xcat/install/sles/compute.sles11.s390x.otherpkgs.pkglist $pkglist = "/install/custom/install/sles/" . $profile . "." . $osBase . "." . $arch . ".pkglist"; if ( !(-e $pkglist) ) { xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$node: Missing package list for $os in /install/custom/install/sles/" ); return; } # Read in each software pattern or package open (FILE, $pkglist); while () { chomp; # Create tags, e.g. # apache # directory_server $_ = xCAT::zvmUtils->trimStr($_); if ($_ && $_ =~ /@/) { $_ =~ s/@//g; $patterns .= "$_"; } elsif ($_) { $packages .= "$_"; } } close (FILE); # Add appropriate software packages or patterns $out = `sed --in-place -e "s,replace_software_packages,$packages,g" \ -e "s,replace_software_patterns,$patterns,g" $customTmpl`; # Copy postscript into template $out = `sed --in-place -e "//r $postScript" $customTmpl`; # Edit template my $device; my $chanIds = "$readChannel $writeChannel $dataChannel"; # SLES 11 if ( $os =~ m/sles11/i ) { $device = "eth0"; } else { # SLES 10 $device = "qeth-bus-ccw-$readChannel"; } $out = `sed --in-place -e "s,replace_host_address,$hostIP,g" \ -e "s,replace_long_name,$hostname,g" \ -e "s,replace_short_name,$node,g" \ -e "s,replace_domain,$domain,g" \ -e "s,replace_hostname,$node,g" \ -e "s,replace_nameserver,$nameserver,g" \ -e "s,replace_broadcast,$broadcast,g" \ -e "s,replace_device,$device,g" \ -e "s,replace_ipaddr,$hostIP,g" \ -e "s,replace_lladdr,$mac,g" \ -e "s,replace_netmask,$mask,g" \ -e "s,replace_network,$network,g" \ -e "s,replace_ccw_chan_ids,$chanIds,g" \ -e "s,replace_ccw_chan_mode,FOOBAR,g" \ -e "s,replace_gateway,$gateway,g" \ -e "s,replace_root_password,$passwd,g" \ -e "s,replace_nic_addr,$readChannel,g" \ -e "s,replace_master,$master,g" \ -e "s,replace_install_dir,$installDir,g" $customTmpl`; # Read sample parmfile in /install/sles10.2/s390x/1/boot/s390x/ $sampleParm = "$installDir/$os/s390x/1/boot/s390x/parmfile"; open( SAMPLEPARM, "<$sampleParm" ); # Search parmfile for -- ramdisk_size=65536 root=/dev/ram1 ro init=/linuxrc TERM=dumb while () { # If the line contains 'ramdisk_size' if ( $_ =~ m/ramdisk_size/i ) { $parmHeader = xCAT::zvmUtils->trimStr($_); } } # Close sample parmfile close(SAMPLEPARM); # Create parmfile -- Limited to 10 lines # End result should be: # ramdisk_size=65536 root=/dev/ram1 ro init=/linuxrc TERM=dumb # HostIP= Hostname=gpok5.endicott.ibm.com # Gateway= Netmask= # Broadcast= Layer2=1 OSAHWaddr=02:00:01:FF:FF:FF # ReadChannel=0.0.0800 WriteChannel=0.0.0801 DataChannel=0.0.0802 # Nameserver= Portname=OSAPORT Portno=0 # Install= # UseVNC=1 VNCPassword=12345678 # InstNetDev=osa OsaInterface=qdio OsaMedium=eth Manual=0 my $ay = "ftp://$ftp/custom/install/sles/" . $node . "." . $profile . ".tmpl"; $parms = $parmHeader . "\n"; $parms = $parms . "AutoYaST=$ay\n"; $parms = $parms . "HostIP=$hostIP Hostname=$hostname\n"; $parms = $parms . "Gateway=$gateway Netmask=$mask\n"; # Set layer in autoyast profile if ( $layer == 2 ) { $parms = $parms . "Broadcast=$broadcast Layer2=1 OSAHWaddr=$mac\n"; } else { $parms = $parms . "Broadcast=$broadcast Layer2=0\n"; } $parms = $parms . "ReadChannel=$readChannel WriteChannel=$writeChannel DataChannel=$dataChannel\n"; $parms = $parms . "Nameserver=$nameserver Portname=$portName Portno=0\n"; $parms = $parms . "Install=ftp://$ftp/$os/s390x/1/\n"; $parms = $parms . "UseVNC=1 VNCPassword=12345678\n"; $parms = $parms . "InstNetDev=$instNetDev OsaInterface=$osaInterface OsaMedium=$osaMedium Manual=0\n"; # Write to parmfile $parmFile = "/tmp/" . $node . "Parm"; open( PARMFILE, ">$parmFile" ); print PARMFILE "$parms"; close(PARMFILE); # Send kernel, parmfile, and initrd to reader to HCP $kernelFile = "/tmp/" . $node . "Kernel"; $initFile = "/tmp/" . $node . "Initrd"; $out = `cp $installDir/$os/s390x/1/boot/s390x/vmrdr.ikr $kernelFile`; $out = `cp $installDir/$os/s390x/1/boot/s390x/initrd $initFile`; xCAT::zvmUtils->sendFile( $hcp, $kernelFile, $kernelFile ); xCAT::zvmUtils->sendFile( $hcp, $parmFile, $parmFile ); xCAT::zvmUtils->sendFile( $hcp, $initFile, $initFile ); # Set the virtual unit record devices online on HCP $out = xCAT::zvmUtils->disableEnableDisk( $callback, $hcp, "-e", "c" ); $out = xCAT::zvmUtils->disableEnableDisk( $callback, $hcp, "-e", "d" ); # Purge reader $out = xCAT::zvmCPUtils->purgeReader( $hcp, $userId ); xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$node: Purging reader... Done" ); # Punch kernel to reader on HCP $out = xCAT::zvmCPUtils->punch2Reader( $hcp, $userId, $kernelFile, "sles.kernel", "" ); xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$node: Punching kernel to reader... $out" ); if ( $out =~ m/Failed/i ) { return; } # Punch parm to reader on HCP $out = xCAT::zvmCPUtils->punch2Reader( $hcp, $userId, $parmFile, "sles.parm", "-t" ); xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$node: Punching parm to reader... $out" ); if ( $out =~ m/Failed/i ) { return; } # Punch initrd to reader on HCP $out = xCAT::zvmCPUtils->punch2Reader( $hcp, $userId, $initFile, "sles.initrd", "" ); xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$node: Punching initrd to reader... $out" ); if ( $out =~ m/Failed/i ) { return; } # Remove kernel, parmfile, and initrd from /tmp $out = `rm $parmFile $kernelFile $initFile`; $out = `ssh -o ConnectTimeout=5 $hcp "rm $parmFile $kernelFile $initFile"`; xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$node: Kernel, parm, and initrd punched to reader. Ready for boot." ); } # RHEL installation elsif ( $os =~ m/rhel/i ) { # Create directory in FTP root (/install) to hold template $out = `mkdir -p $installDir/custom/install/rh`; # Copy kickstart template $customTmpl = "$installDir/custom/install/rh/" . $node . "." . $profile . ".tmpl"; if ( -e "$installDir/custom/install/rh/$tmpl" ) { $out = `cp $installDir/custom/install/rh/$tmpl $customTmpl`; } else { xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$node: (Error) An kickstart template does not exist for $os in $installDir/custom/install/rh/" ); return; } # Get pkglist from /install/custom/install/sles/compute.sles11.s390x.otherpkgs.pkglist # Original one is in /opt/xcat/share/xcat/install/sles/compute.sles11.s390x.otherpkgs.pkglist $pkglist = "/install/custom/install/rh/" . $profile . "." . $osBase . "." . $arch . ".pkglist"; if ( !(-e $pkglist) ) { xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$node: Missing package list for $os in /install/custom/install/rh/" ); return; } # Read in each software pattern or package open (FILE, $pkglist); while () { chomp; $_ = xCAT::zvmUtils->trimStr($_); $packages .= "$_\\n"; } close (FILE); # Add appropriate software packages or patterns $out = `sed --in-place -e "s,replace_software_packages,$packages,g" $customTmpl`; # Copy postscript into template $out = `sed --in-place -e "/%post/r $postScript" $customTmpl`; # Edit template my $url = "ftp://$ftp/$os/s390x/"; $out = `sed --in-place -e "s,replace_url,$url,g" \ -e "s,replace_ip,$hostIP,g" \ -e "s,replace_netmask,$mask,g" \ -e "s,replace_gateway,$gateway,g" \ -e "s,replace_nameserver,$nameserver,g" \ -e "s,replace_hostname,$hostname,g" \ -e "s,replace_rootpw,$passwd,g" \ -e "s,replace_master,$master,g" \ -e "s,replace_install_dir,$installDir,g" $customTmpl`; # Read sample parmfile in /install/rhel5.3/s390x/images $sampleParm = "$installDir/$os/s390x/images/generic.prm"; open( SAMPLEPARM, "<$sampleParm" ); # Search parmfile for -- root=/dev/ram0 ro ip=off ramdisk_size=40000 while () { # If the line contains 'ramdisk_size' if ( $_ =~ m/ramdisk_size/i ) { $parmHeader = xCAT::zvmUtils->trimStr($_); # RHEL 6.1 needs cio_ignore in order to install if ( !