#!/usr/bin/env perl # IBM(c) 2007 EPL license http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html package xCAT_plugin::kvm; BEGIN { $::XCATROOT = $ENV{'XCATROOT'} ? $ENV{'XCATROOT'} : '/opt/xcat'; } use lib "$::XCATROOT/lib/perl"; use xCAT::GlobalDef; use xCAT::NodeRange; use xCAT::VMCommon; use xCAT_monitoring::monitorctrl; use xCAT::Table; use XML::Simple qw(XMLout); use Thread qw(yield); use File::Basename qw/fileparse/; use File::Path qw/mkpath/; use IO::Socket; use IO::Select; use strict; #use warnings; my $use_xhrm=0; #xCAT Hypervisor Resource Manager, to satisfy networking and storage prerequisites, default to not using it for the moment my $imgfmt='raw'; #use raw format by default my $clonemethod='qemu-img'; #use qemu-img command my %vm_comm_pids; my %offlinehyps; my %hypstats; my %offlinevms; my @destblacklist; my $updatetable; #when a function is performing per-node operations, it can queue up a table update by populating parts of this hash my $confdata; #a reference to serve as a common pointer betweer VMCommon functions and this plugin my $libvirtsupport; $libvirtsupport = eval { require Sys::Virt; if (Sys::Virt->VERSION < "0.2.0") { die; } 1; }; use XML::Simple; $XML::Simple::PREFERRED_PARSER='XML::Parser'; use Data::Dumper; use POSIX "WNOHANG"; use Storable qw(freeze thaw); use IO::Select; use IO::Handle; use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday sleep); use xCAT::DBobjUtils; use Getopt::Long; use xCAT::SvrUtils; my %runningstates; my $vmmaxp=64; my $mactab; my %usedmacs; my $status_noop="XXXno-opXXX"; sub handled_commands { #unless ($libvirtsupport) { # return {}; #} return { rpower => 'nodehm:power,mgt', mkvm => 'nodehm:power,mgt', rmigrate => 'nodehm:mgt', getcons => 'nodehm:mgt', #rvitals => 'nodehm:mgt', #rinv => 'nodehm:mgt', getrvidparms => 'nodehm:mgt', rbeacon => 'nodehm:mgt', revacuate => 'hypervisor:type', vmstatenotify => 'hypervisor:type', #rspreset => 'nodehm:mgt', #rspconfig => 'nodehm:mgt', #rbootseq => 'nodehm:mgt', #reventlog => 'nodehm:mgt', }; } my $hypconn; my $hyp; my $doreq; my %hyphash; my $node; my $vmtab; sub get_path_for_nfsuri { my $diskname = shift; $diskname =~ /nfs:\/\/([^\/]*)(\/.*)/; my $server = $1; my $path = $2; print $diskname." $server $path \n"; if (xCAT::Utils::thishostisnot($server)) { return [$server,$path]; } else { #I am the server return $path; } } sub nodesockopen { my $node = shift; my $port = shift; unless ($node) { return 0; } my $socket; my $addr = gethostbyname($node); my $sin = sockaddr_in($port,$addr); my $proto = getprotobyname('tcp'); socket($socket,PF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,$proto) || return 0; connect($socket,$sin) || return 0; return 1; } sub waitforack { my $sock = shift; my $select = new IO::Select; $select->add($sock); my $str; if ($select->can_read(60)) { # Continue after 10 seconds, even if not acked... if ($str = <$sock>) { } else { $select->remove($sock); #Block until parent acks data } } } sub build_oshash { my %rethash; $rethash{type}->{content}='hvm'; if (defined $confdata->{vm}->{$node}->[0]->{bootorder}) { my $bootorder = $confdata->{vm}->{$node}->[0]->{bootorder}; my @bootdevs = split(/[:,]/,$bootorder); my $bootnum = 0; foreach (@bootdevs) { if ("net" eq $_ or "n" eq $_) { $rethash{boot}->[$bootnum]->{dev}="network"; } else { $rethash{boot}->[$bootnum]->{dev}=$_; } $bootnum++; } } else { $rethash{boot}->[0]->{dev}='network'; $rethash{boot}->[1]->{dev}='hd'; } return \%rethash; } sub build_diskstruct { my $cdloc=shift; my @returns=(); my $currdev; my @suffixes=('a','b','d'..'z'); my $suffidx=0; if ($cdloc) { my $cdhash; $cdhash->{device}='cdrom'; if ($cdloc =~ /^\/dev/) { $cdhash->{type}='block'; } else { $cdhash->{type}='file'; } $cdhash->{source}->{file}=$cdloc; $cdhash->{readonly}; $cdhash->{target}->{dev}='hdc'; push @returns,$cdhash; } if (defined $confdata->{vm}->{$node}->[0]->{storage}) { my $disklocs=$confdata->{vm}->{$node}->[0]->{storage}; my @locations=split /\|/,$disklocs; foreach my $disk (@locations) { #Setting default values of a virtual disk backed by a file at hd*. my $diskhash; $diskhash->{type} = 'file'; $diskhash->{device} = 'disk'; $diskhash->{target}->{dev} = 'hd'.$suffixes[$suffidx]; my @disk_parts = split(/,/, $disk); #Find host file and determine if it is a file or a block device. if (substr($disk_parts[0], 0, 4) eq 'phy:') { $diskhash->{type}='block'; $diskhash->{source}->{dev} = substr($disk_parts[0], 4); } elsif ($disk_parts[0] =~ m/^nfs:\/\/(.*)$/) { $diskhash->{source}->{file} = "/var/lib/xcat/vmnt/nfs_".$1."/$node/".