#!/usr/bin/env perl # IBM(c) 2007 EPL license http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html # #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head1 buildkit xCAT/PCM Kit Build utilities usage: buildkit [-h|-v] [command [-V]] This tool is used to create and build a new Kit. The options are: -h - Provide usage info. -v - Provide the version info. command - Several commands are supported. See the list below. -V - Verbose mode. Outputs additional debug messages. Supported commands: create - creates a new Kit with the specified basename chkconfig - checks the Kit build file buildrepo - builds the specified Kit package repository buildrepo all - builds all the Kit package repositories listrepo - lists the Kit package repositories in the Kit build file, and their build status cleanrepo - deletes the build files for the specified Kit package repository cleanrepo all - deletes the build files for all Kit package repositories buildtar - builds the Kit tarfile cleantar - deletes the Kit deployment directory and Kit cleanall - equivalent to buildkit cleanrepo all and buildkit cleantar addpkgs -p - used by customer to add external product packages when they are not built into the shipped kit tar file This script is designed to run on a non-xCAT system so that Kits can be built on any product build machine. =cut BEGIN { $::XCATROOT = $ENV{'XCATROOT'} ? $ENV{'XCATROOT'} : '/opt/xcat'; $::XCATDIR = $ENV{'XCATDIR'} ? $ENV{'XCATDIR'} : '/etc/xcat'; $::XCATSHARE = $::XCATROOT.'/share/xcat'; } if ($^O =~ /^aix/i) { print "ERROR - buildkit is not supported on AIX \n"; exit 1; # if AIX - make sure we include perl 5.8.2 in INC path. # Needed to find perl dependencies shipped in deps tarball. # unshift(@INC, qw(/usr/opt/perl5/lib/5.8.2/aix-thread-multi /usr/opt/perl5/lib/5.8.2 /usr/opt/perl5/lib/site_perl/5.8.2/aix-thread-multi /usr/opt/perl5/lib/site_perl/5.8.2)); } use lib "$::XCATROOT/lib/perl"; require xCAT::BuildKitUtils; use Getopt::Long; use Expect; use Socket; use strict; use Cwd; use Cwd 'abs_path'; use File::Path; use File::Basename; #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Main $::progname = "buildkit"; $::buildkit_conf = "buildkit.conf"; $::kit_conf = "kit.conf"; $::workdir = cwd(); $::full_buildkit_conf = $::workdir."/".$::buildkit_conf; $::build_dir = $::workdir."/build"; $::deploy_dir = $::build_dir; #kitname appended by validate_bldkitconf routine %::buildkit_def = ( kit => { basename => { description=>'The kit base name (e.g., kit-lsf)', value_desc=>'Must be: Generic Name String', mandatory=>1, cp_to_kitconfig=>1}, description => { description=>'The kit description', value_desc=>'any string', mandatory=>0, cp_to_kitconfig=>1}, version => { description=>'The kit version (e.g., 9.0)', value_desc=>'Must be: Generic Name String', mandatory=>1, cp_to_kitconfig=>1}, ostype => { description=>'The kit OS type (e.g., Linux)', value_desc=>'Must be: OS Type String', mandatory=>1, cp_to_kitconfig=>1}, isinternal=> { description=>'Flag to say if this Kit is used for internal use only. It is only used for information purposes.', value_desc=>'Must be: empty string or boolean string', mandatory=>0, cp_to_kitconfig=>1}, kitdeployparams=> { description=>'The path to the Kit Deployment Parameters file.', value_desc=>'Must be: empty string or relative path string', mandatory=>0, base_dir=>'other_files', cp_to_kitconfig=>2} }, # 2 = rename with KIT_KITNAME_ on cp kitrepo => {kitrepoid => { description=>'The Kit Package Repository ID. (e.g., rhels-6.2-x86_64)', value_desc=>'Must be: Generic Name String, unique in kit', mandatory=>1, cp_to_kitconfig=>0}, osbasename => { description=>'The OS distro base name (e.g., rhels)', value_desc=>'Must be OS Name String', mandatory=>1, cp_to_kitconfig=>1}, osmajorversion => { description=>'The OS distro major version (e.g., 6)', value_desc=>'Must be Generic Number String', mandatory=>1, cp_to_kitconfig=>1}, osminorversion => { description=>'The OS distro minor version (e.g., 3)', value_desc=>'Must be Generic Number String', mandatory=>0, cp_to_kitconfig=>1}, osarch => { description=>'The OS distro architecture (e.g., x86_64)', value_desc=>'Must be OS Arch String', mandatory=>1, cp_to_kitconfig=>1}, compat_osbasenames => { description=>'Comma-separated list of compatible OS base names. ', value_desc=>'Must be Empty String or list of OS Name Strings', mandatory=>0, cp_to_kitconfig=>1} }, kitcomponent => {basename => { description=>'The component name. It is used as the meta-package name.', value_desc=>'any string', mandatory=>1, cp_to_kitconfig=>1}, description => { description=>'The component description. The description is added to the meta-package.', value_desc=>'any string', mandatory=>0, cp_to_kitconfig=>1}, version => { description=>'The component version (e.g., 9.0). It is used as the meta-package version.', value_desc=>'any string', mandatory=>1, cp_to_kitconfig=>1}, release => { description=>'The component release number (e.g., 1). It is used as the meta-package release number.', value_desc=>'any string', mandatory=>1, cp_to_kitconfig=>1}, serverroles => { description=>'tbd', value_desc=>'any string', mandatory=>1, cp_to_kitconfig=>1}, kitrepoid => { description=>'tbd', value_desc=>'any string', mandatory=>1, cp_to_kitconfig=>0}, kitcompdeps => { description=>'tbd', value_desc=>'any string', mandatory=>0, cp_to_kitconfig=>1}, ospkgdeps => { description=>'tbd', value_desc=>'any string', mandatory=>0, cp_to_kitconfig=>0}, kitpkgdeps => { description=>'tbd', value_desc=>'any string', mandatory=>0, cp_to_kitconfig=>1}, non_native_pkgs => { description=>'tbd', value_desc=>'any string', mandatory=>0, cp_to_kitconfig=>0}, driverpacks => { description=>'tbd', value_desc=>'any string', mandatory=>0, cp_to_kitconfig=>1}, exlist => { description=>'tbd', value_desc=>'any string', mandatory=>0, base_dir=>'other_files', cp_to_kitconfig=>2}, preinstall => { description=>'tbd', value_desc=>'any string', mandatory=>0, cp_to_kitconfig=>0}, postinstall => { description=>'tbd', value_desc=>'any string', mandatory=>0, cp_to_kitconfig=>0}, preuninstall => { description=>'tbd', value_desc=>'any string', mandatory=>0, cp_to_kitconfig=>0}, postuninstall => { description=>'tbd', value_desc=>'any string', mandatory=>0, cp_to_kitconfig=>0}, preupgrade => { description=>'tbd', value_desc=>'any string', mandatory=>0, cp_to_kitconfig=>0}, postupgrade => { description=>'tbd', value_desc=>'any string', mandatory=>0, cp_to_kitconfig=>0}, postbootscripts => { description=>'tbd', value_desc=>'any string', mandatory=>0, base_dir=>'scripts', cp_to_kitconfig=>2}, genimage_postinstall => { description=>'tbd', value_desc=>'any string', mandatory=>0, base_dir=>'scripts', cp_to_kitconfig=>2} }, kitpackage => {filename => { description=>'tbd', value_desc=>'any string', mandatory=>1, cp_to_kitconfig=>0}, kitrepoid => { description=>'tbd', value_desc=>'any string', mandatory=>1, cp_to_kitconfig=>0}, rpm_spec => { description=>'tbd', value_desc=>'any string', mandatory=>0, cp_to_kitconfig=>0}, rpm_srcdir => { description=>'tbd', value_desc=>'any string', mandatory=>0, cp_to_kitconfig=>0}, rpm_srctarball => { description=>'tbd', value_desc=>'any string', mandatory=>0, cp_to_kitconfig=>0}, rpm_srpm => { description=>'tbd', value_desc=>'any string', mandatory=>0, cp_to_kitconfig=>0}, rpm_prebuiltdir => { description=>'tbd', value_desc=>'any string', mandatory=>0, cp_to_kitconfig=>0}, isexternalpkg => { description=>'tbd', value_desc=>'any string', mandatory=>0, cp_to_kitconfig=>0}} ); my $args = join ' ', @ARGV; $::command = "$0 $args"; Getopt::Long::Configure("bundling"); $Getopt::Long::ignorecase = 0; # parse the options if ( !GetOptions( 'h|help' => \$::HELP, 'v|version' => \$::VERSION, 'V|verbose' => \$::VERBOSE, 'p|pkgdir=s' => \$::PKGDIR, ) ) { &usage; exit(1); } # display the usage if -h or --help is specified if ($::HELP) { &usage; exit(0); } # display the version statement if -v or --version is specified if ($::VERSION) { print "The version option is not supported for this command. Query the xCAT-buildkit rpm for version information. \n"; exit 0; } my $arg=shift(@ARGV); if ( ! $arg ) { &usage; exit (0); } while ($arg) { my $command = $arg; $command =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/; # convert to lowercase if ( $command eq 'create' ) { $::KIT_CREATE=shift(@ARGV); if ( ! $::KIT_CREATE ) { print "kit basename not specified for buildkit create command \n"; &usage; exit 1; } } elsif ( $command eq 'chkconfig' ) { $::KIT_CHKCONFIG=1; } elsif ( $command eq 'buildrepo' ) { $::KIT_BUILDREPO=shift(@ARGV); if ( ! $::KIT_BUILDREPO ) { print "kit package repository name not specified for buildkit buildrepo command \n"; &usage; exit 1; } } elsif ( $command eq 'listrepo' ) { $::KIT_LISTREPO=1; } elsif ( $command eq 'cleanrepo' ) { $::KIT_CLEANREPO=shift(@ARGV); if ( ! $::KIT_CLEANREPO ) { print "kit package repository name not specified for buildkit cleanrepo command \n"; &usage; exit 1; } } elsif ( $command eq 'buildtar' ) { $::KIT_BUILDTAR=1; } elsif ( $command eq 'cleantar' ) { $::KIT_CLEANTAR=1; } elsif ( $command eq 'cleanall' ) { $::KIT_CLEANALL=1; } elsif ( $command eq 'addpkgs' ) { $::KIT_ADDPKGS=shift(@ARGV); if (!($::KIT_ADDPKGS)){ print "Missing parameter: must be specified with \'buildkit addpkgs\' \n"; &usage; exit (1); } if (!($::PKGDIR)){ print "Missing option: -p must be specified with \'buildkit addpkgs\' \n"; &usage; exit (1); } } else { print "buildkit command $arg not recognized \n"; &usage; exit (1); } $arg=shift(@ARGV); } my $rc = 0; if ( $::KIT_CREATE ) { $rc = &kit_create; } if ( $::KIT_CHKCONFIG ) { unless ($rc = &kit_chkconfig) { print "No errors were found in Kit Build File $::full_buildkit_conf. \n"; } } if ( $::KIT_LISTREPO ) { unless ($rc = &kit_chkconfig) { $rc = &kit_listrepo; } } if ( $::KIT_BUILDREPO ) { unless ($rc = &kit_chkconfig) { $rc = &kit_buildrepo; } } if ( $::KIT_CLEANREPO ) { unless ($rc = &kit_chkconfig) { $rc = &kit_cleanrepo; } } if ( $::KIT_BUILDTAR ) { unless ($rc = &kit_chkconfig) { $rc = &kit_buildtar; } } if ( $::KIT_CLEANTAR ) { unless ($rc = &kit_chkconfig) { $rc = &kit_cleantar; } } if ( $::KIT_CLEANALL ) { unless ($rc = &kit_chkconfig) { $rc = &kit_cleanall; } } if ( $::KIT_ADDPKGS ) { $rc = &kit_addpkgs; } exit $rc; ##################################### # subroutines ##################################### #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 usage Displays message for -h option =cut #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub usage { print " usage: buildkit [-h|-v] [command [-V]] This tool is used to create and build a new Kit. The options are: -h - Provide usage info. -v - Provide the version info. command - Several commands are supported. See the list below. -V - Verbose mode. Outputs additional debug messages. Supported commands: create - creates a new Kit with the specified basename chkconfig - checks the Kit build file listrepo - lists the Kit package repositories in the Kit build file, and their build status buildrepo - builds the specified Kit package repository buildrepo all - builds all the Kit package repositories cleanrepo - deletes the build files for the specified Kit package repository cleanrepo all - deletes the build files for all Kit package repositories buildtar - builds the Kit tarfile cleantar - deletes the Kit deployment directory and Kit tarfile cleanall - equivalent to buildkit cleanrepo all and buildkit cleantar addpkgs -p - add product package rpms to a shipped tarfile named kitname.NEEDS_PRODUCT_PKGS.tar.bz2 \n"; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 kit_create buildkit create =cut #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub kit_create { # create Kit directory in pwd my $kitname=$::KIT_CREATE; my $kitdir=$::workdir."/$kitname"; if ( -d $kitdir ) { print "Another directory alredy exists with the name $kitname in the current working directory. Not able to create new Kit directory $kitdir. \n"; exit 1; } if ( ! mkdir($kitdir) ) { print "Error creating Kit directory $kitdir. Verify that the current user has write privileges in the current working directory. \n"; exit 1; } # Recursive copy the shipped template directory to the Kit directory if ( system("cp -fRp $::XCATSHARE/kits/kit_template/* $kitdir") ) { # non-zero return from system call print "Error copying sample Kit template files from $::XCAT_SHARE/kits/kit_template to $kitdir \n"; exit 1; } if (&edit_bldkitconf($kitdir."/".$::buildkit_conf,$kitname)) { exit 1; } print "Kit template for $kitname created in $kitdir directory \n"; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 kit_chkconfig buildkit chkconfig =cut #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub kit_chkconfig { if ( $::CHKCONFIG_DONE ) { return 0; } my $bldkitconf = $::full_buildkit_conf; my $chkrc = &load_bldkitconf($bldkitconf); if ( $chkrc != 0 ) { return 1; }; $chkrc = &validate_bldkitconf(); if ( $chkrc != 0 ) { return 1; }; $::CHKCONFIG_DONE=1; return 0; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 kit_buildrepo buildkit buildrepo =cut #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub kit_buildrepo { my $rc = 0; my $repoid = $::KIT_BUILDREPO; $repoid =~ s/\s+//g; $repoid =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/; # convert to lowercase if ( $repoid ne 'all' ) { return &kit_buildrepo1($::KIT_BUILDREPO); } else { foreach my $kr (@{$::bldkit_config->{kitrepo}{entries}}) { if ( &kit_buildrepo1($kr->{kitrepoid}) ) { return 1; } } } } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 kit_buildrepo1 =cut #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub kit_buildrepo1 { my $rc = 0; my $repoid = shift; $repoid =~ s/\s+//g; my $repodir = $::build_dir."/kit_repodir"; my $srcdir = $::workdir."/source_packages/"; my $basedir = $repodir; # find the repo my $found = 0; foreach my $kr (@{$::bldkit_config->{kitrepo}{entries}}) { if ( $kr->{kitrepoid} eq $repoid ) { $found = 1; if ( &validate_os($kr)) { print "The buildrepo operation will continue, but errors may occur. You may need to run this command on a host with the same OS.\n"; } $repodir .= "/$kr->{kitreponame}"; last; } } if (! $found) { print "The specified Kit Package Repository \"$repoid\" does not exist in the Kit Build File. \n"; return 1; } # Create repo build directory if ( (! -d $repodir) && (! mkpath($repodir)) ) { print "Error creating build repository directory $repodir.\n"; return 1; } # Build kitpackages first my $kitrepohash; foreach my $kr (@{$::bldkit_config->{kitrepo}{entries}}) { $kitrepohash->{$kr->{kitrepoid}} = $kr->{kitreponame}; } foreach my $kp (@{$::bldkit_config->{kitpackage}{entries}}) { # For this kitrepo? my $found = 0; foreach my $kprid (split(/,/, $kp->{kitrepoid})) { $kprid =~ s/\s+//g; if ($repoid eq $kprid) { $found = 1; last; } } if (!