XCATRoot = '/opt/xcat/bin'; //todo: get rid of these $this->CurrDir = '/opt/xcat/web'; $this->XCATNodeManager = &XCATNodeManager::getInstance(); $this->XCATNodeGroupManager = &XCATNodeGroupManager::getInstance(); } /** * @param String cmdString The command to execute. * @return An array containing the command output as the first element * and the command return status as the second element. */ function runCommand($cmdString) { $cmdOutput = NULL; $cmdReturnStat = NULL; exec($cmdString, $cmdOutput, $cmdReturnStat); $outputStat = array(); $outputStat["output"] = $cmdOutput; $outputStat["returnStat"] = $cmdReturnStat; return $outputStat; } /** * Will always return an up to date list of node names. * * @return An array containing names of all nodes. */ function getAllNodeNames() { $cmdString = "sudo " . $this->XCATRoot . "/nodels"; $outputStat = $this->runCommand($cmdString); return $outputStat["output"]; } /** * Will always return an up to date list of node names belonging to the group. * * @param String groupName The name of the XCATNodeGroup * @return An array containing the name of all nodes in the group. */ function getNodeNamesByGroupName($groupName) { $cmdString = "sudo " . $this->XCATRoot . "/nodels $groupName"; $outputStat = $this->runCommand($cmdString); return $outputStat["output"]; } /** * @param String nodeName The name of the node. */ function getXCATNodeByName($nodeName) { $cmdString = "sudo " . $this->XCATRoot . "/nodestat $nodeName"; $outputStat = $this->runCommand($cmdString); $xcn = new XCATNode(); $xcn->setName($nodeName); $xcn->setStatus(XCATNodeGroupUtil::determineNodeStatus($outputStat["output"][0])); $xcn->setHwType("HW Type"); $xcn->setOs("OS"); $xcn->setMode("Mode"); $xcn->setHwCtrlPt("HW Ctrl Pt"); $xcn->setComment("Comment"); // Add the node to the manager, now that we've loaded it. $this->XCATNodeManager->addNode($xcn); return $xcn; } /** * @return An array containing the name of every node group. */ function getAllGroupNames() { $cmdString = "sudo " . $this->XCATRoot . "/listattr"; $outputStat = $this->runCommand($cmdString); return $outputStat["output"]; } /** * @param String groupName The name of the group we want to get. * @return An XCATNodeGroup object representing * the node group with the given name. This object will * contain the XCATNodes belonging to this XCATNodeGroup. */ function getXCATNodeByGroupName($groupName) { $nodeNames = $this->getNodeNamesByGroupName($groupName); $xcatNodes = array(); foreach($nodeNames as $nodeName) { $xcatNode = $this->getXCATNodeByName($nodeName); array_push($xcatNodes, $xcatNode); } $xcatNodeGroup = new XCATNodeGroup(); $xcatNodeGroup->setName($groupName); $xcatNodeGroup->setNodes($xcatNodes); return $xcatNodeGroup; } /** * This function will run the command to get all * the groups, and then for each group, it will get * their nodes, and for each node, it will get its * information once. */ function getAllXCATGroups() { $xcatGroupNames = $this->getAllGroupNames(); $xcatGroups = array(); $groupStatArr = $this->getGroupStatus(); //get the status of all the groups foreach($xcatGroupNames as $groupName) { $xcatGroup = $this->getXCATGroupByName($groupName, $groupStatArr); array_push($xcatGroups, $xcatGroup); } return $xcatGroups; } function getXCATGroupByName($groupName, $groupStatArr){ $xcg = new XCATNodeGroup(); $xcg->setName($groupName); $xcg->setStatus(XCATNodeGroupUtil::determineNodeStatus($groupStatArr[$groupName])); return $xcg; } /** * Will always return an up to date status of the groups * * @return An array containing the status of all the groups */ function getGroupStatus() { $cmdString = "sudo " . $this->CurrDir . "/cmds/grpattr"; $outputStat = $this->runCommand($cmdString); $groupStats = $outputStat["output"]; $groupStatArr = array(); foreach($groupStats as $key => $groupStat) { if (strpos($groupStat,':') != FALSE){ $stat = substr($groupStat,strpos($groupStat,':') + 2); //there's a space between the colon and the status $grp = substr($groupStat,0, strpos($groupStat,':')); $groupStatArr[$grp] = $stat; } } return $groupStatArr; } function getNodeOrGroupStatus($nodegroupName, $group) { $stat = ""; if ($group == FALSE){ $cmdString = "sudo " . $this->XCATRoot . "/nodestat " . $nodegroupName; $outputStat = $this->runCommand($cmdString); $nodegroupStat = $outputStat["output"][0]; if (strpos($nodegroupStat,':') != FALSE){ $stat = substr($nodegroupStat,strpos($nodegroupStat,':') + 2); //there's a space between the colon and the status } }else{ $StatArr = $this->getGroupStatus(); $stat = $StatArr[$nodegroupName]; } if ($stat != "") $stat = XCATNodeGroupUtil::determineNodeStatus($stat); return $stat; } } ?>