#!/usr/bin/env perl -w
# IBM(c) 2007 EPL license http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
#   xCAT script resource for NIM (AIX nodes)

use File::Path;

# since we don't have syslog set up yet we'll
# just save msgs in a local log file
$logdir = "/var/log/xcat";

if (!-d $logdir) {

$::sdate = `/bin/date`;
chomp $::sdate;
my $logfile = $logdir . "/xcat.log";

# this log should not contain much so it might be ok to let it grow?
# at least we'll have the errors preserved

# get hostname
$::shorthost = `hostname -s`;
chomp $::shorthost;

my $servnode;
# get the name of my service node/NIM master from the /etc/niminfo file
if (-f "/etc/niminfo") {
   	$cmd = "cat /etc/niminfo | grep 'NIM_MASTER_HOSTNAME'";
   	my $SNline = $::outref;
	my $junk;
   	($junk, $servnode) =  split(/=/, $SNline);

	# save the servnode from niminfo in xcatinfo
	my $xcatinfo="/etc/xcatinfo";
	print XCATINFO "XCATSERVER=$servnode\n";
} else {
	print "$::sdate  xcataixpost: Could not find /etc/niminfo file.\n";
   	print $::LOG_FILE "$::sdate  xcataixscript: Could not find /etc/niminfo file.\n";
$servnode =~ s/^\s*//;
chomp $servnode;

# create the xcatpost dir
my $cmd = "mkdir -m 755 -p /xcatpost";
if (&runcmd($cmd) != 0) {
	print "$::sdate xcataixpost: Could not make the /xcatpost directory.\n";
	print $::LOG_FILE "$::sdate xcataixpost: Could not make the /xcatpost directory.\n";

# get the contents of the /install/postscripts dir on the server
#   - mount dir from server and copy files
my $mcmd = "mkdir -p /xcatmnt; mount -o nolock $servnode:/install/postscripts /xcatmnt";
if (&runcmd($mcmd) != 0) {
    print "$::sdate xcataixpost: Could not mount /install/postscripts from $servnode.\n";
    print $::LOG_FILE "$::sdate xcataixpost: Could not mount /install/postscripts from $servnode.\n";

my $cpcmd;
if ((@ARGV==0) || ($ARGV[0] != 2)) {
    $cpcmd = "cp -r /xcatmnt/* /xcatpost >/dev/null 2>&1";
} else {
    # when argv[1]=2, there is only one postscript file,
    #   user wants only download it to save time
    $cpcmd= "cp /xcatmnt/$ARGV[1] /xcatpost >/dev/null 2>&1";

if (&runcmd($cpcmd) != 0) {
#    print "$::sdate xcataixpost: Could not copy postscripts to /xcatpost.\n";
#	print $::LOG_FILE "$::sdate xcataixpost: Could not copy postscripts to /xcatpost.\n";

# make sure all are executable
my $chcmd = "chmod +x /xcatpost/*";
if (&runcmd($chcmd) != 0) {
    print "$::sdate xcataixpost: Could not change /xcatpost file permissions.\n";
    print $::LOG_FILE "$::sdate xcataixpost: Could not change /xcatpost file permissions.\n";

my $ucmd = "umount /xcatmnt; rmdir /xcatmnt";
if (&runcmd($ucmd) != 0) {
    print "$::sdate xcataixpost: Could not unmount /install.\n";
    print $::LOG_FILE "$::sdate xcataixpost: Could not unmount /install/postscripts.\n";

# add xcatd to /etc/inittab???
# see if it is already there
my $lsicmd = "/usr/sbin/lsitab xcat > /dev/null 2>&1";
if (&runcmd($lsicmd) != 0) {
	# ok - create the entry
	my $mkitab_cmd = 'mkitab "xcat:2:wait:/xcatpost/xcataixpost > /dev/console 2>&1"';
	if (&runcmd($mkitab_cmd) != 0) {
		print "$::sdate xcataixpost: Could not add xcataixpost to /etc/inittab.\n";
		print $::LOG_FILE "$::sdate xcataixpost: Could not add xcataixpost to /etc/inittab.\n";


exit 0;

# run the command
sub runcmd
    my ($cmd) = @_;
	my $rc=0;
    $cmd .= ' 2>&1' ;
    $::outref = `$cmd`;
    if ($?)
        $rc = $? >> 8;
        if ($rc > 0)
#			print "$::sdate  xcataixpost: $::outref\n";
#			print $::LOG_FILE "$::sdate  xcataixpost: $::outref\n";
 return $rc;