$found) { next; } # is this package already built? my $rpm = "$repodir/$kp->{filename}"; if ( -r $rpm) { next; } my $kprid; my $rpm_built; foreach $kprid (split(/,/, $kp->{kitrepoid})) { if ($repoid eq $kprid) { next; } if ( (-d "$basedir/$kitrepohash->{$kprid}") and (-f "$basedir/$kitrepohash->{$kprid}/$kp->{filename}") ) { $rpm_built = $kitrepohash->{$kprid}; last; } } if ($::VERBOSE) { print "building kitpackage $kp->{filename} \n";} # determine build method if ($kp->{isexternalpkg} eq 'yes') { next; } if (defined($kp->{rpm_prebuiltdir})) { # simply copy the file to the build directory my $full_prebuiltrpm = $srcdir.$kp->{rpm_prebuiltdir}."/".$kp->{filename}; if ( $rpm_built ) { if (system("cd $repodir;ln -sf ../$rpm_built/$kp->{filename} $kp->{filename}")) { # non-zero return from system call print "Error create symlink for prebuilt rpm $kp->{filename} to Kit Build directory. \n"; return; } } else { if (system("cp -fp $full_prebuiltrpm $repodir")) { # non-zero return from system call print "Error copying prebuilt rpm $kp->{filename} to Kit Build directory. \n"; return 1; } } } elsif (defined($kp->{rpm_srpm})) { # run rpmbuild --rebuild on the source rpm print "SKIPPING BUILD FOR KIT PACKAGE $kp->{filename} \n"; print "TBD - only buildrepo for prebuilt rpms is available at this time \n\n"; } elsif (defined($kp->{rpm_srctarball}) && defined($kp->{rpm_spec}) ) { # run rpmbuild print "SKIPPING BUILD FOR KIT PACKAGE $kp->{filename} \n"; print "TBD - only buildrepo for prebuilt rpms is available at this time \n\n"; } elsif (defined($kp->{rpm_srcdir}) && defined($kp->{rpm_spec}) ) { # build tarfile and run rpmbuild print "SKIPPING BUILD FOR KIT PACKAGE $kp->{filename} \n"; print "TBD - only buildrepo for prebuilt rpms is available at this time \n\n"; } else { print "Cannot determine build method for Kit Package $kp->{filename}. Verify that your Kit Build File is correct. \n"; return 1; } } # Build kitcomponent metapackages foreach my $kc (@{$::bldkit_config->{kitcomponent}{entries}}) { # Check if this kitcomponent is in the requested repo if ($repoid ne $kc->{kitrepoid}) { next; } # Check if already built my $rpm = "$repodir/".&comppkgname($kc); if (-r $rpm) { next; } # Build it if ($::VERBOSE) { print "building kitcomponent metapackage for $kc->{basename} \n";} if (&build_kitcomp($kc)) { print "Error building kitcomponent metapackage for $kc->{basename} \n"; return 1; } } # run createrepo if ( system("createrepo $repodir") ) { print "Error building the repository meta-data with the createrepo command \n"; return 1; } return 0; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 kit_listrepo buildkit listrepo =cut #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub kit_listrepo { # print "Kit Repository: Status \n"; foreach my $kr (@{$::bldkit_config->{kitrepo}{entries}}) { my $rc = 0; my $status = "NOT DONE"; unless ($rc = &validate_repo($kr)) {$status = "DONE";} print "$kr->{kitrepoid}: $status \n"; } return 0; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 kit_cleanrepo buildkit cleanrepo =cut #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub kit_cleanrepo { my $repoid = $::KIT_CLEANREPO; my $tmp_repoid = $repoid; $tmp_repoid =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/; # convert to lowercase if (($tmp_repoid eq 'all') ) { if ( system("rm -Rf $::build_dir/kit_repodir/* ") ) { print "Error removing contents of $::build_dir/kit_repodir \n"; return 1; } else { print "Contents of $::build_dir/kit_repodir has been successfully removed. \n"; } } else { foreach my $kr (@{$::bldkit_config->{kitrepo}{entries}}) { if ($repoid eq $kr->{kitrepoid}) { my $repodir = $::build_dir.'/kit_repodir/'.$kr->{kitreponame}; if ( -d $repodir ){ if ( system("rm -Rf $repodir ") ) { print "Error removing directory $repodir \n"; return 1; } else { print "Kit repository $kr->{kitrepoid} has been removed. \n"; } } else { print "Kit repository $kr->{kitrepoid} directory $repodir does not exist. Nothing to remove for this repository. \n"; } last; } } } if ( -d "$::workdir/rpmbuild" ) { system("rm -Rf $::workdir/rpmbuild "); } if ( -d "$::workdir/tmp" ) { system("rm -Rf $::workdir/tmp "); } return 0; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 kit_buildtar buildkit buildtar =cut #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub kit_buildtar { foreach my $kr (@{$::bldkit_config->{kitrepo}{entries}}) { if (&validate_repo($kr)) { print "Kit Repository $kr->{kitrepoid} not built. Run: \n"; print " buildkit buildrepo $kr->{kitrepoid} \n"; return 1; } } if (&create_kitconf) { print "Error creating kit configuration file \n"; return 1; } if (&create_builddir) { print "Error creating kit build directory contents \n"; return 1; } if (! -d "$::deploy_dir/repos") { symlink "$::build_dir/kit_repodir","$::deploy_dir/repos"; } # build the tarfile my $extpkgs = ''; if ($::HAVE_EXTERNAL_PKG) { $extpkgs = '.NEED_PRODUCT_PKGS'; } my $kitname = $::bldkit_config->{kit}{entries}[0]->{kitname}; my $tarfile = $::build_dir."/".$kitname.$extpkgs.".tar.bz2"; if ( system("cd $::build_dir; tar -cjhf $tarfile $kitname/*") ) { print "Error building tarfile $tarfile \n"; return 1; } print "Kit tar file $tarfile successfully built \n"; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 kit_cleantar buildkit cleantar =cut #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub kit_cleantar { print "running buildkit cleantar... \n"; my $kitname = $::bldkit_config->{kit}{entries}[0]->{kitname}; my $tarfile = $::build_dir."/".$kitname.".tar.bz2"; if ( -r $tarfile ) { if ( system("rm -f $tarfile ") ) { print "Error removing kit tar file $tarfile \n"; } else { print "Kit tar file $tarfile has been successfully removed \n"; } } if ( -d $::deploy_dir ) { if ( system("rm -Rf $::deploy_dir ") ) { print "Error removing contents of $::deploy_dir \n"; } else { print "All $::deploy_dir contents have been successfully removed \n"; } } if ( -d "$::workdir/rpmbuild" ) { system("rm -Rf $::workdir/rpmbuild "); } if ( -d "$::workdir/tmp" ) { system("rm -Rf $::workdir/tmp "); } } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 kit_cleanall buildkit cleanall =cut #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub kit_cleanall { print "running buildkit cleanall... \n"; if ( -d $::build_dir ) { if ( system("rm -Rf $::build_dir/* ") ) { print "Error removing contents of $::build_dir \n"; } else { print "All $::build_dir contents have been successfully removed \n"; } } if ( -d "$::workdir/rpmbuild" ) { system("rm -Rf $::workdir/rpmbuild "); } if ( -d "$::workdir/tmp" ) { system("rm -Rf $::workdir/tmp "); } } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 edit_bldkitconf edit the shipped template buildkit.conf file to insert initial values for the new kit =cut #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub edit_bldkitconf { my $bldkitconf = shift; my $kitname = shift; # read in the buildkit.conf file my $CF; unless ( open( $CF, "<", $bldkitconf ) ) { print "The Kit build file $bldkitconf does not exist. \n"; return 1; } if ($::VERBOSE) { print "Reading kit configuration file $bldkitconf \n"; } my @lines = <$CF>; close $CF; my $osinfo = xCAT::BuildKitUtils->osver(); my $kitrepoid = $osinfo; $kitrepoid =~ s/\,//; my ($osbasename,$osmore) = split(/\,/, $osinfo); my ($osmajorversion,$osminorversion) = split(/\./, $osmore); my $osarch=`uname -p`; my $kitcomponent_basename = $kitname."