#!/usr/bin/env perl # IBM(c) 2007 EPL license http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html package xCAT::Utils; BEGIN { $::XCATROOT = $ENV{'XCATROOT'} ? $ENV{'XCATROOT'} : '/opt/xcat'; } # if AIX - make sure we include perl 5.8.2 in INC path. # Needed to find perl dependencies shipped in deps tarball. if ($^O =~ /^aix/i) { unshift(@INC, qw(/usr/opt/perl5/lib/5.8.2/aix-thread-multi /usr/opt/perl5/lib/5.8.2 /usr/opt/perl5/lib/site_perl/5.8.2/aix-thread-multi /usr/opt/perl5/lib/site_perl/5.8.2)); } use lib "$::XCATROOT/lib/perl"; # do not put a use or require for xCAT::Table here. Add to each new routine # needing it to avoid reprocessing of user tables ( ExtTab.pm) for each command call use POSIX qw(ceil); use File::Path; use Socket; use strict; use Symbol; my $sha1support = eval { require Digest::SHA1; 1; }; use IPC::Open3; use IO::Select; use xCAT::GlobalDef; eval { require xCAT::RemoteShellExp; }; use warnings "all"; require xCAT::InstUtils; #require xCAT::NetworkUtils; require xCAT::Schema; #require Data::Dumper; require xCAT::NodeRange; require xCAT::Version; require DBI; our @ISA = qw(Exporter); our @EXPORT_OK = qw(genpassword runcmd3); # The functions that has been moved to TableUtils.pm # xCAT::Utils->list_all_nodes ====> xCAT::TableUtils->list_all_nodes # xCAT::Utils->list_all_nodegroups ====> xCAT::TableUtils->list_all_nodegroups # xCAT::Utils->bldnonrootSSHFiles ====> xCAT::TableUtils->bldnonrootSSHFiles # xCAT::Utils->setupSSH ====> xCAT::TableUtils->setupSSH # xCAT::Utils->cpSSHFiles ====> xCAT::TableUtils->cpSSHFiles # xCAT::Utils->GetNodeOSARCH ====> xCAT::TableUtils->GetNodeOSARCH # xCAT::Utils->logEventsToDatabase ====> xCAT::TableUtils->logEventsToDatabase # xCAT::Utils->logEventsToTealDatabase ====> xCAT::TableUtils->logEventsToTealDatabase # xCAT::Utils->setAppStatus ====> xCAT::TableUtils->setAppStatus # xCAT::Utils->getAppStatus ====> xCAT::TableUtils->getAppStatus # xCAT::Utils->get_site_attribute ====> xCAT::TableUtils->get_site_attribute # xCAT::Utils->getInstallDir ====> xCAT::TableUtils->getInstallDir # xCAT::Utils->getTftpDir ====> xCAT::TableUtils->getTftpDir # xCAT::Utils->GetMasterNodeName ====> xCAT::TableUtils->GetMasterNodeName # xCAT::Utils->create_postscripts_tar ====> xCAT::TableUtils->create_postscripts_tar # xCAT::Utils->get_site_Master ====> xCAT::TableUtils->get_site_Master # xCAT::Utils->checkCreds ====> xCAT::TableUtils->checkCreds # xCAT::Utils->enablessh ====> xCAT::TableUtils->enablessh # xCAT::Utils->getrootimage ====> xCAT::TableUtils->getrootimage # The functions that has been moved to ServiceNodeUtils.pm # xCAT::Utils->readSNInfo ====> xCAT::ServiceNodeUtils->readSNInfo # xCAT::Utils->isServiceReq ====> xCAT::ServiceNodeUtils->isServiceReq # xCAT::Utils->get_AllSN ====> xCAT::ServiceNodeUtils->get_AllSN # xCAT::Utils->getSNandNodes ====> xCAT::ServiceNodeUtils->getSNandNodes # xCAT::Utils->getSNList ====> xCAT::ServiceNodeUtils->getSNList # xCAT::Utils->get_ServiceNode ====> xCAT::ServiceNodeUtils->get_ServiceNode # xCAT::Utils->getSNformattedhash ====> xCAT::ServiceNodeUtils->getSNformattedhash # The functions that has been moved to NetworkUtils.pm # xCAT::Utils->classful_networks_for_net_and_mask ====> xCAT::NetworkUtils->classful_networks_for_net_and_mask # xCAT::Utils->my_hexnets ====> xCAT::NetworkUtils->my_hexnets # xCAT::Utils->get_host_from_ip ====> xCAT::NetworkUtils->get_host_from_ip (shall not be used) # xCAT::Utils::isPingable ====> xCAT::NetworkUtils::isPingable # xCAT::Utils::my_nets ====> xCAT::NetworkUtils::my_nets # xCAT::Utils::my_if_netmap ====> xCAT::NetworkUtils::my_if_netmap # xCAT::Utils->my_ip_facing ====> xCAT::NetworkUtils->my_ip_facing # xCAT::Utils::formatNetmask ====> xCAT::NetworkUtils::formatNetmask # xCAT::Utils::isInSameSubnet ====> xCAT::NetworkUtils::isInSameSubnet # xCAT::Utils->nodeonmynet ====> xCAT::NetworkUtils->nodeonmynet # xCAT::Utils::getNodeIPaddress ====> xCAT::NetworkUtils::getNodeIPaddress # xCAT::Utils->thishostisnot ====> xCAT::NetworkUtils->thishostisnot # xCAT::Utils->gethost_ips ====> xCAT::NetworkUtils->gethost_ips # xCAT::Utils::get_subnet_aix ====> xCAT::NetworkUtils::get_subnet_aix # xCAT::Utils->determinehostname ====> xCAT::NetworkUtils->determinehostname # xCAT::Utils::toIP ====> xCAT::NetworkUtils::toIP # xCAT::Utils->validate_ip ====> xCAT::NetworkUtils->validate_ip # xCAT::Utils->getFacingIP ====> xCAT::NetworkUtils->getFacingIP # xCAT::Utils->isIpaddr ====> xCAT::NetworkUtils->isIpaddr # xCAT::Utils::getNodeNetworkCfg ====> xCAT::NetworkUtils::getNodeNetworkCfg # xCAT::Utils::get_hdwr_ip ====> xCAT::NetworkUtils::get_hdwr_ip # xCAT::Utils->pingNodeStatus ====> xCAT::NetworkUtils->pingNodeStatus #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head1 xCAT::Utils =head2 Package Description This program module file, is a set of utilities used by xCAT commands. =cut #------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 genUUID Returns an RFC 4122 compliant UUIDv4 or UUIDv1 Arguments: mac: If requesting a UUIDv1, the mac to use to base it upon Returns: string representation of a UUDv4, for example: f16196d1-7534-41c1-a0ae-a9633b030583 for example: f16196d1-7534-41c1-a0ae-a9633b030583 =cut #------------------------------------------------------- sub genUUID { #UUIDv4 has 6 fixed bits and 122 random bits #Though a UUID of this form is not guaranteed to be unique absolutely, #the chances of a cluster the size of the entire internet generating #two identical UUIDs is 4 in 10 octillion. my %args = @_; if ($args{mac}) { #if a mac address was supplied, generate a uuidv1 instead use Math::BigInt; no warnings 'portable'; use Time::HiRes qw/gettimeofday/; my $sec; my $usec; ($sec,$usec) = gettimeofday(); my $uuidtime = Math::BigInt->new($sec); $uuidtime->bmul('10000000'); $uuidtime->badd($usec*10); $uuidtime->badd('0x01B21DD213814000'); my $timelow=$uuidtime->copy(); $timelow->band('0xffffffff');# get lower 32bit my $timemid=$uuidtime->copy(); $timemid->band('0xffff00000000'); my $timehigh=$uuidtime->copy(); $timehigh->band('0xffff000000000000'); $timemid->brsft(32); $timehigh->brsft(48); $timehigh->bior('0x1000'); #add in version, don't bother stripping out the high bits since by the year 5236, none of this should matter my $clockseq=rand(8191); #leave the top three bits alone. We could leave just top two bits, but it's unneeded #also, randomness matters very little, as the time+mac is here $clockseq = $clockseq | 0x8000; #RFC4122 variant #time to assemble... $timelow = $timelow->bstr(); $usec=$timelow == 0; # doing numeric comparison induces perl to 'int'-ify it. Safe at this point as the subpieces are all sub-32 bit now #assign to $usec the result so that perl doesn't complain about this trickery $timemid = $timemid->bstr(); $usec=$timemid == 0; $timehigh = $timehigh->bstr(); $usec=$timehigh == 0; my $uuid=sprintf("%08x-%04x-%04x-%04x-",$timelow,$timemid,$timehigh,$clockseq); my $mac = $args{mac}; $mac =~ s/://g; $mac = lc($mac); $uuid .= $mac; return $uuid; } elsif ($args{url} and $sha1support) { #generate a UUIDv5 from URL #6ba7b810-9dad-11d1-80b4-00c04fd430c8 is the uuid for URL namespace my $sum = Digest::SHA1::sha1('6ba7b810-9dad-11d1-80b4-00c04fd430c8'.$args{url}); my @data = unpack("C*",$sum); splice @data,16; $data[6] = $data[6] & 0xf; $data[6] = $data[6] | (5<<4); $data[8] = $data[8] & 127; $data[8] = $data[8] | 64; my $uuid = unpack("H*",pack("C*",splice @data,0,4)); $uuid .= "-". unpack("H*",pack("C*",splice @data,0,2)); $uuid .= "-". unpack("H*",pack("C*",splice @data,0,2)); $uuid .= "-". unpack("H*",pack("C*",splice @data,0,2)); $uuid .= "-". unpack("H*",pack("C*",@data)); return $uuid; } srand(); #Many note this as bad practice, however, forks are going on.. my $uuid; $uuid = sprintf("%08x-%04x-4%03x-", int(rand(4294967295)), int(rand(65535)), int(rand(4095))); my $num = 32768; $num = $num | int(rand(16383)); $uuid .= sprintf("%04x-%04x%08x", $num, int(rand(65535)), int(rand(4294967295))); return $uuid; } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 genpassword returns a random string of specified length or 8 if none given Arguments: length of string requested Returns: string of requested length or 8 Globals: none Error: none Example: my $salt = genpassword(8); Comments: none =cut #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub genpassword { #Generate a pseudo-random password of specified length my $length = shift; unless ($length) { $length = 8; } my $password = ''; my $characters = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ01234567890'; srand; #have to reseed, rand is not rand otherwise while (length($password) < $length) { $password .