Command: ". $cmd ."
//$exp_cmd = "export DSH_CONTEXT=XCAT XCATROOT=/opt/xcat; ";
if ($copy == "on"){ //using dcp/prcp
//extract the script name from the command
$script = strtok($cmd,' ');
//copy the command to the remote node
$source = "/opt/xcat/bin/" . $script; //copy from
$target = "/tmp"; //copy to
if ($psh == "off"){
$copy_cmd = $exp_cmd . $copy_cmd . $node_group . " " . $source . " " . $target;
$copy_cmd = $copy_cmd . $source . " " . $node_group . ":" . $target;
runcmd($copy_cmd,1, $outp);
if ($psh != "on"){
$command_string = $exp_cmd . $command. $node_group . " /tmp/" . $cmd;
$command_string = $command . $node_group . " /tmp/" . $cmd;
if ($psh != "on"){
$command_string = $exp_cmd . $command. $node_group . " " . $cmd;
$command_string = $command . $node_group . " " . $cmd;
if ($collapse == "on") $command_string .= " | dshbak -c";
echo "Command: $command_string
//echo "Command Ouput:
"; //output will be returned from the runcmd function call
//run the script
$output = array();
if ($ret_code == "on"){
$rc = runcmd($command_string, 0, $output); //mode 0
if ($rc == 0){
foreach ($output as $line){ echo "$line
"; }
//$rc = runcmd($command_string,1, $outp); //streaming mode - DOES NOT WORK YET
$rc = runcmd($command_string, 0, $output); //mode 0
if ($rc == 0){
foreach ($output as $line){ echo "$line
"; }
* for now just use system command on the server, not using psh to run cmds on the nodes
//test case 1: mode 1 (or -1)
/*$rc = runcmd($cmd,1, $outp);
echo " RC to caller: " . $rc . "";*/
//test case 2: mode 3
/*$rc = runcmd($cmd,3, $outp, array('NoRedirectStdErr' => TRUE));
echo "RC to caller: " . $rc . "";
echo "Ouput file handle: " . $outp . "";
echo "Results: " . "";
if ($outp){
while (!feof($outp)){
$read = fgets($outp);
echo $read;
//testcase 3: mode 0
/*$rc = runcmd($cmd,0, $outp, array('NoRedirectStdErr' => TRUE));
if ($rc == 0) echo "Results: ";
foreach ($outp as $key => $val){
echo $val. ";";
//testcase 4: mode 2
/*$rc = runcmd($cmd,2, $outp, array('NoRedirectStdErr' => TRUE));
echo "Results: " . $outp;*/
//history cookie
if ($rc == 0){ // no error
if (isset($_COOKIE["history"])){ //append to the old cookie
//avoid repetitive entries when user hit "Refresh" button
if (strstr($_COOKIE["history"], ';') == FALSE){ //just have one entry in the history cookie
if (strcmp($_COOKIE["history"],$cmd_text) <> 0){
$cmd_history = $_COOKIE["history"] . ";" . $cmd_text;
} else {
$string = $_COOKIE["history"];
$token = strtok($string, ';');
$is_repetitive = 0;
if (strcmp($token,$cmd_text) <> 0) $is_repetitive = 1;
while (FALSE !== ($token = strtok(';'))) {
if (strcmp($token,$cmd_text) <> 0) $is_repetitive = 1;
if ($is_repetitive == 0){ //the new command is not repetitive
$cmd_history = $_COOKIE["history"] . ";" . $cmd_text;
else{ //first time, write new
$cmd_history = $cmd_text;
setcookie("history",$cmd_history,$expire_time); //cookie lasts 30 days