_compute"; for (@lines) { s/<<>>/$kitname/; s/<<>>/$kitrepoid/; s/<<>>/$osbasename/; s/<<>>/$osmajorversion/; s/<<>>/$osminorversion/; s/<<>>/$osarch/; s/<<>>/$kitcomponent_basename/; } # Write the buildkit.conf back out my $NCF; unless ( open( $NCF, ">$bldkitconf" ) ) { return 1; } if ($::VERBOSE) { print "Inserted initial values into $bldkitconf \n"; } print $NCF @lines; close($NCF); return 0; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 load_bldkitconf load the kitbuild.conf file into a global data structure and verify that the general syntax is correct. =cut #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub load_bldkitconf { my $bldkitconf = shift; # read in the buildkit.conf file my $CF; unless ( open( $CF, "<", $bldkitconf ) ) { print "The Kit build file $bldkitconf does not exist in the current directory. \n"; return 1; } if ($::VERBOSE) { print "Reading kit configuration file $bldkitconf \n"; } my @lines = <$CF>; close $CF; my $current_section = 'no section'; my %current_entry; my $syntax_error = ''; my $bad_line = ''; my $line_number = 0; foreach my $l (@lines) { $line_number++; # skip blank and comment lines next if ( $l =~ /^\s*$/ || $l =~ /^\s*#/ ); # process a real line # new section? if ( $l =~ /^\s*(\w+)\s*:/ ) { my $section = $1; if ( defined( $::buildkit_def{$section} ) ) { if (($section eq 'kit') && ($::bldkit_config->{$section}{'exists'})) { $syntax_error = "More than one \"$section:\" section exists "; $bad_line = $l; last; } $::bldkit_config->{$section}{'exists'} = 1; push ( @{ $::bldkit_config->{$current_section}{'entries'} }, {%current_entry}); $current_section = $section; undef %current_entry; next; } } if ( $l =~ /^\s*(\w+)\s*=\s*(.*)\s*/ ) { my $attr = $1; my $val = $2; my $orig_attr = $attr; my $orig_val = $val; $attr =~ s/^\s*//; # Remove any leading whitespace $attr =~ s/\s*$//; # Remove any trailing whitespace $attr =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/; # Convert to lowercase $val =~ s/^\s*//; $val =~ s/\s*$//; if ( defined( $::buildkit_def{$current_section}{$attr} ) ) { $current_entry{$attr} = $val; } else { if ( $current_section eq 'no section' ) { $syntax_error = "No section specified for attribute $attr."; } else { my $valid_attrs = join (', ', (keys (%{$::buildkit_def{$current_section}}))); $syntax_error = "Attribute \"$attr\" is not valid for section \"$current_section\". Valid attributes are: $valid_attrs.\n"; } $bad_line = $l; last; } } else { $syntax_error = "Invalid line format"; $bad_line = $l; last; } } # Need at least one kit and one kitrepo section if (! $syntax_error) { if ( !($::bldkit_config->{'kit'}{'exists'})) { $syntax_error = "No \"kit:\" section found. At least one section required. "; $bad_line = ''; } elsif ( !($::bldkit_config->{'kitrepo'}{'exists'})) { $syntax_error = "No \"kitrepo:\" section found. At least one section required. "; $bad_line = ''; } else { push ( @{ $::bldkit_config->{$current_section}{'entries'} }, {%current_entry}); } } if ($syntax_error) { print "Error processing file $bldkitconf \n"; print "Syntax error found on line $line_number:\n"; print "$bad_line \n"; print "$syntax_error \n"; print "\n"; print "The Kit build file does not have the correct format. \n"; print "The format should be: \n"; print "
: \n"; print " = \n"; print " = \n"; print " ... \n"; print "
: \n"; print " = \n"; print " = \n"; print " ... \n"; print "The valid section names are: kit, kitrepo, kitcomponent, kitpackages. \n"; print "There must be exactly one kit, and must be at least one kitrepo section. \n"; return 1; } # Check for mandatory attributes foreach my $s (keys %{$::bldkit_config}) { if (! defined($::buildkit_def{$s}) ) { next;} foreach my $se (@{$::bldkit_config->{$s}{entries}}) { foreach my $a (keys %{$::buildkit_def{$s}}) { if (( $::buildkit_def{$s}{$a}->{mandatory} ) && ( ! defined ($se->{$a}) ) ) { print "The \"$a\" mandadory attribute must be defined in the \"$s\" section of the Kit build file \n"; return 1; } } } } use Data::Dumper; #print Dumper($::bldkit_config); return 0; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 validate_bldkitconf validate the loaded buildkit configuration data =cut #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub validate_bldkitconf { my $kitname = $::bldkit_config->{kit}{entries}[0]->{basename}; my $full_kitname = $kitname; $full_kitname .= '-'.$::bldkit_config->{kit}{entries}[0]->{version}; $full_kitname .= '-'.$::bldkit_config->{kit}{entries}[0]->{ostype}; $::bldkit_config->{kit}{entries}[0]->{kitname} = $full_kitname; $::deploy_dir .= "/".$full_kitname; # Make sure each kit kitdeployparams file exists if (defined($::bldkit_config->{kit}{entries}[0]->{kitdeployparams})){ my $kd_file = $::workdir."/other_files/".$::bldkit_config->{kit}{entries}[0]->{kitdeployparams}; if (! -r $kd_file ) { print "Kit Deployment Parameters file $kd_file does not exist or is not readable\n"; return 1; } if (&edit_deployparams($kd_file,1)) { return 1;} } # Make sure each kitrepo has unique distro info my $kr_count = scalar @{$::bldkit_config->{kitrepo}{entries}}; if ($kr_count > 1) { foreach my $kri (0..$kr_count-2) { foreach my $kri2 ($kri+1..$kr_count-1) { my $kr = $::bldkit_config->{kitrepo}{entries}[$kri]; my $kr2 = $::bldkit_config->{kitrepo}{entries}[$kri2]; if ( $kr->{kitrepoid} eq $kr2->{kitrepoid} ) { print "There are two or more kitrepo sections with the same kitrepoid \"$kr->{kitrepoid}\". \n"; return 1; } if ( ($kr->{osbasename} eq $kr2->{osbasename}) && ($kr->{osmajorversion} eq $kr2->{osmajorversion}) && ($kr->{osarch} eq $kr2->{osarch}) ) { if( ( defined ($kr->{osminorversion}) && defined ($kr2->{osminorversion}) && ($kr->{osminorversion} eq $kr2->{osminorversion}) ) || ( ! defined ($kr->{osminorversion}) && ! defined ($kr2->{osminorversion}) ) ) { print "There are two or more kitrepo sections which are defined with the same OS name, major/minor version, and architecture. \n"; return 1; } } } } } # Make sure each kitcomponent has unique basename/repoid # If same basename, make sure version/release are same, too my $kc_count = scalar @{$::bldkit_config->{kitcomponent}{entries}}; if ($kc_count > 1) { foreach my $kci (0..$kc_count-2) { foreach my $kci2 ($kci+1..$kc_count-1) { if ( $::bldkit_config->{kitcomponent}{entries}[$kci]->{basename} eq $::bldkit_config->{kitcomponent}{entries}[$kci2]->{basename} ) { if ( $::bldkit_config->{kitcomponent}{entries}[$kci]->{kitrepoid} eq $::bldkit_config->{kitcomponent}{entries}[$kci2]->{kitrepoid} ) { print "Two or more kitcomponents are defined with the same basename \"$::bldkit_config->{kitcomponent}{entries}[$kci]->{basename}\" and the same repoid \"$::bldkit_config->{kitcomponent}{entries}[$kci]->{kitrepoid}\". \n"; return 1; } if ( ($::bldkit_config->{kitcomponent}{entries}[$kci]->{version} ne $::bldkit_config->{kitcomponent}{entries}[$kci2]->{version}) || ($::bldkit_config->{kitcomponent}{entries}[$kci]->{release} ne $::bldkit_config->{kitcomponent}{entries}[$kci2]->{release}) ) { print "Two or more kitcomponents are defined with the same basename \"$::bldkit_config->{kitcomponent}{entries}[$kci]->{basename}\" but with different version or release. \n"; return 1; } } } } } # Kitrepo checks foreach my $kr (@{$::bldkit_config->{kitrepo}{entries}}) { my $reponame = $full_kitname; $reponame .= '_'.$kr->{osbasename}; $reponame .= '-'.$kr->{osmajorversion}; if (defined($kr->{osminorversion})){ $reponame .= '.'.$kr->{osminorversion}; } $reponame .= '-'.