
$RES::Condition{'AnyNodeTmpSpaceUsed_H'} = {
	Name => q(AnyNodeTmpSpaceUsed_H),
	ResourceClass => q(IBM.Condition),
	EventExpression => q(LastEvent.Occurred==1 && LastEvent.ErrNum==0 && (LastEvent.EventFlags & 0x0233) == 0),
	RearmExpression => q(LastEvent.Occurred==1 && LastEvent.ErrNum==0 && (LastEvent.EventFlags & 3) ==1),	
        EventDescription => q(This condition collects all the AnyNodeTmpSpaceUsed events from the service nodes. An event will be generated when more than 90 percent of the total space in the /tmp file system is in use.),
        RearmDescription => q(A rearm event will be generated when the percentage of the space used in the /tmp file system falls below 75 percent.),
        SelectionString => q(Name="AnyNodeTmpSpaceUsed"),
	ManagementScope => q(4),
	Severity => q(0),
        NoToggleExprFlag => q(1),