#add rows to xCAT database table tablename #[Table_tablename] #key=value [Table_passwd] key=system username=root password=cluster #add object definition to xCAT database #[Object_objecttype] #Name=object name #Attribute=value [Object_network] Name=autotest_ent net= mask= gateway= [Object_node] Name=w1v3hmc05.ppd.pok.ibm.com groups=all nodetype=hmc mgt=hmc username=hscroot password=abc123 [Object_node] Name=lpar6 hcp=w1v3hmc05.ppd.pok.ibm.com #script to run before test [Script_Prev] #scripts to run after test [Script_Post] #varible can be referenced in command and output check string in the test case by $$VARIABLE #system VARIABLE,xCAT automated test predefined variable [System] CN=lpar6 #computenode name MN=lpar5 SOURCE=/61L #the source used by mknimimage SSHPKG=/tmp/xcat/ssh #put additional package and bundle here MaxLparID=32 #Max LPAR ID on target CEC, used by cases for mkvm,chvm,lsvm,rmvm #customerize VARIABLE, user can add variable for new cases here [Custom] #VARNAME=value