# IBM(c) 2011 EPL license http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html #------------------------------------------------------- =head 1 xCAT plugin to handle xCAT UI commands =cut #------------------------------------------------------- package xCAT_plugin::web; use strict; require xCAT::Utils; require xCAT::MsgUtils; use Getopt::Long; use Data::Dumper; use LWP::Simple; use xCAT::Table; use xCAT::NodeRange; sub handled_commands { return { webrun => "web", }; } sub process_request { my $request = shift; my $callback = shift; my $sub_req = shift; my %authorized_cmds = ( 'update' => \&web_update, 'lscondition' => \&web_lscond, 'lsresponse' => \&web_lsresp, 'lscondresp' => \&web_lscondresp, 'mkcondresp' => \&web_mkcondresp, 'startcondresp' => \&web_startcondresp, 'stopcondresp' => \&web_stopcondresp, 'lsevent' => \&web_lsevent, 'unlock' => \&web_unlock, 'rmcstart' => \&web_rmcmonStart, 'rmcshow' => \&web_rmcmonShow, 'gangliastart' => \&web_gangliastart, 'gangliastop' => \&web_gangliastop, 'gangliastatus' => \&web_gangliastatus, 'gangliacheck' => \&web_gangliacheck, 'installganglia'=> \&web_installganglia, 'mkcondition' => \&web_mkcondition, 'monls' => \&web_monls, 'discover' => \&web_discover, 'updatevpd' => \&web_updatevpd, 'createimage' => \&web_createimage ); #check whether the request is authorized or not split ' ', $request->{arg}->[0]; my $cmd = $_[0]; if ( grep { $_ eq $cmd } keys %authorized_cmds ) { my $func = $authorized_cmds{$cmd}; $func->( $request, $callback, $sub_req ); } else { $callback->( { error => "$cmd is not authorized!\n", errorcode => [1] } ); } } sub web_lsevent { my ( $request, $callback, $sub_req ) = @_; my @ret = `$request->{arg}->[0]`; #please refer the manpage for the output format of "lsevent" my $data = []; my $record = ''; my $i = 0; my $j = 0; foreach my $item (@ret) { if ( $item ne "\n" ) { chomp $item; my ( $key, $value ) = split( "=", $item ); if ( $j < 2 ) { $record .= $value . ';'; } else { $record .= $value; } $j++; if ( $j == 3 ) { $i++; $j = 0; push( @$data, $record ); $record = ''; } } } $callback->( { data => $data } ); } sub web_mkcondresp { my ( $request, $callback, $sub_req ) = @_; my $conditionName = $request->{arg}->[1]; my $temp = $request->{arg}->[2]; my $cmd = ''; my @resp = split( ':', $temp ); #create new associations if ( 1 < length( @resp[0] ) ) { $cmd = substr( @resp[0], 1 ); $cmd =~ s/,/ /; $cmd = 'mkcondresp ' . $conditionName . ' ' . $cmd; my $retInfo = xCAT::Utils->runcmd( $cmd, -1, 1 ); } #delete old associations if ( 1 < length( @resp[1] ) ) { $cmd = substr( @resp[1], 1 ); $cmd =~ s/,/ /; $cmd = 'rmcondresp ' . $conditionName . ' ' . $cmd; my $retInfo = xCAT::Utils->runcmd( $cmd, -1, 1 ); } #there's no output for "mkcondresp" $cmd = 'startcondresp ' . $conditionName; my $refInfo = xCAT::Utils->runcmd( $cmd, -1, 1 ); $callback->( { data => "Success." } ); } sub web_startcondresp { my ( $request, $callback, $sub_req ) = @_; my $conditionName = $request->{arg}->[1]; my $cmd = 'startcondresp "' . $conditionName . '"'; my $retInfo = xCAT::Utils->runcmd( $cmd, -1, 1 ); $callback->( { data => 'start monitor "' . $conditionName . '" Successful.' } ); } sub web_stopcondresp { my ( $request, $callback, $sub_req ) = @_; my $conditionName = $request->{arg}->[1]; my $cmd = 'stopcondresp "' . $conditionName . '"'; my $retInfo = xCAT::Utils->runcmd( $cmd, -1, 1 ); $callback->( { data => 'stop monitor "' . $conditionName . '" Successful.' } ); } sub web_lscond { my ( $request, $callback, $sub_req ) = @_; my $nodeRange = $request->{arg}->[1]; my $names = ''; #list all the conditions on all lpars in this group if ($nodeRange) { my @nodes = xCAT::NodeRange::noderange($nodeRange); my %tempHash; my $nodeCount = @nodes; #no node in this group if ( 1 > $nodeCount ) { return; } #no conditions return my $tempCmd = 'lscondition -d :' . join( ',', @nodes ); my $retInfo = xCAT::Utils->runcmd( $tempCmd, -1, 1 ); if ( 1 > @$retInfo ) { return; } shift @$retInfo; shift @$retInfo; foreach my $line (@$retInfo) { my @temp = split( ':', $line ); $tempHash{ @temp[0] }++; } foreach my $name ( keys(%tempHash) ) { if ( $nodeCount == $tempHash{$name} ) { $names = $names . $name . ';'; } } } #only list the conditions on local. else { my $retInfo = xCAT::Utils->runcmd( 'lscondition -d', -1, 1 ); if ( 2 > @$retInfo ) { return; } shift @$retInfo; shift @$retInfo; foreach my $line (@$retInfo) { my @temp = split( ':', $line ); $names = $names . @temp[0] . ':' . substr( @temp[2], 1, 3 ) . ';'; } } if ( '' eq $names ) { return; } $names = substr( $names, 0, ( length($names) - 1 ) ); $callback->( { data => $names } ); } sub web_mkcondition { my ( $request, $callback, $sub_req ) = @_; if ( 'change' eq $request->{arg}->[1] ) { my @nodes; my $conditionName = $request->{arg}->[2]; my $groupName = $request->{arg}->[3]; my $retInfo = xCAT::Utils->runcmd( 'nodels ' . $groupName . " nodetype.nodetype", -1, 1 ); foreach my $line (@$retInfo) { my @temp = split( ':', $line ); if ( @temp[1] !~ /lpar/ ) { $callback->( { data => 'Error : only the compute nodes\' group could select.' } ); return; } push( @nodes, @temp[0] ); } xCAT::Utils->runcmd( 'chcondition -n ' + join( ',', @nodes ) + '-m m ' + $conditionName ); $callback->( { data => 'Change scope success.' } ); } } sub web_lsresp { my ( $request, $callback, $sub_req ) = @_; my $names = ''; my @temp; my $retInfo = xCAT::Utils->runcmd( 'lsresponse -d', -1, 1 ); shift @$retInfo; shift @$retInfo; foreach my $line (@$retInfo) { @temp = split( ':', $line ); $names = $names . @temp[0] . ';'; } $names = substr( $names, 0, ( length($names) - 1 ) ); $callback->( { data => $names } ); } sub web_lscondresp { my ( $request, $callback, $sub_req ) = @_; my $names = ''; my @temp; #if there is condition name, then we only show the condition linked associations. if ( $request->{arg}->[1] ) { my $cmd = 'lscondresp -d ' . $request->{arg}->[1]; my $retInfo = xCAT::Utils->runcmd( $cmd, -1, 1 ); if ( 2 > @$retInfo ) { $callback->( { data => '' } ); return; } shift @$retInfo; shift @$retInfo; for my $line (@$retInfo) { @temp = split( ':', $line ); $names = $names . @temp[1] . ';'; } } $names = substr( $names, 0, ( length($names) - 1 ) ); $callback->( { data => $names } ); } sub web_update { my ( $request, $callback, $sub_req ) = @_; my $os = "unknow"; my $RpmNames = $request->{arg}->[1]; my $repository = $request->{arg}->[2]; my $FileHandle; my $cmd; my $ReturnInfo; my $WebpageContent = undef; my $RemoteRpmFilePath = undef; my $LocalRpmFilePath = undef; if ( xCAT::Utils->isLinux() ) { $os = xCAT::Utils->osver(); #suse linux if ( $os =~ /sles.*/ ) { $RpmNames =~ s/,/ /g; #create zypper command $cmd = "zypper -n -p " . $repository . " update " . $RpmNames; } #redhat else { #check the yum config file, and delect it if exist. if ( -e "/tmp/xCAT_update.yum.conf" ) { unlink("/tmp/xCAT_update.yum.conf"); } #create file, return error if failed. unless ( open( $FileHandle, '>>', "/tmp/xCAT_update.yum.conf" ) ) { $callback->( { error => "Create temp file error!\n", errorcode => [1] } ); return; } #write the rpm path into config file. print $FileHandle "[xcat_temp_update]\n"; print $FileHandle "name=temp prepository\n"; $repository = "baseurl=" . $repository . "\n"; print $FileHandle $repository; print $FileHandle "enabled=1\n"; print $FileHandle "gpgcheck=0\n"; close($FileHandle); #use system to run the cmd "yum -y -c config-file update rpm-names" $RpmNames =~ s/,/ /g; $cmd = "yum -y -c /tmp/xCAT_update.yum.conf update " . $RpmNames . " 2>&1"; } #run the command and return the result $ReturnInfo = readpipe($cmd); $callback->( { info => $ReturnInfo } ); } #AIX else { #open the rpmpath(may be error), and read the page's content $WebpageContent = LWP::Simple::get($repository); unless ( defined($WebpageContent) ) { $callback->( { error => "open $repository error, please check!!", errorcode => [1] } ); return; } #must support for updating several rpms. foreach ( split( /,/, $RpmNames ) ) { #find out rpms' corresponding rpm href on the web page $WebpageContent =~ m/href="($_-.