name "yum" maintainer "Opscode, Inc." maintainer_email "" license "Apache 2.0" long_description, '')) version "2.3.0" recipe "yum", "Empty recipe." recipe "yum::yum", "Manages yum configuration" %w{ redhat centos scientific amazon }.each do |os| supports os, ">= 5.0" end attribute "yum/exclude", :display_name => "yum.conf exclude", :description => "List of packages to exclude from updates or installs. This should be an array. Shell globs using wildcards (eg. * and ?) are allowed.", :required => "optional" attribute "yum/installonlypkgs", :display_name => "yum.conf installonlypkgs", :description => "List of packages that should only ever be installed, never updated. Kernels in particular fall into this category. Defaults to kernel, kernel-smp, kernel-bigmem, kernel-enterprise, kernel-debug, kernel-unsupported.", :required => "optional" attribute "yum/proxy", :display_name => "yum.conf proxy", :description => "Set the http URL for proxy to use in yum.conf", :required => "optional" attribute "yum/proxy_username", :display_name => "yum.conf proxy_username", :description => "Set the proxy_username to use for yum.conf", :required => "optional" attribute "yum/proxy_password", :display_name => "yum.conf proxy_password", :description => "Set the proxy_password to use for yum.conf", :required => "optional"