($os =~ m/rhel6.1/i) ) { $parmHeader =~ s/cio_ignore=all,!0.0.0009//g; } } } # Close sample parmfile close(SAMPLEPARM); # Get mdisk address my @mdisks = xCAT::zvmUtils->getMdisks( $callback, $node ); my $dasd = ""; my $i = 0; foreach (@mdisks) { $i = $i + 1; @words = split( ' ', $_ ); # Do not put a comma at the end of the last disk address if ( $i == @mdisks ) { $dasd = $dasd . "0.0.$words[1]"; } else { $dasd = $dasd . "0.0.$words[1],"; } } # Create parmfile -- Limited to 80 characters/line, maximum of 11 lines # End result should be: # ramdisk_size=40000 root=/dev/ram0 ro ip=off # ks= # RUNKS=1 cmdline # DASD=0.0.0100 HOSTNAME=gpok4.endicott.ibm.com # NETTYPE=qeth IPADDR= # SUBCHANNELS=0.0.0800,0.0.0801,0.0.0800 # NETWORK= NETMASK= # SEARCHDNS=endicott.ibm.com BROADCAST= # GATEWAY= DNS= MTU=1500 # PORTNAME=UNASSIGNED PORTNO=0 LAYER2=0 # vnc vncpassword=12345678 my $ks = "ftp://$ftp/custom/install/rh/" . $node . "." . $profile . ".tmpl"; $parms = $parmHeader . "\n"; $parms = $parms . "ks=$ks\n"; $parms = $parms . "RUNKS=1 cmdline\n"; $parms = $parms . "DASD=$dasd HOSTNAME=$hostname\n"; $parms = $parms . "NETTYPE=$netType IPADDR=$hostIP\n"; $parms = $parms . "SUBCHANNELS=$readChannel,$writeChannel,$dataChannel\n"; $parms = $parms . "NETWORK=$network NETMASK=$mask\n"; $parms = $parms . "SEARCHDNS=$domain BROADCAST=$broadcast\n"; $parms = $parms . "GATEWAY=$gateway DNS=$nameserver MTU=1500\n"; # Set layer in kickstart profile if ( $layer == 2 ) { $parms = $parms . "PORTNAME=$portName PORTNO=$portNo LAYER2=1 MACADDR=$mac\n"; } else { $parms = $parms . "PORTNAME=$portName PORTNO=$portNo LAYER2=0\n"; } $parms = $parms . "vnc vncpassword=12345678\n"; # Write to parmfile $parmFile = "/tmp/" . $node . "Parm"; open( PARMFILE, ">$parmFile" ); print PARMFILE "$parms"; close(PARMFILE); # Send kernel, parmfile, conf, and initrd to reader to HCP $kernelFile = "/tmp/" . $node . "Kernel"; $initFile = "/tmp/" . $node . "Initrd"; $out = `cp $installDir/$os/s390x/images/kernel.img $kernelFile`; $out = `cp $installDir/$os/s390x/images/initrd.img $initFile`; xCAT::zvmUtils->sendFile( $hcp, $kernelFile, $kernelFile ); xCAT::zvmUtils->sendFile( $hcp, $parmFile, $parmFile ); xCAT::zvmUtils->sendFile( $hcp, $initFile, $initFile ); # Set the virtual unit record devices online $out = xCAT::zvmUtils->disableEnableDisk( $callback, $hcp, "-e", "c" ); $out = xCAT::zvmUtils->disableEnableDisk( $callback, $hcp, "-e", "d" ); # Purge reader $out = xCAT::zvmCPUtils->purgeReader( $hcp, $userId ); xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$node: Purging reader... Done" ); # Punch kernel to reader on HCP $out = xCAT::zvmCPUtils->punch2Reader( $hcp, $userId, $kernelFile, "rhel.kernel", "" ); xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$node: Punching kernel to reader... $out" ); if ( $out =~ m/Failed/i ) { return; } # Punch parm to reader on HCP $out = xCAT::zvmCPUtils->punch2Reader( $hcp, $userId, $parmFile, "rhel.parm", "-t" ); xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$node: Punching parm to reader... $out" ); if ( $out =~ m/Failed/i ) { return; } # Punch initrd to reader on HCP $out = xCAT::zvmCPUtils->punch2Reader( $hcp, $userId, $initFile, "rhel.initrd", "" ); xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$node: Punching initrd to reader... $out" ); if ( $out =~ m/Failed/i ) { return; } # Remove kernel, parmfile, and