*?[ppc64|noarch].rpm)/i; unless ( defined($1) ) { next; } $RemoteRpmFilePath = $repository . $1; $LocalRpmFilePath = '/tmp/' . $1; #download rpm package to temp unless ( -e $LocalRpmFilePath ) { $cmd = "wget -O " . $LocalRpmFilePath . " " . $RemoteRpmFilePath; if ( 0 != system($cmd) ) { $ReturnInfo = $ReturnInfo . "update " . $_ . " failed: can not download the rpm\n"; $callback->( { error => $ReturnInfo, errorcode => [1] } ); return; } } #update rpm by rpm packages. $cmd = "rpm -U " . $LocalRpmFilePath . " 2>&1"; $ReturnInfo = $ReturnInfo . readpipe($cmd); } $callback->( { info => $ReturnInfo } ); } } sub web_unlock { my ( $request, $callback, $sub_req ) = @_; my $node = $request->{arg}->[1]; my $password = $request->{arg}->[2]; # Unlock a node by setting up the SSH keys my $out = `DSH_REMOTE_PASSWORD=$password xdsh $node -K`; $callback->( { data => $out } ); } sub web_gangliastatus { my ( $request, $callback, $sub_req ) = @_; # Get node range my $nr = $request->{arg}->[1]; my $out = `xdsh $nr "service gmond status"`; # Parse output, and use $callback to send back to the web interface # Output looks like: # node_1: Checking for gmond: ..running # node_2: Checking for gmond: ..running my @lines = split( '\n', $out ); my $line; my $status; foreach $line (@lines) { if ( $line =~ m/running/i ) { $status = 'on'; } else { $status = 'off'; } split( ': ', $line ); $callback->( { node => [ { name => [ $_[0] ], # Node name data => [$status] # Output } ] } ); } } sub web_gangliastart() { my ( $request, $callback, $sub_req ) = @_; # Get node range my $nr = $request->{arg}->[1]; if ( !$nr ) { # If no node range is given, then assume all nodes $nr = ''; } # Add gangliamon to the monitoring table my $info; my $output = `monadd gangliamon`; my @lines = split( '\n', $output ); foreach (@lines) { if ($_) { $info .= ( $_ . "\n" ); } } # Run the ganglia configuration script on node $output = `moncfg gangliamon $nr -r`; @lines = split( '\n', $output ); foreach (@lines) { if ($_) { $info .= ( $_ . "\n" ); } } # Start the gmond daemon on node $output = `monstart gangliamon $nr -r`; @lines = split( '\n', $output ); foreach (@lines) { if ($_) { $info .= ( $_ . "\n" ); } } $callback->( { info => $info } ); return; } sub web_gangliastop() { my ( $request, $callback, $sub_req ) = @_; # Get node range my $nr = $request->{arg}->[1]; if ( !$nr ) { $nr = ''; } # Start the gmond daemon on node my $info; my $output = `monstop gangliamon $nr -r`; my @lines = split( '\n', $output ); foreach (@lines) { if ($_) { $info .= ( $_ . "\n" ); } } $callback->( { info => $info } ); return; } sub web_gangliacheck() { my ( $request, $callback, $sub_req ) = @_; # Get node range my $nr = $request->{arg}->[1]; if ( !$nr ) { $nr = ''; } # Check if ganglia RPMs are installed my $info; my $info = `xdsh $nr "rpm -q ganglia-gmond libganglia libconfuse"`; $callback->( { info => $info } ); return; } sub web_installganglia() { my ( $request, $callback, $sub_req ) = @_; # Get node range my $nr = $request->{arg}->[1]; my @nodes = split( ',', $nr ); # Get repository type my $os = xCAT::Utils->osver(); # Get repository name my $xcatDep = 'xCAT-dep'; # Get location of repository my $loc; if ($os =~ /rh/) { # Red Hat $loc = `cat /etc/yum.repos.d/$xcatDep.repo | grep "baseurl"`; } elsif ($os =~ /sles11/) { # SUSE $loc = `cat /etc/zypp/repos.d/$xcatDep.repo | grep "baseurl"`; } else { $loc = ''; } $loc =~ s/baseurl=//g; $loc =~ s/file://g; # Downloaded xCAT-dep # Trim right and left $loc =~ s/\s*$//; $loc =~ s/^\s*//; # Get the base directory for xcat-dep $loc = substr($loc, 0, index($loc, 'xcat-dep/') + 8); # Get the appropriate directory for each nodes # This is based on the nodetype.os and nodetype.arch attributes # e.g. xcat-dep//, where can be: fedora8, fedora9, fedora12, fedora13, rh4, rh5, rh6, sles10, sles11 # and where can be: ppc64, s390x, x86, x86_64 my $info; my $tab; my $attrs; my $tmp; # Repository location: $repo{$node} my $repo; # Go through each node because each node might have a different repository # location, based on its OS and arch foreach (@nodes) { # Get table $tab = xCAT::Table->new('nodetype'); # Get property values $attrs = $tab->getNodeAttribs( $_, ['os', 'arch'] ); if ($attrs->{'arch'} && $attrs->{'os'}) { # Point to the right OS if ($attrs->{'os'} =~ /fedora8/) { $attrs->{'os'} = 'fedora8'; } elsif ($attrs->{'os'} =~ /fedora9/) { $attrs->{'os'} = 'fedora9'; } elsif ($attrs->{'os'} =~ /fedora12/) { $attrs->{'os'} = 'fedora12'; } elsif ($attrs->{'os'} =~ /fedora13/) { $attrs->{'os'} = 'fedora13'; } elsif ($attrs->{'os'} =~ /rh4/ || $attrs->{'os'} =~ /rhel4/) { $attrs->{'os'} = 'rh4'; } elsif ($attrs->{'os'} =~ /rh5/ || $attrs->{'os'} =~ /rhel5/) { $attrs->{'os'} = 'rh5'; } elsif ($attrs->{'os'} =~ /rh6/ || $attrs->{'os'} =~ /rhel6/) { $attrs->{'os'} = 'rh6'; } elsif ($attrs->{'os'} =~ /sles10/) { $attrs->{'os'} = 'sles10'; } elsif ($attrs->{'os'} =~ /sles11/) { $attrs->{'os'} = 'sles11'; } $repo = "$loc/$attrs->{'os'}/$attrs->{'arch'}"; } else { $callback->( { info => '(Error) Missing the nodetype.os and nodetype.arch attributes for $_' } ); } # Transfer Ganglia packages into /tmp directory of node $callback->( { info => "$_: Copying over Ganglia packages..." } ); $info = `xdcp $_ $repo/ganglia-gmond-* $repo/libconfuse-* $repo/libganglia-* /tmp`; $callback->( { info => $info } ); # Check if libapr1 is installed $tmp = '/tmp'; $info = `xdsh $_ "rpm -qa libapr1"`; if (!($info =~ /libapr1/)) { $callback->( { info => "(Error) libapr1 package not installed on $_" } ); } else { # If libapr1 is installed, install Ganglia packages $callback->( { info => "$_: Installing Ganglia..." } ); $info = `xdsh $_ "rpm -i $tmp/ganglia-gmond-* $tmp/libconfuse-* $tmp/libganglia-*"`; $callback->( { info => $info } ); } # Remove Ganglia packages from /tmp $callback->( { info => "$_: Removing Ganglia packages..." } ); $info = `xdsh $_ "rm $tmp/ganglia-gmond-* $tmp/libconfuse-* $tmp/libganglia-*"`; $callback->( { info => $info } ); } return; } sub web_rmcmonStart { my ( $request, $callback, $sub_req ) = @_; my $nodeRange = $request->{arg}->[1]; my $table; my $retData = ""; my $output; #check the running status $table = xCAT::Table->new('monitoring'); my $rmcWorkingStatus = $table->getAttribs( { name => 'rmcmon' }, 'disable' ); $table . close(); #the rmc monitoring is running so return directly if ($rmcWorkingStatus) { if ( $rmcWorkingStatus->{disable} =~ /0|No|no|NO|N|n/ ) { $callback->( { info => 'RMC Monitoring is running now.' } ); return; } } $retData .= "RMC is not running, start it now.\n"; #check the monsetting table rmc's montype contains "performance" $table = xCAT::Table->new('monsetting'); my $rmcmonType = $table->getAttribs( { name => 'rmcmon', key => 'montype' }, 'value' ); $table . close(); #the rmc monitoring is not configure right we should configure it again #there is no rmcmon in monsetting table if ( !$rmcmonType ) { $output = xCAT::Utils->runcmd( 'monadd rmcmon -s [montype=perf]', -1, 1 ); foreach (@$output) { $retData .= ( $_ . "\n" ); } $retData .= "Add the rmcmon to monsetting table complete.\n"; } #configure before but there is not performance monitoring, so change the table else { if ( !( $rmcmonType->{value} =~ /perf/ ) ) { $output = xCAT::Utils->runcmd( 'chtab name=rmcmon,key=montype monsetting.value=perf', -1, 1 ); foreach (@$output) { $retData .= ( $_ . "\n" ); } $retData .= "Change the rmcmon configure in monsetting table finish.\n"; } } #run the rmccfg command to add all nodes into local RMC configuration $output = xCAT::Utils->runcmd( "moncfg rmcmon $nodeRange", -1, 1 ); foreach (@$output) { $retData .