= substr($characters, int(rand 63), 1); } return $password; } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 quote Quote a string, taking into account embedded quotes. This function is most useful when passing string through the shell to another cmd. It handles one level of embedded double quotes, single quotes, and dollar signs. Arguments: string to quote Returns: quoted string Globals: none Error: none Example: if (defined($$opthashref{'WhereStr'})) { $where = xCAT::Utils->quote($$opthashref{'WhereStr'}); } Comments: none =cut #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub quote { my ($class, $str) = @_; # if the value has imbedded double quotes, use single quotes. If it also has # single quotes, escape the double quotes. if (!($str =~ /\"/)) # no embedded double quotes { $str =~ s/\$/\\\$/sg; # escape the dollar signs $str =~ s/\`/\\\`/sg; $str = qq("$str"); } elsif (!($str =~ /\'/)) { $str = qq('$str'); } # no embedded single quotes else # has both embedded double and single quotes { # Escape the double quotes. (Escaping single quotes does not seem to work # in the shells.) $str =~ s/\"/\\\"/sg; #" this comment helps formating $str =~ s/\$/\\\$/sg; # escape the dollar signs $str =~ s/\`/\\\`/sg; $str = qq("$str"); } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 isAIX returns 1 if localHost is AIX Arguments: none Returns: 1 - localHost is AIX 0 - localHost is some other platform Globals: none Error: none Example: if (xCAT::Utils->isAIX()) { blah; } Comments: none =cut #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub isAIX { if ($^O =~ /^aix/i) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 get_OS_VRMF Arguments: none Returns: v.r.m.f - if success undef - if error Example: my $osversion = xCAT::Utils->get_OS_VRMF(); Comments: Only implemented for AIX for now =cut #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub get_OS_VRMF { my $version; if (xCAT::Utils->isAIX()) { my $cmd = "/usr/bin/lslpp -cLq bos.rte"; my $output = xCAT::Utils->runcmd($cmd); chomp($output); # The third field in the lslpp output is the VRMF $version = (split(/:/, $output))[2]; # not sure if the field would ever contain more than 4 parts? my ($v1, $v2, $v3, $v4, $rest) = split(/\./, $version); $version = join(".", $v1, $v2, $v3, $v4); } return (length($version) ? $version : undef); } #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 testversion Compare version1 and version2 according to the operator and return True or False. Arguments: $version1 $operator $version2 $release1 $release2 Returns: True or False Example: if (ArchiveUtils->testversion ( $ins_ver, "<", $req_ver, $ins_rel, $req_rel)){ blah; } Comments: =cut #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub testversion { my ($class, $version1, $operator, $version2, $release1, $release2) = @_; my @a1 = split(/\./, $version1); my @a2 = split(/\./, $version2); my $len = (scalar(@a1) > scalar(@a2) ? scalar(@a1) : scalar(@a2)); $#a1 = $len - 1; # make the arrays the same length before appending release $#a2 = $len - 1; push @a1, split(/\./, $release1); push @a2, split(/\./, $release2); $len = (scalar(@a1) > scalar(@a2) ? scalar(@a1) : scalar(@a2)); my $num1 = ''; my $num2 = ''; for (my $i = 0 ; $i < $len ; $i++) { my ($d1) = $a1[$i] =~ /^(\d*)/; # remove any non-numbers on the end my ($d2) = $a2[$i] =~ /^(\d*)/; my $diff = length($d1) - length($d2); if ($diff > 0) # pad d2 { $num1 .= $d1; $num2 .= ('0' x $diff) . $d2; } elsif ($diff < 0) # pad d1 { $num1 .= ('0' x abs($diff)) . $d1; $num2 .= $d2; } else # they are the same length { $num1 .= $d1; $num2 .= $d2; } } # Remove the leading 0s or perl will interpret the numbers as octal $num1 =~ s/^0+//; $num2 =~ s/^0+//; #SLES Changes ?? # if $num1="", the "eval '$num1 $operator $num2'" will fail. # So MUST BE be sure that $num1 is not a "". if (length($num1) == 0) { $num1 = 0; } if (length($num2) == 0) { $num2 = 0; } #End of SLES Changes if ($operator eq '=') { $operator = '=='; } my $bool = eval "$num1 $operator $num2"; if (length($@)) { # error msg ? } return $bool; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 xfork forks, safely coping with open database handles Argumens: none Returns: same as fork =cut #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub xfork { my $rc = fork; unless (defined($rc)) { return $rc; } unless ($rc) { #my %drivers = DBI->installed_drivers; foreach (values %{$::XCAT_DBHS}) { #@{$drh->{ChildHandles}}) { #if ($_) { $_->disconnect(); } $_->{InactiveDestroy} = 1; undef $_; } } return $rc; } sub close_all_dbhs { foreach (values %{$::XCAT_DBHS}) { #@{$drh->{ChildHandles}}) { $_->disconnect; undef $_; } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 isLinux returns 1 if localHost is Linux Arguments: none Returns: 1 - localHost is Linux 0 - localHost is some other platform Globals: none Error: none Example: if (xCAT::Utils->isLinux()) { blah; } Comments: none =cut #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub isLinux { if ($^O =~ /^linux/i) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 Version Arguments: Optional 'short' string to request only the version; Returns: xcat Version number Globals: none Error: none Example: $version=xCAT::Utils->Version(); Comments: none =cut #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub Version { my $version = shift; $version = xCAT::Version->Version(); return $version; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 make_node_list_file Makes a node list file. Arguments: (\@list_of_nodes) - reference to an arrary of nodes. Returns: $file_name and sets the global var: $::NODE_LIST_FILE Globals: the ENV vars: DSH_LIST, RPOWER_LIST, RCONSOLE_LIST Error: None documented Example: xCAT::Utils->make_node_list_file(\@nodelist); Comments: IMPORTANT: Make sure to cleanup afterwards with: xCAT::Utils->close_delete_file($file_handle, $file_name) =cut #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub make_node_list_file { my ($class, $ref_node_list) = @_; my @node_list = @$ref_node_list; srand(time | $$); #random number generator start my $file = "/tmp/csm_$$"; while (-e $file) { $file = xCAT::Utils->CreateRandomName($file); } open($::NODE_LIST_FILE, ">$file") or xCAT::MsgUtils->message("E", "Cannot write to file: $file\n"); foreach my $node (@node_list) { print $::NODE_LIST_FILE "$node\n"; } return $file; } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 CreateRandomName Create a randome file name. Arguments: Prefix of name Returns: Prefix with 8 random letters appended Error: none Example: $file = xCAT::Utils->CreateRandomName($namePrefix); Comments: None =cut #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub CreateRandomName { my ($class, $name) = @_; my $nI; for ($nI = 0 ; $nI < 8 ; $nI++) { my $char = ('a' .. 'z', 'A' .. 'Z')[int(rand(52)) + 1]; $name .= $char; } $name; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 close_delete_file. Arguments: file handle,filename Returns: none Globals: none Error: undef Example: xCAT::Utils->close_delete_file($file_handle, $file_name); Comments: none =cut #------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub close_delete_file { my ($class, $file_handle, $file_name) = @_; close $file_handle; unlink($file_name); } #----------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 list_nodes_in_nodegroups Arguments: nodegroup Returns: an array of all define nodes in the node group Globals: none Error: undef Example: @nodes=xCAT::Utils->list_nodes_in_nodegroups($group); Comments: none =cut #------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub list_nodes_in_nodegroups { my ($class, $group) = @_; my $req = {}; $req->{noderange}->[0] = $group; my @nodes = xCAT::NodeRange::noderange($req->{noderange}->[0]); return @nodes; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 isMemberofGroup Arguments: node,group Returns: 1 = is a member 0 = not a member Globals: none Error: undef Example: $ismember=xCAT::Utils->isMemberofGroup($node,$group); Comments: none =cut #------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub isMemberofGroup { my ($class, $node,$group ) = @_; my $ismember; my @nodes=xCAT::Utils->list_nodes_in_nodegroups($group); if (grep(/^$node$/, @nodes)) { $ismember =1; } else { $ismember =0; } return $ismember; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 add_cron_job This function adds a new cron job. Arguments: job--- string in the crontab job format. Returns: (code, message) Globals: none Error: undef Example: xCAT::Utils->add_cron_job("*/5 * * * * /usr/bin/myjob"); Comments: none =cut #------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub add_cron_job { my $newentry = shift; if ($newentry =~ /xCAT::Utils/) { $newentry = shift; } #read the cron tab entries my @tabs = `/usr/bin/crontab -l 2>/dev/null`; my @newtabs = (); foreach (@tabs) { chomp($_); # stop adding if it's already there if ($_ eq $newentry) { return (0, "started"); } #skip headers for Linux next if $_ =~ m/^\#.+(DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE|\(.