$diskhash->{target}->{dev}; } else { $diskhash->{source}->{file} = $disk_parts[0]; } #See if there are any other options. If not, increment suffidx because the already determined device node was used. #evidently, we support specificying explicitly how to target the system.. if (@disk_parts gt 1) { my @disk_opts = split(/:/, $disk_parts[1]); if ($disk_opts[0] ne '') { $diskhash->{target}->{dev} = $disk_opts[0]; } else { $suffidx++; } if ($disk_opts[1] eq 'cdrom') { $diskhash->{device}='cdrom'; } } else { $suffidx++; } push @returns,$diskhash; } } return \@returns; } sub getNodeUUID { my $node = shift; return xCAT::Utils::genUUID(); } sub build_nicstruct { my $rethash; my $node = shift; my @macs=(); my @nics=(); if ($confdata->{vm}->{$node}->[0]->{nics}) { @nics = split /,/,$confdata->{vm}->{$node}->[0]->{nics}; } else { @nics = ('virbr0'); } if ($confdata->{mac}->{$node}->[0]->{mac}) { my $macdata=$confdata->{mac}->{$node}->[0]->{mac}; foreach my $macaddr (split /\|/,$macdata) { $macaddr =~ s/\!.*//; push @macs,$macaddr; } } unless (scalar(@macs) >= scalar(@nics)) { #TODO: MUST REPLACE WITH VMCOMMON CODE my $neededmacs=scalar(@nics) - scalar(@macs); my $macstr; my $tmac; my $leading; srand; while ($neededmacs--) { my $allbutmult = 65279; # & mask for bitwise clearing of the multicast bit of mac my $localad=512; # | to set the bit for locally admnistered mac address $leading=int(rand(65535)); $leading=$leading|512; $leading=$leading&65279; my $n=inet_aton($node); my $tail; if ($n) { $tail=unpack("N",$n); } unless ($tail) { $tail=int(rand(4294967295)); } $tmac = sprintf("%04x%08x",$leading,$tail); $tmac =~ s/(..)(..)(..)(..)(..)(..)/$1:$2:$3:$4:$5:$6/; if ($usedmacs{$tmac}) { #If we have a collision we can actually perceive, retry the generation of this mac $neededmacs++; next; } $usedmacs{$tmac}=1; push @macs,$tmac; } #$mactab->setNodeAttribs($node,{mac=>join('|',@macs)}); #$nrtab->setNodeAttribs($node,{netboot=>'pxe'}); #$doreq->({command=>['makedhcp'],node=>[$node]}); } my @rethashes; foreach (@macs) { my $rethash; my $nic = shift @nics; my $type = 'e1000'; #better default fake nic than rtl8139, relevant to most unless ($nic) { last; #Don't want to have multiple vnics tied to the same switch } $nic =~ s/.*://; #the detail of how the bridge was built is of no #interest to this segment of code if ($nic =~ /=/) { ($nic,$type) = split /=/,$nic,2; } $rethash->{type}='bridge'; $rethash->{mac}->{address}=$_; $rethash->{source}->{bridge}=$nic; $rethash->{model}->{type}=$type; push @rethashes,$rethash; } return \@rethashes; } sub getUnits { my $amount = shift; my $defunit = shift; my $divisor=shift; unless ($divisor) { $divisor = 1; } if ($amount =~ /(\D)$/) { #If unitless, add unit $defunit=$1; chop $amount; } if ($defunit =~ /k/i) { return $amount*1024/$divisor; } elsif ($defunit =~ /m/i) { return $amount*1048576/$divisor; } elsif ($defunit =~ /g/i) { return $amount*1073741824/$divisor; } } sub build_xmldesc { my $node = shift; my $cdloc=shift; my %xtree=(); $xtree{type}='kvm'; $xtree{name}->{content}=$node; $xtree{uuid}->{content}=getNodeUUID($node); $xtree{os} = build_oshash(); if (defined $confdata->{vm}->{$node}->[0]->{memory}) { $xtree{memory}->{content}=getUnits($confdata->{vm}->{$node}->[0]->{memory},"M",1024); } else { $xtree{memory}->{content}=524288; } if (defined $confdata->{vm}->{$node}->[0]->{cpus}) { $xtree{vcpu}->{content}=$confdata->{vm}->{$node}->[0]->{cpus}; } else { $xtree{vcpu}->{content}=1; } if (defined ($confdata->{vm}->{$node}->[0]->{clockoffset})) { #If user requested a specific behavior, give it $xtree{clock}->{offset}=$confdata->{vm}->{$node}->[0]->{clockoffset}; } else { #Otherwise, only do local time for things that look MS if (defined ($confdata->{nodetype}->{$node}->[0]->{os}) and $confdata->{nodetype}->{$node}->[0]->{os} =~ /win.*/) { $xtree{clock}->{offset}='localtime'; } else { #For everyone else, utc is preferred generally $xtree{clock}->{offset}='utc'; } } $xtree{features}->{pae}={}; $xtree{features}->{acpi}={}; $xtree{features}->{apic}={}; $xtree{features}->{content}="\n"; $xtree{devices}->{disk}=build_diskstruct($cdloc); $xtree{devices}->{interface}=build_nicstruct($node); $xtree{devices}->{input}->{type}='tablet'; $xtree{devices}->{input}->{bus}='usb'; $xtree{devices}->{graphics}->{type}='vnc'; $xtree{devices}->{console}->{type}='pty'; $xtree{devices}->{console}->{target}->{port}='1'; return XMLout(\%xtree,RootName=>"domain"); } sub refresh_vm { my $dom = shift; my $newxml=XMLin($dom->get_xml_description()); my $vncport=$newxml->{devices}->{graphics}->{port}; my $stty=$newxml->{devices}->{console}->{tty}; $updatetable->{vm}->{$node}={vncport=>$vncport,textconsole=>$stty}; #$vmtab->setNodeAttribs($node,{vncport=>$vncport,textconsole=>$stty}); return {vncport=>$vncport,textconsole=>$stty}; } sub getcons { my $node = shift(); my $type = shift(); my $dom; eval { $dom = $hypconn->get_domain_by_name($node); }; unless ($dom) { return 1,"Unable to query running VM"; } my $consdata=refresh_vm($dom); my $hyper=$confdata->{vm}->{$node}->[0]->{host}; if ($type eq "text") { my $serialspeed; if ($confdata->{nodehm}) { $serialspeed=$confdata->{nodehm}->{$node}->[0]->{serialspeed}; } my $sconsparms = {node=>[{name=>[$node]}]}; $sconsparms->{node}->[0]->{sshhost}=[$hyper]; $sconsparms->{node}->[0]->{psuedotty}=[$consdata->{textconsole}]; $sconsparms->{node}->[0]->{baudrate}=[$serialspeed]; return (0,$sconsparms); } elsif ($type eq "vnc") { return (0,'ssh+vnc@'.