# IBM(c) 2007 EPL license http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
use xCAT::TZUtils;
use xCAT::WinUtils;

package xCAT::Template;
use strict;
use xCAT::Table;
use File::Basename;
use File::Path;
#use Data::Dumper;
use Sys::Syslog;
use xCAT::ADUtils; #to allow setting of one-time machine passwords
use xCAT::Utils;
use xCAT::TableUtils;
use xCAT::NetworkUtils;
      $::XCATROOT = $ENV{'XCATROOT'} ? $ENV{'XCATROOT'} : '/opt/xcat';

my $netdnssupport = eval {
    require Net::DNS;

my $tmplerr;
my $table;
my $key;
my $field;
my $idir;
my $node;
my %loggedrealms;
my $lastmachinepassdata;
my $localadminenabled; #indicate whether Windows template has local logins enabled or not
my %tab_replacement=(

sub subvars { 
  my $self = shift;
  my $inf = shift;
  my $outf = shift;
  $tmplerr=undef; #clear tmplerr since we are starting fresh
  $node = shift;
  my $pkglistfile=shift;
  my $media_dir = shift;
  my $platform=shift;
  my $partitionfile=shift;
  my %namedargs = @_; #further expansion of this function will be named arguments, should have happened sooner.
  unless ($namedargs{reusemachinepass}) {

  my $outh;
  my $inh;
  $idir = dirname($inf);
  unless ($inh) {
    return "Unable to open $inf, aborting";
  unless($outh) {
    return "Unable to open $outf for writing/creation, aborting";
  my $inc;
  #First load input into memory..
  while (<$inh>) {
  my $master;
  #my $sitetab = xCAT::Table->new('site');
  my $noderestab = xCAT::Table->new('noderes');
  #(my $et) = $sitetab->getAttribs({key=>"master"},'value');
  my @masters = xCAT::TableUtils->get_site_attribute("master");
  my $tmp = $masters[0];
  if ( defined($tmp) ) {
      $master = $tmp;
  my $ipfn = xCAT::NetworkUtils->my_ip_facing($node);
  if ($ipfn) {
      $master = $ipfn;
  my $et = $noderestab->getNodeAttribs($node,['xcatmaster']);
  if ($et and $et->{'xcatmaster'}) { 
    $master = $et->{'xcatmaster'};
  unless ($master) {
      die "Unable to identify master for $node";

  my @nodestatus = xCAT::TableUtils->get_site_attribute("nodestatus");
  my $tmp=$nodestatus[0];
  if( defined($tmp)  ){

  #replace the env with the right value so that correct include files can be found
  $inc =~ s/#ENV:([^#]+)#/envvar($1)/eg;

  if ($pkglistfile) {
      #substitute the tag #INCLUDE_DEFAULT_PKGLIST# with package file name (for full install of  rh, centos,SL, esx fedora)
      $inc =~ s/#INCLUDE_DEFAULT_PKGLIST#/#INCLUDE:$pkglistfile#/g;
      #substitute the tag #INCLUDE_DEFAULT_PKGLIST_S# with package file name (for full install of sles)
      #substitute the tag #INCLUDE_DEFAULT_PERNLIST_S# with package file name (for full install sles
      #substitute the tag #INCLUDE_DEFAULT_RMPKGLIST_S# with package file name (for full install sles)
      $inc =~ s/#INCLUDE_DEFAULT_PKGLIST_S#/#INCLUDE_PKGLIST:$pkglistfile#/g;
      $inc =~ s/#INCLUDE_DEFAULT_PTRNLIST_S#/#INCLUDE_PTRNLIST:$pkglistfile#/g;
      $inc =~ s/#INCLUDE_DEFAULT_RMPKGLIST_S#/#INCLUDE_RMPKGLIST:$pkglistfile#/g;

  if (("ubuntu" eq $platform) || ("debian" eq $platform)) {
    # since debian/ubuntu uses a preseed file instead of a kickstart file, pkglist
    # must be included via simple string replacement instead of using includefile()

    # the first line of $pkglistfile is the space-delimited package list
    # the additional lines are considered preseed directives and included as is

    if ($pkglistfile) {
      # handle empty and non-empty $pkglistfile's

      if (open PKGLISTFILE, "<$pkglistfile") {
        my $pkglist = '';
        # append preseed directive lines
        while (<PKGLISTFILE>) {
          chomp $_;
          if (/^\s*#.*/ ){
          $pkglist .= " " . $_;

        $inc =~ s/#INCLUDE_DEFAULT_PKGLIST_PRESEED#/$pkglist/g;
        close PKGLISTFILE;
    } else {
      # handle no $pkglistfile

  #do *all* includes, recursive and all
  my $doneincludes=0;
  while (not $doneincludes) {
    if ($inc =~ /#INCLUDE_PKGLIST:[^#^\n]+#/) {
      $inc =~ s/#INCLUDE_PKGLIST:([^#^\n]+)#/includefile($1, 0, 1)/eg;
    if ($inc =~ /#INCLUDE_PTRNLIST:[^#^\n]+#/) {
      $inc =~ s/#INCLUDE_PTRNLIST:([^#^\n]+)#/includefile($1, 0, 2)/eg;
    if ($inc =~ /#INCLUDE_RMPKGLIST:[^#^\n]+#/) {
      $inc =~ s/#INCLUDE_RMPKGLIST:([^#^\n]+)#/includefile($1, 0, 3)/eg;
    if ($inc =~ /#INCLUDE:[^#^\n]+#/) {
      $inc =~ s/#INCLUDE:([^#^\n]+)#/includefile($1, 0, 0)/eg;

