# IBM(c) 2012 EPL license http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html package xCAT::ProfiledNodeUtils; use strict; use warnings; use Socket; use File::Path qw/mkpath/; use File::Temp qw/tempfile/; use Fcntl qw(:flock); require xCAT::Table; require xCAT::TableUtils; require xCAT::NodeRange; require xCAT::NetworkUtils; require xCAT::DBobjUtils; #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head1 xCAT::ProfiledNodeUtils =head2 Package Description This program module file, is a set of node management utilities for Profile based nodes. =cut #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 get_allocable_staticips_innet Description : Get allocable IPs from a network. Arguments : $netname - network name $exclude_ips_ref - excluded IPs list reference. Returns : Reference of allocable IPs list =cut #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub get_allocable_staticips_innet { my $class = shift; my $netname = shift; my $exclude_ips_ref = shift; my %iphash; my @allocableips; foreach (@$exclude_ips_ref){ $iphash{$_} = 0; } my $networkstab = xCAT::Table->new('networks'); my $netentry = ($networkstab->getAllAttribsWhere("netname = '$netname'", 'ALL'))[0]; my ($startip, $endip) = split('-', $netentry->{'staticrange'}); my $incremental = $netentry->{'staticrangeincrement'}; my $netmask = $netentry->{'mask'}; my $gateway = $netentry->{'gateway'}; my $validipsref; if ($incremental and $startip and $endip){ $validipsref = xCAT::NetworkUtils->get_allips_in_range($startip, $endip, $incremental); } my $broadcastip = xCAT::NetworkUtils->getBroadcast($startip, $netmask); foreach (@$validipsref){ #Remove ip which is broadcast ip, exclude ip, ips ended with 0, gateway ip if (exists($iphash{$_}) or $_ eq $broadcastip or $_ eq $gateway or $_ =~ /^(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(0)$/){ next; } push @allocableips, $_; } return \@allocableips; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 genhosts_with_numric_tmpl Description : Generate numric hostnames using numric template name. Arguments : $format - The hostname format string.. $rank - The start number. $amount - The total hostname number to be generated. Returns : numric hostname list Example : calling genhosts_with_numric_tmpl("compute#NNnode") will return a list like: ("compute00node", "compute01node", ..."compute98node", "compute99node") =cut #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub genhosts_with_numric_tmpl { my ($class, $format, $rank, $amount) = @_; my ($prefix, $appendix, $len) = xCAT::ProfiledNodeUtils->split_hostname($format, 'N'); return xCAT::ProfiledNodeUtils->gen_numric_hostnames($prefix, $appendix, $len, $rank, $amount); } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 split_hostname Description : Split hostname format as prefix, appendix and number length. Arguments : $format - hostname format $patt_char - pattern char, we always use "N" to indicate numric pattern Returns : ($prefix, $appendix, $numlen) $prefix - the prefix string of hostname format. $appendix - the appendix string of hostname format $numlen - The number length in hostname format. Example : calling split_hostname("compute#NNnode") will return a list like: ("compute", "node", 2) =cut #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub split_hostname { my ($class, $format, $patt_char) = @_; my $idx = index $format, "#$patt_char"; my @array_format = split(//, $format); my $pos = $idx+2; while ( $pos <= (scalar(@array_format) - 1)){ if ($array_format[$pos] eq "$patt_char"){ $pos++; }else{ last; } } my $ridx = $pos - 1; my $prefix = ""; $prefix = substr $format, 0, $idx; my $appendix = ""; if (($ridx + 1) != scalar(@array_format)){ $appendix = substr $format, $ridx + 1; } return $prefix, $appendix, ($ridx - $idx); } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 gen_numric_hostnames Description : Generate numric hostnames. Arguments : $prefix - The prefix string of the hostname. $appendix - The appendix string of the hostname. $len - the numric number length in hostname. $rank - the start number for numric part $amount - the amount of hostnames to be generated. Returns : numric hostname list Example : calling gen_numric_hostnames("compute", "node",2) will return a list like: ("compute00node", "compute01node", ..."compute98node", "compute99node") =cut #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub gen_numric_hostnames { my ($class, $prefix, $appendix, $len, $rank, $amount) = @_; my @hostnames; my $cnt = 0; if ($rank){ $cnt = $rank; } my $maxnum = 10 ** $len; while($cnt < $maxnum) { my $fullnum = $maxnum + $cnt; my $hostname = $prefix.(substr $fullnum, 1).$appendix; push (@hostnames, $hostname); if ($amount && (@hostnames == $amount)){ last; } $cnt++; } return \@hostnames; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 get_hostname_format_type Description : Get hostname format type. Arguments : $format - hostname format Returns : hostname format type value: "numric" - numric hostname format. "rack" - rack info hostname format. Example : calling get_hostname_format_type("compute#NNnode") will return "numric" calling get_hostname_format_type("compute-#RR-#NN") will return "rack" =cut #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub get_hostname_format_type{ my ($class, $format) = @_; my $type; my ($prefix, $appendix, $rlen, $nlen); my $ridx = index $format, "#R"; my $nidx = index $format, "#N"; my $simpname = ""; if ($ridx >= 0){ ($prefix, $appendix, $rlen) = xCAT::ProfiledNodeUtils->split_hostname($format, 'R'); $simpname = $prefix."0".$appendix; ($prefix, $appendix, $nlen) = xCAT::ProfiledNodeUtils->split_hostname($simpname, 'N'); $simpname = $prefix."0".$appendix; if ($rlen >= 10 || $nlen >= 10 || $nlen == 0){ $type = "unknown"; } else{ $type = "rack"; } } elsif ($nidx >= 0){ ($prefix, $appendix, $nlen) = xCAT::ProfiledNodeUtils->split_hostname($format, 'N'); $simpname = $prefix."0".$appendix; if ($nlen >= 10){ $type = "unknown"; } else{ $type = "numric"; } } else{ $type = "unknown"; } # validate whether hostname format includes other invalid characters. if ($type ne "unknown"){ if (! xCAT::NetworkUtils->isValidHostname($simpname)){ $type = "unknown"; } } return $type; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 rackformat_to_numricformat Description : convert rack hostname format into numric hostname format. Arguments : $format - rack hostname format $racknum - rack number. Returns : numric hostname format. Example : calling rackformat_to_numricformat("compute-#RR-#NN", 1) will return "compute-01-#NN" =cut #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub rackformat_to_numricformat{ my ($class, $format, $rackname) = @_; my ($prefix, $appendix, $len) = xCAT::ProfiledNodeUtils->split_hostname($format, 'R'); my %objhash = xCAT::DBobjUtils->getobjdefs({$rackname, "rack"}); my $racknum = $objhash{$rackname}{"num"}; my $maxnum = 10 ** $len; if ($racknum >= $maxnum ){ return undef; } my $fullnum = $maxnum + $racknum; return $prefix.(substr $fullnum, 1).