'main.php', 'monitor'=>'monitor/monlist.php')); displayTips(array( "Enable/disable Node/App Status Monitoring by clicking the button", "In order to take affect, you have to START/RESTART the desired plugin")); //get the current status for "node-status-monitor" $xml = docmd("monls", ' ', array($name)); if(getXmlErrors($xml,$errors)) { echo "
",implode(' ',$errors), "
"; exit; } #then, parse the xml data foreach($xml->children() as $response) foreach($response->children() as $data) { list($n, $stat, $nodemonstatus) = preg_split("/\s+/",$data); if(isset($nodemonstatus)) { $ns = "Enabled"; }else { $ns = "Disabled"; } } display_stat_mon_table(array("$name"=> array( 'nodestat'=>$ns, 'appstat'=>'Disabled', //currently application status monitoring is not supported by xCAT monitor Arch. ))); displayStatus(); //insertButtons(array('label'=>'Next', id=>'next', 'onclick'=>'loadMainPage("monitor/monlist.php")')); ?>