#!/usr/bin/perl -lw package VIOSObj; sub new { my $type = shift; my %parm = @_; my $this = {}; $this->{'key'} = $parm{'key'}; $this->{'conf'} = {}; $this->{'conf_file'} = $parm{'conf_file'}; return bless $this, $type; } sub parse_conf { my $this = shift; my $file = $this->{'conf_file'}; if(!open (FILE, $file)) { # die("Open file $file failed!\n"); chomp(my $date = `/bin/date`); my $msg = "$date configvios: Open file $file failed!\n"; `logger -t xcat -p local4.err $msg`; return; } my $key = $this->{'key'}; my $conf = undef; my $category = undef; while (<FILE>) { my $line = $_; chomp($line); $line =~ s/[ \n\t\r\f]//g; next if($line =~ /^\s*#/ || /^\s*$/); if($line =~ /^\[(.+)\]$/) { last if($category); if($1 eq $key) { $conf = \%{$this->{'conf'}}; $category = $1; } next; } next if(!$category); my @item = split('=', $line); if($#item == 1) { %{$conf} = (%{$conf}, $item[0]=>$item[1]); } else { close (FILE); #die("Invalid line $line!\n"); chomp(my $date = `/bin/date`); my $msg = "$date configvios: Invaild line $line!\n"; `logger -t xcat -p local4.err $msg`; return; } } if(!$conf) { close (FILE); #die("Can not found related configuration for $key in file $file\n"); chomp(my $date = `/bin/date`); my $msg = "$date configvios: Can't found related configuration for $key in file $file\n"; `logger -t xcat -p local4.err $msg`; return; } } sub run_cmd { my $this = shift; my $cmd = shift; print "command is: $cmd\n"; `su - padmin " -c ioscli license -accept; $cmd"`; my $result = $?; return $result; } sub config { my $this = shift; $this->parse_conf(); my $cmd = $this->get_cmd(); my $result = $this->run_cmd($cmd); } package VIOSEth; our @ISA = (VIOSObj); sub get_cmd { my $this = shift; my $cmd = undef; my %config = %{$this->{'conf'}}; my $cnt = 0; my @conf = (); print "Create and configure SEAs..."; while( my ($key,$value) = each %config ) { @conf = ($key,split(',',$value)); if($#conf != 9) { # print "Invalid configuration item $key,$value!\n"; chomp(my $date = `/bin/date`); my $msg = "$date configvios: Invalid configuration item $key=$value!\n"; `logger -t xcat -p local4.warning $msg`; next; } $cmd = $cnt > 0 ? $cmd.' && ioscli mkvdev' : 'ioscli mkvdev'; $cnt++; $cmd = $cmd.' -sea '.$conf[0].' -vadapter '.$conf[1].' -default '.$conf[2].' -defaultid '.$conf[3].' && mktcpip -hostname '.$conf[4]. ' -inetaddr '.$conf[5].' -netmask '.$conf[6].' -interface '.$conf[0].' -gateway '.$conf[7].' -nsrvdomain '.$conf[8].' -nsrvaddr '.$conf[9].' -start'; } return $cmd; } package VIOSVg; our @ISA = ( VIOSObj ); sub get_cmd { my $this = shift; my $cmd = undef; my $cnt = 0; my %config = %{$this->{'conf'}}; print "Create volume groups..."; while( my ($key,$value) = each %config ) { my @hdisk = split(',', $value); my $err = 0; foreach (@hdisk) { `lspv|grep $_ >/dev/nul 2>&1`; $err++ if($? != 0) } if($err != 0) { #print "Invalid configuration item $key: hard disk info error\n"; chomp(my $date = `/bin/date`); my $msg = "$date configvios: Invalid configuration item $key:hard disk info error!\n"; `logger -t xcat -p local4.warning $msg`; next; } `lsvg $key > /dev/nul 2>&1`; if($? == 0) { #print "Invalid configuration item $key: vg $key already existed\n"; chomp(my $date = `/bin/date`); my $msg = "$date configvios: Invalid configuration item $key:vg $key already existed!