.TH xdshbak 12/13/07 xdshbak Command .PP .PP \fBPurpose \fR .PP \fBxdshbak\fR - Presents formatted output from the \fBxdsh\fR command. .PP .PP \fBSyntax \fR .PP \fBxdshbak\fR [\fB-c\fR |\fB -x\fR] .PP \fBDescription \fR .PP The \fBxdshbak\fR command formats output from the \fBxdsh\fR command. The \fBxdshbak\fR command takes lines in the following format: .sp .nf host_name: line of output from remote command .fi .sp .PP The \fBxdshbak\fR command formats the lines as follows and writes them to standard output. Assume that the output from host_name3 and host_name4 is identical, and the \fB-c\fR flag was specified: .sp .nf HOSTS -------------------------------------------------------- host_name1 -------------------------------------------------------------- \ . \ . lines from xdsh with host_names stripped off \ . \ . HOSTS -------------------------------------------------------- host_name2 -------------------------------------------------------------- \ . \ . lines from xdsh with host_names stripped off \ . \ . HOSTS -------------------------------------------------------- host_name3 host_name4 -------------------------------------------------------------- \ . \ . lines from xdsh with host_names stripped off \ . \ . .fi .sp .PP When output is displayed from more than one node in collapsed form, the host names are displayed alphabetically. When output is not collapsed, output is displayed sorted alphabetically by host name. The \fBxdshbak\fR command writes "." for each 1000 lines of output filtered. .PP If the \fB-x\fR flag is specified, the extra header lines that xdshbak normally displays for each node will be omitted, and \fBxdshbak\fR still sorts the output by node name for easier viewing: .sp .nf host_name1: lines from xdsh started \ . \ . lines from xdsh continued \ . \ . lines from xdsh ended host_name2: lines from xdsh started \ . \ . lines from xdsh continued \ . \ . lines from xdsh ended .fi .sp .PP \fBParameters \fR .PP None. .PP .PP \fBFlags \fR .RS +3 \fB-c \fR .RE .RS +9 Collapses identical output from more than one node so that it is displayed only once. .RE .RS +3 \fB-x \fR .RE .RS +9 Omit the extra header lines that xdshbak normally displays for each node. This provides .RE .RS +9 more compact output, but xdshbak still sorts the output by node name for easier viewing. .RE .RS +9 The flag should not be used with \fB-c\fR. .RE .PP \fBSecurity \fR .PP Security considerations are the same as those for the remote shell command. .PP .PP \fBExamples \fR .RS +3 .HP 3 1. To display the results of a command issued on several nodes, in the format used in the Description, enter: .sp .nf xdsh node1,node2,node3 cat /etc/passwd | xdshbak .fi .sp .HP 3 2. To display the results of a command issued on several nodes with identical output displayed only once, enter: .sp .nf xdsh host1,host2,host3 pwd | xdshbak -c .fi .sp .HP 3 3. To display the results of a command issued on several nodes with compact output and be sorted alphabetically by host name, enter: .sp .nf xdsh host1,host2,host3 date | xdshbak -x .fi .sp .RE .PP .PP \fBImplementation Specifics \fR .PP This command is part of Extreme Cluster Systems Management (xCAT) software. .PP .PP \fBLocation \fR .PP \fB/opt/xcat/bin/xdshbak\fR .PP .PP \fBStandard Error \fR .PP When the \fBxdshbak\fR filter is used and standard error messages are generated, all error messages on standard error appear before all standard output messages. This is true with and without the \fB-c\fR flag. .PP .PP \fBRelated Information \fR .PP The \fBxdsh\fR command.