= ( $_ . "\n" ); } #run the rmccfg command to add all nodes into remote RMC configuration $output = xCAT::Utils->runcmd( "moncfg rmcmon $nodeRange -r", -1, 1 ); foreach (@$output) { $retData .= ( $_ . "\n" ); } #check the monfiguration #use lsrsrc -a IBM.Host Name. compare the command's return and the noderange, then decide witch node should be refrsrc #start the rmc monitor $output = xCAT::Utils->runcmd( "monstart rmcmon", -1, 1 ); foreach (@$output) { $retData .= ( $_ . "\n" ); } $callback->( { info => $retData } ); return; } sub web_rmcmonShow() { my ( $request, $callback, $sub_req ) = @_; my $nodeRange = $request->{arg}->[1]; my $attr = $request->{arg}->[2]; my @nodes; my $retInfo; my $retHash = {}; my $output; my @activeNodes; my @rmcNodes; my $tempNodes; my $temp = ""; #only get the system rmc info #like this PctTotalTimeIdle=>"10.0000, 20.0000, 12.0000, 30.0000" if ( 'summary' eq $nodeRange ) { $output = xCAT::Utils->runcmd( "monshow rmcmon -s -t 60 -a " . $attr, -1, 1 ); foreach $temp (@$output) { #the attribute name if ( $temp =~ /Pct/ ) { $temp =~ s/ //g; #the first one if ( "" eq $retInfo ) { $retInfo .= ( $temp . ':' ); } else { $retInfo =~ s/,$/;/; $retInfo .= ( $temp . ':' ); } next; } #the content of the attribute $temp =~ m/\s+(\d+\.\d{4})/; if ( defined($1) ) { $retInfo .= ( $1 . ',' ); } } #return the rmc info $retInfo =~ s/,$//; $callback->( { info => $retInfo } ); return; } if ( 'lpar' eq $nodeRange ) { #get nodes detail containt @nodes = xCAT::NodeRange::noderange($nodeRange); if ( (@nodes) && ( @nodes > 0 ) ) { #get all the active nodes $temp = join( ' ', @nodes ); $output = `fping -a $temp 2> /dev/null`; chomp($output); @activeNodes = split( /\n/, $output ); #get all the inactive nodes by substracting the active nodes from all. my %temp2; foreach (@activeNodes) { $temp2{$_} = 1; } foreach (@nodes) { if ( !$temp2{$_} ) { push( @{ $retHash->{node} }, { name => $_, data => 'NA' } ); } } } if ( @activeNodes < 1 ) { $callback->($retHash); return; } $tempNodes = join( ',', @activeNodes ); $output = xCAT::Utils->runcmd( "xdsh $tempNodes rpm -q rsct.core", -1, 1 ); #non-installed foreach (@$output) { my @temp = split( /:/, $_ ); if ( @temp[1] =~ /not installed/ ) { push( @{ $retHash->{node} }, { name => @temp[0], data => 'NI' } ); } else { push( @rmcNodes, @temp[0] ); } } #there are not rmc nodes, so we should return directly if ( @rmcNodes < 1 ) { $callback->($retHash); return; } $tempNodes = join( ',', @rmcNodes ); $output = xCAT::Utils->runcmd( "xdsh $tempNodes \"/bin/ps -ef | /bin/grep rmcd | /bin/grep -v grep\" | /bin/awk '{print \$1\$9}'", -1, 1 ); foreach (@$output) { my @temp = split( /:/, $_ ); if ( @temp[1] =~ /rmcd/ ) { push( @{ $retHash->{node} }, { name => @temp[0], data => 'OK' } ); } #not running else { push( @{ $retHash->{node} }, { name => @temp[0], data => 'NR' } ); } } $callback->($retHash); return; } my $attrName = ""; my @attrValue = (); $output = xCAT::Utils->runcmd( "monshow rmcmon $nodeRange -t 60 -a " . $attr, -1, 1 ); foreach (@$output) { $temp = $_; if ( $temp =~ /\t/ ) { $temp =~ s/\t/ /g; chomp($temp); } #the attribute name if ( $temp =~ m/\s+(Pct.*)\s+/ ) { $temp = $1; #the first one if ( "" ne $attrName ) { push( @{ $retHash->{node} }, { name => $attrName, data => join( ',', @attrValue ) } ); $attrName = ""; @attrValue = (); } $attrName = $temp; next; } #the content of the attribute $temp =~ m/\s+(\d+\.\d{4})\s*$/; if ( defined($1) ) { push( @attrValue, $1 ); } } #push the last attribute name and values. push( @{ $retHash->{node} }, { name => $attrName, data => join( ',', @attrValue ) } ); $callback->($retHash); } sub web_monls() { my ( $request, $callback, $sub_req ) = @_; my $retInfo = xCAT::Utils->runcmd( "monls", -1, 1 ); my $ret = ''; foreach my $line (@$retInfo) { my @temp = split( /\s+/, $line ); $ret .= @temp[0]; if ( 'not-monitored' eq @temp[1] ) { $ret .= ':Off;'; } else { $ret .