#!/usr/bin/env perl # IBM(c) 2007 EPL license http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ =head1 monaixsyslog =head2 When first run (by the sensor) this script adds an entry to the AIX ODM or Linux syslog.conf file so that it will be notified when an error is logged (through a message queue on AIX and a named pipe on Linux). Then it checks for any logged errors. On all subsequent runs this script just checks for errors. =cut #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# use strict; use locale; use Getopt::Long; use IPC::SysV qw(IPC_STAT S_IRWXU IPC_PRIVATE IPC_CREAT S_IRUSR S_IWUSR ); use IPC::Msg; BEGIN { $::XCATROOT = $ENV{'XCATROOT'} ? $ENV{'XCATROOT'} : '/opt/xcat'; } my $dirname = "xcat_err_mon"; my $vardir = "/var/opt/$dirname"; my $default_runfile = "$vardir/.monerrorlog_run"; my $default_fifo = "$vardir/syslog_fifo"; my $default_pri = "*.warn"; $::MAX_SENSOR_STRING = 10240; my ($facility_priority, $fifo, $runfile) = &getArgs(); my ($syslogconf, $embedinfo); if (isNg()) { $syslogconf = "/etc/syslog-ng/syslog-ng.conf"; if (($facility_priority eq $default_pri) && ($fifo eq $default_fifo)) { $embedinfo = "destination warn_fifo { pipe(\\\"$fifo\\\" group(root) perm(0644)); };\nlog { source(src); filter(f_warn); destination(warn_fifo); };"; } else { my $tmp_dest = createRandomName("fifo"); $embedinfo = "destination $tmp_dest { pipe(\\\"$fifo\\\" group(root) perm(0644)); };\nlog { source(src); filter($facility_priority); destination($tmp_dest); };"; } } else { $syslogconf = "/etc/syslog.conf"; $embedinfo = "$facility_priority |$fifo"; } my $odmstanza = "$vardir/odmstanza"; if (!-d $vardir) { mkdir($vardir); } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 first_time_run Notes: check whether this is the first time that monerrlog is run on Linux, check the marker file /var/opt/xcat_err_mon/.monerrorlog_run on AIX, check the errnotify odm entry itself Arguments: N/A Returns: 0 - This is NOT the first time that monerrlog is run 1 - This is the first time that monerrlog is run =cut #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub first_time_run() { if($^O =~ /^aix/i) { my $output = runcmd("/bin/odmget -q \"en_name=xcat_errlog_sen\" errnotify", -1); if (!$output) { return 1; } return 0; } else { if (!-e $runfile) { return 1; } return 0; } } #check to see if this is the first time this script has been run if (&first_time_run) { #first time if ($^O =~ /^linux/i) { runcmd("grep \"$embedinfo\" $syslogconf", -1); if ($::RUNCMD_RC == 1) { #grep did not find dirname #update syslog.conf if (!-d $vardir) { mkdir($vardir); } if (!-e $fifo) { runcmd("/usr/bin/mkfifo $fifo"); } runcmd("echo \"$embedinfo\" >> $syslogconf"); my $cmd = service("syslog", "restart"); runcmd($cmd); } touchFile($runfile); } elsif ($^O =~ /^aix/i) { open(ODM, ">$odmstanza") or die $!; print ODM ' errnotify: en_pid = 0 en_name = "xcat_errlog_sen" en_persistenceflg = 1 en_method = "' . "$::XCATROOT/sbin/rmcmon/errmsgque" . ' sequence = $1 error_id = $2 class = $3 type = $4 alert_flags = $5 res_name = $6 res_type = $7 res_class = $8 label = $9" '; close ODM or die $!; runcmd("/usr/bin/odmadd $odmstanza"); } else { print "unknown platform\n"; exit 1; } } #Check for errors if ($^O =~ /^linux/i) { local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "alarm\n" }; eval { alarm 4; open(PIPE, $fifo) or die print "cannot open file$fifo"; alarm 0; }; if ($@ =~ /alarm/) { close PIPE; exit 0; } my $allinfo = ""; while (1) { my $line; eval { alarm 2; $line = <PIPE>; alarm 0; }; if ($@ =~ /alarm/) { close PIPE; # send the messages to sensor if ($allinfo) { my $strlen = length($allinfo); # The condition/response can not handle # the long sensor String very well, # use file to pass messages. # file name: /var/opt/xcat_err_mon/tmplogmsg if ($strlen > $::MAX_SENSOR_STRING) { srand(time | $$); my $filename = "$vardir/tmplogmsg_$$"; while (-e $filename) { $filename = createRandomName($filename); } if (open(TMPLOG, ">$filename")) { print TMPLOG $allinfo; close TMPLOG; print "XCAT_MONERRORLOG_FILE:$filename"; } else { #open failed, why? print "OPEN_FILE_FAILED: $filename"; } } else { print $allinfo; } } exit 0; } $allinfo .