  #support multiple paths of osimage in rh/sles diskfull installation
  my @pkgdirs;
  if ( defined($media_dir) ) {
      @pkgdirs = split(",", $media_dir);
      my $source;
      my $source_in_pre;
      my $c = 0; 
      foreach my $pkgdir(@pkgdirs) {
          if( $platform =~ /^(rh|SL|centos|fedora)$/ ) {
              if ( $c == 0 ) {
                  # After some tests, if we put the repo in  pre scripts in the kickstart like for rhels6.x
                  # the rhels5.9 will not be installed successfully. So put in kickstart directly.
                  $source_in_pre .=  "echo 'url --url http://'\$nextserver'/$pkgdir' >> /tmp/repos";
                  $source .=  "url --url http://#TABLE:noderes:\$NODE:nfsserver#/$pkgdir\n"; #For rhels5.9
              } else {
                  $source_in_pre .=  "\necho 'repo --name=pkg$c --baseurl=http://'\$nextserver'/$pkgdir' >> /tmp/repos";  
                  $source .=  "repo --name=pkg$c --baseurl=http://#TABLE:noderes:\$NODE:nfsserver#/$pkgdir\n";  #for rhels5.9
          } elsif ($platform =~ /^(sles|suse)/) {
              my $http = "http://#TABLE:noderes:\$NODE:nfsserver#$pkgdir";
              $source .=  "         <listentry>
           <ask_on_error config:type=\"boolean\">false</ask_on_error> <!-- available since openSUSE 11.0 -->
           <name>SuSE-Linux-pkg$c</name> <!-- available since openSUSE 11.1/SLES11 (bnc#433981) -->
           $source_in_pre .="<listentry><media_url>http://'\$nextserver'$pkgdir</media_url><product>SuSE-Linux-pkg$c</product><product_dir>/</product_dir><ask_on_error config:type=\"boolean\">false</ask_on_error><name>SuSE-Linux-pkg$c</name></listentry>";

      $inc =~ s/#INSTALL_SOURCES#/$source/g;
      $inc =~ s/#INSTALL_SOURCES_IN_PRE#/$source_in_pre/g;

  #Support hierarchical include
  $inc =~ s/#ENV:([^#]+)#/envvar($1)/eg;
  if ($inc =~ /#INCLUDE:[^#^\n]+#/) {
     $inc =~ s/#INCLUDE:([^#^\n]+)#/includefile($1, 0, 0)/eg;

  #ok, now do everything else..
  $inc =~ s/#TABLE:([^:]+):([^:]+):([^#]+)#/tabdb($1,$2,$3)/eg;
  $inc =~ s/#TABLEBLANKOKAY:([^:]+):([^:]+):([^#]+)#/tabdb($1,$2,$3,'1')/eg;
  $inc =~ s/#INCLUDE_NOP:([^#^\n]+)#/includefile($1,1,0)/eg;
  $inc =~ s/#INCLUDE_PKGLIST:([^#^\n]+)#/includefile($1,0,1)/eg;
  $inc =~ s/#INCLUDE_PTRNLIST:([^#^\n]+)#/includefile($1,0,2)/eg;
  $inc =~ s/#INCLUDE_RMPKGLIST:([^#^\n]+)#/includefile($1,0,3)/eg;
  $inc =~ s/#INCLUDE:([^#^\n]+)#/includefile($1, 0, 0)/eg;
  $inc =~ s/#XCATVAR:([^#]+)#/envvar($1)/eg;
  $inc =~ s/#ENV:([^#]+)#/envvar($1)/eg;
  $inc =~ s/#MACHINEPASSWORD#/machinepassword()/eg;
  $inc =~ s/#CRYPT:([^:]+):([^:]+):([^#]+)#/crydb($1,$2,$3)/eg;
  $inc =~ s/#COMMAND:([^#]+)#/command($1)/eg;
  $inc =~ s/#KICKSTARTNET#/kickstartnetwork()/eg;
  $inc =~ s/#ESXIPV6SETUP#/esxipv6setup()/eg;
  $inc =~ s/#WINTIMEZONE#/xCAT::TZUtils::get_wintimezone()/eg;
  $inc =~ s/#WINPRODKEY:([^#]+)#/get_win_prodkey($1)/eg;
  $inc =~ s/#WINNETCFG#/windows_net_cfg()/eg;
  $inc =~ s/#WINADJOIN#/windows_join_data()/eg;
  $inc =~ s/#WINDNSCFG#/windows_dns_cfg()/eg;
  $inc =~ s/#WINACCOUNTDATA#/windows_account_data()/eg;
  $inc =~ s/#WINDISABLENULLADMIN#/windows_disable_null_admin()/eg;
  $inc =~ s/#MANAGEDADDRESSMODE#/managed_address_mode()/eg;
  $inc =~ s/#HOSTNAME#/$node/g;

  my $nrtab = xCAT::Table->new("noderes");
  my $tftpserver = $nrtab->getNodeAttribs($node, ['tftpserver']);
  my $sles_sdk_media = "http://" . $tftpserver->{tftpserver} . $media_dir . "/sdk1";
  $inc =~ s/#SLES_SDK_MEDIA#/$sles_sdk_media/eg;

