=head1 Name B<rcons> - remotely accesses the serial console of a node =head1 B<Synopsis> B<rcons> I<singlenode> [I<conserver-host>] [B<-f>] [B<-s>] B<rcons> [B<-h>|B<--help>|B<-v>|B<--version>] =head1 B<Description> B<rcons> provides access to a single remote node serial console, using the out-of-band infrastructure for the node (e.g. BMC, Management Module, HMC, KVM, etc.). It uses the conserver open source package to provide one read-write and multiple read-only instances of the console, plus console logging. If I<conserver-host> is specified, the conserver daemon on that host will be contacted, instead of on the local host. To exit the console session, enter: <ctrl><shift>e c . =head1 B<Options> =over 5 =item B<-f> If another console for this node is already open in read-write mode, force that console into read-only (spy) mode, and open this console in read-write mode. If -f is not specified, this console will be put in spy mode if another console is already open in read-write mode. The -f flag can not be used with the -s flag. =item B<-s> Open the console in read-only (spy) mode, in this mode all the escape sequences work, but all other keyboard input is discarded. The -s flag can not be used with the -f flag. =item B<-h>|B<--help> Print help. =item B<-v>|B<--version> Print version. =back =head1 B<Files> B<nodehm> table - xCAT node hardware management table. See L<nodehm(5)|nodehm.5> for further details. This is used to determine the console access method. =head1 B<Examples> B<rcons> I<node5> =head1 B<See> B<Also> L<wcons(1)|wcons.1>