=head1 Name B<reventlog> - retrieve or clear remote hardware event logs =head1 B<Synopsis> B<reventlog> I<noderange> {I<number-of-entries [-s]>|B<all [-s]>|B<clear>} B<reventlog> [B<-h>|B<--help>|B<-v>|B<--version>] =head1 B<Description> B<reventlog> can display any number of remote hardware event log entries or clear them for a range of nodes. Hardware event logs are stored on each servers service processor. =head1 B<Options> =over 7 =item I<number-of-entries> Retrieve the specified number of entries from the nodes' service processors. =item B<all> Retrieve all entries. =item B<-s> To sort the entries from latest (always the last entry in event DB) to oldest (always the first entry in event DB). If B<number-of-entries> specified, the latest B<number-of-entries> events will be output in the order of latest to oldest. =item B<clear> Clear event logs. =item B<-h>|B<--help> Print help. =item B<-v>|B<--version> Print version. =back =head1 B<Examples> B<reventlog> I<node4,node5> I<5> node4: SERVPROC I 09/06/00 15:23:33 Remote Login Successful User ID = USERID[00] node4: SERVPROC I 09/06/00 15:23:32 System spn1 started a RS485 connection with us[00] node4: SERVPROC I 09/06/00 15:22:35 RS485 connection to system spn1 has ended[00] node4: SERVPROC I 09/06/00 15:22:32 Remote Login Successful User ID = USERID[00] node4: SERVPROC I 09/06/00 15:22:31 System spn1 started a RS485 connection with us[00] node5: SERVPROC I 09/06/00 15:22:32 Remote Login Successful User ID = USERID[00] node5: SERVPROC I 09/06/00 15:22:31 System spn1 started a RS485 connection with us[00] node5: SERVPROC I 09/06/00 15:21:34 RS485 connection to system spn1 has ended[00] node5: SERVPROC I 09/06/00 15:21:30 Remote Login Successful User ID = USERID[00] node5: SERVPROC I 09/06/00 15:21:29 System spn1 started a RS485 connection with us[00] B<reventlog> I<node4,node5> I<clear> node4: clear node5: clear =head1 SEE ALSO L<rpower(1)|rpower.1>, L<monstart(1)|monstart.1>