+ installed on |Cron version )/; push(@newtabs, $_); } #add new entries to the cron tab push(@newtabs, $newentry); my $tabname = ""; if (xCAT::Utils->isLinux()) { $tabname = "-"; } open(CRONTAB, "|/usr/bin/crontab $tabname") or return (1, "cannot open crontab."); foreach (@newtabs) { print CRONTAB $_ . "\n"; } close(CRONTAB); return (0, ""); } #----------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 remove_cron_job This function removes a new cron job. Arguments: job--- a substring that is contained in a crontab entry. (use crontab -l to see all the job entries.) Returns: (code, message) Globals: none Error: undef Example: xCAT::Utils->remove_cron_job("/usr/bin/myjob"); This will remove any cron job that contains this string. Comments: none =cut #------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub remove_cron_job { my $job = shift; if ($job =~ /xCAT::Utils/) { $job = shift; } #read the cron tab entries and remove the one that contains $job my @tabs = `/usr/bin/crontab -l 2>/dev/null`; my @newtabs = (); foreach (@tabs) { chomp($_); # stop adding if it's already there next if index($_, $job, 0) >= 0; #skip headers for Linux next if $_ =~ m/^\#.+(DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE|\(.+ installed on |Cron version )/; push(@newtabs, $_); } #refresh the cron my $tabname = ""; if (xCAT::Utils->isLinux()) { $tabname = "-"; } open(CRONTAB, "|/usr/bin/crontab $tabname") or return (1, "cannot open crontab."); foreach (@newtabs) { print CRONTAB $_ . "\n"; } close(CRONTAB); return (0, ""); } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 runcmd3 Run the specified command with optional input and return stderr, stdout, and exit code Arguments: command=>[] - Array reference of command to run input=>[] or string - Data to send to stdin of process like piping input Returns: { exitcode => number, output=> $string, errors => string } =cut sub runcmd3 { #a proper runcmd that indpendently returns stdout, stderr, pid and accepts a stdin my %args = @_; my @indata; my $output; my $errors; if ($args{input}) { if (ref $args{input}) { #array ref @indata = @{$args{input}}; } else { #just a string @indata=($args{input}); } } my @cmd; if (ref $args{command}) { @cmd = @{$args{command}}; } else { @cmd = ($args{command}); } my $cmdin; my $cmdout; my $cmderr = gensym; my $cmdpid = open3($cmdin,$cmdout,$cmderr,@cmd); my $cmdsel = IO::Select->new($cmdout,$cmderr); foreach (@indata) { print $cmdin $_; } close($cmdin); my @handles; while ($cmdsel->count()) { @handles = $cmdsel->can_read(); foreach (@handles) { my $line; my $done = sysread $_,$line,180; if ($done) { if ($_ eq $cmdout) { $output .= $line; } else { $errors .= $line; } } else { $cmdsel->remove($_); close($_); } } } waitpid($cmdpid,0); my $exitcode = $? >> 8; return { 'exitcode' => $exitcode, 'output' => $output, 'errors' => $errors } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 runcmd Run the given cmd and return the output in an array (already chopped). Alternately, if this function is used in a scalar context, the output is joined into a single string with the newlines separating the lines. Arguments: command, exitcode, reference to output, streaming mode Returns: see below Globals: $::RUNCMD_RC , $::CALLBACK Error: Normally, if there is an error running the cmd,it will display the error and exit with the cmds exit code, unless exitcode is given one of the following values: 0: display error msg, DO NOT exit on error, but set $::RUNCMD_RC to the exit code. -1: DO NOT display error msg and DO NOT exit on error, but set $::RUNCMD_RC to the exit code. -2: DO the default behavior (display error msg and exit with cmds exit code. number > 0: Display error msg and exit with the given code Example: my $outref = xCAT::Utils->runcmd($cmd, -2, 1); $::CALLBACK= your callback (required for streaming from plugins) my $outref = xCAT::Utils->runcmd($cmd,-2, 1, 1); streaming Comments: If refoutput is true, then the output will be returned as a reference to an array for efficiency. =cut #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub runcmd { my ($class, $cmd, $exitcode, $refoutput, $stream) = @_; $::RUNCMD_RC = 0; # redirect stderr to stdout if (!($cmd =~ /2>&1$/)) { $cmd .= ' 2>&1'; } if ($::VERBOSE) { # get this systems name as known by xCAT management node my $Sname = xCAT::InstUtils->myxCATname(); my $msg; if ($Sname) { $msg = "Running command on $Sname: $cmd"; } else { $msg="Running command: $cmd"; } if ($::CALLBACK){ my $rsp = {}; $rsp->{data}->[0] = "$msg\n"; xCAT::MsgUtils->message("I", $rsp, $::CALLBACK); } else { xCAT::MsgUtils->message("I", "$msg\n"); } } my $outref = []; if (!defined($stream) || (length($stream) == 0)) { # do not stream @$outref = `$cmd`; } else { # streaming mode my @cmd; push @cmd,$cmd; my $rsp = {}; my $output; my $errout; open (PIPE, "$cmd |"); while (<PIPE>) { push @$outref, $_; chomp; # get rid of the newline, because the client will add one if ($::CALLBACK){ $rsp->{data}->[0] = $_; $::CALLBACK->($rsp); } else { xCAT::MsgUtils->message("D", "$_"); } #$output .= $_; } # store the return string #push @$outref,$output; } # now if not streaming process errors if (($?) && (!defined($stream))) { $::RUNCMD_RC = $? >> 8; my $displayerror = 1; my $rc; if (defined($exitcode) && length($exitcode) && $exitcode != -2) { if ($exitcode > 0) { $rc = $exitcode; } # if not zero, exit with specified code elsif ($exitcode <= 0) { $rc = ''; # if zero or negative, do not exit if ($exitcode < 0) { $displayerror = 0; } } } else { $rc = $::RUNCMD_RC; } # if exitcode not specified, use cmd exit code if ($displayerror) { my $rsp = {}; my $errmsg = ''; if (xCAT::Utils->isLinux() && $::RUNCMD_RC == 139) { $errmsg = "Segmentation fault $errmsg"; } else { $errmsg = join('', @$outref); chomp $errmsg; } if ($::CALLBACK) { $rsp->{data}->[0] = "Command failed: $cmd. Error message: $errmsg.\n"; xCAT::MsgUtils->message("E", $rsp, $::CALLBACK); } else { xCAT::MsgUtils->message("E", "Command failed: $cmd. Error message: $errmsg.\n"); } $xCAT::Utils::errno = 29; } } if ($refoutput) { chomp(@$outref); return $outref; } elsif (wantarray) { chomp(@$outref); return @$outref; } else { my $line = join('', @$outref); chomp $line; return $line; } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 runxcmd Run the given xCAT cmd and return the output in an array. Alternately, if this function is used in a scalar context, the output is joined into a single string with newlines separating the lines. Arguments: command - string with following format: <xCAT cmd name> <comma-delimited nodelist> <cmd args> where the xCAT cmd name is as reqistered in the plugins, the nodelist is already flattened and verified the remainder of the string is passed as args. The nodelist may be set to the string "NO_NODE_RANGE" to not pass in any nodes to the command. OR command - request hash reference to xCAT daemon sub_req routine exitcode - see definitions below refoutput - type of output to build Not set - array 1 - reference to an array 2 - returns the response hash as received from the plugin. Returns: see below Globals: $::RUNCMD_RC , $::CALLBACK Error: Cannot determine error code. If ERROR data set in response hash, $::RUNCMD_RC will be set to 1. Normally, if there is an error running the cmd,it will display the error and exit with the cmds exit code, unless exitcode is given one of the following values: 0: display error msg, DO NOT exit on error, but set $::RUNCMD_RC to the exit code. -1: DO NOT display error msg and DO NOT exit on error, but set $::RUNCMD_RC to the exit code. -2: DO the default behavior (display error msg and exit with cmds exit code. number > 0: Display error msg and exit with the given code Example: return output as reference to an array my $outref = xCAT::Utils->runxcmd($cmd,$sub_req, -2, 1); return response hash from plugin . Will not display error msg for any exit_code setting. my $outref = xCAT::Utils->runxcmd($cmd,$sub_req, -1, 2); Comments: If refoutput is 1, then the output will be returned as a reference to an array for efficiency. If refoutput is 2, then the response hash will be returned as output. runxcmd will not parse the request structure, nor will it display the error message despite the exit_code setting. The caller will need to display the error. Do not use the scalar string input for xdsh unless you are running a simple single-word command. When building your request hash, the entire command string xdsh runs needs to be a single entry in the arg array. The caller to the runxcmd is responsible for filename expansion, that would have been done if the command was run on the command line. For example, the xdcp node1 /tmp/testfile* /tmp command needs to have the /tmp/testfile* argument expanded before call xdcp with runxcmd. The easy way to do this is to use the perl glob function. @files=glob "/tmp/testfile*"; =cut #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub runxcmd { my $save_CALLBACK = $::CALLBACK; my ($class, $cmd, $subreq, $exitcode, $refoutput) = @_; $::RUNCMD_RC = 0; if ($::VERBOSE) { if (ref($cmd) eq "HASH") { if ($::CALLBACK){ my $rsp = {}; $rsp->{data}->[0] = "Running internal xCAT command: $cmd->{command}->[0] ... \n"; xCAT::MsgUtils->message("I", $rsp, $::CALLBACK); } else { xCAT::MsgUtils->message("I", "Running internal xCAT command: $cmd->{command}->[0] ... \n"); } } else { if ($::CALLBACK){ my $rsp = {}; $rsp->{data}->[0] = "Running Command: $cmd\n"; xCAT::MsgUtils->message("I", $rsp, $::CALLBACK); } else { xCAT::MsgUtils->message("I", "Running Command: $cmd\n"); } } } $::xcmd_outref = []; %::xcmd_outref_hash = (); my $req; if (ref($cmd) eq "HASH") { $req = $cmd; } else { # assume scalar, build request hash the way we do in xcatclient my @cmdargs = split(/\s+/, $cmd); my $cmdname = shift(@cmdargs); $req->{command} = [$cmdname]; my $arg = shift(@cmdargs); while ($arg =~ /^-/) { push(@{$req->{arg}}, $arg); $arg = shift(@cmdargs); } if ($arg ne "NO_NODE_RANGE") { my @nodes = split(",", $arg); $req->{node} = \@nodes; } push(@{$req->{arg}}, @cmdargs); } # call the plugin my $outref; if (defined ($refoutput)) { if ($refoutput != 2) { $subreq->($req, \&runxcmd_output); $outref = $::xcmd_outref; } else { # return response hash $subreq->($req, \&runxcmd_output2); $outref = $::xcmd_outref_hash; } } else { $subreq->($req, \&runxcmd_output); $outref = $::xcmd_outref; } $::CALLBACK = $save_CALLBACK; # in case the subreq call changed it if ($::RUNCMD_RC) { my $displayerror = 1; # Do not display error for refoutput=2 # we do not parse the returned structure if (defined ($refoutput)) { if ($refoutput == 2) { $displayerror = 0; } } my $rc; if (defined($exitcode) && length($exitcode) && $exitcode != -2) { if ($exitcode > 0) { $rc = $exitcode; } # if not zero, exit with specified code elsif ($exitcode <= 0) { $rc = ''; # if zero or negative, do not exit if ($exitcode < 0) { $displayerror = 0; } } } else { $rc = $::RUNCMD_RC; } # if exitcode not specified, use cmd exit code if ($displayerror) { my $rsp = {}; my $errmsg = join('', @$outref); chomp $errmsg; my $displaycmd = $cmd; if (ref($cmd) eq "HASH") { $displaycmd = $cmd->{command}->[0]; } if ($::CALLBACK) { $rsp->{data}->[0] = "Command failed: $displaycmd. Error message: $errmsg.\n"; xCAT::MsgUtils->message("E", $rsp, $::CALLBACK); } else { xCAT::MsgUtils->message("E", "Command failed: $displaycmd. Error message: $errmsg.\n"); } $xCAT::Utils::errno = 29; } } if ((defined($refoutput)) && ($refoutput == 1)) # output is reference to array { chomp(@$outref); return $outref; } elsif ((defined($refoutput)) && ($refoutput == 2)) # output is structure returned from plugin { return $outref; } elsif (wantarray) # array { chomp(@$outref); return @$outref; } else # string { my $line = join('', @$outref); chomp $line; return $line; } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 runxcmd_output Internal subroutine for runxcmd to capture the output from the xCAT daemon subrequest call Note - only basic info, data, and error responses returned For more complex node or other return structures, you will need to write your own wrapper to subreq instead of using runxcmd. =cut #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub runxcmd_output { my $resp = shift; if (defined($resp->{info})) { push @$::xcmd_outref, @{$resp->{info}}; } if (defined($resp->{sinfo})) { push @$::xcmd_outref, @{$resp->{sinfo}}; } if (defined($resp->{data})) { push @$::xcmd_outref, @{$resp->{data}}; } if (defined($resp->{node})) { my $node = $resp->{node}->[0]; my $desc = $node->{name}->[0]; if (defined($node->{data})) { if (ref(\($node->{data}->[0])) eq 'SCALAR') { $desc = $desc . ": " . $node->{data}->[0]; } else { if (defined($node->{data}->[0]->{desc})) { $desc = $desc . ": " . $node->{data}->[0]->{desc}->[0]; } if (defined($node->{data}->[0]->{contents})) { $desc = "$desc: " . $node->{data}->[0]->{contents}->[0]; } } } push @$::xcmd_outref, $desc; } if (defined($resp->{error})) { push @$::xcmd_outref, @{$resp->{error}}; } if (defined($resp->{errorcode})) { if (ref($resp->{errorcode}) eq 'ARRAY') { foreach my $ecode (@{$resp->{errorcode}}) { $::RUNCMD_RC |= $ecode; } } else { # assume it is a non-reference scalar $::RUNCMD_RC |= $resp->{errorcode}; } } return 0; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 runxcmd_output2 Internal subroutine for runxcmd to capture the output from the xCAT daemon subrequest call. Returns the response hash =cut #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub runxcmd_output2 { my $resp = shift; if (defined($resp->{info})) { push @{$::xcmd_outref_hash->{info}}, @{$resp->{info}}; } if (defined($resp->{sinfo})) { push @{$::xcmd_outref_hash->{sinfo}}, @{$resp->{sinfo}}; } if (defined($resp->{data})) { push @{$::xcmd_outref_hash->{data}}, @{$resp->{data}}; } if (defined($resp->{node})) { push @{$::xcmd_outref_hash->{node}}, @{$resp->{node}}; } if (defined($resp->{error})) { push @{$::xcmd_outref_hash->{error}}, @{$resp->{error}}; } if (defined($resp->{errorcode})) { if (ref($resp->{errorcode}) eq 'ARRAY') { push @{$::xcmd_outref_hash->{errorcode}}, @{$resp->{errorcode}}; foreach my $ecode (@{$resp->{errorcode}}) { $::RUNCMD_RC |= $ecode; } } else { # assume it is a non-reference scalar $::RUNCMD_RC |= $resp->{errorcode}; } } return 0 ; } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 getHomeDir Get the path the user home directory from /etc/passwd. If /etc/passwd returns nothing ( id maybe in LDAP) then su - userid -c pwd to figure out where home is Arguments: none Returns: path to user home directory. Globals: none Error: none Example: $myHome = xCAT::Utils->getHomeDir(); $myHome = xCAT::Utils->getHomeDir($userid); Comments: none =cut #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub getHomeDir { my ($class, $username) = @_; my @user; my $homedir; if ($username) { @user = getpwnam($username); } else { @user = getpwuid($>); $username=$user[0]; } if ($user[7]) { # if homedir $homedir= $user[7]; } else { # no home $homedir=`su - $username -c pwd`; chop $homedir; } return $homedir; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 isServiceNode checks for the /etc/xCATSN file Arguments: none Returns: 1 - localHost is ServiceNode 0 - localHost is not ServiceNode Globals: none Error: none Example: %::XCATMasterPort defined in the caller. $return=(xCAT::Utils->isServiceNode()) Comments: none =cut #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub isServiceNode { my $value; if (-e "/etc/xCATSN") { return 1; } else { return 0; } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 isMN checks for the /etc/xCATMN file , if it exists it is a Management Server Arguments: none Returns: 1 - localHost is Management Node 0 - localHost is not a Management Node Globals: none Error: none Example: $return=(xCAT::Utils->isMN()) Comments: none =cut #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub isMN { my $value; if (-e "/etc/xCATMN") { return 1; } else { return 0; } } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 exportDBConfig Reads the /etc/xcat/cfgloc file for the DB configuration and exports it in $XCATCFG =cut #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub exportDBConfig { # export the xcat database configuration my $configfile = "/etc/xcat/cfgloc"; if (!($ENV{'XCATCFG'})) { if (-e ($configfile)) { open(CFGFILE, "<$configfile") or xCAT::MsgUtils->message('S', "Cannot open $configfile for DB access. \n"); foreach my $line (<CFGFILE>) { chop $line; my $exp .= $line; $ENV{'XCATCFG'} = $exp; close CFGFILE; last; } } } return 0; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 update_xCATSN Will add the input service string to /etc/xCATSN to indicate that the service has been setup by the service node Input: service (e.g. tftp, nfs,etc) Output: 0 = added, 1= already there =cut #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub update_xCATSN { my ($class, $service) = @_; my $file = "/etc/xCATSN"; my $rc = 0; my $cmd = " grep $service $file"; xCAT::Utils->runcmd($cmd, -1); if ($::RUNCMD_RC != 0) { # need to add `echo $service >> /etc/xCATSN`; } else { $rc = 1; } return $rc; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 isSN Determines if the input node name is a service node Reads the servicenode table. nodename must be service node name as known by the Management node. returns 1 if input host is a service node Arguments: hostname Returns: 1 - is Service Node 0 - is not a Service Node Globals: none Error: none Example: if (xCAT::Utils->isSN($nodename)) { blah; } Comments: none =cut #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub isSN { require xCAT::Table; my ($class, $node) = @_; # reads all nodes from the service node table my @servicenodes; my $servicenodetab = xCAT::Table->new('servicenode'); unless ($servicenodetab) # no servicenode table { xCAT::MsgUtils->message('I', "Unable to open servicenode table.