#!/usr/bin/env perl
# IBM(c) 2007 EPL license http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
    $::XCATROOT =
      : -d '/opt/xcat'   ? '/opt/xcat'
      : '/usr';
use lib "$::XCATROOT/lib/perl";
use strict;
use File::Basename;
use Cwd;
use Socket;

#use Data::Dumper;
use Getopt::Long;
require xCAT::MsgUtils;
require xCAT::DSHCLI;
use xCAT::Utils;
require xCAT::Client;
my $bname = basename($0);


=head1    xdsh/xdcp

This program is the client interface for xdsh/xdcp.

   xdsh/xdcp command

   This is the interface to for xdsh/xdsp
   The command can run in client/server mode (default) or in bypass mode
   where it does not use the xcat daemon xcatd.
   Bypass mode is useful, when executing the command on the Management Server
   and in particular if you want to run as a non-root id.
   Call parse_args to verify mode (client/server or  bypass)
	   and whether to use Env Variables
   Build hash and submit request
   See man page for options


# Main

# report unsupported dsh exports

my $cmdref;
my $arg;
my @SaveARGV = @ARGV;
$cmdref->{cwd}->[0]     = cwd();
$cmdref->{command}->[0] = $bname;    # save my command name

my $arg = @SaveARGV[0];

if ($arg =~ /^-/)                    # no noderange

    # check for help, bypass, other client flags
    if ($bname eq "xdsh")
    {                                # xdcp
    if ($::ROOTIMG != 1)
    {    # if not running against rootimg then noderange required
                 "Node range not specified, see $bname man page for syntax.\n");
        exit 1;
    $cmdref->{noderange}->[0] = $arg;    # save noderange
    my $tmp = shift(@SaveARGV);          # take if off the argument list
    if (!($cmdref->{noderange}->[0]))
                        "Node range not specified, see man page for syntax.\n");
        exit 1;
    @ARGV = @SaveARGV;                   # noderange removed for parsing
    if ($bname eq "xdsh")
    {                                    # xdcp

foreach my $sarg (@SaveARGV)
     if (($bname eq "xdcp") && ($sarg !~ /^-/) && ( $sarg !~ /^\//)) 
        $sarg = xCAT::Utils->full_path($sarg);
    push(@{$cmdref->{arg}}, $sarg);

#  add environment variables, if they have not already been assigned with
#  command line flags
if (!($::NODE_RSH))
    if ($ENV{'DSH_NODE_RSH'})
        push(@{$cmdref->{env}}, "DSH_NODE_RSH=$ENV{'DSH_NODE_RSH'}");

if (!($::NODE_RCP))
    if ($ENV{'DSH_NODE_RCP'})
        push(@{$cmdref->{env}}, "DSH_NODE_RCP=$ENV{'DSH_NODE_RCP'}");

if (!($::NODE_OPTS))
    if ($ENV{'DSH_NODE_OPTS'})
        push(@{$cmdref->{env}}, "DSH_NODE_OPTS=$ENV{'DSH_NODE_OPTS'}");

if (!($::FANOUT))
    if ($ENV{'DSH_FANOUT'})
        push(@{$cmdref->{env}}, "DSH_FANOUT=$ENV{'DSH_FANOUT'}");

if (!($::TIMEOUT))
    if ($ENV{'DSH_TIMEOUT'})
        push(@{$cmdref->{env}}, "DSH_TIMEOUT=$ENV{'DSH_TIMEOUT'}");

    push(@{$cmdref->{env}}, "DSH_REMOTE_PASSWORD=$ENV{'DSH_REMOTE_PASSWORD'}");

    push(@{$cmdref->{env}}, "DSH_FROM_USERID=$ENV{'DSH_FROM_USERID'}");

    push(@{$cmdref->{env}}, "DSH_TO_USERID=$ENV{'DSH_TO_USERID'}");

    push(@{$cmdref->{env}}, "DEVICETYPE=$ENV{'DEVICETYPE'}");

    push(@{$cmdref->{env}}, "DSH_RSYNC_FILE=$ENV{'DSH_RSYNC_FILE'}");
if ($ENV{'RSYNCSN'})
    push(@{$cmdref->{env}}, "RSYNCSN=$ENV{'RSYNCSN'}");
    push(@{$cmdref->{env}}, "RSYNCSNONLY=$ENV{'RSYNCSNONLY'}");
if ($ENV{'DCP_PULL'})
    push(@{$cmdref->{env}}, "DCP_PULL=$ENV{'DCP_PULL'}");
    push(@{$cmdref->{env}}, "DSHEXECUTE=$ENV{'DSHEXECUTE'}");

xCAT::Client::submit_request($cmdref, \&xCAT::Client::handle_response);
exit $xCAT::Client::EXITCODE;