$kr->{osarch}; $kr->{kitreponame} = $reponame; } # Kitcomponent checks foreach my $kc (@{$::bldkit_config->{kitcomponent}{entries}}) { # Make sure all kitcomponent kitrepoids are defined my $found = 0; my %repo; foreach my $kr (@{$::bldkit_config->{kitrepo}{entries}}) { if ($kc->{kitrepoid} eq $kr->{kitrepoid}) { $found = 1; %repo = %{$kr}; $kc->{kitreponame} = $kr->{kitreponame}; push (@{$kr->{packages}}, &comppkgname($kc,$kr)); last; } } if ( ! $found ) { print "Kit Repository \"$kc->{kitrepoid}\" required by the Kit Component \"$kc->{basename}\" not defined in the Kit Build file.\n"; return 1; } # Create full kitcomponent name my $compname = $kc->{basename}; $compname .= '-'.$kc->{version}; $compname .= '-'.$kc->{release}; $compname .= '-'.$repo{osbasename}; $compname .= '-'.$repo{osmajorversion}; if ( defined($repo{osminorversion}) ) { $compname .= '.'.$repo{osminorversion}; } $compname .= '-'.$repo{osarch}; $kc->{kitcompname} = $compname; # Make sure all kitcomponent kitpkgdeps are defined if (defined($kc->{kitpkgdeps})) { foreach my $d (split(/,/, $kc->{kitpkgdeps})) { $d =~ s/\s+//g; $d =~ s/^([\w\.\-]+)[<>=]*.*$/$1/; my $found = 0; foreach my $kp (@{$::bldkit_config->{kitpackage}{entries}}) { if ( $kp->{filename} =~ /^$d[\.\-]?/ ) { foreach my $kprid (split(/,/, $kp->{kitrepoid})) { $kprid =~ s/\s+//g; if ($kc->{kitrepoid} eq $kprid) { $found = 1; last; } } } if ($found) { last; } } if ( !$found ) { print "Kit Package \"$d\" required by the Kit Component \"$kc->{basename}\" was not found in the Kit Component\'s repository \"$kc->{kitrepoid}\".\n"; return 1; } } } # Make sure all kitcomponent driverpacks are defined if (defined($kc->{driverpacks})) { my @drvs = split(/,/, $kc->{driverpacks}); foreach my $d (@drvs) { $d =~ s/\s+//g; my $found = 0; foreach my $kp (@{$::bldkit_config->{kitpackage}{entries}}) { if ( $kp->{filename} eq $d ) { foreach my $kprid (split(/,/, $kp->{kitrepoid})) { $kprid =~ s/\s+//g; if ($kc->{kitrepoid} eq $kprid) { $found = 1; last; } } } if ($found) { last; } } if ( !$found ) { print "Driver package \"$d\" required by the Kit Component \"$kc->{basename}\" was not found in the Kit Component\'s repository \"$kc->{kitrepoid}\".\n"; return 1; } } } # Make sure files exist if (defined($kc->{exlist})){ my $ck_file = $::workdir."/other_files/".$kc->{exlist}; if (! -r $ck_file ) { print "Exclude List file $ck_file defined in Kit Componenet \"$kc->{basename}\" does not exist or is not readable\n"; return 1; } } if (defined($kc->{preinstall})){ my $ck_file = $::workdir."/scripts/".$kc->{preinstall}; if (! -r $ck_file ) { print "Pre-Install script $ck_file defined in Kit Componenet \"$kc->{basename}\" does not exist or is not readable\n"; return 1; } } if (defined($kc->{postinstall})){ my $ck_file = $::workdir."/scripts/".$kc->{postinstall}; if (! -r $ck_file ) { print "Post-Install script $ck_file defined in Kit Componenet \"$kc->{basename}\" does not exist or is not readable\n"; return 1; } } if (defined($kc->{preuninstall})){ my $ck_file = $::workdir."/scripts/".$kc->{preuninstall}; if (! -r $ck_file ) { print "Pre-Uninstall script $ck_file defined in Kit Componenet \"$kc->{basename}\" does not exist or is not readable\n"; return 1; } } if (defined($kc->{postuninstall})){ my $ck_file = $::workdir."/scripts/".$kc->{postuninstall}; if (! -r $ck_file ) { print "Post-Uninstall script $ck_file defined in Kit Componenet \"$kc->{basename}\" does not exist or is not readable\n"; return 1; } } if (defined($kc->{preupgrade})){ my $ck_file = $::workdir."/scripts/".$kc->{preupgrade}; if (! -r $ck_file ) { print "Pre-Upgrade script $ck_file defined in Kit Componenet \"$kc->{basename}\" does not exist or is not readable\n"; return 1; } } if (defined($kc->{postupgrade})){ my $ck_file = $::workdir."/scripts/".$kc->{postupgrade}; if (! -r $ck_file ) { print "Post-Upgrade script $ck_file defined in Kit Componenet \"$kc->{basename}\" does not exist or is not readable\n"; return 1; } } if (defined($kc->{genimage_postinstall})){ foreach my $script (split(/\,/, $kc->{genimage_postinstall})){ $script =~ s/\s+//g; my $ck_file = $::workdir."/scripts/".$script; if (! -r $ck_file ) { print "genimage_postinstall script $ck_file defined in Kit Componenet \"$kc->{basename}\" does not exist or is not readable\n"; return 1; } } } if (defined($kc->{postbootscripts})){ foreach my $script (split(/\,/, $kc->{postbootscripts})){ $script =~ s/\s+//g; my $ck_file = $::workdir."/scripts/".$script; if (! -r $ck_file ) { print "Postboot script $ck_file defined in Kit Componenet \"$kc->{basename}\" does not exist or is not readable\n"; return 1; } } } } # Kitpackage checks foreach my $kp (@{$::bldkit_config->{kitpackage}{entries}}) { # determine if valid build method if ( (defined($kp->{isexternalpkg})) || (defined($kp->{rpm_prebuiltdir})) ) { if ((defined($kp->{rpm_srpm})) || (defined($kp->{rpm_srctarball})) || (defined($kp->{rpm_spec})) || (defined($kp->{rpm_srcdir})) ) { print "Cannot determine build method for Kit Package $kp->{filename}. Conflicting attributes were specified.\n"; return 1; } if ( !(defined($kp->{isexternalpkg})) ) { $kp->{isexternalpkg} = 'no'; } my $orig_isext = $kp->{isexternalpkg}; $kp->{isexternalpkg} =~ s/\s+//g; $kp->{isexternalpkg} =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/; # convert to lowercase if ( $kp->{isexternalpkg} eq '0' ) { $kp->{isexternalpkg} = 'no'; } if ( $kp->{isexternalpkg} eq '1' ) { $kp->{isexternalpkg} = 'yes'; } if ( ( $kp->{isexternalpkg} ne 'yes' ) && ( $kp->{isexternalpkg} ne 'no' ) ) { print "Error in definition for Kit Package $kp->{filename}. Invalid attribute value \'isexternalpkg=$orig_isext\'. Valid values are \'no\'|\'0\' or \'yes\'|\'1\'.\n"; return 1; } if ( ( $kp->{isexternalpkg} eq 'yes' ) ) { $::HAVE_EXTERNAL_PKG=1; } if ( ( $kp->{isexternalpkg} eq 'yes' ) && (defined($kp->{rpm_prebuiltdir})) ) { print "Error in definition for Kit Package $kp->{filename}. Do not specify \'isexternalpkg=$orig_isext\' with 'rpm_prebuiltdir'.\n"; return 1; } } elsif (defined($kp->{rpm_srpm})) { if ((defined($kp->{rpm_prebuiltdir})) || (defined($kp->{rpm_srctarball})) || (defined($kp->{rpm_spec})) || (defined($kp->{rpm_srcdir})) ) { print "Cannot determine build method for Kit Package $kp->{filename}. Conflicting attributes were specified.\n"; return 1; } } elsif (defined($kp->{rpm_srctarball}) && defined($kp->{rpm_spec}) ) { if ((defined($kp->{rpm_prebuiltdir})) || (defined($kp->{rpm_srpm})) || (defined($kp->{rpm_srcdir})) ) { print "Cannot determine build method for Kit Package $kp->{filename}. Conflicting attributes were specified.\n"; return 1; } } elsif (defined($kp->{rpm_srcdir}) && defined($kp->{rpm_spec}) ) { if ((defined($kp->{rpm_prebuiltdir})) || (defined($kp->{rpm_srpm})) || (defined($kp->{rpm_srctarball})) ) { print "Cannot determine build method for Kit Package $kp->{filename}. Conflicting attributes were specified.\n"; return 1; } } else { print "Cannot determine build method for Kit Package $kp->{filename}. Verify that your Kit Build File is correct. \n"; return 1; } # Make sure all kitpackage kitrepoids are defined foreach my $kprid (split(/,/, $kp->{kitrepoid})) { my $found = 0; $kprid =~ s/\s+//g; foreach my $kr (@{$::bldkit_config->{kitrepo}{entries}}) { if ($kprid eq $kr->{kitrepoid}) { $found = 1; $kp->{kitreponame}.=",".$kr->{kitreponame}; if ( !( $kp->{isexternalpkg} eq 'yes' ) ) { push (@{$kr->{packages}}, $kp->{filename}); } last; } } if ( ! $found ) { print "Kit Repository \"$kprid\" required by the Kit Package \"$kp->{filename}\" is not defined in the Kit Build file.