$hyper.": localhost:".$consdata->{vncport}); #$consdata->{vncport}); } } sub getrvidparms { my $node=shift; my $location = getcons($node,"vnc"); if ($location =~ /ssh\+vnc@([^:]*):([^:]*):(\d+)/) { my @output = ( "method: kvm", "server: $1", "vncdisplay: $2:$3", "virturi: ".$hypconn->get_uri(), "virtname: $node", ); return 0,@output; } else { return (1,"Error: Unable to determine rvid destination for $node"); } } sub pick_target { my $node = shift; my $addmemory = shift; my $target; my $mostfreememory=undef; my $currentfreememory; my $candidates= $confdata->{vm}->{$node}->[0]->{migrationdest}; my $currhyp=$confdata->{vm}->{$node}->[0]->{host}; unless ($candidates) { return undef; } foreach (noderange($candidates)) { my $targconn; my $cand=$_; if ($_ eq $currhyp) { next; } #skip current node if ($offlinehyps{$_}) { next }; #skip already offlined nodes if (grep { "$_" eq $cand } @destblacklist) { next; } #skip blacklisted destinations if (defined $hypstats{$_}->{freememory}) { $currentfreememory=$hypstats{$_}->{freememory} } else { if (not nodesockopen($_,22)) { $offlinehyps{$_}=1; next; } #skip unusable destinations eval { #Sys::Virt has bugs that cause it to die out in weird ways some times, contain it here $targconn = Sys::Virt->new(uri=>"qemu+ssh://root@".$_."/system?no_tty=1&netcat=nc"); }; unless ($targconn) { eval { #Sys::Virt has bugs that cause it to die out in weird ways some times, contain it here $targconn = Sys::Virt->new(uri=>"qemu+ssh://root@".$_."/system?no_tty=1"); }; } unless ($targconn) { next; } #skip unreachable destinations $currentfreememory=$targconn->get_node_info()->{memory}; foreach ($targconn->list_domains()) { if ($_->get_name() eq 'Domain-0') { next; } #Dom0 memory usage is elastic, we are interested in HVM DomU memory, which is inelastic $currentfreememory -= $_->get_info()->{memory}; } $hypstats{$cand}->{freememory}=$currentfreememory; } if ($addmemory and $addmemory->{$_}) { $currentfreememory -= $addmemory->{$_}; } if (not defined ($mostfreememory)) { $mostfreememory=$currentfreememory; $target=$_; } elsif ($currentfreememory > $mostfreememory) { $mostfreememory=$currentfreememory; $target=$_; } } return $target; } sub migrate { $node = shift(); my $targ = shift(); if ($offlinevms{$node}) { return power("on"); } unless ($targ) { $targ = pick_target($node); } unless ($targ) { return (1,"Unable to identify a suitable target host for guest $node"); } if ($use_xhrm) { xhrm_satisfy($node,$targ); } my $prevhyp; my $target = "qemu+ssh://root@".$targ."/system?no_tty=1"; my $currhyp="qemu+ssh://root@"; if ($confdata->{vm}->{$node}->[0]->{host}) { $prevhyp=$confdata->{vm}->{$node}->[0]->{host}; $currhyp.=$prevhyp; } else { return (1,"Unable to find current location of $node"); } $currhyp.="/system?no_tty=1"; if ($currhyp eq $target) { return (0,"Guest is already on host $targ"); } my $srchypconn; my $desthypconn; unless ($offlinehyps{$prevhyp} or nodesockopen($prevhyp,22)) { $offlinehyps{$prevhyp}=1; } my $srcnetcatadd="&netcat=nc"; unless ($offlinehyps{$prevhyp}) { eval {#Contain Sys::Virt bugs $srchypconn= Sys::Virt->new(uri=>"qemu+ssh://root@".$prevhyp."/system?no_tty=1$srcnetcatadd"); }; unless ($srchypconn) { $srcnetcatadd=""; eval {#Contain Sys::Virt bugs $srchypconn= Sys::Virt->new(uri=>"qemu+ssh://root@".$prevhyp."/system?no_tty=1"); }; } } unless ($srchypconn) { return (1,"Unable to reach $prevhyp to perform operation of $node, use nodech to change vm.host if certain of no split-brain possibility exists"); } unless ($offlinehyps{$targ} or nodesockopen($targ,22)) { $offlinehyps{$targ}=1; } my $destnetcatadd="&netcat=nc"; unless ($offlinehyps{$targ}) { eval {#Contain Sys::Virt bugs $desthypconn= Sys::Virt->new(uri=>$target.