initrd from /tmp $out = `rm $parmFile $kernelFile $initFile`; $out = `ssh -o ConnectTimeout=5 $hcp "rm $parmFile $kernelFile $initFile"`; xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$node: Kernel, parm, and initrd punched to reader. Ready for boot." ); } } elsif ( $action eq "statelite" ) { # Get node group from 'nodelist' table @propNames = ('groups'); $propVals = xCAT::zvmUtils->getTabPropsByKey( 'nodelist', 'node', $node, @propNames ); my $group = $propVals->{'groups'}; # Get node statemnt (statelite mount point) from 'statelite' table @propNames = ('statemnt'); $propVals = xCAT::zvmUtils->getTabPropsByKey( 'statelite', 'node', $node, @propNames ); my $stateMnt = $propVals->{'statemnt'}; if ( !$stateMnt ) { $propVals = xCAT::zvmUtils->getTabPropsByKey( 'statelite', 'node', $group, @propNames ); $stateMnt = $propVals->{'statemnt'}; if ( !$stateMnt ) { xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$node: (Error) Missing node statemnt in statelite table" ); return; } } # Netboot directory my $netbootDir = "$installDir/netboot/$os/$arch/$profile"; my $kernelFile = "$netbootDir/kernel"; my $parmFile = "$netbootDir/parm-statelite"; my $initFile = "$netbootDir/initrd-statelite.gz"; # If parmfile exists if ( -e $parmFile ) { # Do nothing } else { xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$node: Creating parmfile" ); my $sampleParm; my $parmHeader; my $parms; if ( $os =~ m/sles/i ) { if ( -e "$installDir/$os/s390x/1/boot/s390x/parmfile" ) { # Read sample parmfile in /install/sles11.1/s390x/1/boot/s390x/ $sampleParm = "$installDir/$os/s390x/1/boot/s390x/parmfile"; } else { xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$node: (Error) Missing $installDir/$os/s390x/1/boot/s390x/parmfile" ); return; } } elsif ( $os =~ m/rhel/i ) { if ( -e "$installDir/$os/s390x/images/generic.prm" ) { # Read sample parmfile in /install/rhel5.3/s390x/images $sampleParm = "$installDir/$os/s390x/images/generic.prm"; } else { xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$node: (Error) Missing $installDir/$os/s390x/images/generic.prm" ); return; } } open( SAMPLEPARM, "<$sampleParm" ); # Search parmfile for -- ramdisk_size=65536 root=/dev/ram1 ro init=/linuxrc TERM=dumb while () { # If the line contains 'ramdisk_size' if ( $_ =~ m/ramdisk_size/i ) { $parmHeader = xCAT::zvmUtils->trimStr($_); } } # Close sample parmfile close(SAMPLEPARM); # Create parmfile # End result should be: # ramdisk_size=65536 root=/dev/ram1 ro init=/linuxrc TERM=dumb # NFSROOT= # STATEMNT= XCAT= $parms = $parmHeader . "\n"; $parms = $parms . "NFSROOT=$master:$netbootDir\n"; $parms = $parms . "STATEMNT=$stateMnt XCAT=$master:$xcatdPort\n"; # Write to parmfile open( PARMFILE, ">$parmFile" ); print PARMFILE "$parms"; close(PARMFILE); } # Temporary kernel, parmfile, and initrd my $tmpKernelFile = "/tmp/$os-kernel"; my $tmpParmFile = "/tmp/$os-parm-statelite"; my $tmpInitFile = "/tmp/$os-initrd-statelite.gz"; if (`ssh -o ConnectTimeout=5 $hcp "ls /tmp" | grep "$os-kernel"`) { # Do nothing } else { # Send kernel to reader to HCP xCAT::zvmUtils->sendFile( $hcp, $kernelFile, $tmpKernelFile ); } if (`ssh -o ConnectTimeout=5 $hcp "ls /tmp" | grep "$os-parm-statelite"`) { # Do nothing } else { # Send parmfile to reader to HCP xCAT::zvmUtils->sendFile( $hcp, $parmFile, $tmpParmFile ); } if (`ssh -o ConnectTimeout=5 $hcp "ls /tmp" | grep "$os-initrd-statelite.gz"`) { # Do nothing } else { # Send initrd to reader to HCP xCAT::zvmUtils->sendFile( $hcp, $initFile, $tmpInitFile ); } # Set the virtual unit record devices online $out = xCAT::zvmUtils->disableEnableDisk( $callback, $hcp, "-e", "c" ); $out = xCAT::zvmUtils->disableEnableDisk( $callback, $hcp, "-e", "d" ); # Purge