package xCAT_plugin::remoteimmsetup;
use strict;
use xCAT::SvrUtils qw/sendmsg/;
use xCAT::SLP;
use xCAT::NetworkUtils;
use xCAT::SSHInteract;
use xCAT::MacMap;
use xCAT_plugin::bmcconfig;
my $defaultbladeuser;
my $defaultbladepass;
my $currentbladepass;
my $currentbladeuser;
my $mpahash;

sub handled_commands {
	return {
		slpdiscover => "slpdiscover",

my $callback;
my $docmd;
my %doneaddrs;
my %ip4neigh;
my %ip6neigh;
my %flexchassismap;
my %flexchassisuuid;
my %nodebymp;
my %passwordmap;
my %chassisbyuuid;
my %searchmacs;
my %researchmacs;
my $macmap;
sub get_mac_for_addr {
	my $neigh;
	my $addr = shift;
	if ($addr =~ /:/) {
		return $ip6neigh{$addr};
	} else {
		return $ip4neigh{$addr};
sub get_ipv4_neighbors {
	#TODO: something less 'hacky'
	my @ipdata = `ip -4 neigh`;
	foreach (@ipdata) {
		if (/^(\S*)\s.*lladdr\s*(\S*)\s/) {
sub get_ipv6_neighbors {
	#TODO: something less 'hacky'
	my @ipdata = `ip -6 neigh`;
	foreach (@ipdata) {
		if (/^(\S*)\s.*lladdr\s*(\S*)\s/) {

sub process_request {
	my $request = shift;
	$callback = shift;
	$docmd = shift;
	my $client;
        if ($request->{'_xcat_clienthost'}) {
		$client = $request->{'_xcat_clienthost'}->[0];
	unless ($client) { 

sub setupIMM {
	my $node = shift;
	my %args = @_;
	my $slpdata = $args{slpdata};
	my $ipmitab = xCAT::Table->new('ipmi',-create=>1);
	my $ient = $ipmitab->getNodeAttribs($node,[qw/bmc bmcid/],prefetchcache=>1);
	my $newaddr;
	if ($ient) {
		my $bmcid=$ient->{bmcid};
		if ($bmcid and $slpdata->{macaddress} =~ /$bmcid/) { 
			sendmsg("The IMM has been configured (ipmi.bmcid). Skipped.",$callback, $node);
		} #skip configuration, we already know this one
		$newaddr = $ient->{bmc};
	my @ips=();
        my $autolla=0;
	if ($newaddr and not $newaddr =~ /^fe80:.*%.*/) {
		@ips = xCAT::NetworkUtils::getipaddr($newaddr,GetAllAddresses=>1);
	} else {
		if ($args{curraddr} =~ /^fe80:.*%.*/) {  #if SLP were able to glean an LLA out of this, let's just roll with that result
	if (not scalar @ips and not $autolla) {
		sendmsg(":Cannot find the IP attribute for bmc",$callback,$node);
        my $targips;
        if (scalar(@ips)) { 
		$targips = join(',',@ips);
	} elsif ($autolla) {
	sendmsg(":Configuration of ".$node."[$targips] commencing, configuration may take a few minutes to take effect",$callback);
	my $child = fork();
	if ($child) { return; }
	unless (defined $child) { die "error spawining process" }
	#ok, with all ip addresses in hand, time to enable IPMI and set all the ip addresses (still static only, TODO: dhcp
	my $ssh = new xCAT::SSHInteract(-username=>$args{username},
					Prompt=>'/> $/');
	if ($ssh and $ssh->atprompt) { #we are in and good to issue commands
		$ssh->cmd("accseccfg -pe 0 -rc 0 -ci 0 -lf 0 -lp 0"); #disable the more insane password rules, this isn't by and large a human used interface
		$ssh->cmd("users -1 -n ".$args{username}." -p ".$args{password}." -a super"); #this gets ipmi going
		foreach my $ip (@ips) {
			if ($ip =~ /:/) { 
				$ssh->cmd("ifconfig eth0 -ipv6static enable -i6 $ip");
			} else {
				(my $sip,my $mask,my $gw) = xCAT_plugin::bmcconfig::net_parms($ip);
				my $cmd = "ifconfig eth0 -c static -i $ip -s $mask";
				if ($gw) { $cmd .= " -g $gw"; }

sub configure_hosted_elements {
	my $cmm = shift;
	my $uuid=$flexchassisuuid{$cmm};
	my $node;
	my $immdata;
	my $slot;
        my $user = $passwordmap{$cmm}->{username};
        my $pass = $passwordmap{$cmm}->{password};
	foreach $immdata (values %{$flexchassismap{$uuid}}) {
		if ($node = $nodebymp{$cmm}->{$slot}) {
			my $addr = $immdata->{peername}; #todo, use sockaddr and remove the 427 port from it instead?
			if ($addr =~ /^fe80/) { #Link local address requires scope index
				$addr .= "%".$immdata->{scopeid};
			if ($doneaddrs{$node}) { next; }
		} else {
			sendmsg(": Ignoring target in bay $slot, no node found with mp.mpa/ matching",$callback,$cmm);
	while (wait() > 0) {}

sub setup_cmm_pass {
	my $nodename = shift;
	my $localuser=$defaultbladeuser;
	my $localpass=$defaultbladepass;
	if ($mpahash->{$nodename}) {
		if ($mpahash->{$nodename}->{username}) {
			$localuser = $mpahash->{$nodename}->{username};
		if ($mpahash->{$nodename}->{password}) {
			$localpass = $mpahash->{$nodename}->{password};
sub do_blade_setup {
	my $data = shift;
	my %args = @_;
	my $addr = $args{curraddr};
	my $nodename = $data->{nodename};
	my $localuser=$passwordmap{$nodename}->{username};
	my $localpass=$passwordmap{$nodename}->{password};
	if (not $localpass or $localpass eq "PASSW0RD") {
		sendmsg([1,":Password for blade must be specified in either mpa or passwd tables, and it must not be PASSW0RD"],$callback,$nodename);
		return 0;
	require xCAT_plugin::blade;
	my @cmds;
	my %exargs;
	if ($args{pass2}) {
	  @cmds = qw/initnetwork=*/; 
	  %exargs = ( nokeycheck=>1 ); #still not at the 'right' ip, so the known hosts shouldn't be bothered
	} else {
	  @cmds = qw/snmpcfg=enable sshcfg=enable textid=*/; # initnetwork=*/; defer initnetwork until after chassis members have been configured
	  %exargs = ( curruser=>$currentbladeuser, currpass=>$currentbladepass );
	my $result;
	my $rc = eval { $result = xCAT_plugin::blade::clicmds(
						 cmds=>\@cmds );
	my $errmsg=$@;
        if ($errmsg) {
		if ($errmsg =~ /Incorrect Password/) {
			sendmsg([1,"Failed to set up Management module due to Incorrect Password (You may try the environment variables XCAT_CURRENTUSER and/or XCAT_CURRENTPASS to try a different value)"],$callback,$nodename);
		}else {
			sendmsg([1,"Failed to set up Management module due to $errmsg"],$callback,$nodename);
		return 0;
	if ($result) {
		if ($result->[0]) {
			if ($result->[2] =~ /Incorrect Password/) {
				sendmsg([1,"Failed to set up Management module due to Incorrect Password (You may try the environment variables XCAT_CURRENTUSER and/or XCAT_CURRENTPASS to try a different value)"],$callback,$nodename);
				return 0;
			my $errors = $result->[2];
			if (ref $errors) { 
				foreach my $error (@$errors) {
			} else {
			return 0;
	return $rc;