$destnetcatadd); }; unless ($desthypconn) { $destnetcatadd=""; eval {#Contain Sys::Virt bugs $desthypconn= Sys::Virt->new(uri=>$target); }; } } unless ($desthypconn) { return (1,"Unable to reach $targ to perform operation of $node, destination unusable."); } my $sock = IO::Socket::INET->new(Proto=>'udp'); my $ipa=inet_aton($node); my $pa; if ($ipa) { $pa=sockaddr_in(7,$ipa); #UDP echo service, not needed to be actually } #serviced, we just want to trigger MAC move in the switch forwarding dbs my $nomadomain; eval { $nomadomain = $srchypconn->get_domain_by_name($node); }; unless ($nomadomain) { return (1,"Unable to find $node on $prevhyp, vm.host may be incorrect or a split-brain condition, such as libvirt forgetting a guest due to restart or bug."); } my $newdom; my $errstr; eval { $newdom=$nomadomain->migrate($desthypconn,&Sys::Virt::Domain::MIGRATE_LIVE,undef,undef,0); }; if ($@) { $errstr = $@; } #TODO: If it looks like it failed to migrate, ensure the guest exists only in one place if ($errstr) { return (1,"Failed migration of $node from $prevhyp to $targ: $errstr"); } unless ($newdom) { return (1,"Failed migration from $prevhyp to $targ"); } if ($ipa) { system("arp -d $node"); #Make ethernet fabric take note of change send($sock,"dummy",0,$pa); #UDP packet to force forwarding table update in switches, ideally a garp happened, but just in case... } #BTW, this should all be moot since the underlying kvm seems good about gratuitous traffic, but it shouldn't hurt anything refresh_vm($newdom); #The migration seems tohave suceeded, but to be sure... close($sock); if ($desthypconn->get_domain_by_name($node)) { $updatetable->{vm}->{$node}->{host} = $targ; #$vmtab->setNodeAttribs($node,{host=>$targ}); return (0,"migrated to $targ"); } else { #This *should* not be possible return (1,"Failed migration from $prevhyp to $targ, despite normal looking run..."); } } sub getpowstate { my $dom = shift; my $vmstat; if ($dom) { $vmstat = $dom->get_info; } if ($vmstat and $runningstates{$vmstat->{state}}) { return "on"; } else { return "off"; } } sub xhrm_satisfy { my $node = shift; my $hyp = shift; my $rc=0; my @nics=(); my @storage=(); if ($confdata->{vm}->{$node}->[0]->{nics}) { @nics = split /,/,$confdata->{vm}->{$node}->[0]->{nics}; } if ($confdata->{vm}->{$node}->[0]->{storage}) { @storage = split /\|/,$confdata->{vm}->{$node}->[0]->{storage}; } foreach (@nics) { s/=.*//; #this code cares not about the model of virtual nic $rc |=system("ssh $hyp xHRM bridgeprereq $_"); } foreach (@storage) { if (/^nfs:\/\//) { $rc |= system("ssh $hyp xHRM storageprereq $_"); } } return $rc; } sub makedom { my $node=shift; my $cdloc = shift; my $dom; my $xml=build_xmldesc($node,$cdloc); my $errstr; eval { $dom=$hypconn->create_domain($xml); }; if ($@) { $errstr = $@; } if (ref $errstr) { $errstr = ":".$errstr->{message}; } if ($errstr) { return (undef,$errstr); } if ($dom) { refresh_vm($dom); } return $dom,undef; } sub createstorage { my $filename=shift; my $mastername=shift; my $size=shift; my $cfginfo = shift; my $force = shift; my $diskstruct = shift; my $node = $cfginfo->{node}; my @flags = split /,/,$cfginfo->{virtflags}; foreach (@flags) { if (/^imageformat=(.*)\z/) { $imgfmt=$1; } elsif (/^clonemethod=(.*)\z/) { $clonemethod=$1; } } my $mountpath; my $pathappend; my $storageserver; #for nfs paths and qemu-img, we do the magic locally only for now my $basename; my $dirname; if ($filename =~ /^nfs:/) { $filename = get_path_for_nfsuri($filename); if (ref $filename) { #if we got a reference back instead of a string, it is a remote location $storageserver = $filename->[0]; $filename = $filename->[1]; } $filename =~ s/\/$//; $mountpath = $filename; $filename .= "/$node/".fileparse($diskstruct->[0]->{source}->{file}); $pathappend = "/$node/"; } ($basename,$dirname) = fileparse($filename); unless ($storageserver) { if (-f $filename) { unless ($force) { return 1,"Storage already exists, delete manually or use --force"; } unlink $filename; } } if ($storageserver and $mastername and $clonemethod eq 'reflink') { my $rc=system("ssh $storageserver mkdir -p $dirname"); if ($rc) { return 1,"Unable to manage storage on remote server $storageserver"; } } elsif ($storageserver) { my @mounts = `mount`; my $foundmount; foreach (@mounts) { if (/^$storageserver:$mountpath/) { chomp; s/^.* on (\S*) type nfs.*$/$1/; $dirname = $_; mkpath($dirname.$pathappend); $foundmount=1; last; } } unless ($foundmount) { return 1,"qemu-img cloning requires that the management server have the directory $mountpath from $storageserver mounted"; } } else { mkpath($dirname); } if ($mastername and $size) { return 1,"Can not specify both a master to clone and a size"; } my $masterserver; if ($mastername) { unless ($mastername =~ /^\// or $mastername =~ /^nfs:/) { $mastername = $xCAT_plugin::kvm::masterdir.'/'.$mastername; } if ($mastername =~ m!nfs://([^/]*)(/.