reader $out = xCAT::zvmCPUtils->purgeReader( $hcp, $userId ); xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$node: Purging reader... Done" ); # Kernel, parm, and initrd are in /install/netboot/// # Punch kernel to reader on HCP $out = xCAT::zvmCPUtils->punch2Reader( $hcp, $userId, $tmpKernelFile, "sles.kernel", "" ); xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$node: Punching kernel to reader... $out" ); if ( $out =~ m/Failed/i ) { return; } # Punch parm to reader on HCP $out = xCAT::zvmCPUtils->punch2Reader( $hcp, $userId, $tmpParmFile, "sles.parm", "-t" ); xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$node: Punching parm to reader... $out" ); if ( $out =~ m/Failed/i ) { return; } # Punch initrd to reader on HCP $out = xCAT::zvmCPUtils->punch2Reader( $hcp, $userId, $tmpInitFile, "sles.initrd", "" ); xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$node: Punching initrd to reader... $out" ); if ( $out =~ m/Failed/i ) { return; } xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$node: Kernel, parm, and initrd punched to reader. Ready for boot." ); } else { xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$node: (Error) Option not supported" ); return; } return; } #------------------------------------------------------- =head3 getMacs Description : Get the MAC address of a given node * Requires the node be online * Saves MAC address in 'mac' table Arguments : Node Returns : Nothing Example : getMacs($callback, $node, $args); =cut #------------------------------------------------------- sub getMacs { # Get inputs my ( $callback, $node, $args ) = @_; # Get node properties from 'zvm' table my @propNames = ( 'hcp', 'userid' ); my $propVals = xCAT::zvmUtils->getNodeProps( 'zvm', $node, @propNames ); # Get HCP my $hcp = $propVals->{'hcp'}; if ( !$hcp ) { xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$node: (Error) Missing node HCP" ); return; } # Get node userID my $userId = $propVals->{'userid'}; if ( !$userId ) { xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$node: (Error) Missing node ID" ); return; } # Capitalize userID $userId =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/; # Get MAC address in 'mac' table @propNames = ('mac'); $propVals = xCAT::zvmUtils->getNodeProps( 'mac', $node, @propNames ); my $mac; if ( $propVals->{'mac'} ) { # Get MAC address $mac = $propVals->{'mac'}; xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$node: $mac" ); return; } # If MAC address is not in the 'mac' table, get it using VMCP xCAT::zvmCPUtils->loadVmcp($node); # Get xCat MN Lan/VSwitch name my $out = `vmcp q v nic | egrep -i "VSWITCH|LAN"`; my @lines = split( '\n', $out ); my @words; # Go through each line and extract VSwitch and Lan names # and create search string my $searchStr = ""; my $i; for ( $i = 0 ; $i < @lines ; $i++ ) { # Extract VSwitch name if ( $lines[$i] =~ m/VSWITCH/i ) { @words = split( ' ', $lines[$i] ); $searchStr = $searchStr . "$words[4]"; } # Extract Lan name elsif ( $lines[$i] =~ m/LAN/i ) { @words = split( ' ', $lines[$i] ); $searchStr = $searchStr . "$words[4]"; } if ( $i != ( @lines - 1 ) ) { $searchStr = $searchStr . "|"; } } # Get MAC address of node # This node should be on only 1 of the networks that the xCat MN is on $out = `ssh -o ConnectTimeout=5 $node "vmcp q v nic" | egrep -i "$searchStr"`; if ( !