# IBM(c) 2007 EPL license http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html

package xCAT::PPCconn;
use strict;
use Getopt::Long;
use xCAT::Usage;

# Globals
my %method = (
    mkhwconn => \&mkhwconn_parse_args,
    lshwconn => \&lshwconn_parse_args,
    rmhwconn => \&rmhwconn_parse_args,
    inithwpw => \&inithwpw_parse_args
# Parse the command line for options and operands
sub parse_args {

    my $request = shift;
    my $cmd = $request->{command};
    # Invoke correct parse_args

    my $result = $method{$cmd}( $request, $request->{arg});
    return( $result );

# Parse arguments for mkhwconn
sub mkhwconn_parse_args
    my $request = shift;
    my $args    = shift;
    my %opt = ();

    local *usage = sub {
        my $usage_string = xCAT::Usage->getUsage("mkhwconn");
        return( [ $_[0], $usage_string] );
    # Process command-line arguments
    if ( !defined( $args )) {
        return(usage( "No command specified" ));

    local @ARGV = ref($args) eq 'ARRAY'? @$args:();
    $Getopt::Long::ignorecase = 0;
    Getopt::Long::Configure( "bundling" );

    if ( !GetOptions( \%opt, qw(V|verbose h|help t p=s P=s) )) {
        return( usage() );
    return usage() if ( exists $opt{h});

    if ( exists $opt{t} and exists $opt{p})
        return( usage('Flags -t and -p cannot be used together.'));

    if ( exists $opt{P} and ! exists $opt{p})
        return( usage('Flags -P can only be used when flag -p is specified.'));

    # Check if CECs are controlled by a frame
    my $nodes = $request->{node};
    my $ppctab  = xCAT::Table->new( 'ppc' );
    my $nodetypetab = xCAT::Table->new( 'nodetype');
    my $vpdtab = xCAT::Table->new( 'vpd');
    my @bpa_ctrled_nodes = ();
    my @no_type_nodes    = ();
    my @frame_members    = ();
    if ( $ppctab)
        for my $node ( @$nodes)
            my $node_parent = undef;
            my $nodetype    = undef;
            my $nodetype_hash    = $nodetypetab->getNodeAttribs( $node,[qw(nodetype)]);
            my $node_parent_hash = $ppctab->getNodeAttribs( $node,[qw(parent)]);
            $nodetype    = $nodetype_hash->{nodetype};
            $node_parent = $node_parent_hash->{parent};
            if ( !$nodetype)
                push @no_type_nodes, $node;
            if ( $nodetype eq 'fsp' and 
                $node_parent and 
                $node_parent ne $node)
                push @bpa_ctrled_nodes, $node;
            if ( $nodetype eq 'bpa')
                my $my_frame_bpa_cec = getFrameMembers( $node, $vpdtab, $ppctab);
                push @frame_members, @$my_frame_bpa_cec;

    if (scalar(@no_type_nodes))
        my $tmp_nodelist = join ',', @no_type_nodes;
        return ( usage("Attribute nodetype.nodetype cannot be found for node(s) $tmp_nodelist"));

    if (scalar(@bpa_ctrled_nodes))
        my $tmp_nodelist = join ',', @bpa_ctrled_nodes;
        return ( usage("Node(s) $tmp_nodelist is(are) controlled by BPA."));
    if ( scalar( @frame_members))
        my @all_nodes = xCAT::Utils::get_unique_members( @$nodes, @frame_members);
        $request->{node} = \@all_nodes;
    # Set HW type to 'hmc' anyway, so that this command will not going to 
    # PPCfsp.pm
    $request->{ 'hwtype'} = 'hmc';
    $request->{method} = 'mkhwconn';
    return( \%opt);

# Get frame members
#ppc/vpd nodes cache
my @all_ppc_nodes;
my @all_vpd_nodes;
sub getFrameMembers
    my $node = shift; #this a BPA node
    my $vpdtab = shift;
    my $ppctab = shift;
    my @frame_members = ();
    my @bpa_nodes     = ();
    my $vpdhash = $vpdtab->getNodeAttribs( $node, [qw(mtm serial)]);
    my $mtm = $vpdhash->{mtm};
    my $serial = $vpdhash->{serial};
    if ( scalar( @all_vpd_nodes) == 0)
        @all_vpd_nodes = $vpdtab->getAllNodeAttribs( ['node', 'mtm', 'serial']);
    for my $vpd_node (@all_vpd_nodes)
        if ( $vpd_node->{'mtm'} eq $mtm and $vpd_node->{'serial'} eq $serial)
            push @frame_members, $vpd_node->{'node'};
            push @bpa_nodes, $vpd_node->{'node'};

    if ( scalar( @all_ppc_nodes) == 0)
        @all_ppc_nodes = $ppctab->getAllNodeAttribs( ['node', 'parent']);
    for my $bpa_node (@bpa_nodes)
        for my $ppc_node (@all_ppc_nodes)
            if ( $ppc_node->{parent} eq $bpa_node)
                push @frame_members, $ppc_node->{'node'};
    return \@frame_members;