=head3 parse_args_xdsh

  Parses for dsh input
  Check if the command  ask for help and display usage
  Need to check only for the -X flag
  Need to check -B flag to determine mode


sub parse_args_xdsh
    my $snodes = shift;
    my %options = ();
    if (
            'e|execute'                => \$options{'execute'},
            'f|fanout=i'               => \$options{'fanout'},
            'h|help'                   => \$options{'help'},
            'l|user=s'                 => \$options{'user'},
            'm|monitor'                => \$options{'monitor'},
            'o|node-options=s'         => \$options{'node-options'},
            'q|show-config'            => \$options{'show-config'},
            'r|node-rsh=s'             => \$options{'node-rsh'},
            'i|rootimg=s'              => \$options{'rootimg'},
            's|stream'                 => \$options{'streaming'},
            't|timeout=i'              => \$options{'timeout'},
            'v|verify'                 => \$options{'verify'},
            'z|exit-status'            => \$options{'exit-status'},
            'B|bypass'                 => \$options{'bypass'},
            'c|cleanup'                => \$options{'cleanup'},
            'E|environment=s'          => \$options{'environment'},
            'I|ignore-sig|ignoresig=s' => \$options{'ignore-signal'},
            'K|keysetup'               => \$options{'ssh-setup'},
            'L|no-locale'              => \$options{'no-locale'},
            'Q|silent'                 => \$options{'silent'},
            'S|syntax=s'               => \$options{'syntax'},
            'T|trace'                  => \$options{'trace'},
            'V|version'                => \$options{'version'},

            'devicetype=s'               => \$options{'devicetype'},
            'command-name|commandName=s' => \$options{'command-name'},
            'command-description|commandDescription=s' =>
            'X:s' => \$options{'ignore_env'}


        exit 1;
    if ($options{'help'})
        exit 0;

    # cleanup the service node temp directory and exit
    # if default to not prompt,  if user specified prompt
    if (($options{'cleanup'}) && (!$snodes))
        my $msg = "Service node range must be supplied on the -c command.";
        xCAT::MsgUtils->message("E", $msg);
        exit 1;

    if ($options{'cleanup'})

        # get the directory on the servicenode to put the  files in
        my $defaultsyndir = "/var/xcat/syncfiles";
        my @syndir        = xCAT::Utils->get_site_attribute("SNsyncfiledir");
        my $synfiledir;
        if ($syndir[0])
            $synfiledir = $syndir[0];
            $synfiledir = "/var/xcat/syncfiles";    # default
        if ($defaultsyndir ne $synfiledir)
            my $answer;
            my $msg =
              "Do you wish to erase $synfiledir and all subdirectories?\n Enter Y or N.";
            xCAT::MsgUtils->message('I', "$msg");
            `stty -echo`;
            chop($answer = <STDIN>);
            `stty echo`;
            $answer =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;                 # convert to upper
            if ($answer ne "Y")
                exit 0;
        my $cmd = "xdsh $snodes -v rm -rf $synfiledir/*";
        xCAT::Utils->runcmd($cmd, 0);
        if ($::RUNCMD_RC != 0)
        {                                           # error
            my $msg = "Error from $cmd: to cleanup servicenodes sync directory";
            xCAT::MsgUtils->message("E", $msg);
            exit 1;

        exit 0;
    if ($options{'bypass'})
        $ENV{XCATBYPASS} = "yes";                   # bypass xcatd
    if ($options{'show-config'})
        exit 0;
    # -if -e flag, execute script have to do special processing for hierarchy
    # in the plugin 
    if ($options{'execute'})
        $ENV{'DSHEXECUTE'} = join ' ', @ARGV;    # execute script 

    # find out who is the current user running xdsh
    #my $current_userid = getlogin(); # does not work for su
    my $current_userid = getpwuid($>);

    $ENV{DSH_FROM_USERID} = $current_userid;

    # find out who we are going to log on to the node as

    my $to_userid;
    if ($options{'user'})    # if -l option
        $to_userid = $options{'user'};
        $to_userid = $current_userid;
    $ENV{DSH_TO_USERID} = $to_userid;