$out ) { xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$node: (Error) Failed to find MAC address" ); return; } @lines = split( '\n', $out ); @words = split( ' ', $lines[0] ); $mac = $words[1]; # Replace - with : $mac = xCAT::zvmUtils->replaceStr( $mac, "-", ":" ); xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$node: $mac" ); # Save MAC address and network interface into 'mac' table xCAT::zvmUtils->setNodeProp( 'mac', $node, 'mac', $mac ); return; } #------------------------------------------------------- =head3 netBoot Description : Boot from network Arguments : Node Address to IPL from Returns : Nothing Example : netBoot($callback, $node, $args); =cut #------------------------------------------------------- sub netBoot { # Get inputs my ( $callback, $node, $args ) = @_; # Get node properties from 'zvm' table my @propNames = ( 'hcp', 'userid' ); my $propVals = xCAT::zvmUtils->getNodeProps( 'zvm', $node, @propNames ); # Get HCP my $hcp = $propVals->{'hcp'}; if ( !$hcp ) { xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$node: (Error) Missing node HCP" ); return; } # Get node userID my $userId = $propVals->{'userid'}; if ( !$userId ) { xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$node: (Error) Missing node ID" ); return; } # Capitalize userID $userId =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/; # Get IPL my @ipl = split( '=', $args->[0] ); if ( !( $ipl[0] eq "ipl" ) ) { xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$node: (Error) Missing IPL" ); return; } # Boot node my $out = `ssh $hcp "$::DIR/startvs $userId"`; my $rc = xCAT::zvmUtils->checkOutput( $callback, $out ); if ( $rc == -1 ) { xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$node: (Error) Boot failed" ); return; } else { xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$node: $out" ); } # IPL when virtual server is online sleep(5); $out = xCAT::zvmCPUtils->sendCPCmd( $hcp, $userId, "IPL $ipl[1]" ); xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$node: Booting from $ipl[1]... Done" ); return; } #------------------------------------------------------- =head3 updateNode (No longer supported) Description : Update node Arguments : Node Option Options supported: * release [updated version] Returns : Nothing Example : updateNode($callback, $node, $args); =cut #------------------------------------------------------- sub updateNode { # Get inputs my ( $callback, $node, $args ) = @_; # Get node properties from 'zvm' table my @propNames = ( 'hcp', 'userid' ); my $propVals = xCAT::zvmUtils->getNodeProps( 'zvm', $node, @propNames ); # Get HCP my $hcp = $propVals->{'hcp'}; if ( !$hcp ) { xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$node: (Error) Missing node HCP" ); return; } # Get node userID my $userId = $propVals->{'userid'}; if ( !$userId ) { xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$node: (Error) Missing node ID" ); return; } # Capitalize userID $userId =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/; # Get install directory my $siteTab = xCAT::Table->new('site'); my $installDirHash = $siteTab->getAttribs( { key => "installdir" }, 'value' ); my $installDir = $installDirHash->{'value'}; # Get host IP and hostname from /etc/hosts my $out = `cat /etc/hosts | grep $node`; my @words = split( ' ', $out ); my $hostIP = $words[0]; my $hostname = $words[2]; if ( !$hostIP || !$hostname ) { xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$node: (Error) Missing IP for $node in /etc/hosts" ); return; } # Get first 3 octets of node IP (IPv4) @words = split( /\./, $hostIP ); my $octets = "$words[0].$words[1].$words[2]"; # Get networks in 'networks' table my $entries = xCAT::zvmUtils->getAllTabEntries('networks'); # Go through each network my $network; foreach (@$entries) { # Get network $network = $_->{'net'}; # If networks contains the first 3 octets of the node IP if ( $network =~ m/$octets/i ) { # Exit loop last; } else { $network = ""; } } # If no network found if ( !