\n"); return 0; } my @nodes = $servicenodetab->getAllNodeAttribs(['tftpserver'],undef,prefetchcache=>1); $servicenodetab->close; foreach my $nodes (@nodes) { if ($node eq $nodes->{node}) { return 1; # match } } return 0; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 isMounted Checks if the input directory is already mounted Arguments: directory Returns: 1 - directory is mounted 0 - directory is not mounted Globals: none Error: -1 error Example: if (xCAT::Utils->isMounted($directory)) { blah; } Comments: none =cut #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub isMounted { my ($class, $directory) = @_; my $cmd; my @output; if (-e $directory) { # does the directory exist if (xCAT::Utils->isLinux()) { $cmd = "df -T -P $directory"; @output= xCAT::Utils->runcmd($cmd, -1); foreach my $line (@output){ my ($file_sys, $type, $blocks, $used, $avail, $per, $mount_point) = split(' ', $line); $type=~ s/\s*//g; # remove blanks if ( $type =~ /^nfs/ ) { return 1; } } } else { #AIX $cmd = "/usr/sysv/bin/df -n $directory"; @output = xCAT::Utils->runcmd($cmd, -1); foreach my $line (@output){ my ($dir, $colon, $type) = split(' ', $line); $type=~ s/\s*//g; # remove blanks if ( $type =~ /^nfs/ ) { return 1; } } } } return 0; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 runxcatd Stops or starts xcatd Arguments: xcatstart - start the daemon, restart if already running xcatstop - stop the daemon Returns: 0 = not error, 1 = error Globals: none Error: Example: my $rc = xCAT::runxcatd("xcatstart") ; ( starts xcatd) my $rc = xCAT::runxcatd("xcatstop") ; ( stops xcatd) =cut #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub runxcatd { my ($class, $cmd) = @_; if (!(xCAT::Utils->isAIX())) { # only runs on AIX xCAT::MsgUtils->message("E", "This command should only be run on AIX.\n"); return 1; } # # if xcatd already running # Get the xcatd processes and stop them # my @xpids = xCAT::Utils->runcmd("ps -ef\|grep \"xcatd\"", 0); if ($#xpids >= 1) { # will have at least "0" for the grep xCAT::MsgUtils->message('I', "Stopping xcatd processes....\n"); foreach my $ps (@xpids) { $ps =~ s/^\s+//; # strip any leading spaces my ($uid, $pid, $ppid, $desc) = split /\s+/, $ps; # if $ps contains "grep" then it's not one of the daemon processes if ($ps !~ /grep/) { # print "pid=$pid\n"; #my $cmd = "/bin/kill -9 $pid"; my $cmd = "/bin/kill $pid"; xCAT::Utils->runcmd($cmd, 0); if ($::RUNCMD_RC != 0) { xCAT::MsgUtils->message('E', "Could not stop xcatd process $pid.\n"); return 1; } } } } if ($cmd eq "xcatstart") { # start xcatd xCAT::MsgUtils->message('I', "Starting xcatd.....\n"); my $xcmd = "$::XCATROOT/sbin/xcatd &"; my $outref = xCAT::Utils->runcmd("$xcmd", 0); if ($::RUNCMD_RC != 0) { xCAT::MsgUtils->message('E', "Could not start xcatd process.\n"); return 1; } } return 0; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 get_image_name get a name for the install image on AIX and Linux, to be used by xdsh and sinv for the nodename Arguments: path to image. Returns: imagename =cut #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub get_image_name { my ($class, $imagepath) = @_; my $imagename; if (xCAT::Utils->isLinux()) { my @fields = split('/', $imagepath); $imagename .= $fields[5]; $imagename .= "-"; $imagename .= $fields[3]; $imagename .= "-"; $imagename .= $fields[4]; } else { # AIX my @fields = split('/', $imagepath); my $name = pop @fields; $imagename = $name; } return $imagename; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 StartService Supports AIX and Linux as long as the service is registered with lssrc or startsrc. Used by the service node plugin (AAsn.pm) to start requested services. Checks to see if the input service is already started. If it is started it stops and starts the service. Otherwise it just starts the service. Note we are using the system command on the start of the services to see the output when the xcatd is started on Service Nodes. Do not change this. Arguments: servicename force flag Returns: 0 - ok 1 - could not start the service Globals: none Error: 1 error Example: if (xCAT::Utils->startService("named") { ...} Comments: none =cut #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub startService { my ($class, $service) = @_; my $rc = 0; my @output; my $cmd; if (xCAT::Utils->isAIX()) { @output = xCAT::Utils->runcmd("LANG=C /usr/bin/lssrc -s $service", 0); if ($::RUNCMD_RC != 0) { # error so start it $cmd = "/usr/bin/stopsrc -s $service"; system $cmd; # note using system here to see output when # daemon comes up if ($? > 0) { # error xCAT::MsgUtils->message("S", "Error on command: $cmd\n"); } $cmd = "/usr/bin/startsrc -s $service"; system $cmd; if ($? > 0) { # error xCAT::MsgUtils->message("S", "Error on command: $cmd\n"); return 1; } } else { # check to see if running my ($subsys, $group, $pid, $status) = split(' ', $output[1]); if (defined($status) && $status eq 'active') { # already running, stop and start $cmd = "/usr/bin/stopsrc -s $service"; system $cmd; # note using system here to see output when # daemon comes up if ($? > 0) { # error xCAT::MsgUtils->message("S", "Error on command: $cmd\n"); } $cmd = "/usr/bin/startsrc -s $service"; system $cmd; if ($? > 0) { # error xCAT::MsgUtils->message("S", "Error on command: $cmd\n"); return 1; } return 0; } else { # not running, start it $cmd = "/usr/bin/startsrc -s $service"; system $cmd; # note using system here to see output when # daemon comes up if ($? > 0) { xCAT::MsgUtils->message("S", "Error on command: $cmd\n"); return 1; } } } } else # linux { my @output = xCAT::Utils->runcmd("service $service status", -1); if ($::RUNCMD_RC == 0) { # whether or not an error is returned varies by service # stop and start the service for those running if (($service ne "conserver") && ($service ne "nfs")) { $cmd = "service $service stop"; print ' '; # indent service output to separate it from the xcatd service output system $cmd; if ($? > 0) { # error xCAT::MsgUtils->message("S", "Error on command: $cmd\n"); } $cmd = "service $service start"; print ' '; # indent service output to separate it from the xcatd service output system $cmd; if ($? > 0) { # error xCAT::MsgUtils->message("S", "Error on command: $cmd\n"); return 1; } return 0; } if (($service eq "conserver") || ($service eq "nfs")) { # must check output if (grep(/running/, @output)) { $cmd = "service $service stop"; print ' '; # indent service output to separate it from the xcatd service output system $cmd; if ($? > 0) { # error xCAT::MsgUtils->message("S", "Error on command: $cmd\n"); } $cmd = "service $service start"; print ' '; # indent service output to separate it from the xcatd service output system $cmd; if ($? > 0) { # error xCAT::MsgUtils->message("S", "Error on command: $cmd\n"); return 1; } return 0; } else { # not running , just start $cmd = "service $service start"; print ' '; # indent service output to separate it from the xcatd service output system $cmd; if ($? > 0) { # error xCAT::MsgUtils->message("S", "Error on command: $cmd\n"); return 1; } return 0; } } } else { # error getting status, check output # must check output if (grep(/stopped/, @output)) # stopped { $cmd = "service $service start"; print ' '; # indent service output to separate it from the xcatd service output system $cmd; if ($? > 0) { # error xCAT::MsgUtils->message("S", "Error on command: $cmd\n"); return 1; } } else { # not sure $cmd = "service $service stop"; print ' '; # indent service output to separate it from the xcatd service output system $cmd; if ($? > 0) { # error xCAT::MsgUtils->message("S", "Error on command: $cmd\n"); } $cmd = "service $service start"; print ' '; # indent service output to separate it from the xcatd service output system $cmd; if ($? > 0) { # error xCAT::MsgUtils->message("S", "Error on command: $cmd\n"); return 1; } } } } return $rc; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 CheckVersion Checks the two versions numbers to see which one is greater. Arguments: ver_a the version number in format of d.d.d.d... ver_b the version number in format of d.d.d.d... Returns: 1 if ver_a is greater than ver_b 0 if ver_a is eaqual to ver_b -1 if ver_a is smaller than ver_b =cut #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub CheckVersion { my $ver_a = shift; if ($ver_a =~ /xCAT::Utils/) { $ver_a = shift; } my $ver_b = shift; my @a = split(/\./, $ver_a); my @b = split(/\./, $ver_b); my $len_a = @a; my $len_b = @b; my $index = 0; my $max_index = ($len_a > $len_b) ? $len_a : $len_b; for ($index = 0 ; $index <= $max_index ; $index++) { my $val_a = ($len_a < $index) ? 0 : $a[$index]; my $val_b = ($len_b < $index) ? 0 : $b[$index]; if ($val_a > $val_b) { return 1; } if ($val_a < $val_b) { return -1; } } return 0; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 osver Returns the os and version of the System you are running on Arguments: $type: which type of os infor you want. Supported values are: all,os,version,release Returns: 0 - ok Globals: none Error: 1 error Example: my $os=(xCAT::Utils->osver{ ...