  #if user specify the partion file, replace the default partition strategy
  if ($partitionfile){
    #if the content of the partition file is definition replace the default is ok
    my $partcontent = '';
    my $scriptflag = 0;

    if ($partitionfile =~ /^s:(.*)/){
        $scriptflag = 1;
        $partitionfile = $1;

    if (-r $partitionfile){
        open ($inh, "<", $partitionfile);
        while (<$inh>){
            $partcontent .= $_;
        close ($inh);

        #the content of the specified file is a script which can write partition definition into /tmp/partitionfile
        if ($scriptflag){
            #for redhat/sl/centos/kvm/fedora
            if ($inc =~ /#XCAT_PARTITION_START#/) {
                my $tempstr = "%include /tmp/partitionfile\n";
                $inc =~ s/#XCAT_PARTITION_START#[\s\S]*#XCAT_PARTITION_END#/$tempstr/;
                #modify the content in the file, and write into %pre part
                $partcontent = "cat > /tmp/partscript << EOFEOF\n" . $partcontent . "\nEOFEOF\n";
                $partcontent .= "chmod 755 /tmp/partscript\n";
                $partcontent .= "/tmp/partscript\n";
                #replace the #XCA_PARTITION_SCRIPT#
                $inc =~ s/#XCA_PARTITION_SCRIPT#/$partcontent/;
            #for sles/suse
            elsif ($inc =~ /<!-- XCAT-PARTITION-START -->/){
                my $tempstr = "<drive><device>XCATPARTITIONTEMP</device></drive>";
                $inc =~ s/<!-- XCAT-PARTITION-START -->[\s\S]*<!-- XCAT-PARTITION-END -->/$tempstr/;
                $partcontent = "cat > /tmp/partscript << EOFEOF\n" . $partcontent . "\nEOFEOF\n";
                $partcontent .= "chmod 755 /tmp/partscript\n";
                $partcontent .= "/tmp/partscript\n";
                $inc =~ s/#XCA_PARTITION_SCRIPT#/$partcontent/;
            $partcontent =~ s/\s$//;
            if ($inc =~ /#XCAT_PARTITION_START#/){
                $inc =~ s/#XCAT_PARTITION_START#[\s\S]*#XCAT_PARTITION_END#/$partcontent/;
            elsif ($inc =~ /<!-- XCAT-PARTITION-START -->/){
                $inc =~ s/<!-- XCAT-PARTITION-START -->[\s\S]*<!-- XCAT-PARTITION-END -->/$partcontent/;

  if ($tmplerr) {
     close ($outh);
     return $tmplerr;
  print $outh $inc;
  return 0;
sub windows_disable_null_admin { 
#in the event where windows_account_data has not set an administrator user, we explicitly disable the administrator user 
	unless ($localadminenabled) {
		return "<RunSynchronousCommand wcm:action=\"add\">\r
                       <Path>cmd /c %systemroot%\\system32\\net.exe user Administrator /active:no</Path>\r
	return "";
sub windows_account_data { 
#this will add domain accounts if configured to be in active directory
#it will also put in an administrator password for local account, *if* specified
	my $passtab = xCAT::Table->new('passwd',-create=>0);
	my $useraccountxml="";
	if ($passtab) {
		my $passent = $passtab->getAttribs({key=>"system",username=>"Administrator"},['password']);
		if ($passent and $passent->{password}) {
			$useraccountxml.="<!-- Plaintext=false would only protect against the most cursory over the shoulder glance, this implementation opts not to even give the illusion of privacy by only doing plaintext. -->\r\n";
	my $domain;
        my $doment;
	my $domaintab = xCAT::Table->new('domain',-create=>0);
	if ($domaintab) {
           $doment = $domaintab->getNodeAttribs($node,['authdomain','type'],prefetchcache=>1);
	unless ($::XCATSITEVALS{directoryprovider} eq "activedirectory" or ($doment and $doment->{type} eq "activedirectory")) {
		return $useraccountxml;
	if ($doment and $doment->{authdomain}) {
		$domain = $doment->{authdomain};
	} else {
		$domain = $::XCATSITEVALS{domain};
	$useraccountxml.="<DomainAccounts><DomainAccountList>\r\n<DomainAccount wcm:action=\"add\">\r\n<Group>Administrators</Group>\r\n<Name>Domain Admins</Name>\r\n</DomainAccount>\r\n<Domain>".$domain."</Domain>\r\n</DomainAccountList>\r\n</DomainAccounts>\r\n";
		return $useraccountxml;
sub windows_net_cfg {
    if ($::XCATSITEVALS{managedaddressmode} =~ /static/) { return "<!-- WINCFG Static not supported -->"; }
    unless ($::XCATSITEVALS{managedaddressmode} =~ /autoula/) {
        # handle the general windows deployment that create interfaces sections from nic table
        my $component_head = '<component name="Microsoft-Windows-TCPIP" processorArchitecture="amd64" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="nonSxS" xmlns:wcm="http://schemas.microsoft.com/WMIConfig/2002/State" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">';
        my $component_end = '</component>';
        my $interfaces_cfg = '<Interfaces>';