= ':On;'; } } if ( '' eq $ret ) { return; } $ret = substr( $ret, 0, length($ret) - 1 ); $callback->( { data => $ret } ); } sub web_discover { my ( $request, $callback, $sub_req ) = @_; my $type1 = ''; my $type2 = uc( $request->{arg}->[1] ); if ( 'FRAME' eq $type1 ) { $type1 = 'BPA'; } elsif ( 'CEC' eq $request->{arg}->[1] ) { $type1 = 'FSP'; } elsif ( 'HMC' eq $request->{arg}->[1] ) { $type1 = 'HMC'; } my $retStr = ''; my $retInfo = xCAT::Utils->runcmd( "lsslp -s $type1 2>null | grep $type2 | awk '{print \$2\"-\"\$3}'", -1, 1 ); if ( scalar(@$retInfo) < 1 ) { $retStr = 'Error: Can not discover frames in cluster!'; } else { foreach my $line (@$retInfo) { $retStr .= $line . ';'; } $retStr = substr( $retStr, 0, -1 ); } $callback->( { data => $retStr } ); } sub web_updatevpd { my ( $request, $callback, $sub_req ) = @_; my $harwareMtmsPair = $request->{arg}->[1]; my @hardware = split( /:/, $harwareMtmsPair ); my $vpdtab = xCAT::Table->new('vpd'); unless ($vpdtab) { return; } foreach my $hard (@hardware) { #the sequence must be object name, mtm, serial my @temp = split( /,/, $hard ); $vpdtab->setAttribs( { 'node' => @temp[0] }, { 'serial' => @temp[2], 'mtm' => @temp[1] } ); } $vpdtab->close(); } sub web_createimage { my ( $request, $callback, $sub_req ) = @_; my $ostype = $request->{arg}->[1]; my $osarch = lc( $request->{arg}->[2] ); my $profile = $request->{arg}->[3]; my $bootif = $request->{arg}->[4]; my $imagetype = lc( $request->{arg}->[5] ); my @softArray; my $netdriver = ''; my $installdir = xCAT::Utils->getInstallDir(); my $tempos = $ostype; $tempos =~ s/[0-9]//; my $CONFILE; my $archFlag = 0; my $ret = ''; my $cmdPath = ''; if ( $request->{arg}->[6] ) { @softArray = split( ',', $request->{arg}->[6] ); #check the arch if ( 'ppc64' ne $osarch ) { $callback->( { data => 'Error: only support PPC64!' } ); return; } #check the osver unless ( -e "/opt/xcat/share/xcat/IBMhpc/IBMhpc.$ostype.ppc64.pkglist" ) { $callback->( { data => 'Error: only support rhels6 and sles11!' } ); return; } #check the custom package, if the path is not exist, must create the dir first if ( -e "$installdir/custom/netboot/$ostype/" ) { #the path is exist, so archive all file under this path. opendir( TEMPDIR, "$installdir/custom/netboot/$ostype/" ); my @fileArray = readdir(TEMPDIR); closedir(TEMPDIR); if ( 2 < scalar(@fileArray) ) { $archFlag = 1; unless ( -e "/tmp/webImageArch/" ) { system("mkdir -p /tmp/webImageArch/"); } system("mv $installdir/custom/netboot/$ostype/*.* /tmp/webImageArch/"); } else { $archFlag = 0; } } else { #do not need to archive $archFlag = 0; system("mkdir -p $installdir/custom/netboot/$ostype/"); } #write pkglist open( $CONFILE, ">$installdir/custom/netboot/$ostype/$profile.pkglist" ); print $CONFILE "#INCLUDE:/opt/xcat/share/xcat/IBMhpc/IBMhpc.$ostype.ppc64.pkglist# \n"; close($CONFILE); #write otherpkglist open( $CONFILE, ">$installdir/custom/netboot/$ostype/$profile.otherpkgs.pkglist" ); print $CONFILE "\n"; close($CONFILE); #write exlist for stateless open( $CONFILE, ">$installdir/custom/netboot/$ostype/$profile.exlist" ); print $CONFILE "#INCLUDE:/opt/xcat/share/xcat/IBMhpc/IBMhpc.$ostype.$osarch.exlist#\n"; close($CONFILE); #write postinstall open( $CONFILE, ">$installdir/custom/netboot/$ostype/$profile.postinstall" ); print $CONFILE "/opt/xcat/share/xcat/IBMhpc/IBMhpc.$tempos.postinstall \$1 \$2 \$3 \$4 \$5 \n"; close($CONFILE); for my $soft (@softArray) { $soft = lc($soft); if ( 'gpfs' eq $soft ) { web_gpfsConfigure( $ostype, $profile, $osarch, $installdir ); } elsif ( 'rsct' eq $soft ) { web_rsctConfigure( $ostype, $profile, $osarch, $installdir ); } elsif ( 'pe' eq $soft ) { web_peConfigure( $ostype, $profile, $osarch, $installdir ); } elsif ( 'essl' eq $soft ) { web_esslConfigure( $ostype, $profile, $osarch, $installdir ); } } #chmod system("chmod 755 $installdir/custom/netboot/$ostype/*.