} Comments: none =cut #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub osver { my $type = shift; if ($type =~ /xCAT::Utils/) { $type = shift; } my $osver = "unknown"; my $os = ''; my $ver = ''; my $rel = ''; my $line = ''; my @lines; my $relfile; if (-f "/etc/redhat-release") { open($relfile,"<","/etc/redhat-release"); $line = <$relfile>; close($relfile); chomp($line); $os = "rh"; my $verrel=$line; $ver=$line; if ( $type ) { $verrel =~ s/[^0-9]*([0-9.]+).*/$1/; ($ver,$rel) = split /\./, $verrel; } else { $ver=~ tr/\.//; $ver =~ s/[^0-9]*([0-9]+).*/$1/; } if ($line =~ /AS/) { $os = 'rhas' } elsif ($line =~ /ES/) { $os = 'rhes' } elsif ($line =~ /WS/) { $os = 'rhws' } elsif ($line =~ /Server/) { if ( $type ) { $os = 'rhels'; } else { $os = 'rhserver'; } } elsif ($line =~ /Client/) { if ( $type ) { $os = 'rhel'; } else { $os = 'rhclient'; } } elsif (-f "/etc/fedora-release") { $os = 'rhfc' } } elsif (-f "/etc/SuSE-release") { open($relfile,"<","/etc/SuSE-release"); @lines = <$relfile>; close($relfile); chomp(@lines); if (grep /SLES|Enterprise Server/, @lines) { $os = "sles" } if (grep /SLEC/, @lines) { $os = "slec" } $ver = $lines[0]; $ver =~ tr/\.//; $ver =~ s/[^0-9]*([0-9]+).*/$1/; $rel = $lines[2]; $ver =~ tr/\.//; $rel =~ s/[^0-9]*([0-9]+).*/$1/; #print "ver: $ver\n"; } elsif (-f "/etc/UnitedLinux-release") { $os = "ul"; open($relfile,"<","/etc/UnitedLinux-release"); $ver = <$relfile>; close($relfile); $ver =~ tr/\.//; $ver =~ s/[^0-9]*([0-9]+).*/$1/; } elsif (-f "/etc/lsb-release") # Possibly Ubuntu { if (open($relfile,"<","/etc/lsb-release")) { my @text = <$relfile>; close($relfile); chomp(@text); my $distrib_id = ''; my $distrib_rel = ''; foreach (@text) { if ( $_ =~ /^\s*DISTRIB_ID=(.*)$/ ) { $distrib_id = $1; # last DISTRIB_ID value in file used } elsif ( $_ =~ /^\s*DISTRIB_RELEASE=(.*)$/ ) { $distrib_rel = $1; # last DISTRIB_RELEASE value in file used } } if ( $distrib_id =~ /^(Ubuntu|"Ubuntu")\s*$/ ) { $os = "ubuntu"; if ( $distrib_rel =~ /^(.*?)\s*$/ ) { # eliminate trailing blanks, if any $distrib_rel = $1; } if ( $distrib_rel =~ /^"(.*?)"$/ ) { # eliminate enclosing quotes, if any $distrib_rel = $1; } $ver = $distrib_rel; } } } elsif (-f "/etc/debian_version") #possible debian { if (open($relfile, "<", "/etc/issue")){ $line = <$relfile>; if ( $line =~ /debian.*/i){ $os = "debian"; my $relfile1; open($relfile1, "<", "/etc/debian_version"); $ver = <$relfile1>; close($relfile1); } close($relfile); } } if ( $type and $type =~ /all/ ) { if ( $rel ) { return( "$os" . "," . "$ver" . ".$rel" ); } else { return( "$os" . "," . "$ver" ); } } elsif ( $type and $type =~ /os/ ) { return( $os ); } elsif ( $type and $type =~ /version/ ) { return( $ver ); } elsif ( $type and $type =~ /release/ ) { return( $rel ); } else { return ("$os" . "$ver"); } } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 acquire_lock Get a lock on an arbirtrary named resource. For now, this is only across the scope of one service node/master node, an argument may be added later if/when 'global' locks are supported. This call will block until the lock is free. Arguments: lock_name: A string name for the lock to acquire nonblock_mode: Whether this is a non-blocking call or not. (1 non-blocking, 0 = blocking) Returns: false on failure A reference for the lock being held. =cut sub acquire_lock { my $class = shift; my $lock_name = shift; my $nonblock_mode = shift; use File::Path; mkpath("/var/lock/xcat/"); use Fcntl ":flock"; my $tlock; $tlock->{path}="/var/lock/xcat/".$lock_name; open($tlock->{fd},">",$tlock->{path}) or return undef; unless ($tlock->{fd}) { return undef; } if ($nonblock_mode){ flock($tlock->{fd},LOCK_EX|LOCK_NB) or return undef; } else{ flock($tlock->{fd},LOCK_EX) or return undef; } print {$tlock->{fd}} $$; $tlock->{fd}->autoflush(1); return $tlock; } #--------------------- =head3 release_lock Release an acquired lock Arguments: tlock: reference to lock nonblock_mode: Whether this is a non-blocking call or not. Returns: false on failure, true on success =cut sub release_lock { my $class = shift; my $tlock = shift; my $nonblock_mode = shift; unlink($tlock->{path}); if($nonblock_mode){ flock($tlock->{fd},LOCK_UN|LOCK_NB); } else{ flock($tlock->{fd},LOCK_UN); } close($tlock->{fd}); } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 is_locked Description : Try to see whether current command catagory is locked or not. Arguments : action - command catagory Returns : 1 - current command catagory already locked. 0 - not locked yet. =cut #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub is_locked { my $class = shift; my $action = shift; my $lock = xCAT::Utils->acquire_lock($action, 1); if (! $lock){ return 1; } xCAT::Utils->release_lock($lock, 1); return 0; } #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 parse_selection_string Parse the selection string and write the parsed result into %wherehash Arguments: $ss_ref - selection string array from -w flag \%wherehash - selection string hash %::WhereHash Returns: 0 - parse successfully 1 - parse failed Globals: %wherehash Error: Example: Comments: =cut #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub parse_selection_string() { my ($class, $ss_ref, $wherehash_ref) = @_; # selection string is specified with one or multiple -w flags # stored in an array foreach my $m (@{$ss_ref}) { my $attr; my $val; my $matchtype; if ($m =~ /^[^=]*\==/) { #attr==val ($attr, $val) = split /==/,$m,2; $matchtype='match'; } elsif ($m =~ /^[^=]*=~/) { #attr=~val ($attr, $val) = split /=~/,$m,2; $val =~ s/^\///; $val =~ s/\/$//; $matchtype='regex'; } elsif ($m =~ /^[^=]*\!=/) { #attr!=val ($attr,$val) = split /!=/,$m,2; $matchtype='natch'; } elsif ($m =~ /[^=]*!~/) { #attr!~val ($attr,$val) = split /!~/,$m,2; $val =~ s/^\///; $val =~ s/\/$//; $matchtype='negex'; } elsif ($m =~ /^[^=]*=[^=]+$/) { # attr=val is the same as attr==val ($attr, $val) = split /=/,$m,2; $matchtype='match'; } else { return 1; } if (!defined($attr) || !defined($val)) { return 1; } $wherehash_ref->{$attr}->{'val'} = $val; $wherehash_ref->{$attr}->{'matchtype'} = $matchtype; } return 0; } #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 selection_string_match Check whether a node matches the selection string defined in hash %wherehash Arguments: \%objhash - the hash contains the objects definition $objname - the object name $wherehash_ref - the selection string hash Returns: 0 - NOT match 1 - match Globals: %wherehash Error: Example: Comments: =cut #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub selection_string_match() { my ($class, $objhash_ref, $objname, $wherehash_ref) = @_; my %wherehash = %$wherehash_ref; my $match = 1; foreach my $testattr (keys %wherehash) { # access non-exists hash entry will create an empty one # we should not modify the $objhash_ref if (exists($objhash_ref->{$objname}) && exists($objhash_ref->{$objname}->{$testattr})) { if($wherehash{$testattr}{'matchtype'} eq 'match') { #attr==val or attr=val if ($objhash_ref->{$objname}->{$testattr} ne $wherehash{$testattr}{'val'}) { $match = 0; last; } } if($wherehash{$testattr}{'matchtype'} eq 'natch') { #attr!=val if ($objhash_ref->{$objname}->{$testattr} eq $wherehash{$testattr}{'val'}) { $match = 0; last; } } if($wherehash{$testattr}{'matchtype'} eq 'regex') { #attr=~val if ($objhash_ref->{$objname}->{$testattr} !~ $wherehash{$testattr}{'val'}) { $match = 0; last; } } if($wherehash{$testattr}{'matchtype'} eq 'negex') { #attr!~val if ($objhash_ref->{$objname}->{$testattr} =~ $wherehash{$testattr}{'val'}) { $match = 0; last; } } } else { #$objhash_ref->{$objname}->{$testattr} does not exist $match = 0; last; } } return $match; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 check_deployment_monitoring_settings Check the deployment retry monitoring settings. Arguments: $request: request hash $mstring: The monitoring setting string specified with the -m flag for rpower or rnetboot Returns: 0 - ok 1 - failed Globals: none Example: my $rc=xCAT::Utils->check_deployment_monitoring_settings($opt(m)) Comments: none =cut #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub check_deployment_monitoring_settings() { my ($class, $request, $opt_ref) = @_; my $callback = $request->{callback}; my @mstring = @{$opt_ref->{'m'}}; # -r flag is required with -m flag if (!defined($opt_ref->{'t'})) { my $rsp={}; $rsp->{data}->[0] = "Flag missing, the -t flag is required"; xCAT::MsgUtils->message("E", $rsp, $callback); return 1; } foreach my $m (@mstring) { if ($m eq '') { #No value specified with -m flag next; } my $attr; my $val; if ($m =~ /[^=]*==/) { ($attr, $val) = split /==/,$m,2; } elsif ($m =~ /^[^=]*=~/) { ($attr, $val) = split /=~/,$m,2; $val =~ s/^\///; $val =~ s/\/$//; } else { my $rsp={}; $rsp->{data}->[0] = "Invalid string \"$m\" specified with -m flag"; xCAT::MsgUtils->message("E", $rsp, $callback); return 1; } # The attr is table.column if ($attr !