\n"; `logger -t xcat -p local4.warning $msg`; next; } $cmd = $cnt>0? $cmd.' && ioscli mkvg':'ioscli mkvg'; $cnt++; $cmd = $cmd.' -f -vg '.$key.' '."@hdisk"; } return $cmd; } package VIOSLv; our @ISA = ( VIOSObj ); sub get_cmd { my $this = shift; my $cmd = undef; my %config = %{$this->{'conf'}}; my $cnt = 0; my @conf = (); print "Create logcial volumes..."; while( my ($key,$value) = each %config ) { @conf = ($key, split(',', $value)); if($#conf != 2) { #print "Invalid configuration item $key,$value!\n"; chomp(my $date = `/bin/date`); my $msg = "$date configvios: Invalid configuration item $key=$value!\n"; `logger -t xcat -p local4.warning $msg`; next; } `su - padmin " -c ioscli lslv $conf[0]" > /dev/nul 2>&1`; if($? == 0) { #print "Invalid configuration item $key:the lv name $conf[0] already existed\n"; chomp(my $date = `/bin/date`); my $msg = "$date configvios: Invalid configuration item $key:the lv name $conf[0] already existed!\n"; `logger -t xcat -p local4.warning $msg`; next; } `su - padmin " -c ioscli lsvg $conf[1]" > /dev/nul 2>&1`; if($? != 0) { #print "Invalid configuration item $key:the vg $conf[1] doesn't exist\n"; chomp(my $date = `/bin/date`); my $msg = "$date configvios: Invalid configuration item $key:the vg $conf[1] doesn't exist!\n"; `logger -t xcat -p local4.warning $msg`; next; } my $ppsnum = `lsvg rootvg |grep "FREE PPs"|awk '{print \$6}'`; if($conf[2] > $ppsnum) { #print "Invalid configuration item $key:there isn't enough space left in $conf[1]\n"; chomp(my $date = `/bin/date`); my $msg = "$date configvios: Invalid configuration item $key:there isn't enough space left in $conf[1]!\n"; `logger -t xcat -p local4.warning $msg`; next; } $cmd = $cnt>0 ? $cmd.' && ioscli mklv': 'ioscli mklv'; $cnt++; $cmd = $cmd.' -lv '.$conf[0].' '.$conf[1].' '.$conf[2]; } return $cmd; } package VIOSLvMap; our @ISA = ( VIOSObj ); sub get_cmd { my $this = shift; my $cmd = undef; my %config = %{$this->{'conf'}}; my $cnt = 0; print "Mapping logical volumes to virtual adapters..."; while( my ($key,$value) = each %config ) { `su - padmin " -c ioscli lslv $value" > /dev/nul 2>&1`; if($? != 0) { #print "Invalid configuration item $key: lv $value doesn't exist\n"; chomp(my $date = `/bin/date`); my $msg = "$date configvios: Invalid configuration item $key:lv $value doesn't exist!\n"; `logger -t xcat -p local4.warning $msg`; next; } `su - padmin " -c ioscli lsdev -virtual |grep $key " >/dev/nul 2>&1`; if($? != 0) { #print "Invaild configuration item $key: virtual adapter $key doesn't exist\n"; chomp(my $date = `/bin/date`); my $msg = "$date configvios: Invalid configuration item $key: virtual adapter $key doesn't exist!\n"; `logger -t xcat -p local4.warning $msg`; next; } $cmd = $cnt > 0 ? $cmd.' && ioscli mkvdev' : 'ioscli mkvdev'; $cnt++; $cmd = $cmd.' -vdev '.$value.' -vadapter '.$key; } return $cmd; } package main; my $conf_file = $ENV{'VIOS_CONF'} ? $ENV{'VIOS_CONF'} : './vios.conf'; my $vioseth = VIOSEth->new("conf_file"=>$conf_file, "key"=>'SEA_Config'); $vioseth->config(); my $viosvg = VIOSVg->new("conf_file"=>$conf_file, "key"=>'Volume_Group'); $viosvg->config(); my $vioslv = VIOSLv->new("conf_file"=>$conf_file, "key"=>'Logical_Volume'); $vioslv->config(); my $vioslvmap = VIOSLvMap->new("conf_file"=>$conf_file, "key"=>'Mapping_SCSI'); $vioslvmap->config(); exit;