$network ) { # Exit xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$node: (Error) Node does not belong to any networks in the networks table" ); return; } # Get FTP server @propNames = ('tftpserver'); $propVals = xCAT::zvmUtils->getTabPropsByKey( 'networks', 'net', $network, @propNames ); my $ftp = $propVals->{'tftpserver'}; if ( !$ftp ) { # It is acceptable to not have a gateway xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$node: (Error) Missing FTP server" ); return; } # Update node operating system if ( $args->[0] eq "--release" ) { my $version = $args->[1]; if ( !$version ) { xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$node: (Error) Missing operating system release" ); return; } # Get node operating system my $os = xCAT::zvmUtils->getOs($node); # Check node OS is the same as the version OS given # You do not want to update a SLES with a RHEL if ( ( ( $os =~ m/SUSE/i ) && !( $version =~ m/sles/i ) ) || ( ( $os =~ m/Red Hat/i ) && !( $version =~ m/rhel/i ) ) ) { xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$node: (Error) Node operating system is different from the operating system given to upgrade to" ); return; } # Generate FTP path to operating system image my $path; if ( $version =~ m/sles/i ) { # The following only applies to SLES 10 # SLES 11 requires zypper # SuSE Enterprise Linux path - $path = "ftp://$ftp/$version/s390x/1/"; # Add installation source using rug $out = `ssh $node "rug sa -t zypp $path $version"`; xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$node: $out" ); # Subscribe to catalog $out = `ssh $node "rug sub $version"`; xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$node: $out" ); # Refresh services $out = `ssh $node "rug ref"`; xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$node: $out" ); # Update $out = `ssh $node "rug up -y"`; xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$node: $out" ); } else { # Red Hat Enterprise Linux path - $path = "ftp://$ftp/$version/s390x/Server/"; # Check if file.repo already has this repository location $out = `ssh $node "cat /etc/yum.repos.d/file.repo"`; if ( $out =~ m/[$version]/i ) { # Send over release key my $key = "$installDir/$version/s390x/RPM-GPG-KEY-redhat-release"; my $tmp = "/tmp/RPM-GPG-KEY-redhat-release"; xCAT::zvmUtils->sendFile( $node, $key, $tmp ); # Import key $out = `ssh $node "rpm --import /tmp/$key"`; # Upgrade $out = `ssh $node "yum upgrade -y"`; xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$node: $out" ); } else { # Create repository $out = `ssh $node "echo [$version] >> /etc/yum.repos.d/file.repo"`; $out = `ssh $node "echo baseurl=$path >> /etc/yum.repos.d/file.repo"`; $out = `ssh $node "echo enabled=1 >> /etc/yum.repos.d/file.repo"`; # Send over release key my $key = "$installDir/$version/s390x/RPM-GPG-KEY-redhat-release"; my $tmp = "/tmp/RPM-GPG-KEY-redhat-release"; xCAT::zvmUtils->sendFile( $node, $key, $tmp ); # Import key $out = `ssh $node "rpm --import $tmp"`; # Upgrade $out = `ssh $node "yum upgrade -y"`; xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$node: $out" ); } } } # Otherwise, print out error else { $out = "$node: (Error) Option not supported"; } xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "$out" ); return; } #------------------------------------------------------- =head3 listTree Description : Show the nodes hierarchy tree Arguments : Node range (zHCP) Returns : Nothing Example : listHierarchy($callback, $nodes, $args); =cut #------------------------------------------------------- sub listTree { # Get inputs my ( $callback, $nodes, $args ) = @_; my @nodes = @$nodes; my $option = ''; if ($args) { @ARGV = @$args; # Parse