~ /\..*$/) { my $rsp={}; $rsp->{data}->[0] = "Invalid attribute \"$attr\" specified with -m flag, should be table.column"; xCAT::MsgUtils->message("E", $rsp, $callback); return 1; } if($val eq '') { my $rsp={}; $rsp->{data}->[0] = "The value of attribute \"$attr\" can not be NULL"; xCAT::MsgUtils->message("E", $rsp, $callback); return 1; } } return 0; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 generate_monsettings() Generate installation monitoring settings hash. Arguments: $request: request hash \@monnodes: nodes to be monitored Returns: \%monsettings - the ref of %monsettings hash Globals: none Example: my $monsettings_ref = xCAT::Utils->generate_monsettings($request, \@monnodes) Comments: none =cut #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub generate_monsettings() { my ($class, $request, $monnodes_ref) = @_; my @monnodes = @$monnodes_ref; my $callback = $request->{callback}; my @mstring = @{$request->{opt}->{m}}; my %monsettings = (); #set default value for each attribute, #to avoid ugly perl syntax error my %defaultattrs = ( "timeout" => "10", "retrycount" => "3" ); #Monitoring settings check already done in parse_args, #Assume it is correct. foreach my $m (@mstring) { if ($m eq '') { # No value specified with -m flag next; } my $attr; my $val; my $matchtype; if ($m =~ /^[^=]*\==/) { ($attr, $val) = split /==/,$m,2; $matchtype='match'; } elsif ($m =~ /^[^=]*=~/) { ($attr, $val) = split /=~/,$m,2; $val =~ s/^\///; $val =~ s/\/$//; $matchtype='regex'; } #This is a table.column my ($tab, $col) = split '\.', $attr; $monsettings{'monattrs'}{$tab}{$col}{'val'} = $val; $monsettings{'monattrs'}{$tab}{$col}{'matchtype'} = $matchtype; } if (defined($request->{opt}->{r})) { $monsettings{'retrycount'} = $request->{opt}->{r}; } if (defined($request->{opt}->{t})) { $monsettings{'timeout'} = $request->{opt}->{t}; } #Set the default values foreach my $attr (keys %defaultattrs) { if ((!defined($monsettings{$attr})) || ($monsettings{$attr} eq '')) { $monsettings{$attr} = $defaultattrs{$attr}; } } if(!defined($monsettings{'monattrs'}) || (scalar(keys %{$monsettings{'monattrs'}}) == 0)) { $monsettings{'monattrs'}{'nodelist'}{'status'}{'val'} = "booted"; $monsettings{'monattrs'}{'nodelist'}{'status'}{'matchtype'} = "match"; } #Initialize the %{$monsettings{'nodes'}} hash foreach my $node (@monnodes) { foreach my $tab (keys %{$monsettings{'monattrs'}}) { foreach my $col (keys %{$monsettings{'monattrs'}{$tab}}) { $monsettings{'nodes'}{$node}{'status'}{$tab}{$col} = ''; } } } return \%monsettings; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 monitor_installation Monitoring os installation progress. Arguments: $request: request hash Returns: 0 - ok 1 - failed Globals: none Example: my $rc=xCAT::Utils->monitor_installation($opt(m)) Comments: none =cut #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub monitor_installation() { require xCAT::Table; my ($class, $request, $monsettings) = @_; my $callback = $request->{callback}; my $mstring = $request->{opt}->{m}; #This is the first time the monitor_installation is called, # my $rsp={}; # my $monnodes = join ',', @monitornodes; # $rsp->{data}->[0] = "Start monitoring the installation progress with settings \"$mstring\" for nodes $monnodes"; # xCAT::MsgUtils->message("I", $rsp, $callback); $monsettings->{'timeelapsed'} = 0; while(($monsettings->{'timeelapsed'} < $monsettings->{'timeout'}) &&(scalar(keys %{$monsettings->{'nodes'}}))) { #polling interval is 1 minute, #do not do the first check until 1 minute after the os installation starts sleep 60; #update the timeelapsed $monsettings->{'timeelapsed'}++; my @monitornodes = keys %{$monsettings->{'nodes'}}; # Look up tables, do not look up the same table more than once my %tabattrs = (); foreach my $tab (keys %{$monsettings->{'monattrs'}}) { foreach my $col (keys %{$monsettings->{'monattrs'}->{$tab}}) { if (!grep(/^$col$/, @{$tabattrs{$tab}})) { push @{$tabattrs{$tab}}, $col; } } } foreach my $node (keys %{$monsettings->{'nodes'}}) { foreach my $montable (keys %tabattrs) { #Get the new status of the node my $montab_ref = xCAT::Table->new($montable); if ($montab_ref) { my @attrs = @{$tabattrs{$montable}}; my $tabdata = $montab_ref->getNodesAttribs(\@monitornodes, \@attrs); foreach my $attr (@{$tabattrs{$montable}}) { # nodestatus changed, print a message if (($monsettings->{'nodes'}->{$node}->{'status'}->{$montable}->{$attr} ne '') && ($monsettings->{'nodes'}->{$node}->{'status'}->{$montable}->{$attr} ne $tabdata->{$node}->[0]->{$attr})) { my $rsp={}; $rsp->{data}->[0] = "$node $montable.$attr: $monsettings->{'nodes'}->{$node}->{'status'}->{$montable}->{$attr} => $tabdata->{$node}->[0]->{$attr}"; xCAT::MsgUtils->message("I", $rsp, $callback); } #set the new status $monsettings->{'nodes'}->{$node}->{'status'}->{$montable}->{$attr} = $tabdata->{$node}->[0]->{$attr}; } $montab_ref->close(); } else { #can not open the table my $rsp={}; $rsp->{data}->[0] = "Open table $montable failed"; xCAT::MsgUtils->message("E", $rsp, $callback); return (); } } #expected status?? my $statusmatch = 1; foreach my $temptab (keys %{$monsettings->{'monattrs'}}) { foreach my $tempcol (keys %{$monsettings->{'monattrs'}->{$temptab}}) { my $currentstatus = $monsettings->{'nodes'}->{$node}->{'status'}->{$temptab}->{$tempcol}; my $expectedstatus = $monsettings->{'monattrs'}->{$temptab}->{$tempcol}->{'val'}; my $matchtype = $monsettings->{'monattrs'}->{$temptab}->{$tempcol}->{'matchtype'}; #regular expression if($matchtype eq 'match') { if ($currentstatus ne $expectedstatus) { $statusmatch = 0; } } elsif($matchtype eq 'regex') { if ($currentstatus !~ /$expectedstatus/) { $statusmatch = 0; } } } #end foreach } #end foreach if ($statusmatch == 1) { my $rsp={}; $rsp->{data}->[0] = "$node: Reached the expected status"; xCAT::MsgUtils->message("I", $rsp, $callback); delete $monsettings->{'nodes'}->{$node}; } } #end foreach my $node } #end while if(scalar(keys %{$monsettings->{'nodes'}}) > 0) { foreach my $n (keys %{$monsettings->{'nodes'}}) { my $rsp={}; $rsp->{data}->[0] = "$n: does not transit to the expected status"; xCAT::MsgUtils->message("E",$rsp, $callback); } } return $monsettings; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 get_unique_members Description: Return an array which have unique members Arguments: origarray: the original array to be treated Returns: Return an array, which contains unique members. Globals: none Error: none Example: my @new_array = xCAT::Utils::get_unique_members(@orig_array); Comments: =cut #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub get_unique_members { my @orig_array = @_; my %tmp_hash = (); for my $ent (@orig_array) { $tmp_hash{$ent} = 1; } return keys %tmp_hash; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 updateEtcHosts Description: Add nodes and their IP addresses into /etc/hosts. Arguments: $host_ip: the hostname-IP pairs to be updated in /etc/hosts Returns: 1: Succesfully. 0: Failed. Globals: none Error: none Example: xCAT::Utils::updateEtcHosts(\%node_to_be_updated) Comments: =cut #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Update /etc/hosts ########################################################################## sub updateEtcHosts { my $host = shift; my $ip = shift; my $fname = "/etc/hosts"; unless ( open( HOSTS,"<$fname" )) { return undef; } my @rawdata = <HOSTS>; my @newdata = (); close( HOSTS ); chomp @rawdata; ###################################### # Remove old entry ###################################### my $updated = 0; foreach my $line ( @rawdata ) { if ( $line =~ /^#/ or $line =~ /^\s*$/ ) { next; } if ( $line =~ /^\s*\Q$ip\E\s+(.*)$/ ) { $host = $1; $updated = 1; last; } } if ( !$updated) { push @rawdata, "$ip\t$host"; } ###################################### # Rewrite file ###################################### unless ( open( HOSTS,">$fname" )) { return undef; } for my $line (@rawdata) { print HOSTS "$line\n"; } close( HOSTS ); return [$host,$ip]; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 getDBName Description: Returns the current database (SQLITE,DB2,MYSQL,PG) Arguments: None Returns: Return string. Globals: none Error: none Example: my $DBname = xCAT::Utils->get_DBName; Comments: =cut #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub get_DBName { my $name = "SQLITE"; # default my $xcatcfg; if (-r "/etc/xcat/cfgloc") { my $cfgl; open($cfgl,"<","/etc/xcat/cfgloc"); $xcatcfg = <$cfgl>; close($cfgl); if ($xcatcfg =~ /^mysql:/) { $name="MYSQL" } else { if ($xcatcfg =~ /^DB2:/) { $name="DB2" } else { if ($xcatcfg =~ /^Pg:/) { $name="PG" } } } } return $name; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 full_path Description: Convert the relative path to full path. Arguments: relpath: relative path cwdir: current working directory, use the cwd() if not specified Returns: Return the full path NULL - Failed to get the full path. Globals: none Error: none Example: my $fp = xCAT::Utils::full_path('./test', '/home/guest'); Comments: =cut #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub full_path { my ($class, $relpath, $cwdir) = @_; my $fullpath; if (!