*\z)!) { $mastername = $2; $masterserver = $1; } if ($masterserver ne $storageserver) { return 1,"Not supporting cloning between $masterserver and $storageserver at this time, for now ensure master images and target VM images are on the same server"; } my $rc; if ($clonemethod eq 'qemu-img') { my $dirn; my $filn; ($filn,$dirn) = fileparse($filename); chdir($dirn); $rc=system("qemu-img create -f qcow2 -b $mastername $filename"); } elsif ($clonemethod eq 'reflink') { if ($storageserver) { $rc=system("ssh $storageserver cp --reflink $mastername $filename"); } else { $rc=system("cp --reflink $mastername $filename"); } } if ($rc) { return $rc,"Failure creating image $filename from $mastername"; } } if ($size) { my $rc = system("qemu-img create -f $imgfmt $filename ".getUnits($size,"g",1024)); if ($rc) { return $rc,"Failure creating image $filename of size $size\n"; } } } sub mkvm { shift; #Throuw away first argument @ARGV=@_; my $disksize; my $mastername; my $force=0; require Getopt::Long; GetOptions( 'master|m=s'=>\$mastername, 'size|s=s'=>\$disksize, 'force|f'=>\$force ); build_xmldesc($node); my $diskstruct = build_diskstruct(); if (defined $confdata->{vm}->{$node}->[0]->{storage}) { my $diskname=$confdata->{vm}->{$node}->[0]->{storage}; if ($diskname =~ /^phy:/) { #in this case, mkvm should have no argumens if ($mastername or $disksize) { return 1,"mkvm management of block device storage not implemented"; } } if ($mastername or $disksize) { return createstorage($diskname,$mastername,$disksize,$confdata->{vm}->{$node}->[0],$force,$diskstruct); } } else { if ($mastername or $disksize) { return 1,"Requested initialization of storage, but vm.storage has no value for node"; } } } sub power { @ARGV=@_; require Getopt::Long; my $cdloc; GetOptions('cdrom|iso|c|i=s'=>\$cdloc); my $subcommand = shift @ARGV; my $retstring; my $dom; eval { $dom = $hypconn->get_domain_by_name($node); }; if ($subcommand eq "boot") { my $currstate=getpowstate($dom); $retstring=$currstate." "; if ($currstate eq "off") { $subcommand="on"; } elsif ($currstate eq "on") { $subcommand="reset"; } } my $errstr; if ($subcommand eq 'on') { unless ($dom) { if ($use_xhrm) { if (xhrm_satisfy($node,$hyp)) { return (1,"Failure satisfying networking and storage requirements on $hyp for $node"); } } ($dom,$errstr) = makedom($node,$cdloc); if ($errstr) { return (1,$errstr); } } else { $retstring .= "$status_noop"; } } elsif ($subcommand eq 'off') { if ($dom) { $dom->destroy(); undef $dom; } else { $retstring .= "$status_noop"; } } elsif ($subcommand eq 'softoff') { if ($dom) { $dom->shutdown(); } else { $retstring .= "$status_noop"; } } elsif ($subcommand eq 'reset') { if ($dom) { $dom->destroy(); undef $dom; if ($use_xhrm) { xhrm_satisfy($node,$hyp); } ($dom,$errstr) = makedom($node,$cdloc); if ($errstr) { return (1,$errstr); } $retstring.="reset"; } else { $retstring .= "$status_noop"; } } else { unless ($subcommand =~ /^stat/) { return (1,"Unsupported power directive '$subcommand'"); } } unless ($retstring =~ /reset/) { $retstring=$retstring.getpowstate($dom); } return (0,$retstring); } sub guestcmd { $hyp = shift; $node = shift; my $command = shift; my @args = @_; my $error; if ($command eq "rpower") { return power(@args); } elsif ($command eq "mkvm") { return mkvm($node,@args); } elsif ($command eq "rmigrate") { return migrate($node,@args); } elsif ($command eq "getrvidparms") { return getrvidparms($node,@args); } elsif ($command eq "getcons") { return getcons($node,@args); } =cut } elsif ($command eq "rvitals") { return vitals(@args); } elsif ($command =~ /r[ms]preset/) { return resetmp(@args); } elsif ($command eq "rspconfig") { return mpaconfig($mpa,$user,$pass,$node,$slot,@args); } elsif ($command eq "rbootseq") { return bootseq(@args); } elsif ($command eq "switchblade") { return switchblade(@args); } elsif ($command eq "getmacs") { return getmacs(@args); } elsif ($command eq "rinv") { return inv(@args); } elsif ($command eq "reventlog") { return eventlog(@args); } elsif ($command eq "rscan") { return rscan(\@args); } =cut return (1,"$command not a supported command by kvm method"); } sub preprocess_request { my $request = shift; if ($request->{_xcatpreprocessed}->[0] == 1) { return [$request]; } my $callback=shift; my @requests; my $noderange = $request->{node}; #Should be arrayref my $command = $request->{command}->[0]; my $extrargs = $request->{arg}; my @exargs=($request->{arg}); if (ref($extrargs)) { @exargs=@$extrargs; } my $usage_string=xCAT::Usage->parseCommand($command, @exargs); if ($usage_string) { $callback->({data=>$usage_string}); $request = {}; return; } if (!