        # get the installnic
        my $nrtab = xCAT::Table->new('noderes',-create=>0);
        my $installnic;
        if ($nrtab) {
            my $nrent = $nrtab->getNodeAttribs($node,['installnic', 'primarynic']);
            if ($nrent) {
                if (defined ($nrent->{'installnic'})) {
                    $installnic = $nrent->{'installnic'};
                } elsif (defined ($nrent->{'primarynic'})) {
                    $installnic = $nrent->{'primarynic'};

        # get the site.setinstallnic
        my @ents = xCAT::TableUtils->get_site_attribute("setinstallnic");
        my $setinstallnic;
        if ($ents[0] =~ /1|yes|y/i) {
            $setinstallnic = 1;

        my $nicstab = xCAT::Table->new('nics',-create=>0);
        my $hasif;
        if ($nicstab) {
            my $nicsent = $nicstab->getNodeAttribs($node,['nicips']);
            if ($nicsent->{nicips}) {
                my @nics = split (/,/, $nicsent->{nicips});
                foreach (@nics) {
                    my $gateway;
                    my $interface_cfg = '<Interface wcm:action="add">';
                    my ($nicname, $ips) = split(/!/, $_);
                    unless ($nicname) { next; }
                    if ($nicname =~ /^bmc/) { next; }  # do nothing for bmc interface
                    my $dosetgw = 0;
                    if ($nicname eq $installnic) {
                        if ($setinstallnic) {
                            # set to static with gateway
                            $dosetgw = 1;
                        } else {# else: do nothing means using dhcp
                    } # else: do not set gateway, since gateway only set for installnic
                    if ($ips) {
                        $interface_cfg .= '<Ipv4Settings><DhcpEnabled>false</DhcpEnabled></Ipv4Settings><Ipv6Settings><DhcpEnabled>false</DhcpEnabled></Ipv6Settings>';
                        $interface_cfg .= "<Identifier>$nicname</Identifier>";
                        $interface_cfg .= '<UnicastIpAddresses>';
                        my @setip = split (/\|/, $ips);
                        my $num = 1;
                        foreach my $ip (@setip) {
                            my ($netmask, $gw) = getNM_GW($ip);
                            unless ($netmask) {
                            if ($gw) { $gateway = $gw; }
                            if ($gateway eq '<xcatmaster>') {
                                $gateway = xCAT::NetworkUtils->my_ip_facing($ip);
                            $interface_cfg .= '<IpAddress wcm:action="add" wcm:keyValue="'.$num++.'">'.$ip."/$netmask".'</IpAddress>';
                        if ($num eq 1) {
                            # no correct IP with correct network is found
                        $interface_cfg .= "</UnicastIpAddresses>"
                    } else {
                        # set with dhcp
                        $interface_cfg .= '<Ipv4Settings><DhcpEnabled>true</DhcpEnabled></Ipv4Settings><Ipv6Settings><DhcpEnabled>true</DhcpEnabled></Ipv6Settings>';
                        $interface_cfg .= "<Identifier>$nicname</Identifier>";