    # only allow -K with -l if --devicetype defined
    if (   (($options{'user'}) && ($options{'ssh-setup'}))
        && (!($options{'devicetype'})))
        my $msg =
          "The -K and -l flag may only be used if --devicetype is specified\n.";
        xCAT::MsgUtils->message("E", $msg);
        exit 2;
    if ($options{'ssh-setup'})    # if going to setup ssh keys
        my $msg;
        if (!($ENV{'DSH_REMOTE_PASSWORD'}))
        {                         # if not already set
             # prompt for the password for the userid on the node that will be setup
            my $userpw;
            $msg =
              "Enter the password for the userid: $to_userid on the node where the ssh keys \nwill be updated:\n";
            xCAT::MsgUtils->message("I", $msg);
            system("stty -echo");    # turn off keyboard
            chop($userpw = <STDIN>);
            system("stty echo");     # turn on keyboard

            if ($userpw eq "")
            {                        # did not enter a password
                $msg = "Did not enter a password must abort the key exchange";
                xCAT::MsgUtils->message("E", $msg);
                exit 2;
            {                        # password entered pass to the server
                $ENV{DSH_REMOTE_PASSWORD} = $userpw;


        # Get the home directory
        my $home = xCAT::Utils->getHomeDir($current_userid);
        $ENV{'DSH_FROM_USERID_HOME'} = $home;
        # create /.ssh dir if needed
        my $sshdir = "$home/.ssh";
        if (!-d $sshdir)
           my $cmd = "/bin/mkdir -m 700 -p $sshdir";
           my $outref = xCAT::Utils->runcmd("$cmd", 0);
           if ($::RUNCMD_RC != 0)
            xCAT::MsgUtils->message('E', "Could not create $sshdir directory.");
            exit 1; 

        #  add config file with strict host checking no
        my $cmd = "echo \"StrictHostKeyChecking no\" >> $home/.ssh/config";
        xCAT::Utils->runcmd($cmd, 0);
        if ($::RUNCMD_RC != 0)
        {    # error
            $msg = "Error from $cmd\n";
            xCAT::MsgUtils->message("E", $msg);

        my $cmd = "chmod 0600 $home/.ssh/config";
        xCAT::Utils->runcmd($cmd, 0);
        if ($::RUNCMD_RC != 0)
        {    # error
            $msg = "Error from $cmd\n";
            xCAT::MsgUtils->message("E", $msg);

        # if current_userid is not "root", we need to generate the keys
        # here before becoming root while running under xcatd
        if ($current_userid ne "root")
            if ($::XCATROOT)
                $::REMOTESHELL_EXPECT = "$::XCATROOT/sbin/remoteshell.expect";
                $::REMOTESHELL_EXPECT = "/opt/xcat/sbin/remoteshell.expect";
            $::REMOTE_SHELL = "/usr/bin/ssh";

            # generates new keys, if they do not already exist
            xCAT::Utils->runcmd("$::REMOTESHELL_EXPECT -k", 0);
            if ($::RUNCMD_RC != 0)
            {    # error
                $msg = "remoteshell.expect failed generating keys.";
                xCAT::MsgUtils->message("E", $msg);
                exit 2;


    }    # end setup of ssh
    if ($options{'version'})
        my $version = xCAT::Utils->Version();
        $version .= "\n";
        xCAT::MsgUtils->message("N", $version);
        exit 0;
    if ($options{'rootimg'})
        $::ROOTIMG = 1;
    if ($options{'node-rsh'})    # if set on command line, use it
        $::NODE_RSH = 1;
    if ($options{'node-opts'})    # if set on command line, use it
        $::NODE_OPTS = 1;
    if ($options{'fanout'})       # if set on command line, use it
        $::FANOUT = 1;
    if ($options{'timeout'})      # if set on command line, use it
        $::TIMEOUT = 1;
    if (defined $options{'ignore_env'})



