#!/usr/bin/env perl # IBM(c) 2010 EPL license http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html package xCAT::NetworkUtils; BEGIN { $::XCATROOT = $ENV{'XCATROOT'} ? $ENV{'XCATROOT'} : '/opt/xcat'; } # if AIX - make sure we include perl 5.8.2 in INC path. # Needed to find perl dependencies shipped in deps tarball. if ($^O =~ /^aix/i) { use lib "/usr/opt/perl5/lib/5.8.2/aix-thread-multi"; use lib "/usr/opt/perl5/lib/5.8.2"; use lib "/usr/opt/perl5/lib/site_perl/5.8.2/aix-thread-multi"; use lib "/usr/opt/perl5/lib/site_perl/5.8.2"; } use lib "$::XCATROOT/lib/perl"; use POSIX qw(ceil); use File::Path; use Math::BigInt; use Socket; use strict; use warnings "all"; my $socket6support = eval { require Socket6 }; our @ISA = qw(Exporter); our @EXPORT_OK = qw(getipaddr); #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head1 xCAT::NetworkUtils =head2 Package Description This program module file, is a set of network utilities used by xCAT commands. =cut #------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 gethostnameandip Works for both IPv4 and IPv6. Takes either a host name or an IP address string and performs a lookup on that name, returns an array with two elements: the hostname, the ip address if the host name or ip address can not be resolved, the corresponding element in the array will be undef Arguments: hostname or ip address Returns: the hostname and the ip address Globals: Error: none Example: my ($host, $ip) = xCAT::NetworkUtils->gethostnameandip($iporhost); Comments: none =cut #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub gethostnameandip() { my ($class, $iporhost) = @_; if (($iporhost =~ /\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+/) || ($iporhost =~ /:/)) #ip address { return (xCAT::NetworkUtils->gethostname($iporhost), $iporhost); } else #hostname { return ($iporhost, xCAT::NetworkUtils->getipaddr($iporhost)); } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 gethostname Works for both IPv4 and IPv6. Takes an IP address string and performs a lookup on that name, returns the hostname of the ip address if the ip address can not be resolved, returns undef Arguments: ip address Returns: the hostname Globals: cache: %::iphosthash Error: none Example: my $host = xCAT::NetworkUtils->gethostname($ip); Comments: none =cut #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub gethostname() { my ($class, $iporhost) = @_; if (!defined($iporhost)) { return undef; } if (ref($iporhost) eq 'ARRAY') { $iporhost = @{$iporhost}[0]; if (!$iporhost) { return undef; } } if (($iporhost !~ /\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+/) && ($iporhost !~ /:/)) { #why you do so? pass in a hostname and only want a hostname?? return $iporhost; } #cache, do not lookup DNS each time if (defined($::iphosthash{$iporhost}) && $::iphosthash{$iporhost}) { return $::iphosthash{$iporhost}; } else { if ($socket6support) # the getaddrinfo and getnameinfo supports both IPv4 and IPv6 { my ($family, $socket, $protocol, $ip, $name) = Socket6::getaddrinfo($iporhost,0,AF_UNSPEC,SOCK_STREAM,6); #specifically ask for TCP capable records, maximizing chance of no more than one return per v4/v6 my $host = (Socket6::getnameinfo($ip))[0]; if ($host eq $iporhost) # can not resolve { return undef; } if ($host) { $host =~ s/\..*//; #short hostname } return $host; } else { #it is possible that no Socket6 available, #but passing in IPv6 address, such as ::1 on loopback if ($iporhost =~ /:/) { return undef; } my $hostname = gethostbyaddr(inet_aton($iporhost), AF_INET); if ( $hostname ) { $hostname =~ s/\..*//; #short hostname } return $hostname; } } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 getipaddr Works for both IPv4 and IPv6. Takes a hostname string and performs a lookup on that name, returns the the ip address of the hostname if the hostname can not be resolved, returns undef Arguments: hostname Optional: GetNumber=>1 (return the address as a BigInt instead of readable string) Returns: ip address Globals: cache: %::hostiphash Error: none Example: my $ip = xCAT::NetworkUtils->getipaddr($hostname); Comments: none =cut #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub getipaddr { my $iporhost = shift; if ($iporhost eq 'xCAT::NetworkUtils') { #was called with -> syntax $iporhost = shift; } my %extraarguments = @_; if (!defined($iporhost)) { return undef; } if (ref($iporhost) eq 'ARRAY') { $iporhost = @{$iporhost}[0]; if (!