#!/usr/bin/env perl # IBM(c) 2007 EPL license http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html package xCAT_plugin::monctrlcmds; use xCAT::NodeRange; use xCAT::Table; use xCAT::MsgUtils; require($::XCATPREFIX."/lib/xcat/monitoring/monitorctrl.pm"); 1; #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head1 xCAT_plugin:monctrlcmds =head2 Package Description xCAT monitoring control commands plugini module. This modules handles monitoring related commands. =cut #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 handled_commands It returns a list of commands handled by this plugin. Arguments: none Returns: a list of commands. =cut #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub handled_commands { return { startmon => "monctrlcmds", stopmon => "monctrlcmds", updatemon => "monctrlcmds", } } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 process_request It processes the monitoring control commands. Arguments: request -- a hash table which contains the command name. callback -- a callback pointer to return the response to. args -- a list of arguments that come with the command. Returns: 0 for success. The output is returned through the callback pointer. 1. for unsuccess. The error messages are returns through the callback pointer. =cut #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub process_request { use Getopt::Long; # options can be bundled up like -vV Getopt::Long::Configure("bundling") ; $Getopt::Long::ignorecase=0; my $request = shift; my $callback = shift; my $command = $request->{command}->[0]; my $args=$request->{arg}; if ($command eq "startmon") { my ($ret, $msg) = startmon($args, $callback); if ($msg) { my %rsp=(); $rsp->{dara}->[0]= $msg; $callback->($rsp); } return $ret; } elsif ($command eq "stopmon") { my ($ret, $msg) = stopmon($args, $callback); if ($msg) { my %rsp=(); $rsp->{data}->[0]= $msg; $callback->($rsp); } return $ret; } elsif ($command eq "updatemon") { xCAT_monitoring::monitorctrl::sendMonSignal(); } else { my %rsp=(); $rsp->{data}->[0]= "unsupported command: $command."; $callback->($rsp); return 1; } } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 startmon This function starts the given products for monitoring the xCAT cluster. Arguments: callback - the pointer to the callback function. args - The format of the args is: [-h|--help|-v|--version] or [product_name[,product_name]...] where product_name is the name of the monitoring product short name. For example: Ganglia. The specified products will be started for monitoring the xCAT cluster. Returns: 0 for success. The output is returned through the callback pointer. 1. for unsuccess. The error messages are returns through the callback pointer. =cut #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub startmon { my $args=shift; my $callback=shift; my $VERSION; my $HELP; # subroutine to display the usage sub startmon_usage { my %rsp; $rsp->{data}->[0]= "Usage:"; $rsp->{data}->[1]= " startmon [product_name[,product_name]...]"; $rsp->{data}->[2]= " startmon [-h|--help|-v|--version]"; $rsp->{data}->[3]= " product_name is the name of the monitoring product registered in the monitoring table."; $callback->($rsp); } @ARGV=@{$args}; # parse the options if(!GetOptions( 'h|help' => \$::HELP, 'v|version' => \$::VERSION,)) { &startmon_usage; return; } # display the usage if -h or --help is specified if ($::HELP) { &startmon_usage; return; } # display the version statement if -v or --verison is specified if ($::VERSION) { my %rsp; $rsp->{data}->[0]= "startmon version 1.0"; $callback->($rsp); return; } my @product_names; if (@ARGV < 1) { &startmon_usage; return; } else { @product_names=split(/,/, $ARGV[0]); } my %ret = xCAT_monitoring::monitorctrl::startMonitoring(@product_names); my %rsp; $rsp->{data}->[0]= "starting @product_names"; my $i=1; foreach (keys %ret) { my $ret_array=$ret{$_}; $rsp->{data}->[$i++]= "$_: $ret_array->[1]"; } my $nodestatmon=xCAT_monitoring::monitorctrl::nodeStatMonName(); if ($nodestatmon) { foreach (@product_names) { if ($_ eq $nodestatmon) { my ($code, $msg)=xCAT_monitoring::monitorctrl::startNodeStatusMonitoring($nodestatmon); $rsp->{data}->[$i++]="node status monitoring with $nodestatmon: $msg"; } } } $rsp->{data}->[$i++]="done."; $callback->($rsp); return; } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 stopmon This function stops the given products for monitoring the xCAT cluster. Arguments: callback - the pointer to the callback function. args - The format of the args is: [-h|--help|-v|--version] or [product_name[,product_name]...] where product_name is the name of the monitoring product short name. For example: Ganglia. The specified products will be stoped for monitoring the xCAT cluster. Returns: 0 for success. The output is returned through the callback pointer. 1. for unsuccess. The error messages are returns through the callback pointer. =cut #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub stopmon { my $args=shift; my $callback=shift; my $VERSION; my $HELP; # subroutine to display the usage sub stopmon_usage { my %rsp; $rsp->{data}->[0]= "Usage:"; $rsp->{data}->[1]= " stopmon [product_name[,product_name]...]"; $rsp->{data}->[2]= " stopmon [-h|--help|-v|--version]"; $rsp->{data}->[3]= " product_name is the name of the monitoring product registered in the montoring table."; $callback->($rsp); } @ARGV=@{$args}; # parse the options if(!GetOptions( 'h|help' => \$::HELP, 'v|version' => \$::VERSION,)) { &stopmon_usage; return; } # display the usage if -h or --help is specified if ($::HELP) { &stopmon_usage; return; } # display the version statement if -v or --verison is specified if ($::VERSION) { my %rsp; $rsp->{data}->[0]= "stopmon version 1.0"; $callback->($rsp); return; } my @product_names; if (@ARGV < 1) { &startmon_usage; return; } else { @product_names=split(/,/, $ARGV[0]); } my %ret = xCAT_monitoring::monitorctrl::stopMonitoring(@product_names); my %rsp; $rsp->{data}->[0]= "stopping @product_names"; my $i=1; foreach (keys %ret) { my $ret_array=$ret{$_}; $rsp->{data}->[$i++]= "$_: $ret_array->[1]"; } my $nodestatmon=xCAT_monitoring::monitorctrl::nodeStatMonName(); if ($nodestatmon) { foreach (@product_names) { if ($_ eq $nodestatmon) { my ($code, $msg)=xCAT_monitoring::monitorctrl::stopNodeStatusMonitoring($nodestatmon); $rsp->{data}->[$i++]="node status monitoring with $nodestatmon: $msg"; } } } $rsp->{data}->[$i++]="done."; $callback->($rsp); return; }