# Parse arguments for lshwconn
sub lshwconn_parse_args
    my $request = shift;
    my $args    = shift;
    my %opt = ();

    local *usage = sub {
        my $usage_string = xCAT::Usage->getUsage("lshwconn");
        return( [ $_[0], $usage_string] );
# Get options in command line
    local @ARGV = ref($args) eq 'ARRAY'? @$args:();
    $Getopt::Long::ignorecase = 0;
    Getopt::Long::Configure( "bundling" );

    if ( !GetOptions( \%opt, qw(V|verbose h|help) )) {
        return( usage() );
    return usage() if ( exists $opt{h});

    # Process command-line arguments
    if ( scalar( @ARGV)) {
        return(usage( "No additional flag is support by this command" ));
    my $nodetypetab = xCAT::Table->new('nodetype');
    if (! $nodetypetab)
        return( ["Failed to open table 'nodetype'.\n"]);
    my $nodehmtab = xCAT::Table->new('nodehm');
    if (! $nodehmtab)
        return( ["Failed to open table 'nodehm'.\n"]);

    my $nodetype;
    for my $node ( @{$request->{node}})
        my $ent = $nodetypetab->getNodeAttribs( $node, [qw(nodetype)]);
        my $nodehm = $nodehmtab->getNodeAttribs( $node, [qw(mgt)]);
        if ( ! $ent) 
            return( ["Failed to get node type for node $node.\n"]);
        if ( ! $nodehm)
            return( ["Failed to get nodehm.mgt value for node $node.\n"]);
        elsif ( $nodehm->{mgt} ne 'hmc')
            return( ["lshwconn can only support HMC nodes, or nodes managed by HMC, i.e. nodehm.mgt should be 'hmc'. Please make sure node $node has correect nodehm.mgt and ppc.hcp value.\n"]);
        if ( $ent->{nodetype} ne 'hmc' 
                and $ent->{nodetype} ne 'fsp' 
                and $ent->{nodetype} ne 'bpa')
            return( ["Node type $ent->{nodetype} is not supported for this command.\n"]);
        if ( ! $nodetype)
            $nodetype = $ent->{nodetype};
            if ( $nodetype ne $ent->{nodetype})
                return( ["Cannot support multiple node types in this command line.\n"]);

    $request->{nodetype} = $nodetype;

    $request->{method} = 'lshwconn';
    return( \%opt);

# Parse arguments for rmhwconn
sub rmhwconn_parse_args
    my $request = shift;
    my $args    = shift;
    my %opt = ();

    local *usage = sub {
        my $usage_string = xCAT::Usage->getUsage("rmhwconn");
        return( [ $_[0], $usage_string] );
    # Get options in command line
    local @ARGV = ref($args) eq 'ARRAY'? @$args:();
    $Getopt::Long::ignorecase = 0;
    Getopt::Long::Configure( "bundling" );

    if ( !GetOptions( \%opt, qw(V|verbose h|help) )) {
        return( usage() );
    return usage() if ( exists $opt{h});

    # Process command-line arguments
    if ( scalar (@ARGV)) {
        return(usage( "No additional flag is support by this command" ));
    # Check if CECs are controlled by a frame
    my $nodes = $request->{node};
    my $ppctab  = xCAT::Table->new( 'ppc' );
    return( ["Failed to open table 'ppc'.\n"]) if ( ! $ppctab);
    my $nodetypetab = xCAT::Table->new( 'nodetype');
    return( ["Failed to open table 'nodetype'.\n"]) if ( ! $nodetypetab);
    my $vpdtab = xCAT::Table->new( 'vpd');
    return( ["Failed to open table 'vpd'.\n"]) if ( ! $vpdtab);
    my $nodehmtab = xCAT::Table->new('nodehm');
    return( ["Failed to open table 'nodehm'.\n"]) if (! $nodehmtab);
    my @bpa_ctrled_nodes = ();
    my @no_type_nodes    = ();
    my @frame_members    = ();
    for my $node ( @$nodes)
        my $nodehm = $nodehmtab->getNodeAttribs( $node, [qw(mgt)]);
        if ( ! $nodehm)
            return( ["Failed to get nodehm.mgt value for node $node.\n"]);
        elsif ( $nodehm->{mgt} ne 'hmc')
            return( ["rmhwconn can only support nodes managed by HMC, i.e. nodehm.mgt should be 'hmc'. Please make sure node $node has correect nodehm.mgt and ppc.hcp value.\n"]);
        my $node_parent = undef;
        my $nodetype    = undef;
        my $nodetype_hash    = $nodetypetab->getNodeAttribs( $node,[qw(nodetype)]);
        my $node_parent_hash = $ppctab->getNodeAttribs( $node,[qw(parent)]);
        $nodetype    = $nodetype_hash->{nodetype};
        $node_parent = $node_parent_hash->{parent};
        if ( !$nodetype)
            push @no_type_nodes, $node;

