=head1 Name wcons - windowed remote console =head1 B<Synopsis> B<wcons> [B<-t>|B<--tile>=I<n>] [I<xterm-options>] I<noderange> B<wcons> [B<-h>|B<--help>|B<-v>|B<--version>] =head1 B<Description> B<wcons> provides access to the remote node serial console of a single or range or nodes or groups. B<wcons> is a simple front-end to rcons in an xterm session for each console. =head1 B<Options> =over 5 =item B<-t>|B<--tile>=I<n> Tile B<wcons> windows from top left to bottom right. If I<n> is spec- ified then tile I<n> across. If I<n> is not specified then tile to edge of screen. If tiled B<wcons> windows reach bottom right, then the windows start at top left overlaying existing B<wcons> windows. =item B<-h>|B<--help> Print help. =item B<-v>|B<--version> Print version. =item I<xterm options> See xterm(1). Any options other than those listed above are passed directly to xterm. B<Note:> when given multiple nodes, wcons will override B<-title> and tries to figure out optimal B<-geometry> options for the xterms (however, B<-geometry> can still be specified). =back =head1 B<Files> B<nodehm> table - xCAT node hardware management table. See B<nodehm(5)> for further details. This is used to determine the console access method. =head1 B<Examples> B<wcons> I<node1-node5> B<wcons> B<--tile> B<--font>=I<nil2> I<all> B<wcons> B<-t> I<4> I<node1-node16> B<wcons> B<-f> I<vs> B<-t> I<4> I<node1-node4> =head1 B<Bugs> Tile mode assumes that the width of the left window border is also the width of the right and bottom window border. Most window managers should not have a problem. If you really need support for a screwy window manager let me know. =head1 B<See> B<Also> L<noderange(3)|noderange.3>, L<rcons(1)|rcons.1>, xterm(1)