$noderange) { $usage_string=xCAT::Usage->getUsage($command); $callback->({data=>$usage_string}); $request = {}; return; } #print "noderange=@$noderange\n"; # find service nodes for requested nodes # build an individual request for each service node my $service = "xcat"; my $sn = xCAT::Utils->get_ServiceNode($noderange, $service, "MN"); # build each request for each service node foreach my $snkey (keys %$sn) { #print "snkey=$snkey\n"; my $reqcopy = {%$request}; $reqcopy->{node} = $sn->{$snkey}; $reqcopy->{'_xcatdest'} = $snkey; $reqcopy->{_xcatpreprocessed}->[0] = 1; push @requests, $reqcopy; } return \@requests; } sub adopt { my $orphash = shift; my $hyphash = shift; my %addmemory = (); my $node; my $target; my $vmupdates; foreach $node (keys %{$orphash}) { $target=pick_target($node,\%addmemory); unless ($target) { next; } if ($confdata->{vm}->{$node}->[0]->{memory}) { $addmemory{$target}+=getUnits($confdata->{vm}->{$node}->[0]->{memory},"M",1024); } else { $addmemory{$target}+=getUnits("512","M",1024); } $hyphash{$target}->{nodes}->{$node}=1; delete $orphash->{$node}; $vmupdates->{$node}->{host}=$target; } $vmtab->setNodesAttribs($vmupdates); if (keys %{$orphash}) { return 0; } else { return 1; } } #TODO: adopt orphans into suitable homes if possible # return 0; #} sub process_request { $SIG{INT} = $SIG{TERM} = sub { foreach (keys %vm_comm_pids) { kill 2, $_; } exit 0; }; %offlinehyps=(); %hypstats=(); %offlinevms=(); my $request = shift; my $callback = shift; unless ($libvirtsupport) { $libvirtsupport = eval { require Sys::Virt; if (Sys::Virt->VERSION < "0.2.0") { die; } 1; }; } unless ($libvirtsupport) { #Still no Sys::Virt module $callback->({error=>"Sys::Virt perl module missing or older than 0.2.0, unable to fulfill KVM plugin requirements",errorcode=>[42]}); return []; } require Sys::Virt::Domain; %runningstates = (&Sys::Virt::Domain::STATE_NOSTATE=>1,&Sys::Virt::Domain::STATE_RUNNING=>1,&Sys::Virt::Domain::STATE_BLOCKED=>1); $doreq = shift; my $level = shift; my $noderange = $request->{node}; my $command = $request->{command}->[0]; my @exargs; unless ($command) { return; #Empty request } if (ref($request->{arg})) { @exargs = @{$request->{arg}}; } else { @exargs = ($request->{arg}); } my $forcemode = 0; my %orphans=(); if ($command eq 'vmstatenotify') { unless ($vmtab) { $vmtab = new xCAT::Table('vm',-create=>1); } my $state = $exargs[0]; if ($state eq 'vmoff') { $vmtab->setNodeAttribs($exargs[1],{powerstate=>'off'}); print "Completion?\n"; return; } elsif ($state eq 'vmon') { print "Completion?\n"; $vmtab->setNodeAttribs($exargs[1],{powerstate=>'on'}); return; } elsif ($state eq 'hypshutdown') { #turn this into an evacuate my $nodelisttab = xCAT::Table->new('nodelist'); my $appstatus = $nodelisttab->getNodeAttribs($noderange->[0],['appstatus']); my @apps =split /,/,$appstatus->{'appstatus'}; my @newapps; foreach (@apps) { if ($_ eq 'virtualization') { next; } push @newapps,$_; } $nodelisttab->setNodeAttribs($noderange->[0],{appstatus=>join(',',@newapps)}); $command="revacuate"; @exargs=(); } elsif ($state eq 'hypstartup') { #if starting up, check for nodes on this hypervisor and start them up my $nodelisttab = xCAT::Table->new('nodelist'); my $appstatus = $nodelisttab->getNodeAttribs($noderange->[0],['appstatus']); my @apps =split /,/,$appstatus->{appstatus}; unless (grep {$_ eq 'virtualization'} @apps) { push @apps,'virtualization'; $nodelisttab->setNodeAttribs($noderange->[0],{appstatus=>join(',',@apps)}); } my @tents = $vmtab->getAttribs({host=>$noderange->[0],power=>'on'},['node']); $noderange=[]; foreach (@tents) { push @$noderange,noderange($_->{node}); } $command="rpower"; @exargs=("on"); } } if ($command eq 'revacuate') { my $newnoderange; if (grep { $_ eq '-f' } @exargs) { $forcemode=1; } foreach (@$noderange) { my $hyp = $_; #I used $_ too much here... sorry $hypconn=undef; push @destblacklist,$_; if ((not $offlinehyps{$_}) and nodesockopen($_,22)) { eval { #Contain bugs that won't be in $@ $hypconn= Sys::Virt->new(uri=>"qemu+ssh://root@".$_."/system?no_tty=1&netcat=nc"); }; unless ($hypconn) { #retry for socat eval { #Contain bugs that won't be in $@ $hypconn= Sys::Virt->new(uri=>"qemu+ssh://root@".$_."/system?no_tty=1"); }; } } unless ($hypconn) { $offlinehyps{$hyp}=1; if ($forcemode) { #forcemode indicates the hypervisor is probably already dead, and to clear vm.host of all the nodes, and adopt the ones that are supposed to be 'on', power them on unless ($vmtab) { $vmtab = new xCAT::Table('vm',-create=>0); } unless ($vmtab) { next; } my @vents = $vmtab->getAttribs({host=>$hyp},['node','powerstate']); my $vent; my $nodestozap; foreach $vent (@vents) { my @nodes = noderange($vent->{node}); if ($vent->{powerstate} eq 'on') { foreach (@nodes) { $offlinevms{$_}=1; $orphans{$_}=1; push @$newnoderange,$_; } } push @$nodestozap,@nodes; } $vmtab->setNodesAttribs($nodestozap,{host=>'|^.