        if ( $nodetype eq 'fsp' and 
                $node_parent and 
                $node_parent ne $node)
            push @bpa_ctrled_nodes, $node;

        if ( $nodetype eq 'bpa')
            my $my_frame_bpa_cec = getFrameMembers( $node, $vpdtab, $ppctab);
            push @frame_members, @$my_frame_bpa_cec;

    if (scalar(@no_type_nodes))
        my $tmp_nodelist = join ',', @no_type_nodes;
        return ( usage("Attribute nodetype.nodetype cannot be found for node(s) $tmp_nodelist"));

    if (scalar(@bpa_ctrled_nodes))
        my $tmp_nodelist = join ',', @bpa_ctrled_nodes;
        return ( usage("Node(s) $tmp_nodelist is(are) controlled by BPA."));
    if ( scalar( @frame_members))
        my @all_nodes = xCAT::Utils::get_unique_members( @$nodes, @frame_members);
        $request->{node} = \@all_nodes;
    $request->{method} = 'rmhwconn';
    return( \%opt);
# Create connection for CECs/BPAs
sub mkhwconn
    my $request = shift;
    my $hash    = shift;
    my $exp     = shift;
    my $hwtype  = @$exp[2];
    my $opt     = $request->{opt};
    my @value   = ();
    my $Rc      = undef;

    for my $cec_bpa ( keys %$hash)
        my $node_hash = $hash->{$cec_bpa};
        for my $node_name ( keys %$node_hash)
            my $d = $node_hash->{$node_name};

            # Get IP address
            my $hosttab  = xCAT::Table->new( 'hosts' );
            my $node_ip = undef;
            if ( $hosttab)
                my $node_ip_hash = $hosttab->getNodeAttribs( $node_name,[qw(ip)]);
                $node_ip = $node_ip_hash->{ip};
            if (!$node_ip)
                push @value, [$node_name, $node_ip, $Rc];
            my ( undef,undef,$mtms,undef,$type) = @$d;
            my ($user, $passwd);
            if ( exists $opt->{P})
                ($user, $passwd) = ('HMC', $opt->{P});
                ($user, $passwd) = xCAT::PPCdb::credentials( $node_name, $type,'HMC');
                if ( !$passwd)
                    push @value, [$node_name, "Cannot get password of userid 'HMC'. Please check table 'passwd' or 'ppcdirect'.",1];


            my $res = xCAT::PPCcli::mksysconn( $exp, $node_ip, $type, $passwd);
            $Rc = shift @$res;
            push @value, [$node_name, @$res[0], $Rc];
            if ( !$Rc)
                sethmcmgt( $node_name, $exp->[3]);

#            if ( exists $opt->{N} )
#            {
#                my $newpwd = $opt->{N};
#                my $Res = xCAT::PPCcli::chsyspwd( $exp, "access", $type, $mtms, $passwd, $newpwd );
#                $Rc = shift @$Res;
#                push @value, [$node_name, @$Res[0], $Rc];
#            }
    return \@value;
# List connection status for CECs/BPAs
sub lshwconn
    my $request = shift;
    my $hash    = shift;
    my $exp     = shift;
    my $hwtype  = @$exp[2];
    my $opt     = $request->{opt};
    my @value   = ();
    my $Rc      = undef;

    my $hosttab  = xCAT::Table->new( 'hosts' );
    my $res = xCAT::PPCcli::lssysconn( $exp, "all" );
    $Rc = shift @$res;
    if ( $request->{nodetype} eq 'hmc')
        if ( $Rc)
            push @value, [$exp->[3], $res->[0], $Rc];
            return \@value;
        my $vpdtab = xCAT::Table->new('vpd');
        my @vpdentries = $vpdtab->getAllAttribs(qw(node serial mtm));
        my %node_vpd_hash;
        for my $vpdent ( @vpdentries)
            if ( $vpdent->{node} and $vpdent->{serial} and $vpdent->{mtm})
                $node_vpd_hash{"$vpdent->{mtm}*$vpdent->{serial}"} = $vpdent->{node};
        my %node_ppc_hash;
        my $ppctab =  xCAT::Table->new('ppc');
        for my $node ( values %node_vpd_hash)
            my $node_parent_hash = $ppctab->getNodeAttribs( $node, [qw(parent)]);
            $node_ppc_hash{$node} = $node_parent_hash->{parent};