$cwdir) { #cwdir is not specified $fullpath = Cwd::abs_path($relpath); } else { $fullpath = $cwdir . "/$relpath"; } return $fullpath; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 isStateful returns 1 if localHost is a Stateful install Arguments: none Returns: 1 - localHost is Stateful 0 - localHost is not Stateful Globals: none Error: none Example: if (xCAT::Utils->isStateful()) { } Comments: none =cut #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub isStateful { # check to see if / is a real directory my $dir = "\/"; my $cmd = "df -P $dir "; my @output = xCAT::Utils->runcmd($cmd, -1); if ($::RUNCMD_RC != 0) { # error xCAT::MsgUtils->message("", " Could not determine Stateful\n"); return 0; } foreach my $line (@output) { my ($file_sys, $blocks, $used, $avail, $cap, $mount_point) = split(' ', $line); $mount_point=~ s/\s*//g; # remove blanks if ($mount_point eq $dir) { if ( -e ($file_sys)) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } } return 0; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 setupAIXconserver Set AIX conserver =cut #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 setupAIXconserver Description: Set AIX conserver Arguments: $verbose: Returns: Return result of the operation Globals: none Error: none Example: my $res = xCAT::Utils::setupAIXconserver($verbose); Comments: =cut #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub setupAIXconserver { my ($class, $verbose) = @_; my $cmd; my $outref; my $msg; my $rc = 0; if (!-f "/usr/sbin/conserver") { $cmd = "ln -sf /opt/freeware/sbin/conserver /usr/sbin/conserver"; $outref = xCAT::Utils->runcmd("$cmd", 0); if ($::RUNCMD_RC != 0) { xCAT::MsgUtils->message( 'E', "Could not ln -sf /opt/freeware/sbin/conserver /usr/sbin/conserver." ); } else { $msg = "ln -sf /opt/freeware/sbin/conserver /usr/sbin/conserver."; if( $verbose ) { xCAT::MsgUtils->message("I", $msg); } } } if (!-f "/usr/bin/console") { $cmd = "ln -sf /opt/freeware/bin/console /usr/bin/console"; $outref = xCAT::Utils->runcmd("$cmd", 0); if ($::RUNCMD_RC != 0) { xCAT::MsgUtils->message( 'E', "Could not ln -sf /opt/freeware/bin/console /usr/bin/console." ); } else { $msg = "ln -sf /opt/freeware/bin/console /usr/sbin/console."; if( $verbose ) { xCAT::MsgUtils->message("I", $msg); } } } $cmd = "lssrc -a | grep conserver >/dev/null 2>&1"; $outref = xCAT::Utils->runcmd("$cmd", -1); if ($::RUNCMD_RC != 0) { $cmd = "mkssys -p /opt/freeware/sbin/conserver -s conserver -u 0 -S -n 15 -f 15 -a \"-o -O1 -C /etc/conserver.cf\""; $outref = xCAT::Utils->runcmd("$cmd", 0); if ($::RUNCMD_RC != 0) { xCAT::MsgUtils->message('E', "Could not add subsystem conserver."); } else { xCAT::MsgUtils->message('I', "Added subsystem conserver."); # Remove old setting my $rmitab_cmd = 'rmitab conserver > /dev/null 2>&1'; $rc = system($rmitab_cmd); # add to the /etc/inittab file my $mkitab_cmd = 'mkitab "conserver:2:once:/usr/bin/startsrc -s conserver > /dev/console 2>&1" > /dev/null 2>&1'; $rc = system($mkitab_cmd); # may already be there no error check } } else { # conserver already a service # Remove old setting my $rmitab_cmd = 'rmitab conserver > /dev/null 2>&1'; $rc = system($rmitab_cmd); # make sure it is registered in /etc/inittab file my $mkitab_cmd = 'mkitab "conserver:2:once:/usr/bin/startsrc -s conserver > /dev/console 2>&1" > /dev/null 2>&1'; $rc = system($mkitab_cmd); # may already be there no error check } # now make sure conserver is started $rc = xCAT::Utils->startService("conserver"); return $rc; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 isSELINUX Returns: returns 0 if SELINUX is enabled returns 1 if SELINUX is not enabled Globals: none Error: none Example: if (xCAT::Utils->isSELINUX()) { blah; } Comments: This is tested on Redhat, may need more for SLES =cut #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub isSELINUX { if (-e "/usr/sbin/selinuxenabled") { `/usr/sbin/selinuxenabled`; if ($? == 0) { return 0; } else { return 1; } } else { return 1; } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 noderangecontainsMN Returns: returns nothing, if ManagementNode is not the input noderange returns name of MN, if Management Node is in the input noderange Globals: none Error: none Input: array of nodes in the noderange Example: my $mn=xCAT::Utils->noderangecontainsMN($noderange); Comments: =cut #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub noderangecontainsMn { my ($class, @noderange)=@_; # check if any node in the noderange is the Management Node return the # name my $mname; my $tab = xCAT::Table->new('nodelist'); my @nodelist=$tab->getAllNodeAttribs(['node','groups']); foreach my $n (@nodelist) { if (defined($n->{'groups'})) { my @groups=split(",",$n->{'groups'}); if ((grep (/__mgmtnode/,@groups))) { # this is the MN $mname=$n->{'node'}; last; } } } if ($mname) { # if Management Node defined in the database if (grep(/$mname/, @noderange)) { # if MN in the noderange return $mname; } else { return ; } } } =head3 filter_nodes ########################################################################## # Fliter the nodes to specific groups # For specific command, figure out the node lists which should be handled by blade.pm, fsp.pm or ipmi.pm # mp group: the nodes will be handled by blade.pm # fsp group: the nodes will be handled by fsp.pm # bmc group: the nodes will be handled by ipmi.pm # For rspconfig network, the NGP ppc blade will be included in the group of mp, othewise in the fsp group # For getmacs -D, the NGP ppc blade will be included in the group of common fsp, otherwise in the mp group # For renergy command, NGP blade will be moved to mp group ########################################################################## =cut sub filter_nodes{ my ($class, $req, $mpnodes, $fspnodes, $bmcnodes, $nohandle) = @_; my (@nodes,@args,$cmd); if (defined($req->{'node'})) { @nodes = @{$req->{'node'}}; } else { return 1; } if (defined($req->{'command'})) { $cmd = $req->{'command'}->[0]; } if (defined($req->{'arg'})) { @args = @{$req->{'arg'}}; } # get the nodes in the mp table my $mptabhash; my $mptab = xCAT::Table->new("mp"); if ($mptab) { $mptabhash = $mptab->getNodesAttribs(\@nodes, ['mpa','nodetype']); } # get the nodes in the ppc table my $ppctabhash; my $ppctab = xCAT::Table->new("ppc"); if ($ppctab) { $ppctabhash = $ppctab->getNodesAttribs(\@nodes,['hcp']); } # get the nodes in the ipmi table my $ipmitabhash; my $ipmitab = xCAT::Table->new("ipmi"); if ($ipmitab) { $ipmitabhash = $ipmitab->getNodesAttribs(\@nodes,['bmc']); } my (@mp, @ngpfsp, @ngpbmc, @commonfsp, @commonbmc, @unknow); # if existing in both 'mpa' and 'ppc', a ngp power blade # if existing in both 'mpa' and 'ipmi', a ngp x86 blade # if only in 'ppc', a common power node # if only in 'ipmi', a common x86 node foreach (@nodes) { if (defined ($mptabhash->{$_}->[0]) && defined ($mptabhash->{$_}->[0]->{'mpa'})) { if (defined ($ppctabhash->{$_}->[0]) && defined ($ppctabhash->{$_}->[0]->{'hcp'})) { # flex power node push @ngpfsp, $_; next; } elsif (defined ($ipmitabhash->{$_}->[0]) && defined ($ipmitabhash->{$_}->[0]->{'bmc'})) { # flex x86 node push @ngpbmc, $_; next; } else { # Non flex blade, but blade node push @mp, $_; next; } } elsif (defined ($ppctabhash->{$_}->[0]) && defined ($ppctabhash->{$_}->[0]->{'hcp'})) { # common power node push @commonfsp, $_; } elsif (defined ($ipmitabhash->{$_}->[0]) && defined ($ipmitabhash->{$_}->[0]->{'bmc'})) { # common bmc node push @commonbmc, $_; } else { push @unknow, $_; } } push @{$mpnodes}, @mp;#blade.pm push @{$fspnodes}, @commonfsp; push @{$bmcnodes}, @commonbmc; if (@args && ($cmd eq "rspconfig")) { if (!(grep /^(cec_off_policy|pending_power_on_side)/, @args)) { push @{$mpnodes}, @ngpfsp; if (grep /^(network=)/, @args) { push @{$mpnodes}, @ngpbmc; } } else { push @{$fspnodes}, @ngpfsp; } } elsif($cmd eq "getmacs") { if (@args && (grep /^-D$/,@args)) { push @{$fspnodes}, @ngpfsp; } else { push @{$mpnodes}, @ngpfsp; } } elsif ($cmd eq "rvitals") { if (@args && (grep /^lcds$/,@args)) { push @{$fspnodes},@ngpfsp; } else { push @{$mpnodes}, @ngpfsp; } } elsif ($cmd eq "renergy") { push @{$mpnodes}, @ngpbmc; push @{$mpnodes}, @ngpfsp; } else { push @{$fspnodes}, @ngpfsp; } push @{$nohandle}, @unknow; ## TRACE_LINE print "Nodes filter: nodetype [commp:@mp,ngpp:@ngpfsp,comfsp:@commonfsp]. mpnodes [@{$mpnodes}], fspnodes [@{$fspnodes}], bmcnodes [@{$bmcnodes}]\n"; return 0; } 1;