                    # add the default gateway
                    if ($gateway && $dosetgw) {
                        $interface_cfg .= '<Routes><Route wcm:action="add"><Identifier>1</Identifier><NextHopAddress>'.$gateway.'</NextHopAddress><Prefix>0/0</Prefix></Route></Routes>';
                    $interface_cfg .= '</Interface>';
                    $interfaces_cfg .= $interface_cfg;
                    $hasif = 1;
        $interfaces_cfg .= "</Interfaces>";
        if ($hasif) {
            return "$component_head$interfaces_cfg$component_end"; #windows default behavior
        } else {
            return "";
    my $hoststab;
    my $mactab = xCAT::Table->new('mac',-create=>0);
    unless ($mactab) { die "mac table should always exist prior to template processing when doing autoula"; }
    my $ent = $mactab->getNodeAttribs($node,['mac'],prefetchcache=>1);
    unless ($ent and $ent->{mac}) { die "missing mac data for $node"; }
    my $suffix = $ent->{mac};
    my $mac = $suffix;
    $suffix = lc($suffix);
    $mac =~ s/:/-/g;
    unless ($hoststab) { $hoststab = xCAT::Table->new('hosts',-create=>1); }
    my $ulaaddr = autoulaaddress($suffix);
    return '<component name="Microsoft-Windows-TCPIP" processorArchitecture="amd64" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="nonSxS" xmlns:wcm="http://schemas.microsoft.com/WMIConfig/2002/State" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">'."\r\n<Interfaces><Interface wcm:action=\"add\">\r\n<Ipv4Settings><DhcpEnabled>false</DhcpEnabled></Ipv4Settings><Ipv6Settings><DhcpEnabled>false</DhcpEnabled></Ipv6Settings>\r\n<Identifier>$mac</Identifier>\r\n<UnicastIpAddresses>\r\n<IpAddress wcm:action=\"add\" wcm:keyValue=\"1\">$ulaaddr/64</IpAddress>\r\n</UnicastIpAddresses>\r\n</Interface>\r\n</Interfaces>\r\n</component>\r\n";
sub windows_dns_cfg {
	my $domain;
        my $doment;
	my $noderesent;
	my $noderestab = xCAT::Table->new("noderes",-create=>0);
	unless ($noderestab) { return ""; }
	$noderesent = $noderestab->getNodeAttribs($node,['nameservers'],prefetchcache=>1);
	unless ($noderesent and $noderesent->{nameservers}) { return ""; }
	my $mac="==PRINIC==";
	my $mactab = xCAT::Table->new('mac',-create=>0);
	if ($mactab) {
		my $macent = $mactab->getNodeAttribs($node,['mac'],prefetchcache=>1);
		if ($macent and $macent->{mac}) {
			$mac=~ s/!.*//;
			$mac=~ s/\|.*//;
			$mac =~ s/:/-/g;
	my $nameservers =  $noderesent->{nameservers};
	my $domaintab = xCAT::Table->new('domain',-create=>0);
	if ($domaintab) {
           $doment = $domaintab->getNodeAttribs($node,['authdomain'],prefetchcache=>1);
	if ($doment and $doment->{authdomain}) {
		$domain = $doment->{authdomain};
	} else {
		$domain = $::XCATSITEVALS{domain};
	my $componentxml = '<component name="Microsoft-Windows-DNS-Client" processorArchitecture="amd64" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="nonSxS" xmlns:wcm="http://schemas.microsoft.com/WMIConfig/2002/State" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">'."\r\n<DNSDomain>$domain</DNSDomain>\r\n".
	"<Interfaces><Interface wcm:action=\"add\">\r\n<Identifier>$mac</Identifier>\r\n<DNSServerSearchOrder>\r\n";
	my $idx=1;
	foreach (split /,/,$nameservers) {
		$componentxml.="<IpAddress wcm:action=\"add\" wcm:keyValue=\"$idx\">$_</IpAddress>\r\n";
	$componentxml .= "</DNSServerSearchOrder>\r\n</Interface>\r\n</Interfaces>\r\n</component>\r\n";
	return $componentxml;
#this will examine table data, decide *if* a Microsoft-Windows-UnattendedJoin is warranted
#there are two variants in how to proceed:
#-Hide domain administrator from node: xCAT will use MACHINEPASSWORD to do joining to AD.  Currently requires SSL be enabled on DC.  Samba 4 TODO
#-Provide domain administrator credentials, avoiding the SSL scenario.  This is by default forbidden as it is high risk for exposing sensitive credentials.
# Also populate MachineObjectOU 
sub windows_join_data {
        my $doment;
	my $domaintab = xCAT::Table->new('domain',-create=>0);
	if ($domaintab) {
           $doment = $domaintab->getNodeAttribs($node,['ou','type','authdomain','adminuser','adminpassword'],prefetchcache=>1);
	unless ($::XCATSITEVALS{directoryprovider} eq "activedirectory" or ($doment and $doment->{type} eq "activedirectory")) {
		return "";
	#we are still here, meaning configuration has a domain and activedirectory set, probably want to join..
	#TODO: provide a per-node 'disable' so that non-AD could be mixed into a nominally AD environment
	my $prejoin =1; 
	if (defined $::XCATSITEVALS{prejoinactivedirectory} and not  $::XCATSITEVALS{prejoinactivedirectory} ) {
		$prejoin = 0;
	my $domain;
	my $ou;
	if ($doment and $doment->{ou}) {
		$ou = $doment->{ou};
	if ($doment and $doment->{authdomain}) {
		$domain = $doment->{authdomain};
	} else {
		$domain = $::XCATSITEVALS{domain};
	my $componentxml = '<component name="Microsoft-Windows-UnattendedJoin" processorArchitecture="amd64" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="nonSxS" xmlns:wcm="http://schemas.microsoft.com/WMIConfig/2002/State" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">'."\r\n<Identification>\r\n<JoinDomain>".$domain."</JoinDomain>\r\n";
	if ($ou) {
		$componentxml .= "<MachineObjectOU>".$ou."</MachineObjectOU>\r\n";
	if ($prejoin) {
		my $adinfo = machinepassword(wantref=>1); #TODO: needs rearranging in non prejoin case
		#a note, MS is incorrect when they document unsecure join as " UnsecureJoin is performed, by using a null session with a pre-existing account. This means there is no authentication to the domain controller when configuring the machine account; it is done anonymously".
		#the more informative bit is http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc730845%28v=ws.10%29.aspx which says of 'securejoin': this method is actually less secure because the credentials reside in the ImageUnattend.xml file in plain text.  
		#xCAT is generating a one-time password that is kept as limited as is feasible for the deployment strategy
		#in theory, a domain join will either fail of the one-time password is compromised and changed, or domain
		#join will invalidate any 'snooped' one time password
		$componentxml .= "<MachinePassword>".$adinfo->{password}."</MachinePassword>\n<UnsecureJoin>true</UnsecureJoin>\n";
	} else { #this is the pass-through credentials case, currrently inaccessible until TODO, this must be used 
		#with care as used incorrectly, an LDAP manager account is at high risk of compromise
		my $adminuser;
		my $adminpass;
		if ($doment and $doment->{adminuser}) {
			$adminuser = $doment->{adminuser};
		if ($doment and $doment->{adminpassword}) {
			$adminpass = $doment->{adminpassword};
		unless ($adminuser and $adminpass) {
	        	my $passtab = xCAT::Table->new('passwd',-create=>0);
		        unless ($passtab) { sendmsg([1,"Error authenticating to Active Directory"],$node); return; }
			my @adpents = $passtab->getAttribs({key=>'activedirectory'},['username','password','authdomain']);
			my $adpent;
			foreach $adpent (@adpents) {
				if ($adpent and $adpent->{authdomain} and $adpent->{authdomain} ne $domain) { next; }
				if ($adpent and $adpent->{username} and $adpent->{password}) {
					$adminuser = $adpent->{username};
					$adminpass = $adpent->{password};
		unless ($adminuser and $adminpass) { die "Missing active directory admin auth data from passwd table" }
		$componentxml .= "<Credentials><Domain>".$domain."</Domain>\r\n<Username>".$adminuser."</Username>\r\n<Password>".$adminpass."</Password>\r\n</Credentials>\r\n";
	$componentxml .= "</Identification>\r\n</component>\r\n";
sub get_win_prodkey {
	my $osvariant = shift;
	my $keytab = xCAT::Table->new("prodkey",-create=>0);
	my $keyent;
	if ($keytab) {
	   my @keyents = $keytab->getNodeAttribs($node,[qw/product key/]);
	   foreach my $tkey (@keyents) {
		if ($tkey->{product} eq $osvariant) {
		     $keyent = $tkey;
		} elsif (not $tkey->{product}) {
		     $keyent = $tkey;
	   unless ($keyent) {
		$keyent = $keytab->getAttribs({product=>$osvariant},"key");
	if ($keyent and $keyent->{key}) { 
		return "<ProductKey><WillShowUI>OnError</WillShowUI><Key>".$keyent->{key}."</Key></ProductKey>";
	if ($xCAT::WinUtils::kmskeymap{$osvariant}) {
		return "<ProductKey><WillShowUI>OnError</WillShowUI><Key>".$xCAT::WinUtils::kmskeymap{$osvariant}."</Key></ProductKey>";
	return ""; #in the event that we have no specified key and no KMS key, then try with no key, user may have used some other mechanism 