        for my $r ( @$res)
            $r =~ s/type_model_serial_num=([^,]*),//;
            my $mtms = $1;
            $r =~ s/resource_type=([^,]*),//;
            $r =~ s/sp=.*?,//;
            $r =~ s/sp_phys_loc=.*?,//;
            my $node_name;
            if ( exists $node_vpd_hash{$mtms})
                $node_name = $node_vpd_hash{$mtms};
                $r = "hcp=$exp->[3],parent=$node_ppc_hash{$node_name}," . $r;
                $node_name = $mtms;
                $r = "hcp=$exp->[3],parent=," . $r;
            push @value, [ $node_name, $r, $Rc];
        for my $cec_bpa ( keys %$hash)
            my $node_hash = $hash->{$cec_bpa};
            for my $node_name (keys %$node_hash)
                # If lssysconn failed, put error into all
                # nodes' return values
                if ( $Rc ) 
                    push @value, [$node_name, @$res[0], $Rc];

                # Get IP address
                my $node_ip = undef;
                if ( $hosttab)
                    my $node_ip_hash = $hosttab->getNodeAttribs( $node_name,[qw(ip)]);
                    $node_ip = $node_ip_hash->{ip};
                if (!$node_ip)
                    push @value, [$node_name, $node_ip, $Rc];

                if ( my @res_matched = grep /\Qipaddr=$node_ip,\E/, @$res)
                    for my $r ( @res_matched)
                        $r =~ s/\Qtype_model_serial_num=$cec_bpa,\E//;
#                        $r =~ s/\Qresource_type=$type,\E//;
                        $r =~ s/sp=.*?,//;
                            $r =~ s/sp_phys_loc=.*?,//;
                            push @value, [$node_name, $r, $Rc];
                    push @value, [$node_name, 'Connection not found', 1];
    return \@value;

# Remove connection for CECs/BPAs to HMCs
sub rmhwconn
    my $request = shift;
    my $hash    = shift;
    my $exp     = shift;
    my $hwtype  = @$exp[2];
    my $opt     = $request->{opt};
    my @value   = ();
    my $Rc      = undef;

    for my $cec_bpa ( keys %$hash)
        my $node_hash = $hash->{$cec_bpa};
        for my $node_name (keys %$node_hash)
            my $d = $node_hash->{$node_name};

            my ( undef,undef,undef,undef,$type) = @$d;

            # Get IP address
            my $hosttab  = xCAT::Table->new( 'hosts' );
            my $node_ip = undef;
            if ( $hosttab)
                my $node_ip_hash = $hosttab->getNodeAttribs( $node_name,[qw(ip)]);
                $node_ip = $node_ip_hash->{ip};
            if (!$node_ip)
                push @value, [$node_name, $node_ip, $Rc];

            my $res = xCAT::PPCcli::rmsysconn( $exp, $type, $node_ip);
            $Rc = shift @$res;
            push @value, [$node_name, @$res[0], $Rc];
            if ( !$Rc)
                rmhmcmgt( $node_name, $type);
    return \@value;

# set node mgt to hmc, and hcp to the hmc node name
sub sethmcmgt
    my $node = shift;
    my $hcp  = shift;

    my $nodehm_tab = xCAT::Table->new('nodehm', -create=>1);
    my $ent = $nodehm_tab->getNodeAttribs( $node, ['mgt']);
    if ( !$ent or $ent->{mgt} ne 'hmc')
        $nodehm_tab->setNodeAttribs( $node, { mgt=>'hmc'});
    my $ppc_tab = xCAT::Table->new('ppc', -create=>1);
    my $ent = $ppc_tab->getNodeAttribs( $node, ['hcp']);
    if ( !$ent or $ent->{hcp} ne $hcp)
        $ppc_tab->setNodeAttribs( $node, { hcp=>$hcp});
# set node as the standalone fsp/bpa node
sub rmhmcmgt
    my $node = shift;
    my $hwtype = shift;

    my $nodehm_tab = xCAT::Table->new('nodehm', -create=>1);
    my $ent = $nodehm_tab->getNodeAttribs( $node, ['mgt']);
    if ( !$ent or $ent->{mgt} ne $hwtype)
        $nodehm_tab->setNodeAttribs( $node, { mgt=>$hwtype});
    my $ppc_tab = xCAT::Table->new('ppc', -create=>1);
    my $ent = $ppc_tab->getNodeAttribs( $node, ['hcp']);
    if ( !$ent or $ent->{hcp} ne $node)
        $ppc_tab->setNodeAttribs( $node, { hcp=>$node});