*$||'}); } else { $callback->({node=>[{name=>[$_],error=>["Cannot communicate via libvirt to node"]}]}); } next; } if ($hypconn) { foreach ($hypconn->list_domains()) { my $guestname = $_->get_name(); if ($guestname eq 'Domain-0') { next; } push @$newnoderange,$guestname; } } } $hypconn=undef; $noderange = $newnoderange; $command = 'rmigrate'; } my $sitetab = xCAT::Table->new('site'); if ($sitetab) { my $xhent = $sitetab->getAttribs({key=>'usexhrm'},['value']); if ($xhent and $xhent->{value} and $xhent->{value} !~ /no/i and $xhent->{value} !~ /disable/i) { $use_xhrm=1; } } $vmtab = xCAT::Table->new("vm"); $confdata={}; xCAT::VMCommon::grab_table_data($noderange,$confdata,$callback); if ($command eq 'mkvm' or $command eq 'rpower' and (grep { "$_" eq "on" or $_ eq "boot" or $_ eq "reset" } @exargs)) { xCAT::VMCommon::requestMacAddresses($confdata,$noderange); my @dhcpnodes; foreach (keys %{$confdata->{dhcpneeded}}) { push @dhcpnodes,$_; delete $confdata->{dhcpneeded}->{$_}; } $doreq->({command=>['makedhcp'],node=>\@dhcpnodes}); } if ($command eq 'revacuate' or $command eq 'rmigrate') { $vmmaxp=1; #for now throttle concurrent migrations, requires more sophisticated heuristics to ensure sanity } else { my $tmp; if ($sitetab) { ($tmp)=$sitetab->getAttribs({'key'=>'vmmaxp'},'value'); if (defined($tmp)) { $vmmaxp=$tmp->{value}; } } } my $children = 0; $SIG{CHLD} = sub { my $cpid; while (($cpid = waitpid(-1, WNOHANG)) > 0) { if ($vm_comm_pids{$cpid}) { delete $vm_comm_pids{$cpid}; $children--; } } }; my $inputs = new IO::Select;; my $sub_fds = new IO::Select; %hyphash=(); foreach (keys %{$confdata->{vm}}) { if ($confdata->{vm}->{$_}->[0]->{host}) { $hyphash{$confdata->{vm}->{$_}->[0]->{host}}->{nodes}->{$_}=1; } else { $orphans{$_}=1; } } if (keys %orphans) { if ($command eq "rpower") { if (grep /^on$/,@exargs or grep /^boot$/,@exargs) { unless (adopt(\%orphans,\%hyphash)) { $callback->({error=>"Can't find ".join(",",keys %orphans),errorcode=>[1]}); return 1; } } else { foreach (keys %orphans) { $callback->({node=>[{name=>[$_],data=>[{contents=>['off']}]}]}); } } } elsif ($command eq "rmigrate") { if ($forcemode) { unless (adopt(\%orphans,\%hyphash)) { $callback->({error=>"Can't find ".join(",",keys %orphans),errorcode=>[1]}); return 1; } } else { $callback->({error=>"Can't find ".join(",",keys %orphans),errorcode=>[1]}); return; } } elsif ($command eq "mkvm") { #mkvm can happen devoid of any hypervisor, make a fake hypervisor entry to allow this to occur foreach (keys %orphans) { $hyphash{'!@!XCATDUMMYHYPERVISOR!@!'}->{nodes}->{$_}=1; } } else { $callback->({error=>"Can't find ".join(",",keys %orphans),errorcode=>[1]}); return; } } if ($command eq "rbeacon") { my %req=(); $req{command}=['rbeacon']; $req{arg}=\@exargs; $req{node}=[keys %hyphash]; $doreq->(\%req,$callback); return; } #get new node status my %oldnodestatus=(); #saves the old node status my @allerrornodes=(); my $check=0; my $global_check=1; if ($sitetab) { (my $ref) = $sitetab->getAttribs({key => 'nodestatus'}, 'value'); if ($ref) { if ($ref->{value} =~ /0|n|N/) { $global_check=0; } } } if ($command eq 'rpower') { my $subcommand=$exargs[0]; if (($global_check) && ($subcommand ne 'stat') && ($subcommand ne 'status')) { $check=1; my @allnodes=@$noderange; #save the old status my $nodelisttab = xCAT::Table->new('nodelist'); if ($nodelisttab) { my $tabdata = $nodelisttab->getNodesAttribs(\@allnodes, ['node', 'status']); foreach my $node (@allnodes) { my $tmp1 = $tabdata->{$node}->[0]; if ($tmp1) { if ($tmp1->{status}) { $oldnodestatus{$node}=$tmp1->{status}; } else { $oldnodestatus{$node}=""; } } } } #print "oldstatus:" . Dumper(\%oldnodestatus); #set the new status to the nodelist.status my %newnodestatus=(); my $newstat; if (($subcommand eq 'off') || ($subcommand eq 'softoff')) { my $newstat=$::STATUS_POWERING_OFF; $newnodestatus{$newstat}=\@allnodes; } else { #get the current nodeset stat if (@allnodes>0) { my $nsh={}; my ($ret, $msg)=xCAT::SvrUtils->getNodesetStates(\@allnodes, $nsh); if (!$ret) { foreach (keys %$nsh) { my $newstat=xCAT_monitoring::monitorctrl->getNodeStatusFromNodesetState($_, "rpower"); $newnodestatus{$newstat}=$nsh->{$_}; } } else { $callback->({data=>$msg}); } } } #print "newstatus" . Dumper(\%newnodestatus); xCAT_monitoring::monitorctrl::setNodeStatusAttributes(\%newnodestatus, 1); } } my $sent = $sitetab->getAttribs({key=>'masterimgdir'},'value'); if ($sent) { $xCAT_plugin::kvm::masterdir=$sent->{value}; } foreach $hyp (sort (keys %hyphash)) { while ($children > $vmmaxp) { my $handlednodes={}; forward_data($callback,$sub_fds,$handlednodes); #update the node status to the nodelist.status table if ($check) { updateNodeStatus($handlednodes, \@allerrornodes); } } $children++; my $cfd; my $pfd; socketpair($pfd, $cfd,AF_UNIX,SOCK_STREAM,PF_UNSPEC) or