\n"; return 1; } } $kp->{kitreponame} =~ s/^,//; # Make sure files exist if (defined($kp->{rpm_spec})){ my $ck_file = $::workdir."/source_packages/".$kp->{rpm_spec}; if (! -r $ck_file ) { print "RPM spec file $ck_file defined in Kit Package \"$kp->{filename}\" does not exist or is not readable\n"; return 1; } } if (defined($kp->{rpm_srcdir})){ my $ck_dir = $::workdir."/source_packages/".$kp->{rpm_srcdir}; if (! -d $ck_dir ) { print "RPM source directory $ck_dir defined in Kit Package \"$kp->{filename}\" does not exist or is not readable\n"; return 1; } } if (defined($kp->{rpm_srctarball})){ my $ck_file = $::workdir."/source_packages/".$kp->{rpm_srctarball}; if (! -r $ck_file ) { print "RPM source tarfile $ck_file defined in Kit Package \"$kp->{filename}\" does not exist or is not readable\n"; return 1; } } if (defined($kp->{rpm_srpm})){ my $ck_file = $::workdir."/source_packages/".$kp->{rpm_srpm}; if (! -r $ck_file ) { print "Source RPM $ck_file defined in Kit Package \"$kp->{filename}\" does not exist or is not readable\n"; return 1; } } if (defined($kp->{rpm_prebuiltdir})){ my $ck_dir = $::workdir."/source_packages/".$kp->{rpm_prebuiltdir}; if (! -d $ck_dir ) { print "Pre-built RPM directory $ck_dir defined in Kit Package \"$kp->{filename}\" does not exist or is not readable\n"; return 1; } my $ck_file = $ck_dir."/".$kp->{filename}; if ( system("ls $ck_file > /dev/null") ) { # if (! -r $ck_file ) { print "Pre-built rpm $ck_file defined in Kit Package \"$kp->{filename}\" does not exist or is not readable\n"; return 1; } } } #use Data::Dumper; #print Dumper($::bldkit_config->{kitrepo}); return 0; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 comppkgname build a metapkg rpm filename for this kitcomponent input: kitcomponent hash kitrepo hash that this kitcomponent belongs to =cut #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub comppkgname { my $comp = shift; # my $repo = shift; my $pkgname = $comp->{basename}; $pkgname .= '-'.$comp->{version}; $pkgname .= '-'.$comp->{release}; $pkgname .= '.noarch.rpm'; # $pkgname .= '-'.$repo->{osmajorversion}; # if (defined($repo->{osminorversion})) { # $pkgname .= '.'.$repo->{osminorversion}; # } # $pkgname .= '-'.$repo->{osarch}; # $pkgname .= '.rpm'; return $pkgname; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 validate_repo validate whether a kit repo has been built input: repo hash returns rc: 0 - repo status is DONE 1 - repo status is NOT DONE verbose mode displays message for first rpm not built =cut #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub validate_repo { my $repo = shift; my $repodir = $::build_dir."/kit_repodir/".$repo->{kitreponame}; if ( ! -d $repodir ) { if ($::VERBOSE) { print "\n$repodir does not exist. No rpms have been built for this kitrepo. \n"; } return 1; } foreach my $pkg (@{$repo->{packages}}){ my $pkg_filename = $repodir.'/'.$pkg; if ( system("ls $pkg_filename > /dev/null") ) { # if (! -r $pkg_filename) { if ($::VERBOSE) { print "\nFile $pkg in directory $repodir does not exist or is not readable. \n"; } return 1; } } return 0; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 validate_os validate whether a kit repo matches the current OS input: repo hash returns rc: 0 - match 1 - no match verbose mode displays message for mismatch details =cut #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub validate_os { my $repo = shift; my $osinfo = xCAT::BuildKitUtils->osver(); my ($osbasename,$osmore) = split(/\,/, $osinfo); my ($osmajorversion,$osminorversion) = split(/\./, $osmore); my $osarch=`uname -p`; chomp($osarch); $osinfo =~ s/\,//; my $repo_osinfo = "$repo->{osbasename}$repo->{osmajorversion}"; if (defined($repo->{osminorversion})){ $repo_osinfo .= ".$repo->{osminorversion}"; } $repo_osinfo .= "-$repo->{osarch} "; my $mismatch_msg = "The local host is running $osinfo-$osarch. This does not match the Kit Repository \"$repo->{kitrepoid}\" data: $repo_osinfo"; if (defined($repo->{compat_osbasenames})){ $mismatch_msg .= " or the compatible OS distros: $repo->{compat_osbasenames} "; } my $compat_match = 0; if ($repo->{osbasename} ne $osbasename) { if (defined($repo->{compat_osbasenames})){ foreach my $cos (split(/,/, $repo->{compat_osbasenames})) { if ($cos eq $osbasename) { $compat_match = 1; last; } } } if (!$compat_match) { print "$mismatch_msg \n"; if ($::VERBOSE) { print "\n Local OS basename $osbasename does not match repository.\n"; } return 1; } } if ( ($repo->{osmajorversion} ne $osmajorversion) && (!$compat_match) ) { print "$mismatch_msg \n"; if ($::VERBOSE) { print "\n Local OS major version $osmajorversion does not match repository.\n"; } return 1; } if (defined($repo->{osminorversion})) { if ( ($repo->{osminorversion} ne $osminorversion) && (!$compat_match) ) { print "$mismatch_msg \n"; if ($::VERBOSE) { print "\n Local OS minor version $osminorversion does not match repository.\n"; } return 1; } } if ($repo->{osarch} ne $osarch) { print "$mismatch_msg \n"; if ($::VERBOSE) { print "\n Local OS arch $osarch does not match repository.\n"; } return 1; } return 0; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 build_kitcomp build a metapkg rpm for this kitcomponent input: kitcomponent hash =cut #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub build_kitcomp { my $comp = shift; my %repo; my $rpmbuild_dir = $::workdir."/rpmbuild"; my $tmpdir = $::workdir."/tmp/$comp->{basename}"; # find the kitrepo hash for this component foreach my $kr (@{$::bldkit_config->{kitrepo}{entries}}) { if ($comp->{kitrepoid} eq $kr->{kitrepoid}) { %repo = %{$kr}; last; } } # Create spec file for this kit component if ( &gen_kitcomp_spec($comp,\%repo) ) { return 1; } # run the rpmbuild command my $curdir = $::workdir; my $cmd = "rm -Rf $curdir/rpmbuild"; system($cmd); my $avoiderr = $rpmbuild_dir."/BUILDROOT/".$comp->{basename}; $avoiderr .= "-$comp->{version}-$comp->{release}.$repo{osarch}"; mkpath($avoiderr); my $specfile = $::workdir."/tmp/$comp->{kitrepoid}-$comp->{basename}.spec"; my $rpmbuild_cmd = "rpmbuild --define \"_topdir $rpmbuild_dir\" -ba $specfile"; # Copy in any non-native packages if (defined($comp->{non_native_pkgs}) ) { mkpath($tmpdir); mkpath("$rpmbuild_dir/SOURCES"); my $sourcedir = $::workdir."/source_packages"; foreach my $pkg_file (split(/,/, $comp->{non_native_pkgs})) { $cmd = "cp -p $sourcedir/$pkg_file $tmpdir"; if ( system($cmd) ) { print "Error copying non-native package file $sourcedir/$pkg_file to $tmpdir\n"; return 1; } } $cmd = "cd $tmpdir/..; tar -czf $rpmbuild_dir/SOURCES/$comp->{basename}.tar.gz $comp->{basename}"; if ( system($cmd) ) { print "Error creating tarfile $rpmbuild_dir/SOURCES/$comp->{basename}.tar from $sourcedir/*"; return 1; } } if (!$::VERBOSE) { $rpmbuild_cmd .= ' --quiet '; } if ( system($rpmbuild_cmd) ) { print "Error running rpmbuild command for kit component $comp->{basename} meta package\n"; return 1; } my $repodir = $::build_dir."/kit_repodir/".$repo{kitreponame}; my @built_rpms = `find $rpmbuild_dir/RPMS -name *.rpm`; foreach my $rpm (@built_rpms) { chomp($rpm); if ( system ("cp -fp $rpm $repodir") ) { print "Error copying rpm $rpm to build repo directory $repodir \n"; return 1; } } return 0; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 gen_kitcomp_spec generate the rpm spec file for the kitcomponent metapkg rpm input: kitcomponent hash kitrepo hash =cut #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub gen_kitcomp_spec { my $comp = shift; my $repo = shift; my $scriptdir = $::workdir."