=head3 parse_args_xdcp

  Parses for dcp input
  Check if the command  ask for help and display usage
  Need to check -X flag to determine how to set Environment Variables
  Need to check -B flag to determine mode


sub parse_args_xdcp

    my %options = ();

    if (
                    'f|fanout=i'       => \$options{'fanout'},
                    'F|File=s'         => \$options{'File'},
                    'h|help'           => \$options{'help'},
                    'i|rootimg=s'      => \$options{'rootimg'},
                    'l|user=s'         => \$options{'user'},
                    'n|nodes=s'        => \$options{'nodes'},
                    'o|node-options=s' => \$options{'node-options'},
                    'q|show-config'    => \$options{'show-config'},
                    'p|preserve'       => \$options{'preserve'},
                    'r|c|node-rcp=s'   => \$options{'node-rcp'},
                    's'                => \$options{'rsyncSN'},
                    't|timeout=i'      => \$options{'timeout'},
                    'v|verify'         => \$options{'verify'},
                    'B|bypass'         => \$options{'bypass'},
                    'Q|silent'         => \$options{'silent'},
                    'P|pull'           => \$options{'pull'},
                    'R|recursive'      => \$options{'recursive'},
                    'T|trace'          => \$options{'trace'},
                    'V|version'        => \$options{'version'},
                    'X:s'              => \$options{'ignore_env'}
        exit 1;
    if ($options{'help'})
        exit 0;
    if ($options{'show-config'})
        exit 0;
    if (defined($options{File}) && ($options{File} !~ /^\//))
    {    #relative path
        $options{File} = xCAT::Utils->full_path($options{File});
    if (defined($options{rootimg}) && ($options{rootimg} !~ /^\//))
    {    #relative path
        $options{rootimg} = xCAT::Utils->full_path($options{rootimg});

    # rsync only to the service node
    if ($options{'rsyncSN'})
        $ENV{'RSYNCSNONLY'} = "yes";    # rsync file to SN

    # if Pull function hierarchy must be handled special in plugin
    if ($options{'pull'})
        $ENV{'DCP_PULL'} = "yes";

    # if rsyncing to a node,  not the root image
    # then must sync to service node first, if using hierarchy
    # These env variable are used in xdsh.pm preprocessing
    if ((!($options{'rootimg'})) && ($options{'File'}))
        $ENV{'RSYNCSN'} = "yes";    #rsync file to SN, if exist

    if ($options{'File'})
        $ENV{'DSH_RSYNC_FILE'} = $options{'File'};    # rsync file
    if ($options{'version'})
        my $version = xCAT::Utils->Version();
        $version .= "\n";
        xCAT::MsgUtils->message("I", $version);
        exit 0;
    if ($options{'rootimg'})
        $::ROOTIMG = 1;
    if (($options{'rootimg'}) && (!($options{'File'})))
                               "To use -i flag you must supply the -F flag\n.");
        exit 1;
    if ($options{'node-rcp'})    # if set on command line, use it
        $::NODE_RCP = 1;

    if ($options{'bypass'})
        $ENV{XCATBYPASS} = "yes";    # bypass xcatd


=head3  check_invalid_exports
   Check for unsupported dsh exports and warns


sub check_invalid_exports

    #  Check for unsupported Environment Variables
    #  For support Env Variables tell them to use the command line flag

    if ($ENV{'DSH_CONTEXT'})
              "DSH_CONTEXT is set but is not supported. It will be ignored.\n");
    if ($ENV{'DSH_LIST'})    # if file of nodes input
                 "DSH_LIST is set but is not supported. It will be ignored.\n");

    if ($ENV{'DSH_NODE_LIST'})
              "DSH_NODE_LIST is set but is not supported. It will be ignored.\n"
    if ($ENV{'WCOLL'})
                    "WCOLL is set but is not supported. It will be ignored.\n");
    if ($ENV{'DSH_DEVICE_LIST'})
            "DSH_DEVICE_LIST is set but is not supported. It will be ignored.\n"
    if ($ENV{'DSH_DEVICE_OPTS'})
            "DSH_DEVICE_OPTS is set but is not supported. It will be ignored.\n"
    if ($ENV{'DSH_DEVICE_RCP'})
             "DSH_DEVICE_RCP is set but is not supported. It will be ignored.\n"
    if ($ENV{'DSH_DEVICE_RSH'})
             "DSH_DEVICE_RSH is set but is not supported. It will be ignored.\n"
            "DSH_NODEGROUP_PATH is set but is not supported. It will be ignored.\n"
    if ($ENV{'RSYNC_RSH'})
               " RSYNC_RSH is set but is not supported. It will be ignored.\n");
    if ($ENV{'DSH_REPORT'})
              " DSH_REPORT is set but is not supported. It will be ignored.\n");