die "socketpair: $!"; $cfd->autoflush(1); $pfd->autoflush(1); my $cpid = xCAT::Utils->xfork; unless (defined($cpid)) { die "Fork error"; } unless ($cpid) { close($cfd); dohyp($pfd,$hyp,$command,-args=>\@exargs); exit(0); } $vm_comm_pids{$cpid} = 1; close ($pfd); $sub_fds->add($cfd); } while ($sub_fds->count > 0 or $children > 0) { my $handlednodes={}; forward_data($callback,$sub_fds,$handlednodes); #update the node status to the nodelist.status table if ($check) { updateNodeStatus($handlednodes, \@allerrornodes); } } #Make sure they get drained, this probably is overkill but shouldn't hurt my $rc=1; while ( $rc>0 ) { my $handlednodes={}; $rc=forward_data($callback,$sub_fds,$handlednodes); #update the node status to the nodelist.status table if ($check) { updateNodeStatus($handlednodes, \@allerrornodes); } } if ($check) { #print "allerrornodes=@allerrornodes\n"; #revert the status back for there is no-op for the nodes my %old=(); foreach my $node (@allerrornodes) { my $stat=$oldnodestatus{$node}; if (exists($old{$stat})) { my $pa=$old{$stat}; push(@$pa, $node); } else { $old{$stat}=[$node]; } } xCAT_monitoring::monitorctrl::setNodeStatusAttributes(\%old, 1); } } sub updateNodeStatus { my $handlednodes=shift; my $allerrornodes=shift; foreach my $node (keys(%$handlednodes)) { if ($handlednodes->{$node} == -1) { push(@$allerrornodes, $node); } } } sub forward_data { my $callback = shift; my $fds = shift; my $errornodes=shift; my @ready_fds = $fds->can_read(1); my $rfh; my $rc = @ready_fds; foreach $rfh (@ready_fds) { my $data; if ($data = <$rfh>) { while ($data !~ /ENDOFFREEZE6sK4ci/) { $data .= <$rfh>; } eval { print $rfh "ACK\n"; }; #ignore failures to send inter-process ack my $responses=thaw($data); foreach (@$responses) { #save the nodes that has errors and the ones that has no-op for use by the node status monitoring my $no_op=0; if ($_->{node}->[0]->{errorcode}) { $no_op=1; } else { my $text=$_->{node}->[0]->{data}->[0]->{contents}->[0]; #print "data:$text\n"; if (($text) && ($text =~ /$status_noop/)) { $no_op=1; #remove the symbols that meant for use by node status $_->{node}->[0]->{data}->[0]->{contents}->[0] =~ s/$status_noop//; } } #print "data:". $_->{node}->[0]->{data}->[0]->{contents}->[0] . "\n"; if ($no_op) { if ($errornodes) { $errornodes->{$_->{node}->[0]->{name}->[0]}=-1; } } else { if ($errornodes) { $errornodes->{$_->{node}->[0]->{name}->[0]}=1; } } $callback->($_); } } else { $fds->remove($rfh); close($rfh); } } yield(); #Try to avoid useless iterations as much as possible return $rc; } sub dohyp { my $out = shift; $hyp = shift; my $command=shift; my %namedargs=@_; my @exargs=@{$namedargs{-args}}; my $node; my $args = \@exargs; $vmtab = xCAT::Table->new("vm"); unless ($offlinehyps{$hyp} or ($hyp eq '!@!XCATDUMMYHYPERVISOR!@!') or nodesockopen($hyp,22)) { $offlinehyps{$hyp}=1; } eval { #Contain Sys::Virt bugs that make $@ useless if ($hyp eq '!@!XCATDUMMYHYPERVISOR!@!') { #Fake connection for commands that have a fake hypervisor key $hypconn = 1; } elsif (not $offlinehyps{$hyp}) { $hypconn= Sys::Virt->new(uri=>"qemu+ssh://root@".$hyp."/system?no_tty=1&netcat=nc"); } }; unless ($hypconn or $offlinehyps{$hyp}) { eval { #Contain Sys::Virt bugs that make $@ useless $hypconn= Sys::Virt->new(uri=>"qemu+ssh://root@".$hyp."/system?no_tty=1"); }; } unless ($hypconn) { my %err=(node=>[]); foreach (keys %{$hyphash{$hyp}->{nodes}}) { push (@{$err{node}},{name=>[$_],error=>["Cannot communicate via libvirt to $hyp"],errorcode=>[1]}); } print $out freeze([\%err]); print $out "\nENDOFFREEZE6sK4ci\n"; yield(); waitforack($out); return 1,"General error establishing libvirt communication"; } foreach $node (sort (keys %{$hyphash{$hyp}->{nodes}})) { my ($rc,@output) = guestcmd($hyp,$node,$command,@$args); foreach(@output) { my %output; if (ref($_)) { print $out freeze([$_]); print $out "\nENDOFFREEZE6sK4ci\n"; yield(); waitforack($out); next; } (my $desc,my $text) = split (/:/,$_,2); unless ($text) { $text=$desc; } else { $desc =~ s/^\s+//; $desc =~ s/\s+$//; if ($desc) { $output{node}->[0]->{data}->[0]->{desc}->[0]=$desc; } } $text =~ s/^\s+//; $text =~ s/\s+$//; $output{node}->[0]->{errorcode} = $rc; $output{node}->[0]->{name}->[0]=$node; $output{node}->[0]->{data}->[0]->{contents}->[0]=$text; $output{node}->[0]->{error} = $text unless $rc == 0; print $out freeze([\%output]); print $out "\nENDOFFREEZE6sK4ci\n"; yield(); waitforack($out); } yield(); } foreach (keys %$updatetable) { my $tabhandle = xCAT::Table->new($_,-create=>1); $tabhandle->setNodesAttribs($updatetable->{$_}); } #my $msgtoparent=freeze(\@outhashes); # = XMLout(\%output,RootName => 'xcatresponse'); #print $out $msgtoparent; #$node.": $_\n"; } 1;