sub managed_address_mode {
	return $::XCATSITEVALS{managedaddressmode};
sub esxipv6setup {
 if (not $::XCATSITEVALS{managedaddressmode} or $::XCATSITEVALS{managedaddressmode} =~ /v4/) { return ""; } # blank line for ipv4 schemes
 my $v6addr;
 if ($::XCATSITEVALS{managedaddressmode} eq "autoula") { 
	my $hoststab;
      my $mactab = xCAT::Table->new('mac',-create=>0);
      my $ent = $mactab->getNodeAttribs($node,['mac'],prefetchcache=>1);
      my $suffix = $ent->{mac};
      $suffix = lc($suffix);
      unless ($mactab) { die "mac table should always exist prior to template processing when doing autoula"; }
 #in autoula, because ESXi weasel doesn't seemingly grok IPv6 at all, we'll have to do it in %pre
		unless ($hoststab) { $hoststab = xCAT::Table->new('hosts',-create=>1); }
		 $v6addr = autoulaaddress($suffix);
 } else {
 	my $hoststab = xCAT::Table->new('hosts',-create=>0);
	unless ($hoststab) { die "unable to proceed, no hosts table to  read from" }
	my $ent = $hoststab->getNodeAttribs($node,["ip"],prefetchcache=>1);
	unless ($ent and $ent->{ip}) { die "no hosts table entry with viable IP in hosts table for $node" }
	$v6addr = $ent->{ip};
	unless ($v6addr =~ /:/) { die "incorrect format for static ipv6 in hosts table for $node" }
 return 'esxcfg-vmknic -i '.$v6addr.'/64 "Management Network"'." #ESXISTATICV6\n";

sub kickstartnetwork {
	my $line = "network --onboot=yes --bootproto=";
	my $hoststab;
      my $mactab = xCAT::Table->new('mac',-create=>0);
      unless ($mactab) { die "mac table should always exist prior to template processing when doing autoula"; }
      my $ent = $mactab->getNodeAttribs($node,['mac'],prefetchcache=>1);
      unless ($ent and $ent->{mac}) { die "missing mac data for $node"; }
      my $suffix = $ent->{mac};
      $suffix = lc($suffix);
	if ($::XCATSITEVALS{managedaddressmode} eq "autoula") {
		unless ($hoststab) { $hoststab = xCAT::Table->new('hosts',-create=>1); }
		$line .= "static --device=$suffix --noipv4 --ipv6=";
		my $ulaaddr = autoulaaddress($suffix);
		$line .= $ulaaddr;
	} elsif ($::XCATSITEVALS{managedaddressmode} =~ /static/)  {
		return "#KSNET static unsupported";
	} else {
		$line .= "dhcp --device=$suffix";
	return $line;
sub autoulaaddress {
      my $suffix = shift;
      my $prefix = $::XCATSITEVALS{autoulaprefix};
      $suffix =~ /(..):(..:..):(..:..):(..)/;
      my $leadbyte = $1;
      my $mask = ((hex($leadbyte) & 2) ^ 2);
      if ($mask) {
        $leadbyte = hex($leadbyte) | $mask;
      } else {
        $leadbyte = hex($leadbyte) & 0xfd; #mask out the one bit
      $suffix = sprintf("%02x$2ff:fe$3$4",$leadbyte);

      return $prefix.$suffix;