= $line; } close PIPE; } elsif ($^O =~ /^aix/i) { # the monitoring is stopped if ($ENV{'SENSOR_MonitorStatus'} eq '2') { # stopsrc -s IBM.SensorRM will also # set $ENV{'SENSOR_MonitorStatus'} to 2 # should not do clean up when IBM.SensorRM is stopped if (isRMrunning("IBM.SensorRM")) { runcmd("/bin/odmdelete -o errnotify -q \" en_name=xcat_errlog_sen\"", -1); if (-e $runfile) { unlink($runfile); } } exit 0; } my $m = ord('xcat'); my $key = IPC::SysV::ftok("/var/adm/ras/errlog", $m); my $buf; my $msg = new IPC::Msg($key, IPC_CREAT | S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR); local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "alarm\n" }; while (1) { eval { alarm 2; my $rectype = $msg->rcv($buf, 256); alarm 0; }; if ($@ =~ /alarm/) { close PIPE; exit 0; } runcmd( "echo \"/usr/bin/refsensor ErrorLogSensor String=\'$buf\' 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null\" | at now", 0 ); } exit 0; } exit 0; #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 getArgs parse the command line and check the values paras: -p : <facility>.<priority>, the default value is "*.warn" -f : <fifo_name>, the default value is "/var/opt/xcat_err_mon/syslog_fifo" =cut #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub getArgs() { my $routine = "getArgs"; print "ENTERING: $routine\n" if $::DEBUG; my @command_line = (); @command_line = @ARGV; # Checks case in GetOptions $Getopt::Long::ignorecase = 0; my ($facility_priority, $fifo, $runfile); if ( !GetOptions( 'p=s' => \$facility_priority, 'f=s' => \$fifo, ) ) { print "LEAVING: $routine\n" if $::DEBUG; exit 1; } # Set runfile mark file if ($facility_priority || $fifo) { my @para = split '/', $fifo; my $newpara = join '-', @para; $runfile = "$vardir/.monerrorlog_run" . "-$facility_priority". "-$newpara"; } else { $runfile = $default_runfile; } if (!$fifo) { $fifo = $default_fifo; } if (!$facility_priority) { $facility_priority = $default_pri; } return ($facility_priority, $fifo, $runfile); } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 runcmd Run the given cmd and return the output in an array (already chopped). Alternatively, if this function is used in a scalar context, the output is joined into a single string with the newlines separating the lines. Arguments: command, exitcode and reference to output Returns: see below Error: Normally, if there is an error running the cmd, it will display the error msg and exit with the cmds exit code, unless exitcode is given one of the following values: 0: display error msg, DO NOT exit on error, but set $::RUNCMD_RC to the exit code. -1: DO NOT display error msg and DO NOT exit on error, but set $::RUNCMD_RC to the exit code. -2: DO the default behavior (display error msg and exit with cmds exit code. number > 0: Display error msg and exit with the given code Example: my $outref = runcmd($cmd, -2, 1); Comments: If refoutput is true, then the output will be returned as a reference to an array for efficiency. =cut #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub runcmd { my ($cmd, $exitcode, $refoutput) = @_; $::RUNCMD_RC = 0; if (!($cmd =~ /2>&1$/)) { $cmd .= ' 2>&1'; } my $outref = []; @$outref = `$cmd`; if ($?) { $::RUNCMD_RC = $? >> 8; my $displayerror = 1; my $rc; if (defined($exitcode) && length($exitcode) && $exitcode != -2) { if ($exitcode > 0) { $rc = $exitcode; } # if not zero, exit with specified code elsif ($exitcode <= 0) { $rc = ''; # if zero or negative, do not exit if ($exitcode < 0) { $displayerror = 0; } } } else { $rc = $::RUNCMD_RC; } # if exitcode not specified, use cmd exit code if ($displayerror) { my $errmsg = ''; if (($^O =~ /^linux/i) && $::RUNCMD_RC == 139) { $errmsg = "Segmentation fault $errmsg"; } else { # The error msgs from