$appendix; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 get_nodes_nic_attrs Description : Get nodes NIC attributes and return a dict. Arguments : $nodelist - nodes list ref. Returns : A hash ref of %nicsattrs for node's nics attributes. keys of %nicsattrs are node names. values of %nicsattrs are nics attrib ref. For each nic attrib ref, the keys are nic names, like: ib0, eth0, bmc... values are attributes of a specific nic, like: type : nic type hostnamesuffix: hostname suffix hostnameprefix: hostname prefix customscript: custom script for this nic network: network name for this nic ip: ip address of this nic. =cut #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub get_nodes_nic_attrs{ my $class = shift; my $nodes = shift; my $nicstab = xCAT::Table->new( 'nics'); my $entry = $nicstab->getNodesAttribs($nodes, ['nictypes', 'nichostnamesuffixes', 'nichostnameprefixes', 'niccustomscripts', 'nicnetworks', 'nicips', 'nicextraparams']); my %nicsattrs; my @nicattrslist; foreach my $node (@$nodes){ if ($entry->{$node}->[0]->{'nictypes'}){ @nicattrslist = split(",", $entry->{$node}->[0]->{'nictypes'}); foreach (@nicattrslist){ my @nicattrs; if ($_ =~ /!/) { @nicattrs = split("!", $_); } else { @nicattrs = split(":", $_); } $nicsattrs{$node}{$nicattrs[0]}{'type'} = $nicattrs[1]; } } if($entry->{$node}->[0]->{'nichostnamesuffixes'}){ @nicattrslist = split(",", $entry->{$node}->[0]->{'nichostnamesuffixes'}); foreach (@nicattrslist){ my @nicattrs; if ($_ =~ /!/) { @nicattrs = split("!", $_); } else { @nicattrs = split(":", $_); } $nicsattrs{$node}{$nicattrs[0]}{'hostnamesuffix'} = $nicattrs[1]; } } if($entry->{$node}->[0]->{'nichostnameprefixes'}){ @nicattrslist = split(",", $entry->{$node}->[0]->{'nichostnameprefixes'}); foreach (@nicattrslist){ my @nicattrs; if ($_ =~ /!/) { @nicattrs = split("!", $_); } else { @nicattrs = split(":", $_); } $nicsattrs{$node}{$nicattrs[0]}{'hostnameprefix'} = $nicattrs[1]; } } if($entry->{$node}->[0]->{'niccustomscripts'}){ @nicattrslist = split(",", $entry->{$node}->[0]->{'niccustomscripts'}); foreach (@nicattrslist){ my @nicattrs; if ($_ =~ /!/) { @nicattrs = split("!", $_); } else { @nicattrs = split(":", $_); } $nicsattrs{$node}{$nicattrs[0]}{'customscript'} = $nicattrs[1]; } } if($entry->{$node}->[0]->{'nicnetworks'}){ @nicattrslist = split(",", $entry->{$node}->[0]->{'nicnetworks'}); foreach (@nicattrslist){ my @nicattrs; if ($_ =~ /!/) { @nicattrs = split("!", $_); } else { @nicattrs = split(":", $_); } $nicsattrs{$node}{$nicattrs[0]}{'network'} = $nicattrs[1]; } } if($entry->{$node}->[0]->{'nicips'}){ @nicattrslist = split(",", $entry->{$node}->[0]->{'nicips'}); foreach (@nicattrslist){ my @nicattrs; if ($_ =~ /!/) { @nicattrs = split("!", $_); } else { @nicattrs = split(":", $_); } $nicsattrs{$node}{$nicattrs[0]}{'ip'} = $nicattrs[1]; } } if($entry->{$node}->[0]->{'nicextraparams'}){ @nicattrslist = split(",", $entry->{$node}->[0]->{'nicextraparams'}); foreach (@nicattrslist){ my @nicattrs; if ($_ =~ /!/) { @nicattrs = split("!", $_); } else { @nicattrs = split(":", $_); } $nicsattrs{$node}{$nicattrs[0]}{'extraparams'} = $nicattrs[1]; } } } return \%nicsattrs; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 get_netprofile_bmcnet Description : Get bmc network name of a network profile. Arguments : $nettmpl - network profile name Returns : bmc network name of this network profile. =cut #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub get_netprofile_bmcnet{ my ($class, $netprofilename) = @_; my $netprofile_nicshash_ref = xCAT::ProfiledNodeUtils->get_nodes_nic_attrs($netprofilename)->{$netprofilename}; my %netprofile_nicshash = %$netprofile_nicshash_ref; if (exists $netprofile_nicshash{'bmc'}{"network"}){ return $netprofile_nicshash{'bmc'}{"network"} }else{ return undef; } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 get_netprofile_provisionnet Description : Get deployment network of a network profile. Arguments : $nettmpl - network profile name Returns : deployment network name of this network profile. =cut #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub get_netprofile_provisionnet{ my ($class, $netprofilename) = @_; my $netprofile_nicshash_ref = xCAT::ProfiledNodeUtils->get_nodes_nic_attrs([$netprofilename])->{$netprofilename}; my %netprofile_nicshash = %$netprofile_nicshash_ref; my $restab = xCAT::Table->new('noderes'); my $installnicattr = $restab->getNodeAttribs($netprofilename, ['installnic']); my $installnic = $installnicattr->{'installnic'}; if ($installnic){ if (exists $netprofile_nicshash{$installnic}{"network"}){ return $netprofile_nicshash{$installnic}{"network"} } } return undef; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 get_output_filename Description : Generate a temp file name for placing output details for profiled node management operations. We make this file generated under /install/ so that clients can access it through http. Arguments : N/A Returns : A temp filename placed under /install/pcm/work/ =cut #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub get_output_filename { my $installdir = xCAT::TableUtils->getInstallDir(); my $pcmworkdir = $installdir."/pcm/work/"; if (! -d $pcmworkdir) { mkpath($pcmworkdir); } return tempfile("hostinfo_result_XXXXXXX", DIR=>$pcmworkdir); } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 get_all_chassis Description : Get all chassis in system. Arguments : hashref: if not set, return a array ref. if set, return a hash ref. type : "all", get all chassis, "cmm", get all chassis whose type is cmm if type not specify, it is 'all' Returns : ref for chassis list. Example : my $arrayref = xCAT::ProfiledNodeUtils->get_all_chassis(); my $hashref = xCAT::ProfiledNodeUtils->get_all_chassis(1); my $hashref = xCAT::ProfiledNodeUtils->get_all_chassis(1, 'cmm'); =cut #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub get_all_chassis { my $class = shift; my $hashref = shift; my $type = shift; my %chassishash; my %chassistype = ('all' => '__Chassis', 'cmm' => '__Chassis_IBM_Flex_chassis'); if (not $type) { $type = 'all'; } my @chassis = xCAT::NodeRange::noderange($chassistype{$type}); if ($hashref){ foreach (@chassis){ $chassishash{$_} = 1; } return \%chassishash; } else{ return \@chassis; } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 get_all_rack Description : Get all rack in system. Arguments : hashref: if not set, return a array ref. if set, return a hash ref. Returns : ref for rack list. Example : my $arrayref = xCAT::ProfiledNodeUtils->get_all_rack(); my $hashref = xCAT::ProfiledNodeUtils->get_all_rack(1); =cut #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub get_all_rack { my $class = shift; my $hashref = shift; my %rackhash = (); my @racklist = (); my $racktab = xCAT::Table->new('rack'); my @racks = $racktab->getAllAttribs(('rackname')); foreach (@racks){ if($_->{'rackname'}){ if ($hashref){ $rackhash{$_->{'rackname'}} = 1; }else { push @racklist, $_->{'rackname'}; } } } if ($hashref){ return \%rackhash; }else{ return \@racklist; } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 get_racks_for_chassises Description : Get rack info for a chassis list. Arguments : $chassislistref - chassis list reference. Returns : A dict ref. keys are chassis name, values are rack name for each chassis. =cut #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub get_racks_for_chassises { my $class = shift; my $chassislistref = shift; my %rackinfodict = (); my $nodepostab = xCAT::Table->new('nodepos'); my $racksref = $nodepostab->getNodesAttribs($chassislistref, ['rack']); foreach (@$chassislistref){ $rackinfodict{$_} = $racksref->{$_}->[0]->{'rack'}; } return \%rackinfodict; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 get_allnode_singleattrib_hash Description : Get all records of a column from a table, then return a hash. The return hash's keys are the records of this attribute and values are all set as 1. Arguments : $tabname - the table name. $attr - the attribute name. Returns : Reference of the records