sub machinepassword {
    my %funargs = @_;
    if ($lastmachinepassdata->{password}) { #note, this should only happen after another call
			    #to subvars that does *not* request reuse
			    #the issue being avoiding reuse in the installmonitor case
			    #subvars function clears this if appropriate
	if ($funargs{wantref}) { 
		return $lastmachinepassdata;
	return $lastmachinepassdata->{password};
    my $passdata;
    my $domaintab = xCAT::Table->new('domain');
    my $ou;
    my $domain;
    if ($domaintab) {
        my $ouent = $domaintab->getNodeAttribs($node,['ou','authdomain'],prefetchcache=>1);
        if ($ouent and $ouent->{ou}) {
            $ou = $ouent->{ou};
        if ($ouent and $ouent->{authdomain}) {
		$domain = $ouent->{authdomain};
    #my $sitetab = xCAT::Table->new('site');
    #unless ($sitetab) {
    #    return "ERROR: unable to open site table"; 
    #(my $et) = $sitetab->getAttribs({key=>"domain"},'value');
    unless ($domain) {
    my @domains =  xCAT::TableUtils->get_site_attribute("domain");
    my $tmp = $domains[0];
    if (defined($tmp)) {
        $domain = $tmp;
    } else {
        return "ERROR: no domain set in site table or in domain.authdomain for $node";
    my $realm = uc($domain);
    $realm =~ s/\.$//;
    $realm =~ s/^\.//;
    unless ($loggedrealms{$realm}) {
        my $passtab = xCAT::Table->new('passwd',-create=>0);
        unless ($passtab) { sendmsg([1,"Error authenticating to Active Directory"],$node); return; }
	my @adpents = $passtab->getAttribs({key=>'activedirectory'},['username','password','authdomain']);
	my $adpent;
	my $username;
	my $password;
	foreach $adpent (@adpents) {
		if ($adpent and $adpent->{authdomain} and $adpent->{authdomain} ne $domain) { next; }
		if ($adpent and $adpent->{username} and $adpent->{password}) {
			$username = $adpent->{username};
			$password = $adpent->{password};
	unless ($username and $password) {
            return "ERROR: activedirectory entry missing from passwd table";
        my $err = xCAT::ADUtils::krb_login(username=>$adpent->{username},password=>$adpent->{password},realm=>$realm);
        if ($err) {
            return "ERROR: authenticating to Active Directory";
    #my $server = $sitetab->getAttribs({key=>'directoryserver'},['value']);
    my $server;
    my @servers = xCAT::TableUtils->get_site_attribute("directoryserver");
    my $tmp = $servers[0];
    if (defined($tmp)) {
        $server = $tmp;
    } else {
        $server = '';
        if ($netdnssupport) {
           my $res = Net::DNS::Resolver->new;
           my $query = $res->query("_ldap._tcp.$domain","SRV");
           if ($query) {
               foreach my $srec ($query->answer) {
                   $server = $srec->{target};
        unless ($server) {
            sendmsg([1,"Unable to determine a directory server to communicate with, try site.directoryserver"]);
    $passdata->{dc} = $server;
    my %args = (
        node => $node,
        dnsdomain => $domain,
        directoryserver => $server,
        changepassondupe => 1,
    if ($ou) { $args{ou} = $ou };
    my $data = xCAT::ADUtils::add_host_account(%args);
    if ($data->{error}) { 
        return "ERROR: ".$data->{error};
    } else {
	if ($funargs{wantref}) { 
		return $passdata;
        return $data->{password};
sub includefile
    my $file = shift;
    my $special=shift;
    my $pkglist=shift; #1 means package list, 
                       #2 means pattern list, pattern list starts with @, 
                       #3 means remove package list, packages to be removed start with -.
    my $text = "";
    unless ($file =~ /^\//) {
      $file = $idir."/".$file;

    open(INCLUDE,$file) || return "#INCLUDEBAD:cannot open $file#";
    my $pkgb = "";
    my $pkge = "";
    if ($pkglist) {
	if ($pkglist == 2) {
	    $pkgb = "<pattern>";
	    $pkge = "</pattern>";
	} else {
	    $pkgb = "<package>";
	    $pkge = "</package>";
    while(<INCLUDE>) {
        if ($pkglist == 1) {
        }  elsif ($pkglist == 2) {
        }  elsif ($pkglist == 3) {

        if (( $_ =~ /^\s*#/ ) || ( $_ =~ /^\s*$/ )) { 
	    $text .= "$_";
        } else {
	    my $tmp=$_;
            chomp($tmp);  #remove return char
            $tmp =~ s/\s*$//;  #removes trailing spaces
	    next if (($pkglist == 1) && (($tmp=~/^\s*@/) || ($tmp=~/^\s*-/)));  #for packge list, do not include the lines start with @
	    if ($pkglist == 2) { #for pattern list, only include the lines start with @
		if ($tmp =~/^\s*@(.*)/) {
		    $tmp =~s/^\s*//;  #removes leading spaces
		} else { next; }
	    } elsif ($pkglist == 3) { #for rmpkg list, only include the lines start with -
		if ($tmp =~/^\s*-(.*)/) {
		    $tmp =~s/^\s*//;  #removes leading spaces
		} else { next; }
	    $text .= "$pkgb$tmp$pkge\n";
    if ($special) {
	$text =~ s/\$/\\\$/g;
	$text =~ s/`/\\`/g;


sub command
	my $command = shift;
	my $r;