the -api cmds are pretty messy. Clean them up a little. filterRmcApiOutput($cmd, $outref); $errmsg = join('', @$outref); chomp $errmsg; } print "Exit code $::RUNCMD_RC from command: $cmd\nError message from cmd: $errmsg\n" } } if ($refoutput) { chomp(@$outref); return $outref; } elsif (wantarray) { chomp(@$outref); return @$outref; } else { my $line = join('', @$outref); chomp $line; return $line; } } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 filterRmcApiOutput filter RMC Api Output Arguments: RMC command Output reference Returns: none Globals: none Error: none Example: filterRmcApiOutput($cmd, $outref); Comments: The error msgs from the RPM -api cmds are pretty messy. This routine cleans them up a little bit. =cut #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub filterRmcApiOutput { my ($cmd, $outref) = @_; if (!($cmd =~ m|^/usr/bin/\S+-api |)) { return; } # give as much info as possible, if verbose # Figure out the output delimiter my ($d) = $cmd =~ / -D\s+(\S+)/; if (length($d)) { $d =~ s/^(\'|\")(.*)(\"|\')$/$2/; # remove any surrounding quotes # escape any chars perl pattern matching would intepret as special chars $d =~ s/([\|\^\*\+\?\.])/\\$1/g; } else { $d = '::'; } # this is the default output delimiter for the -api cmds $$outref[0] =~ s/^ERROR${d}.*${d}.*${d}.*${d}.*${d}//; } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 touchFile Arguments: $filename, $donotExit Returns: non zero return code indicates error Example: touchFile("/var/opt/xcat/touch"); =cut #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub touchFile { my ($filename, $donotExit) = @_; my $fh; my $rc = 0; if (!-e $filename) { #if the file doesn't exist we need to open and close it open($fh, ">>$filename") or $rc++; if ($rc > 0 && !$donotExit) { print "Touch of file $filename failed with: $!\n"; return $rc; } close($fh) or $rc++; } else { #if the file does exist we can just utime it (see the perlfunc man page entry on utime) my $now = time; utime($now, $now, $filename); } if ($rc > 0 && !$donotExit) { print "Touch of file $filename failed with: $!\n"; return $rc; } return 0; } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 createRandomName Create a randome file name. Arguments: Prefix of name Returns: Prefix with 8 random letters appended Error: none Example: $file = createRandomName($namePrefix); Comments: None =cut #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub createRandomName { my $name = shift; my $nI; for ($nI = 0 ; $nI < 8 ; $nI++) { my $char = ('a' .. 'z', 'A' .. 'Z')[int(rand(52)) + 1]; $name .= $char; } $name; } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 service Send a service request to an init script. Arguments: $service - a service name such as 'inetd','xinetd' $svcarg - arguments for the service such as 'start', 'stop' or 'status'. Returns: A full cli for the service script. =cut #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub service { my ($service, $svcarg) = @_; my $cmd; my $SVCCLI = "/sbin/service"; my $SVCDIR = "/etc/init.d"; # On SLES, nfs server script is "nfsserver". if (((-e "/etc/SuSE-release") || isHMC()) && $service eq "nfs") { $service = "nfsserver"; } if (-f $SVCCLI) { $cmd = "$SVCCLI $service $svcarg "; } else { $cmd = "$SVCDIR/$service $svcarg"; } return $cmd; } sub isHMC { my $hmcfile = "/opt/hsc/data/hmcType.properties"; if (-e $hmcfile) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } sub isNg { if (-f "/etc/SuSE-release") { my $sysconfig="/etc/sysconfig/syslog"; my $result=`grep "^SYSLOG_DAEMON=" $sysconfig 2>&1`; if ($result =~ /syslog-ng/) { return 1; } } return 0; } sub isRMrunning{ my $resMan = $_[0]; my @output = runcmd("LANG=C /usr/bin/lssrc -s $resMan", -1); if ($::RUNCMD_RC) { return 0; } # maybe we should try to catch real errors here my ($subsys, $group, $pid, $status) = split(' ', $output[1]); if (defined($status) && $status eq 'active') { #now check to see if IBM.AuditRM is up return 1; } return 0; }