options GetOptions( 'o' => \$option ); } # In order for this command to work, issue under /opt/xcat/bin: # ln -s /opt/xcat/bin/xcatclient lstree my %tree; my $node; my $parent; my $found; # Create hierachy structure: CEC -> LPAR -> zVM -> VM # Get table my $tab = xCAT::Table->new( 'zvm', -create => 1, -autocommit => 0 ); # Get CEC entries # There should be few of these nodes my @entries = $tab->getAllAttribsWhere( "nodetype = 'cec'", 'node', 'parent' ); foreach (@entries) { $node = $_->{'node'}; # Make CEC the tree root $tree{$node} = {}; } # Get LPAR entries # There should be a couple of these nodes @entries = $tab->getAllAttribsWhere( "nodetype = 'lpar'", 'node', 'parent' ); foreach (@entries) { $node = $_->{'node'}; # LPAR $parent = $_->{'parent'}; # CEC # Add LPAR branch $tree{$parent}{$node} = {}; } # Get zVM entries # There should be a couple of these nodes $found = 0; @entries = $tab->getAllAttribsWhere( "nodetype = 'zvm'", 'node', 'parent' ); foreach (@entries) { $node = $_->{'node'}; # zVM $parent = $_->{'parent'}; # LPAR # Find CEC root based on LPAR # CEC -> LPAR $found = 0; foreach my $cec(sort keys %tree) { foreach my $lpar(sort keys %{$tree{$cec}}) { if ($lpar eq $parent) { # Add LPAR branch $tree{$cec}{$parent}{$node} = {}; $found = 1; last; } # Handle second level zVM foreach my $vm(sort keys %{$tree{$cec}{$lpar}}) { if ($vm eq $parent) { # Add VM branch $tree{$cec}{$lpar}{$parent}{$node} = {}; $found = 1; last; } } # End of foreach zVM } # End of foreach LPAR # Exit loop if LPAR branch added if ($found) { last; } } # End of foreach CEC } # Get VM entries # There should be many of these nodes $found = 0; @entries = $tab->getAllAttribsWhere( "nodetype = 'vm'", 'node', 'parent', 'userid' ); foreach (@entries) { $node = $_->{'node'}; # VM $parent = $_->{'parent'}; # zVM # Skip node if it is not in noderange if (!xCAT::zvmUtils->inArray($node, @nodes)) { next; } # Find CEC/LPAR root based on zVM # CEC -> LPAR -> zVM $found = 0; foreach my $cec(sort keys %tree) { foreach my $lpar(sort keys %{$tree{$cec}}) { foreach my $zvm(sort keys %{$tree{$cec}{$lpar}}) { if ($zvm eq $parent) { # Add zVM branch $tree{$cec}{$lpar}{$parent}{$node} = $_->{'userid'}; $found = 1; last; } # Handle second level zVM foreach my $vm(sort keys %{$tree{$cec}{$lpar}{$zvm}}) { if ($vm eq $parent) { # Add VM branch $tree{$cec}{$lpar}{$zvm}{$parent}{$node} = $_->{'userid'}; $found = 1; last; } } # End of foreach VM } # End of foreach zVM # Exit loop if zVM branch added if ($found) { last; } } # End of foreach LPAR # Exit loop if zVM branch added if ($found) { last; } } # End of foreach CEC } # End of foreach VM node # Print tree # Loop through CECs foreach my $cec(sort keys %tree) { xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "CEC: $cec" ); # Loop through LPARs foreach my $lpar(sort keys %{$tree{$cec}}) { xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, "|__LPAR: $lpar" ); # Loop through zVMs foreach my $zvm(sort keys %{$tree{$cec}{$lpar}}) { xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, " |__zVM: $zvm" ); # Loop through VMs foreach my $vm(sort keys %{$tree{$cec}{$lpar}{$zvm}}) { # Handle second level zVM if (ref($tree{$cec}{$lpar}{$zvm}{$vm}) eq 'HASH') { xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, " |__zVM: $vm" ); foreach my $vm2(sort keys %{$tree{$cec}{$lpar}{$zvm}{$vm}}) { xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, " |__VM: $vm2 ($tree{$cec}{$lpar}{$zvm}{$vm}{$vm2})" ); } } else { xCAT::zvmUtils->printLn( $callback, " |__VM: $vm ($tree{$cec}{$lpar}{$zvm}{$vm})" ); } } # End of foreach VM } # End of foreach zVM } # End of foreach LPAR } # End of foreach CEC return; }