/scripts/"; my $tmpdir = $::workdir."/tmp/"; # read in the template spec file my $spec_template = $::XCATSHARE."/kits/kitcomponent.spec.template"; my $SF; unless ( open( $SF, "<", $spec_template ) ) { print "Error attempting to open the xCAT Kit Component template file $spec_template. \n"; return 1; } if ($::VERBOSE) { print "Reading the xCAT Kit Component template file $spec_template. \n"; } my @lines = <$SF>; close $SF; my $kitname = $::bldkit_config->{kit}{entries}[0]->{basename}; my $kitcompname = $comp->{kitcompname}; my ($prescript,$postscript,$preupscript,$postupscript,$preunscript,$postunscript,$nonnativepkgs,$sourcetar,$setup,$files) = ' '; if (defined($comp->{preinstall})) { $prescript = &load_script("$scriptdir$comp->{preinstall}"); $prescript = "if [ \"\$1\" = \"1\" ] ; then\n" . $prescript . "\nfi";} if (defined($comp->{postinstall})) { $postscript = &load_script("$scriptdir$comp->{postinstall}"); $postscript = "if [ \"\$1\" = \"1\" ] ; then\n" . $postscript . "\nfi"; } if (defined($comp->{preupgrade})) { $preupscript = &load_script("$scriptdir$comp->{preupgrade}"); $preupscript = "if [ \"\$1\" = \"2\" ] ; then\n" . $preupscript . "\nfi";} if (defined($comp->{postupgrade})) { $postupscript = &load_script("$scriptdir$comp->{postupgrade}"); $postupscript = "if [ \"\$1\" = \"2\" ] ; then\n" . $postupscript . "\nfi";} if (defined($comp->{preuninstall})) { $preunscript = &load_script("$scriptdir$comp->{preuninstall}"); } if (defined($comp->{postuninstall})) { $postunscript = &load_script("$scriptdir$comp->{postuninstall}"); } if (defined($comp->{non_native_pkgs})) { $nonnativepkgs = '\n'; $nonnativepkgs .= "mkdir -p \$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/opt/xcat/kits/$kitname/$kitcompname \n"; $nonnativepkgs .= "cp -a * \$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/opt/xcat/kits/$kitname/$kitcompname \n"; $sourcetar = "Source: $comp->{basename}.tar.gz"; $setup = "\%setup -q -n $comp->{basename}"; $files = "/opt/xcat/kits"; } for (@lines) { chomp; s/<<>>/$kitname/; s/<<>>/$comp->{basename}/; s/<<>>/$comp->{version}/; s/<<>>/$comp->{release}/; s/<<>>/$comp->{ospkgdeps}/; s/<<>>/$comp->{kitpkgdeps}/; s/<<>>/$comp->{kitcompdeps}/; s/<<>>/$comp->{description}/; s/<<>>/$nonnativepkgs/; s/<<>>/$sourcetar/; s/<<>>/$setup/; s/<<>>/$files/; s/<<>>/$prescript/; s/<<>>/$postscript/; s/<<>>/$preupscript/; s/<<>>/$postupscript/; s/<<>>/$preunscript/; s/<<>>/$postunscript/; } # Write the generated spec file my $joined_lines = join("\n",@lines); @lines = split(/\\n/,$joined_lines); mkpath($tmpdir); my $NSF; unless ( open( $NSF, ">$tmpdir/$comp->{kitrepoid}-$comp->{basename}.spec" ) ) { return 1; } if ($::VERBOSE) { print "Created kitcomponent spec file $tmpdir/$comp->{basename}.spec \n"; } print $NSF @lines; close($NSF); return 0; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 load_script load a kitcomponent script into a single return string with imbedded newline chars input: fullpath of scriptname =cut #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub load_script { my $scriptname = shift; my $SF; unless ( open( $SF, "<", $scriptname ) ) { print "Error attempting to open the file $scriptname. \n"; return; } if ($::VERBOSE) { print "Reading the file $scriptname. \n"; } my @lines = <$SF>; close $SF; my $script_contents = join('\n', @lines); return $script_contents; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 create_kitconf Create the kit configuration file to put into the kit tar file. =cut #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub create_kitconf { # Build kit config file entries from buildkit config input my $kitname = $::bldkit_config->{kit}{entries}[0]->{kitname}; foreach my $s (keys %{$::bldkit_config}) { if (! defined($::buildkit_def{$s}) ) { next;} if ( $s eq 'kitpackage' ) { next; } my $li = 0; foreach my $se (@{$::bldkit_config->{$s}{entries}}) { $::kit_config->{$s}{entries}[$li]->{kitname} = $kitname; # copy all defined attrs over foreach my $a (keys %{$::buildkit_def{$s}}) { if (( $::buildkit_def{$s}{$a}->{cp_to_kitconfig} eq '1' ) && ( defined ($se->{$a}) ) ) { if ( $s eq 'kitcomponent' ) { if ($a eq 'kitpkgdeps') { my $value; foreach my $d (split(/,/, $se->{$a})) { $d =~ s/\s+//g; $d =~ s/^([\w\.\-]+)[<>=]*.*$/$1/; $value .= "$d,"; } $value =~ s/,$//; $se->{$a} = $value; } } $::kit_config->{$s}{entries}[$li]->{$a} = $se->{$a}; } if (( $::buildkit_def{$s}{$a}->{cp_to_kitconfig} eq '2' ) && ( defined ($se->{$a}) ) ) { my $prefix = "$kitname"; if ( $s eq 'kitcomponent' ) { $prefix = "$::bldkit_config->{$s}{entries}[$li]->{kitcompname}"; if (($a eq 'postbootscripts') || ($a eq 'genimage_postinstall')) { $prefix = "KIT_".$prefix; } } if ( !($::kit_config->{$s}{entries}[$li]->{$a} = &cp_to_builddir($a,$se->{$a},$::workdir.'/'.$::buildkit_def{$s}{$a}->{base_dir},$prefix)) ) { return 1; } } } # Handle special attrs if ( $s eq 'kitrepo' ) { $::kit_config->{$s}{entries}[$li]->{kitreponame} = $se->{kitreponame}; } elsif ( $s eq 'kitcomponent' ) { $::kit_config->{$s}{entries}[$li]->{kitcompname} = $se->{kitcompname}; $::kit_config->{$s}{entries}[$li]->{kitreponame} = $se->{kitreponame}; } $li++; } } # Handle external packages if ($::HAVE_EXTERNAL_PKG) { foreach my $kp (@{$::bldkit_config->{kitpackage}{entries}}) { if ($kp->{isexternalpkg} eq 'yes') { my %current_entry; $current_entry{filename} = $kp->{filename}; $current_entry{kitreponame} = $kp->{kitreponame}; push ( @{ $::kit_config->{EXTERNALPKG}{'entries'} }, {%current_entry}); } } } # Write Kit Config File my @lines; my $li=0; $lines[$li++] = "# Kit Configuration File for $kitname generated by buildkit\n"; $lines[$li++] = "# ".localtime()."\n"; foreach my $s ('kit','kitrepo','kitcomponent','EXTERNALPKG') { foreach my $se (@{$::kit_config->{$s}{entries}}) { $lines[$li++] = "$s: \n"; foreach my $a (keys %{$se}) { $lines[$li++] = " $a = $se->{$a} \n"; } } } if ( (! -d $::deploy_dir) && (! mkpath($::deploy_dir)) ) { print "Error creating build directory $::deploy_dir.\n"; return; } my $full_kit_conf = $::deploy_dir."/".$::kit_conf; my $NCF; unless ( open( $NCF, ">$full_kit_conf" ) ) { return 1; } if ($::VERBOSE) { print "Wrote new kit configuration file $full_kit_conf \n"; } print $NCF @lines; close($NCF); return 0; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 cp_to_builddir Copy specified files into the build directory renaming as indicated =cut #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub cp_to_builddir { my $type = shift; my $files = shift; my $from_dir = shift; my $prefix = shift; my $copied_files; my $other_files = $::deploy_dir."/other_files"; if ( (! -d $other_files) && (! mkpath($other_files)) ) { print "Error creating build directory $other_files.\n"; return; } foreach my $file (split(/\,/, $files)) { $file =~ s/\s+//g; my $from_file = $from_dir."/".$file; my $from_file_base = basename($file); my $to_file_base = $prefix."_".$from_file_base; my $to_file = $other_files."/".$to_file_base; if ( system("cp -fp $from_file $to_file") ) { # non-zero return from system call print "Error copying file $from_file to build directory $other_files \n"; return; } $copied_files .