hash. =cut #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub get_allnode_singleattrib_hash { my $class = shift; my $tabname = shift; my $attr = shift; my $table = xCAT::Table->new($tabname); my @entries = $table->getAllNodeAttribs([$attr]); my %allrecords; foreach (@entries) { if ($_->{$attr}){ $allrecords{$_->{$attr}} = 0; } } return \%allrecords; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 get_db_swtiches Description : Get all records of switch config from a table, then return a string list. Arguments : $tabname - the table name. Returns : Reference of the records hash. =cut #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub get_db_switches { my $class = shift; my $table = xCAT::Table->new("switches"); my @attribs = ("switch"); my @entries = $table->getAllAttribs(@attribs); $table->close(); my %allrecords; foreach (@entries) { if ($_->{'switch'}){ $allrecords{$_->{'switch'}} = 0; } } return \%allrecords; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 get_db_swtichports Description : Get all records of switch config from a table, then return a string list. Arguments : $tabname - the table name. Returns : Reference of the records hash. =cut #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub get_db_switchports { my $class = shift; my $table = xCAT::Table->new("switch"); my @attribs = ("switch", "port"); my @entries = $table->getAllAttribs(@attribs); $table->close(); my %allrecords; foreach (@entries) { $allrecords{$_->{'switch'} . "_" . $_->{'port'}} = 0; } return \%allrecords; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 get_all_cecs Description : Get all CEC objects name in system. Arguments : hashref: if not set, return a array ref. if set, return a hash ref. Returns : ref for CECs list. Example : my $arrayref = xCAT::ProfiledNodeUtils->get_all_cecs(); my $hashref = xCAT::ProfiledNodeUtils->get_all_cecs(1); =cut #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub get_all_cecs { my $hashref = shift; my %cecshash; my @cecslist; my $ppctab = xCAT::Table->new('ppc'); my @cecs = $ppctab->getAllAttribsWhere("nodetype = 'cec'", 'node'); foreach (@cecs) { if($_->{'node'}) { if ($hashref) { $cecshash{$_->{'node'}} = 1; } else { push @cecslist, $_->{'node'}; } } } $ppctab->close(); # Return the ref accordingly if ($hashref) { return \%cecshash; } else { return \@cecslist; } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 get_all_lparids Description : Get all LPAR ids in system. Arguments : ref of all cecs Returns : ref for LPAR ids hash. Example : my $arrayref = xCAT::ProfiledNodeUtils->get_all_lparids(\%allcecs); =cut #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub get_all_lparids { my $class= shift; my $cecsref = shift; my %allcecs = %$cecsref; my %lparids; my $ppctab = xCAT::Table->new('ppc'); foreach my $cec (keys %allcecs) { my @ids = $ppctab->getAllAttribsWhere("hcp = '$cec'", 'id'); foreach (@ids) { if ( $_->{'id'} ){ $lparids{$cec}{$_->{'id'}} = 0; } } } $ppctab->close(); return \%lparids; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 is_discover_started Description : Judge whether profiled nodes discovering is running or not. Arguments : NA Returns : 1 - Discover is running 0 - Discover is not started. =cut #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub is_discover_started { my @sitevalues = xCAT::TableUtils->get_site_attribute("__PCMDiscover"); if (! $sitevalues[0]){ return 0; } return 1; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 get_node_profiles Description : Get nodelist's profile and return a hash ref. Arguments : node list. Returns : nodelist's profile hash. keys are node names. values are hash ref. This hash ref is placing the node's profile information: keys can be followings: "NetworkProfile", "ImageProfile", "HardwareProfile" values are the profile names. =cut #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub get_nodes_profiles { my $class = shift; my $nodelistref = shift; my $groupnamemode = shift; my %profile_dict; my $nodelisttab = xCAT::Table->new('nodelist'); my $groupshashref = $nodelisttab->getNodesAttribs($nodelistref, ['groups']); my %groupshash = %$groupshashref; foreach (keys %groupshash){ my $value = $groupshash{$_}; my $groups = $value->[0]->{'groups'}; # groups looks like "__Managed,__NetworkProfile_default_cn,__ImageProfile_rhels6.3-x86_64-install-compute" my @grouplist = split(',', $groups); my @profilelist = ("NetworkProfile", "ImageProfile", "HardwareProfile"); foreach my $group (@grouplist){ foreach my $profile (@profilelist){ my $idx = index ($group, $profile); # The Group starts with __, so index will be 2. if ( $idx == 2 ){ # The group string will like @NetworkProfile_ # So, index should +3, 2 for '__', 1 for _. if ($groupnamemode) { $profile_dict{$_}{$profile} = $group; } else{ my $append_index = length($profile) + 3; $profile_dict{$_}{$profile} = substr $group, $append_index; } last; } } } } return \%profile_dict; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 get_imageprofile_prov_method Description : Get A node's provisioning method from its imageprofile attribute. Arguments : $imgprofilename - imageprofile name Returns : node's provisioning method: install, netboot...etc =cut #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub get_imageprofile_prov_method { # For imageprofile, we can get node's provisioning method through: # nodetype table: node (imageprofile name), provmethod (osimage name) # osimage table: imagename (osimage name), provmethod (node deploy method: install, netboot...) my $class = shift; my $imgprofilename = shift; my $nodetypestab = xCAT::Table->new('nodetype'); my $entry = ($nodetypestab->getAllAttribsWhere("node = '$imgprofilename'", 'ALL' ))[0]; return $entry->{'provmethod'}; #my $osimgtab = xCAT::Table->new('osimage'); #my $osimgentry = ($osimgtab->getAllAttribsWhere("imagename = '$osimgname'", 'ALL' ))[0]; #return $osimgentry->{'provmethod'}; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 get_imageprofile_prov_osvers Description : Get A node's provisioning os version and profile from its imageprofile attribute. Arguments : $imgprofilename - imageprofile name Returns : node's osversion and profile =cut #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub get_imageprofile_prov_osvers { my $class = shift; my $imgprofilename = shift; my $osimgtab = xCAT::Table->new('osimage'); my $osimgentry = ($osimgtab->getAllAttribsWhere("imagename = '$imgprofilename'", 'ALL' ))[0]; my $osversion = $osimgentry->{'osvers'}; my $profile = $osimgentry->{'profile'}; return ($osversion, $profile); } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 check_profile_consistent Description : Check if three profile consistent Arguments : $imageprofile - image profile name $networkprofile - network profile name $hardwareprofile - harware profile name Returns : returncode, errmsg - consistent returncode=1 - consistent returncode=0 - not consistent =cut #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub check_profile_consistent{ my $class = shift; my $imageprofile = shift; my $networkprofile = shift; my $hardwareprofile = shift; # Check the profiles are existing in DB. my @nodegrps = xCAT::TableUtils->list_all_node_groups(); unless(grep{ $_ eq $imageprofile} @nodegrps){ return 0, "Image profile not defined in DB." } unless(grep{ $_ eq $networkprofile} @nodegrps){ return 0, "Network profile not defined in DB." } if ($hardwareprofile){ unless(grep{ $_ eq $hardwareprofile} @nodegrps){ return 0, "Hardware profile not defined