#	if(($r = `$command`) == 0) {
#		chomp($r);
#		return($r);
#	}
#	else {
#		return("#$command: failed $r#");
#	}

	$r = `$command`;

sub envvar
	my $envvar = shift;

	if($envvar =~ /^\$/) {
		$envvar =~ s/^\$//;


sub genpassword {
#Generate a pseudo-random password of specified length
    my $length = shift;
    my $password='';
    my $characters= 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ01234567890';
    srand; #have to reseed, rand is not rand otherwise
    while (length($password) < $length) {
        $password .= substr($characters,int(rand 63),1);
    return $password;

sub crydb
    my $result = tabdb(@_);
    # 1 - MD5, 5 - SHA256, 6 - SHA512
    unless (($result =~ /^\$1\$/) || ($result =~ /^\$5\$/) || ($result =~ /^\$6\$/)) {
        $result = crypt($result,'$1$'.genpassword(8));
    return $result;
sub tabdb
	my $table = shift;
	my $key = shift;
	my $field = shift;
   my $blankok = shift;

   if( %::GLOBAL_TAB_HASH && defined( $::GLOBAL_TAB_HASH{$table} ) ) {
        if( !defined( $::GLOBAL_TAB_HASH{$table}{$key}) ) {
            return "''";   
        if( defined($::GLOBAL_TAB_HASH{$table}{$key}{$field}) ) {
             return "'".$::GLOBAL_TAB_HASH{$table}{$key}{$field}."'";
        } else {
            return "''";   

    my $tabh = xCAT::Table->new($table);
    unless ($tabh) {
       $tmplerr="Unable to open table named $table";
       if ($table =~ /\.tab/) {
          $tmplerr .= " (.tab should not be specified as part of the table name in xCAT 2, as seems to be the case here)";
      return "";
    my $ent;
    my $bynode=0;
    if ($key eq "THISNODE" or $key eq '$NODE') {
      $ent = $tabh->getNodeAttribs($node,[$field]);
    } else {
      my %kp;
      foreach (split /,/,$key) {
        my $key;
        my $val;
        if ($_ eq 'THISNODE' or $_ eq '$NODE') {
        } else {
            ($key,$val) = split /=/,$_;
      if ($bynode) {
          my @ents = $tabh->getNodeAttribs($node,[keys %kp,$field]);
          my $tent; #Temporary ent
          TENT: foreach $tent (@ents) {
              foreach (keys %kp) {
                  unless ($kp{$_} eq $tent->{$_}) {
                      next TENT;
              } #If still here, we found it
             $ent = $tent;
      } else {
          ($ent) = $tabh->getAttribs(\%kp,$field);
    unless($ent and  defined($ent->{$field})) {
      unless ($blankok) {
         if ($field eq "xcatmaster") {
           my $ipfn = xCAT::NetworkUtils->my_ip_facing($node);
           if ($ipfn) {
             return $ipfn;
         #$tmplerr="Unable to find requested $field from $table, with $key";
         my $savekey=$key;
         $key = '$NODE';  # make sure we use getNodeAttribs when get_replacement
                          # calls this routine (tabdb) 
         my $rep=get_replacement($table,$key,$field);
         $key=$savekey;   # restore just in case we rely on the node=$node setting
         if ($rep) {
            return tabdb($rep->[0], $rep->[1], $rep->[2]);
         } else {
            $tmplerr="Unable to find requested $field from $table, with $key"
      return "";
      #return "#TABLEBAD:$table:field $field not found#";
    return $ent->{$field};

	#if($key =~ /^\$/) {
	#	$key =~ s/^\$//;
	#	$key = $ENV{$key};
	#if($field =~ /^\$/) {
	#	$field =~ s/^\$//;
	#	$field = $ENV{$field};
	#if($field == '*') {
	#	$field = 1;
	#	$all = 1;


	#if($field < 0) {
	#	return "#TABLE:field not found#"

	#open(TAB,$table) || \
	#	return "#TABLE:cannot open $table#";

	#while(<TAB>) {
	#	if(/^$key(\t|,| )/) {
	#		m/^$key(\t|,| )+(.*)/;
	#		if($all == 1) {
	#			return "$2";
	#		}
	#		@fields = split(',',$2);
	#		if(defined $fields[$field]) {
	#			return "$fields[$field]";
	#		}
	#		else {
	#			return "#TABLE:field not found#"
	#		}
	#	}

	#return "#TABLE:key not found#"

sub get_replacement {
    my $table=shift;
    my $key=shift;
    my $field=shift;
    my $rep;
    if (exists($tab_replacement{"$table:$field"})) {
	my $repstr=$tab_replacement{"$table:$field"};
	if ($repstr) {
	    my @a=split(':', $repstr);
	    if (@a > 2) {
	    } else {
    return $rep;

#  This routine is used in the creation of the mypostscript file and is defined
# in /opt/xcat/share/xcat/templates/mypostcript/mypostscript.tmpl
# It cannot be moved to another perl library, due to migration problems.
sub enablesshbetweennodes
   my $node = shift;
   my $result;

   my $enablessh=xCAT::TableUtils->enablessh($node);
   if ($enablessh == 1) {
       $result = "'YES'";
   } else {
       $result = "'NO'";

   return $result;

sub getNM_GW()
    my $ip = shift;
    my $nettab = xCAT::Table->new("networks");
    if ($nettab) {
        my @nets = $nettab->getAllAttribs('net','mask','gateway');
        foreach my $net (@nets) {
            if (xCAT::NetworkUtils::isInSameSubnet( $net->{'net'}, $ip, $net->{'mask'}, 0)) {
                return (xCAT::NetworkUtils::formatNetmask($net->{'mask'},0,1), $net->{'gateway'});

    return (undef, undef);