= ",$to_file_base"; if ($type eq 'postbootscripts') { system("chmod 755 $to_file"); } } $copied_files =~ s/^\,//; return $copied_files; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 create_builddir Create the build directory and copy in all required files for building the kit tar file. =cut #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub create_builddir { my $kitname = $::bldkit_config->{kit}{entries}[0]->{kitname}; # Note: # - repos already created and validated # - kit.conf file already created # - exlists, postbootscripts, and deployparams already copied # copy plugins to build dir and edit to insert correct plugin and kit names my $plugin_dir = $::deploy_dir."/plugins"; if ( -d "$::workdir/plugins" ) { if ( (! -d $plugin_dir) && (! mkpath($plugin_dir)) ) { print "Error creating build directory $plugin_dir.\n"; return 1; } foreach my $plugin (<$::workdir/plugins/*.pm>){ my $plugin_base = basename($plugin); my $to_plugin = $plugin_dir."/".$kitname."_".$plugin_base; if ( system("cp -fp $plugin $to_plugin") ) { # non-zero return from system call print "Error copying plugin file $plugin to build directory $plugin_dir \n"; return 1; } if (&edit_plugin($to_plugin)) { return 1;} } } # copy docs to build dir if ( -d "$::workdir/docs" ) { if ( system("cp -fRp $::workdir/docs $::deploy_dir") ) { # non-zero return from system call print "Error copying doc files $::workdir/docs to build directory $::deploy_dir \n"; return 1; } } # Edit deploy params file to make sure correct format for xCAT if (defined($::kit_config->{kit}{entries}[0]->{kitdeployparams})){ my $kd_file = $::deploy_dir."/other_files/".$::kit_config->{kit}{entries}[0]->{kitdeployparams}; if (&edit_deployparams($kd_file)) { return 1;} } return 0; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 edit_deployparams Edit the kit deployment parameters to make sure it has correct syntax for xCAT otherpkglist support =cut #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub edit_deployparams { my $file = shift; my $validate_only = shift; # read in the file my $DF; unless ( open( $DF, "<", $file ) ) { print "The Kit deployment parameters file $file could not be read. \n"; return 1; } my @lines = <$DF>; close $DF; # Edit the files my $changed = 0; my @new_lines; my $ln = 0; foreach my $l (@lines) { $ln++; # skip blank lines if ( $l =~ /^\s*$/ ) { push (@new_lines, $l); next; } # #ENV lines $l =~ s/^\s+//; # compress leading blanks if ( $l =~ /^\#ENV\:/ ) { if ( !($l =~ /\#\s*$/) ) { chomp $l; $l .= "#\n"; $changed = 1; } push (@new_lines, $l); next; } # skip all other comments if ( $l =~ /^\s*#/ ) { push (@new_lines, $l); next; } # Add #ENV if not specified if ( $l =~ /^\w*\s*\=/ ) { chomp $l; $l = "#ENV: $l #"; $changed = 1; push (@new_lines, $l); next; } # Syntax error print "Syntax error in kit deployment parameters file $file \n"; print "line $ln: \n"; print "$l \n"; return 1; } # Write the file back out if ($changed && !$validate_only) { my $NDF; unless ( open( $NDF, ">$file" ) ) { return 1; } if ($::VERBOSE) { print "Editted kit deployment parameters file $file \n"; } print $NDF @lines; close($NDF); } return 0; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 edit_plugin Edit the kit plugin file to insert the full kit name =cut #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub edit_plugin { my $file = shift; my $kitname = $::bldkit_config->{kit}{entries}[0]->{kitname}; # read in the file my $PF; unless ( open( $PF, "<", $file ) ) { print "The Kit plugin file $file could not be read. \n"; return 1; } my @lines = <$PF>; close $PF; for (@lines) { s/<<>>/$kitname/g; } # Write the plugin back out my $NPF; unless ( open( $NPF, ">$file" ) ) { return 1; } if ($::VERBOSE) { print "Inserted kitname values into $file \n"; } print $NPF @lines; close($NPF); return 0; } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 kit_addpkgs buildkit addpkgs =cut #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub kit_addpkgs { # add RPM pkgs to an existing kit tarfile my $kittarfile=$::KIT_ADDPKGS; my $rpmdir = $::PKGDIR; my $kitname = basename($kittarfile); $kitname =~ s/.tar.bz2$//; $kitname =~ s/.NEED_PRODUCT_PKGS$//; my $tmpdir = "/tmp/buildkit_workdir/$kitname"; if ( !(-r $kittarfile) ) { print "The Kit tar file $kittarfile could not be read. \n"; return 1; } $kittarfile = abs_path($kittarfile); if ( !(-d $rpmdir) ) { print "The package directory $rpmdir could not be read. \n"; return 1; } # Create work directory if ( (! -d $tmpdir) && (! mkpath($tmpdir)) ) { print "Error creating temporary work directory $tmpdir\n"; return 1; } if ( system("cd $tmpdir; tar -jxf $kittarfile ") ) { print "Error extracting tarfile $kittarfile \n"; # Cleanup system ("rm -Rf /tmp/buildkit_workdir"); return 1; } my $tmp_kit_conf = $tmpdir."/".$kitname."/kit.conf"; # read in the file my $CKF; unless ( open( $CKF, "<", $tmp_kit_conf ) ) { print "The Kit configuration file $tmp_kit_conf could not be read or was not included in the kit tar file. \n"; # Cleanup system ("rm -Rf /tmp/buildkit_workdir"); return 1; } my @lines = <$CKF>; close $CKF; my $extpkg_section = 0; my $ext_filename = ''; my $ext_reponames = ''; my $attr; my %create_repodata_list; my @new_lines; foreach my $l (@lines) { # skip blank and comment lines if ( $l =~ /^\s*$/ || $l =~ /^\s*#/ ) { push(@new_lines, $l); next; } if ( $l =~ /^\s*EXTERNALPKG:/ ) { $extpkg_section = 1; $ext_filename = ''; $ext_reponames = ''; next; } if ( $extpkg_section ) { if ( $l =~ /^\s*(\w+)\s*=\s*(.*)\s*/ ) { my $attr = $1; my $val = $2; my $orig_attr = $attr; my $orig_val = $val; $attr =~ s/^\s*//; # Remove any leading whitespace $attr =~ s/\s*$//; # Remove any trailing whitespace $attr =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/; # Convert to lowercase $val =~ s/^\s*//; $val =~ s/\s*$//; if ($attr eq 'filename') { $ext_filename = $val; } elsif ($attr eq 'kitreponame') { $ext_reponames = $val; } else { next; } if ( ($ext_filename ne '') && ($ext_reponames ne '') ){ my $fromfile = $rpmdir."/".$ext_filename; if ( system("ls $fromfile > /dev/null") ){ print "The product package file $ext_filename could not be read from the package directory $rpmdir. \n"; # Cleanup system ("rm -Rf /tmp/buildkit_workdir"); return 1; } foreach my $repo (split(/,/, $ext_reponames)) { my $repodir = $tmpdir."/".$kitname."/repos/".$repo; if ( ! -d ($repodir) && (! mkpath($repodir)) ) { print "Error creating repository directory $repodir\n"; # Cleanup system ("rm -Rf /tmp/buildkit_workdir"); return 1; } if (system("cp -fp $fromfile $repodir")) { print "Error copying package file $fromfile to $repodir \n"; # Cleanup system ("rm -Rf /tmp/buildkit_workdir"); return 1; } $create_repodata_list{$repodir}=1; } } } else { $extpkg_section = 0; push(@new_lines, $l); next; } } else { push(@new_lines, $l); } } # Re-write kit.conf with EXTERNALPKG sections removed my $NCF; unless ( open( $NCF, ">$tmp_kit_conf" ) ) { return 1; } print $NCF @new_lines; close($NCF); # Run createrepo for each updated directory foreach my $repo (keys(%create_repodata_list)) { if (system("createrepo $repo")) { print "Error running createrpo command for $repo \n"; # Cleanup system ("rm -Rf /tmp/buildkit_workdir"); return 1; } } # Create new tar file in current directory my $new_tarfile = $::workdir.'/'.$kitname.'.tar.bz2'; if ( system("cd $tmpdir; tar -cjhf $new_tarfile $kitname/*") ) { print "Error building tarfile $new_tarfile \n"; # Cleanup system ("rm -Rf /tmp/buildkit_workdir"); return 1; } print "Kit tar file $new_tarfile successfully built \n"; # Cleanup system ("rm -Rf /tmp/buildkit_workdir"); }