$iporhost) { return undef; } } #go ahead and do the reverse lookup on ip, useful to 'frontend' aton/pton and also to #spit out a common abbreviation if leading zeroes or using different ipv6 presentation rules #if ($iporhost and ($iporhost =~ /\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+/) || ($iporhost =~ /:/)) #{ # #pass in an ip and only want an ip?? # return $iporhost; #} #cache, do not lookup DNS each time if ($::hostiphash and defined($::hostiphash{$iporhost}) && $::hostiphash{$iporhost}) { return $::hostiphash{$iporhost}; } else { if ($socket6support) # the getaddrinfo and getnameinfo supports both IPv4 and IPv6 { my @returns; my $reqfamily=AF_UNSPEC; if ($extraarguments{OnlyV6}) { $reqfamily=AF_INET6; } elsif ($extraarguments{OnlyV4}) { $reqfamily=AF_INET; } my @addrinfo = Socket6::getaddrinfo($iporhost,0,$reqfamily,SOCK_STREAM,6); my ($family, $socket, $protocol, $ip, $name) = splice(@addrinfo,0,5); while ($ip) { if ($extraarguments{GetNumber}) { #return a BigInt for compare, e.g. for comparing ip addresses for determining if they are in a common network or range my $ip = (Socket6::getnameinfo($ip, Socket6::NI_NUMERICHOST()))[0]; my $bignumber = Math::BigInt->new(0); foreach (unpack("N*",Socket6::inet_pton($family,$ip))) { #if ipv4, loop will iterate once, for v6, will go 4 times $bignumber->blsft(32); $bignumber->badd($_); } push(@returns,$bignumber); } else { push @returns,(Socket6::getnameinfo($ip, Socket6::NI_NUMERICHOST()))[0]; } if (scalar @addrinfo and $extraarguments{GetAllAddresses}) { ($family, $socket, $protocol, $ip, $name) = splice(@addrinfo,0,5); } else { $ip=0; } } unless ($extraarguments{GetAllAddresses}) { return $returns[0]; } return @returns; } else { #return inet_ntoa(inet_aton($iporhost)) #TODO, what if no scoket6 support, but passing in a IPv6 hostname? if ($iporhost =~ /:/) { #ipv6 return undef; #die "Attempt to process IPv6 address, but system does not have requisite IPv6 perl support"; } my $packed_ip; $iporhost and $packed_ip = inet_aton($iporhost); if (!$packed_ip) { return undef; } if ($extraarguments{GetNumber}) { #only 32 bits, no for loop needed. return Math::BigInt->new(unpack("N*",$packed_ip)); } return inet_ntoa($packed_ip); } } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 linklocaladdr Only for IPv6. Takes a mac address, calculate the IPv6 link local address Arguments: mac address Returns: ipv6 link local address. returns undef if passed in a invalid mac address Globals: Error: none Example: my $linklocaladdr = xCAT::NetworkUtils->linklocaladdr($mac); Comments: none =cut #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub linklocaladdr { my ($class, $mac) = @_; $mac = lc($mac); my $localprefix = "fe80"; my ($m1, $m2, $m3, $m6, $m7, $m8); # mac address can be 00215EA376B0 or 00:21:5E:A3:76:B0 if($mac =~ /^([0-9A-Fa-f]{2}).*?([0-9A-Fa-f]{2}).*?([0-9A-Fa-f]{2}).*?([0-9A-Fa-f]{2}).*?([0-9A-Fa-f]{2}).*?([0-9A-Fa-f]{2})$/) { ($m1, $m2, $m3, $m6, $m7, $m8) = ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6); } else { #not a valid mac address return undef; } my ($m4, $m5) = ("ff","fe"); #my $bit = (int $m1) & 2; #if ($bit) { # $m1 = $m1 - 2; #} else { # $m1 = $m1 + 2; #} $m1 = hex($m1); $m1 = $m1 ^ 2; $m1 = sprintf("%x", $m1); $m1 = $m1 . $m2; $m3 = $m3 . $m4; $m5 = $m5 . $m6; $m7 = $m7 . $m8; my $laddr = join ":", $m1, $m3, $m5, $m7; $laddr = join "::", $localprefix, $laddr; return $laddr; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 ishostinsubnet Works for both IPv4 and IPv6. Takes an ip address, the netmask and a subnet, chcek if the ip address is in the subnet Arguments: ip address, netmask, subnet Returns: 1 - if the ip address is in the subnet 0 - if the ip address is NOT in the subnet Globals: Error: none Example: if(xCAT::NetworkUtils->ishostinsubnet($ip, $netmask, $subnet); Comments: none =cut #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub ishostinsubnet { my ($class, $ip, $mask, $subnet) = @_; my $numbits=32; if ($ip =~ /:/) {#ipv6 $numbits=128; } if ($mask) { $mask=getipaddr($mask,GetNumber=>1); } else { #CIDR notation supported if ($subnet =~ /\//) { ($subnet,$mask) = split /\//,$subnet,2; $mask=Math::BigInt->new("0b".("1"x$mask).("0"x($numbits-$mask))); } else { die "ishostinsubnet must either be called with a netmask or CIDR /bits notation"; } } $ip = getipaddr($ip,GetNumber=>1); $subnet = getipaddr($subnet,GetNumber=>1); $ip &= $mask; if ($ip == $subnet) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 setup_ip_forwarding Sets up ip forwarding on localhost =cut #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub setup_ip_forwarding { my ($class, $enable)=@_; if (xCAT::Utils->isLinux()) { my $conf_file="/etc/sysctl.conf"; `grep "net.ipv4.ip_forward" $conf_file`; if ($? == 0) { `sed -i "s/^net.ipv4.ip_forward = .