#!/usr/bin/env perl # IBM(c) 2007 EPL license http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html #package xCAT_monitoring::performance; BEGIN { $::XCATROOT = $ENV{'XCATROOT'} ? $ENV{'XCATROOT'} : '/opt/xcat'; } use lib "$::XCATROOT/lib/perl"; use xCAT::NodeRange; use Sys::Hostname; use Socket; use xCAT::Utils; use xCAT::GlobalDef; use xCAT_monitoring::monitorctrl; use xCAT::MsgUtils; use strict; use warnings; 1; performance(); sub performance { #opening subroutine my $noderef=xCAT_monitoring::monitorctrl->getMonHierarchy(); #identification of this node my @hostinfo=xCAT::Utils->determinehostname(); #print "hosT:@hostinfo\n"; my $isSV=xCAT::Utils->isServiceNode(); #print "is sv is:$isSV \n"; my %iphash=(); foreach(@hostinfo) {$iphash{$_}=1;} if (!$isSV) { $iphash{'noservicenode'}=1;} my @children; my $str; foreach my $key (keys (%$noderef)) { #opening foreach1 #print "opening foreach1 \n"; #print "key is: $key \n"; my @key_a=split(',', $key); if (! $iphash{$key_a[0]}) { next;} my $mon_nodes=$noderef->{$key}; foreach(@$mon_nodes) { #opening foreach2 my $node=$_->[0]; my $nodetype=$_->[1]; #print "node=$node, nodetype=$nodetype\n"; if (($nodetype) && ($nodetype =~ /$::NODETYPE_OSI/)) { push(@children,$node); } } #closing foreach2 } #closing foreach1 #print "children:@children\n"; my $count_child=@children; if($count_child > 0) { #opening if count_child 1 #print "number of children is $count_child \n"; no strict; no warnings; #my $i=0; for ($i = 0;$i < $count_child;$i++) { #opening if count_child 2 $str=`pmdumptext -c $::XCATROOT/lib/perl/xCAT_monitoring/pcp/pcpmon.config -d§ -s1 -h$children[$i] -f%D:%H:%M:%S`; #print "before split is $str \n"; $str =~ s/\n//g; #print "before split_1 is $str \n"; my @spl1=split(/§/,$str); #print "splitted and #printing \n"; #print @spl1; my $count_spl1=@spl1; #print "the array has $count_spl1 elements \n"; #print "@spl1[0] \n"; #print "@spl1[1] \n"; my $count3= `cat $::XCATROOT/lib/perl/xCAT_monitoring/pcp/pcpmon.config | wc -l`; #print "the number of lines in the file is count3:$count3 \n"; `tr "\n" "§" <$::XCATROOT/lib/perl/xCAT_monitoring/pcp/pcpmon.config> $::XCATROOT/lib/perl/xCAT_monitoring/pcp/pcpmon.config.tr`; my $fname = "$::XCATROOT/lib/perl/xCAT_monitoring/pcp/pcpmon.config.tr"; unless ( open( CONF, $fname )) { return(0); } my $raw_data = ; close( CONF ); #print "the contents of the config file are $raw_data \n"; my @spl2=split(/§/,$raw_data); #print "splitted and #printing \n"; #print @spl2; my $count_spl2=@spl2; #print "the array has $count_spl2 elements \n"; #print @spl2[0] ; #print @spl2[1] ; #print "updating table \n"; my $table1=xCAT::Table->new("performance", -create => 1,-autocommit => 1); #print "table created \n"; my $j; #my $k; my $l=$j+1; #print "l is $l \n"; my %setting_hash=(); for ($j=0;$j<$count_spl2 ;$j++) { #print "inside j loop \n"; #print "spl1[0] is $spl1[0] \n"; my %key_col1 = (timestamp=>$spl1[0]); #print "time stamp updated \n"; #print "node is $children[$i] \n"; $key_col1{node}=$children[$i]; #print "children updatesd \n"; #print "spl2 is $spl2[$j] \n"; $key_col1{attrname} = $spl2[$j]; #$setting_hash{attrname}=$spl2[$j]; #print "spl1 is $spl1[$j+1] \n"; $setting_hash{attrvalue}=$spl1[$j+1]; $table1->setAttribs(\%key_col1, \%setting_hash); } $table1->close(); } #closing if count_child 2 } #closing if count_child 1 } # closing subroutine