#!/usr/bin/env perl # IBM(c) 2007 EPL license http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html #Note, this ppping still frontends fping. I think it would be possible to write a perl equivalent, but #I've not had the time. Net::Ping shows perl code I could see being adapted for a somewhat #asynchronous ICMP ping (the tcp syn is interesting, but far too limited, and that is currently the only async #method Net::Ping provides. # This script starts with a noderange from the user, expands it using the # xcat daemon, then sends a command to every node that can be pinged # from the machine where it is run to ping all of the other nodes # obtained from the user. It then prints out the result and exits. BEGIN { # XCATROOT must be set for this script to work $::XCATROOT = $ENV{'XCATROOT'} ? $ENV{'XCATROOT'} : '/opt/xcat'; } use lib "$::XCATROOT/lib/perl"; use IO::Socket::SSL; use XML::Simple; if ($^O =~ /^linux/i) { $XML::Simple::PREFERRED_PARSER='XML::Parser'; } use Data::Dumper; use IO::Handle; use IO::Select; use xCAT::Utils; use Getopt::Long; my $interface; my $DEBUG = 0; my $VERBOSE = 0; my $HIERARCHY = 0; my $USAGE="Usage: ppping [-i|--interface interface] [-d|--debug] [-v|--verbose] [-s|--serial] noderange ppping -h|--help ppping -V|--version\n"; # Parse the options if(!GetOptions( 'h|help' => \$::HELP, 'V|version' => \$::VERSION, 's|serial' => \$::SERIAL, 'd|debug' => \$DEBUG, 'v|verbose' => \$VERBOSE, 'H|hierarchical' => \$HIERARCHY, 'interface=s' => \$interface)) { print "$USAGE"; exit 1; } if ($::HELP) { print "$USAGE"; exit 0} if ($::VERSION) {print xCAT::Utils->Version() . "\n"; exit 0} # A method to prefix and print debug information only if it is wanted. sub debug { $debug_text = shift; if($DEBUG){ print("---$debug_text"); } } my $xcathost='localhost:3001'; if ($ENV{XCATHOST}) { $xcathost=$ENV{XCATHOST}; } unless (@ARGV) { print "$USAGE"; exit 1; } ## Connect to xcatd to expand a noderange my $noderange = $ARGV[0]; my $client = IO::Socket::SSL->new( PeerAddr=>$xcathost, SSL_key_file=>$ENV{HOME}."/.xcat/client-cred.pem", SSL_cert_file=>$ENV{HOME}."/.xcat/client-cred.pem", SSL_ca_file => $ENV{HOME}."/.xcat/ca.pem", SSL_use_cert => 1, #SSL_verify_mode => 1, ); die "Connection failure: $!\n" unless ($client); my %cmdref = (command => 'noderange', noderange => $noderange); # Request nodes from xcatd debug("[start] - request nodes from xcatd\n"); $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "No response getting noderange" }; alarm(15); print $client XMLout(\%cmdref,RootName=>'xcatrequest', NoAttr=>1, KeyAttr => []); alarm(15); debug("[stop] - request nodes from xcatd\n"); ## Recieve nodes from xcatd and place them in @nodes my $response=""; my @nodes=(); debug("[start] - recieve nodes from xcatd\n"); while (<$client>) { alarm(0); $response .= $_; if ($response =~ m/<\/xcatresponse>/) { $rsp=XMLin($response, ForceArray => ['node']); $response=''; if ($rsp->{warning}) { printf "Warning: ".$rsp->{warning}."\n"; } if ($rsp->{error}) { die ("ERROR: ".$rsp->{error}."\n"); } elsif ($rsp->{node}) { @nodes=@{$rsp->{node}}; } if ($rsp->{serverdone}) { last; } } } close($client); debug("[stop] - recieve nodes from xcatd\n"); debug("\@nodes LENGTH:" . scalar @nodes . "\n"); my $children = 0; my $inputs = new IO::Select; $SIG{CHLD} = sub { while (waitpid(-1,WNOHANG) > 0) { $children--; } }; unless (scalar(@nodes)) { exit; } ## Use pping to determine which nodes are reachable my @reachable_nodes=(); my @unreachable_nodes=(); debug("[start] - find unreachable nodes\n"); open (PPING, "$::XCATROOT/bin/pping ".join(',',@nodes). " 2> /dev/null|") or die("Cannot open pping-internal pipe: $!"); while (<PPING>) { if ($_ =~ / ping/) { my @a_tmp=split(':', $_); push(@reachable_nodes, $a_tmp[0]); } else { my @a_tmp=split(':', $_); push(@unreachable_nodes, $a_tmp[0]); } } close(PPING); debug("[stop] - find unreachable nodes\n"); ## Dispose of the unreachable nodes now foreach(@unreachable_nodes) { print "$_: noping\n"; } ## If there are nodes in @reachable nodes, use xdsh to make each reachable ## node pping2 every other node, even the unreachable ones. debug("[start] - deal with reachable nodes\n"); debug("REACHABLE_NODES:@reachable_nodes\n"); if (@reachable_nodes > 0) { my $allnodes=join(',', @nodes); ## If the serial option was set, pping2 one reachable node at a time. if ($::SERIAL) { debug("SERIAL:$::SERIAL\n"); debug("[start] - xdsh to each reachable node\n"); foreach(@reachable_nodes) { my $result; my $command = "$::XCATROOT/bin/xdsh $_ -e $::XCATROOT/sbin/pping2 \"$i_string -q $allnodes\" 2>&1"; # If verbose is set, take out the quiet flag if($VERBOSE) { $command =~ s/-q//; } # If hierarchical behavior is wanted, put in the bypass flag if($HIERARCHY){ $command =~ s/\$_/\$_ -B/; } debug("Running \'$command\'\n"); $result=`$command`; print "$result"; } debug("[stop] - xdsh to each reachable node\n"); } ## If the serial option was not set, pping2 all the reachable nodes simultaneously. else { debug("SERIAL not set.\n"); my $node_string=join(',', @reachable_nodes); my $command = "$::XCATROOT/bin/xdsh $node_string -s -e $::XCATROOT/sbin/pping2 \"$i_string -q $allnodes\" 2> /dev/null|"; # If verbose is set, take out the quiet flag if($VERBOSE) { $command =~ s/-q//; } # If hierarchical behavior is wanted, put in the bypass flag if($HIERARCHY){ $command =~ s/\$_/\$_ -B/; } debug("Running \'$command\'"); open (PPING2, "$command") or die("Cannot open pping-internal pipe: $!"); # Print out the result while (<PPING2>) { print "$_"; } close(PPING2); } } debug("[stop] - deal with reachable nodes\n"); exit 0;