*"); } if ( $bootif =~ /hf/i ) { $netdriver = 'hf_if'; } else { $netdriver = 'ibmveth'; } if ( $tempos =~ /rh/i ) { $cmdPath = "/opt/xcat/share/xcat/netboot/rh"; } else { $cmdPath = "/opt/xcat/share/xcat/netboot/sles"; } #for stateless only run packimage is ok if ( 'stateless' eq $imagetype ) { my $retInfo = xCAT::Utils->runcmd( "${cmdPath}/genimage -i $bootif -n $netdriver -o $ostype -p $profile", -1, 1 ); $ret = join( "\n", @$retInfo ); if ($::RUNCMD_RC) { web_restoreChange( $request->{arg}->[6], $archFlag, $imagetype, $ostype, $installdir ); $callback->( { data => $ret } ); return; } $ret .= "\n"; my $retInfo = xCAT::Utils->runcmd( "packimage -o $ostype -p $profile -a $osarch", -1, 1 ); $ret .= join( "\n", @$retInfo ); } else { #for statelist we should check the litefile table #step1 save the old litefile table content into litefilearchive.csv system('tabdump litefile > /tmp/litefilearchive.csv'); #step2 write the new litefile.csv for this lite image open( $CONFILE, ">/tmp/litefile.csv" ); print $CONFILE "#image,file,options,comments,disable\n"; print $CONFILE '"ALL","/etc/lvm/","tmpfs",,' . "\n"; print $CONFILE '"ALL","/etc/ntp.conf","tmpfs",,' . "\n"; print $CONFILE '"ALL","/etc/resolv.conf","tmpfs",,' . "\n"; print $CONFILE '"ALL","/etc/sysconfig/","tmpfs",,' . "\n"; print $CONFILE '"ALL","/etc/yp.conf","tmpfs",,' . "\n"; print $CONFILE '"ALL","/etc/ssh/","tmpfs",,' . "\n"; print $CONFILE '"ALL","/var/","tmpfs",,' . "\n"; print $CONFILE '"ALL","/tmp/","tmpfs",,' . "\n"; print $CONFILE '"ALL","/root/.ssh/","tmpfs",,' . "\n"; print $CONFILE '"ALL","/opt/xcat/","tmpfs",,' . "\n"; print $CONFILE '"ALL","/xcatpost/","tmpfs",,' . "\n"; if ( 'rhels' eq $tempos ) { print $CONFILE '"ALL","/etc/adjtime","tmpfs",,' . "\n"; print $CONFILE '"ALL","/etc/securetty","tmpfs",,' . "\n"; print $CONFILE '"ALL","/etc/rsyslog.conf","tmpfs",,' . "\n"; print $CONFILE '"ALL","/etc/rsyslog.conf.XCATORIG","tmpfs",,' . "\n"; print $CONFILE '"ALL","/etc/udev/","tmpfs",,' . "\n"; print $CONFILE '"ALL","/etc/ntp.conf.predhclient","tmpfs",,' . "\n"; print $CONFILE '"ALL","/etc/resolv.conf.predhclient","tmpfs",,' . "\n"; } else { print $CONFILE '"ALL","/etc/ntp.conf.org","tmpfs",,' . "\n"; print $CONFILE '"ALL","/etc/syslog-ng/","tmpfs",,' . "\n"; print $CONFILE '"ALL","/etc/fstab","tmpfs",,' . "\n"; } close($CONFILE); #write the hpc software litefile into temp litefile.csv for my $soft (@softArray) { $soft = lc($soft); if ( -e "/opt/xcat/share/xcat/IBMhpc/$soft/litefile.csv" ) { system( "grep '^[^#]' /opt/xcat/share/xcat/IBMhpc/$soft/litefile.csv >> /tmp/litefile.csv" ); } } system("tabrestore /tmp/litefile.csv"); #create the image my $retInfo = xCAT::Utils->runcmd( "${cmdPath}/genimage -i $bootif -n $netdriver -o $ostype -p $profile", -1, 1 ); $ret = join( "\n", @$retInfo ); if ($::RUNCMD_RC) { web_restoreChange( $request->{arg}->[6], $archFlag, $imagetype, $ostype, $installdir ); $callback->( { data => $ret } ); return; } $ret .= "\n"; my $retInfo = xCAT::Utils->runcmd( "liteimg -o $ostype -p $profile -a $osarch", -1, 1 ); $ret .= join( "\n", @$retInfo ); } web_restoreChange( $request->{arg}->[6], $archFlag, $imagetype, $ostype, $installdir ); $callback->( { data => $ret } ); return; } sub web_gpfsConfigure { my ( $ostype, $profile, $osarch, $installdir ) = @_; my $CONFILE; #createrepo system('createrepo $installdir/post/otherpkgs/$ostype/$osarch/gpfs'); #other pakgs open( $CONFILE, ">>$installdir/custom/netboot/$ostype/$profile.otherpkgs.pkglist" ); print $CONFILE "#INCLUDE:/opt/xcat/share/xcat/IBMhpc/gpfs/gpfs.otherpkgs.pkglist#\n"; close($CONFILE); #exlist open( $CONFILE, ">>$installdir/custom/netboot/$ostype/$profile.exlist" ); print $CONFILE "#INCLUDE:/opt/xcat/share/xcat/IBMhpc/gpfs/gpfs.exlist#\n"; close($CONFILE); #postinstall system('cp /opt/xcat/share/xcat/IBMhpc/gpfs/gpfs_mmsdrfs $installdir/postscripts/gpfs_mmsdrfs'); open( $CONFILE, ">>$installdir/custom/netboot/$ostype/$profile.postinstall" ); print $CONFILE "NODESETSTATE=genimage installroot=\$1 /opt/xcat/share/xcat/IBMhpc/gpfs/gpfs_updates\n"; print $CONFILE "installroot=\$1 $installdir/postscripts/gpfs_mmsdrfs\n"; close($CONFILE); } sub web_rsctConfigure { my ( $ostype, $profile, $osarch, $installdir ) = @_; my $CONFILE; #createrepo system('createrepo $installdir/post/otherpkgs/$ostype/$osarch/rsct'); #packagelist for sles11 if ( $ostype =~ /sles/i ) { open( $CONFILE, ">>$installdir/custom/netboot/$ostype/$profile.pkglist" ); print $CONFILE "#INCLUDE:/opt/xcat/share/xcat/IBMhpc/rsct/rsct.pkglist# \n"; close($CONFILE); } #exlist open( $CONFILE, ">>$installdir/custom/netboot/$ostype/$profile.exlist" ); print $CONFILE "#INCLUDE:/opt/xcat/share/xcat/IBMhpc/rsct/rsct.exlist#\n"; close($CONFILE); #postinstall open( $CONFILE, ">>$installdir/custom/netboot/$ostype/$profile.postinstall" ); print $CONFILE "installroot=\$1 rsctdir=$installdir/post/otherpkgs/rhels6/ppc64/rsct NODESETSTATE=genimage /opt/xcat/share/xcat/IBMhpc/rsct/rsct_install\n"; close($CONFILE); } sub web_peConfigure { my ( $ostype, $profile, $osarch, $installdir ) = @_; my $CONFILE; #createrepo system('createrepo $installdir/post/otherpkgs/$ostype/$osarch/pe'); system('createrepo $installdir/post/otherpkgs/$ostype/$osarch/compilers'); #pkglist open( $CONFILE, ">>$installdir/custom/netboot/$ostype/$profile.pkglist" ); if ( $ostype =~ /rh/i ) { print $CONFILE "#INCLUDE:/opt/xcat/share/xcat/IBMhpc/pe/pe.$ostype.pkglist#\n"; } else { print $CONFILE "#INCLUDE:/opt/xcat/share/xcat/IBMhpc/compilers/compilers.pkglist#\n"; print $CONFILE "#INCLUDE:/opt/xcat/share/xcat/IBMhpc/pe/pe.pkglist#\n"; } close($CONFILE); #otherpaglist open( $CONFILE, ">>$installdir/custom/netboot/$ostype/$profile.otherpkgs.pkglist" ); print $CONFILE "#INCLUDE:/opt/xcat/share/xcat/IBMhpc/pe/pe.otherpkgs.pkglist#\n"; close($CONFILE); #exlist open( $CONFILE, ">>$installdir/custom/netboot/$ostype/$profile.exlist" ); print $CONFILE "#INCLUDE:/opt/xcat/share/xcat/IBMhpc/compilers/compilers.exlist#\n"; print $CONFILE "#INCLUDE:/opt/xcat/share/xcat/IBMhpc/pe/pe.exlist#\n"; close($CONFILE); #postinstall open( $CONFILE, ">>$installdir/custom/netboot/$ostype/$profile.postinstall" ); print $CONFILE "installroot=\$1 NODESETSTATE=genimage /opt/xcat/share/xcat/IBMhpc/compilers/compilers_license"; print $CONFILE "installroot=\$1 pedir=$installdir/post/otherpkgs/rhels6/ppc64/pe NODESETSTATE=genimage /opt/xcat/share/xcat/IBMhpc/pe/pe_install"; close($CONFILE); } sub web_esslConfigure { my ( $ostype, $profile, $osarch, $installdir ) = @_; my $CONFILE; #reaterepo system('createrepo $installdir/post/otherpkgs/$ostype/$osarch/essl'); #pkglist open( $CONFILE, ">>$installdir/custom/netboot/$ostype/$profile.pkglist" ); if ( $ostype =~ /rh/i ) { print $CONFILE, "#INCLUDE:/opt/xcat/share/xcat/IBMhpc/compilers/compilers.rhels6.pkglist#\n"; } else { print $CONFILE, "#INCLUDE:/opt/xcat/share/xcat/IBMhpc/essl/essl.pkglist#\n"; } #otherpkgs open( $CONFILE, ">>$installdir/custom/netboot/$ostype/$profile.otherpkgs.pkglist" ); print $CONFILE, "#INCLUDE:/opt/xcat/share/xcat/IBMhpc/essl/essl.otherpkgs.pkglist#\n"; close($CONFILE); #exlist open( $CONFILE, ">>$installdir/custom/netboot/$ostype/$profile.exlist" ); print $CONFILE, "#INCLUDE:/opt/xcat/share/xcat/IBMhpc/essl/essl.exlist#\n"; close($CONFILE); #postinstall open( $CONFILE, ">>$installdir/custom/netboot/$ostype/$profile.postinstall" ); print $CONFILE, "installroot=\$1 essldir=$installdir/post/otherpkgs/rhels6/ppc64/essl NODESETSTATE=genimage /opt/xcat/share/xcat/IBMhpc/essl/essl_install"; close($CONFILE); } sub web_restoreChange { my ( $software, $archFlag, $imagetype, $ostype, $installdir ) = @_; #recover all file in the $installdir/custom/netboot/$ostype/ if ($software) { system("rm -f $installdir/custom/netboot/$ostype/*.*"); } if ($archFlag) { system("mv /tmp/webImageArch/*.* $installdir/custom/netboot/$ostype/"); } #recover the litefile table for statelite image if ( 'statelite' == $imagetype ) { system( "rm -r /tmp/litefile.csv ; mv /tmp/litefilearchive.csv /tmp/litefile.csv ; tabrestore /tmp/litefile.csv" ); } } 1;