*/net.ipv4.ip_forward = $enable/" $conf_file`; } else { `echo "net.ipv4.ip_forward = $enable" >> $conf_file`; } `sysctl -e -p $conf_file`; # workaround for redhat bug 639821 } else { `no -o ipforwarding=$enable`; } return 0; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 prefixtomask Convert the IPv6 prefix length(e.g. 64) to the netmask(e.g. ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:0000:0000:0000:0000). Till now, the netmask format ffff:ffff:ffff:: only works for AIX NIM Arguments: prefix length Returns: netmask - netmask like ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:0000:0000:0000:0000 0 - if the prefix length is not correct Globals: Error: none Example: my #netmask = xCAT::NetworkUtils->prefixtomask($prefixlength); Comments: none =cut #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub prefixtomask { my ($class, $prefixlength) = @_; if (($prefixlength < 1) || ($prefixlength > 128)) { return 0; } my $number=Math::BigInt->new("0b".("1"x$prefixlength).("0"x(128-$prefixlength))); my $mask = $number->as_hex(); $mask =~ s/^0x//; $mask =~ s/(....)/$1/g; return $mask; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 my_ip_in_subnet Get the facing ip for some specific network Arguments: net - subnet, such as mask - netmask, such as Returns: facing_ip - The local ip address in the subnet, returns undef if no local ip address is in the subnet Globals: Error: none Example: my $facingip = xCAT::NetworkUtils->my_ip_in_subnet($net, $mask); Comments: none =cut #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub my_ip_in_subnet { my ($class, $net, $mask) = @_; if (!$net || !$mask) { return undef; } my $fmask = xCAT::Utils::formatNetmask($mask, 0, 1); my $localnets = xCAT::Utils->my_nets(); return $localnets->{"$net\/$fmask"}; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 ip_forwarding_enabled Check if the ip_forward enabled on the system Arguments: Returns: 1 - The ip_forwarding is eanbled 0 - The ip_forwarding is not eanbled Globals: Error: none Example: if(xCAT::NetworkUtils->ip_forwarding_enabled()) Comments: none =cut #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub ip_forwarding_enabled { my $enabled; if (xCAT::Utils->isLinux()) { $enabled = `sysctl -n net.ipv4.ip_forward`; chomp($enabled); } else { $enabled = `no -o ipforwarding`; chomp($enabled); $enabled =~ s/ipforwarding\s+=\s+//; } return $enabled; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 get_nic_ip Get the ip address for the node nics Arguments: Returns: Hash of the mapping of the nic and the ip addresses Globals: Error: none Example: xCAT::NetworkUtils->get_nic_ip() Comments: none =cut #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub get_nic_ip { my $nic; my %iphash; my $cmd = "ifconfig -a"; my $result = `$cmd`; my $mode = "MULTICAST"; ############################################# # Error running command ############################################# if ( !$result ) { return undef; } if (xCAT::Utils->isAIX()) { ############################################################## # Should look like this for AIX: # en0: flags=4e080863,80<UP,BROADCAST,NOTRAILERS,RUNNING, # SIMPLEX,MULTICAST,GROUPRT,64BIT,PSEG,CHAIN> # inet netmask 0xffffff00 broadcast # inet netmask 0xffffff00 broadcast # en1: ... # ############################################################## my @adapter = split /(\w+\d+):\s+flags=/, $result; foreach ( @adapter ) { if ($_ =~ /^(en\d)/) { $nic = $1; next; } if ( !($_ =~ /LOOPBACK/ ) and $_ =~ /UP(,|>)/ and $_ =~ /$mode/ ) { my @ip = split /\n/; for my $ent ( @ip ) { if ( $ent =~ /^\s*inet\s+(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)/ ) { $iphash{$nic} = $1; next; } } } } } else { ############################################################## # Should look like this for Linux: # eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:02:55:7B:06:30 # inet addr: Bcast: # inet6 addr: fe80::202:55ff:fe7b:630/64 Scope:Link # UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST MTU:1500 Metric:1 # RX packets:1280982 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 # TX packets:3535776 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 # collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000 # RX bytes:343489371 (327.5 MiB) TX bytes:870969610 (830.6 MiB) # Base address:0x2600 Memory:fbfe0000-fc0000080 # # eth1 ... # ############################################################## my @adapter= split /\n{2,}/, $result; foreach ( @adapter ) { if ( !($_ =~ /LOOPBACK / ) and $_ =~ /UP / and $_ =~ /$mode / ) { my @ip = split /\n/; for my $ent ( @ip ) { if ($ent =~ /^(eth\d|ib\d|hf\d)\s+/) { $nic = $1; } if ( $ent =~ /^\s*inet addr:\s*(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)/ ) { $iphash{$nic} = $1; next; } } } } } return \%iphash; } 1;