in DB." } } # Get Imageprofile arch my $nodetypetab = xCAT::Table->new('nodetype'); my $nodetypeentry = $nodetypetab->getNodeAttribs($imageprofile, ['os','arch']); my $os = $nodetypeentry->{'os'}; my $arch = $nodetypeentry->{'arch'}; $nodetypetab->close(); # Get Imageprofile pkgdir my $osdistroname = $os . "-" . $arch; my $osdistrotab = xCAT::Table->new('osdistro'); my $osdistroentry = ($osdistrotab->getAllAttribsWhere("osdistroname = '$osdistroname'", 'ALL' ))[0]; my $pkgdir = $osdistroentry->{'dirpaths'}; $osdistrotab->close(); # Get networkprofile netboot and installnic my $noderestab = xCAT::Table->new('noderes'); my $noderesentry = $noderestab->getNodeAttribs($networkprofile, ['netboot', 'installnic']); my $netboot = $noderesentry->{'netboot'}; my $installnic = $noderesentry->{'installnic'}; $noderestab->close(); # Get networkprofile nictypes my $netprofile_nicshash_ref = xCAT::ProfiledNodeUtils->get_nodes_nic_attrs([$networkprofile])->{$networkprofile}; my %netprofile_nicshash = %$netprofile_nicshash_ref; my $nictype = undef; foreach (keys %netprofile_nicshash) { my $value = $netprofile_nicshash{$_}{'type'}; if (($value eq 'FSP') or ($value eq 'BMC')) { $nictype = $value; } } #Get hardwareprofile mgt my $nodehmtab = xCAT::Table->new('nodehm'); my $mgtentry = $nodehmtab->getNodeAttribs($hardwareprofile, ['mgt']); my $mgt = undef; $mgt = $mgtentry->{'mgt'} if ($mgtentry->{'mgt'}); $nodehmtab->close(); #Get hardwareprofile nodetype my $ppctab = xCAT::Table->new('ppc'); my $ntentry = $ppctab->getNodeAttribs($hardwareprofile, ['nodetype']); my $nodetype = undef; $nodetype = $ntentry->{'nodetype'} if ($ntentry->{'nodetype'}); $ppctab->close(); # Checking whether netboot initrd image for Ubuntu ppc64 # This image should be downloaded from internet if ($arch =~ /ppc64/i and $os =~ /ubuntu/i and !(-e "$pkgdir/install/netboot/initrd.gz")){ return 0, "The netboot initrd is not found in $pkgdir/install/netboot, please download it firstly."; } # Check if exists provision network if (not ($installnic and exists $netprofile_nicshash{$installnic}{"network"})){ return 0, "Provisioning network not defined for network profile." } # Remove check mechanism about arch and netboot attribute # Attribute 'neboot' will be generated based on arch, management method, os # Profile consistent keys, arch=>netboot, mgt=>nictype #my $ppc_netboot = 'yaboot'; #if( $os =~ /rhels7/ ){ # $ppc_netboot = 'grub2'; #} #my %profile_dict = ('x86' => 'xnba','x86_64' => 'xnba', 'ppc64' => $ppc_netboot, # 'ppc64el' => $ppc_netboot, # 'fsp' => 'FSP', 'ipmi' => 'BMC'); # Check if imageprofile is consistent with networkprofile #if ($profile_dict{$arch} ne $netboot) { # return 0, "Imageprofile's arch is not consistent with networkprofile's netboot." #} # Check if networkprofile is consistent with hardwareprofile if (not $hardwareprofile) { # Not define hardwareprofile if (not $nictype) { # Networkprofile is not fsp or bmc return 1, ""; }elsif ($nictype eq 'FSP' or $nictype eq 'BMC') { return 0, "$nictype networkprofile must use with hardwareprofile."; } } my %mgt_dict = ('fsp' => 'FSP', 'ipmi' => 'BMC', 'kvm' => ''); if ($mgt eq 'vm') { return 1, ""; } if ($nodetype eq 'lpar') { if ($nictype) { # Can not associate FSP/BMC network if the node type is lpar return 0, "The node with hardware type $nodetype can not use with $nictype networkprofile."; } return 1, "" } if ($mgt and $mgt_dict{$mgt} ne $nictype) { my $errmsg = "$mgt hardwareprofile must use with $mgt_dict{$mgt} networkprofile."; if ( $mgt eq 'kvm' ) { $errmsg = "$mgt hardwareprofile must use with non-BMC and non-FSP networkprofile." } return 0, $errmsg; } return 1, ""; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 is_fsp_node Description : Judge whether nodes use fsp. Arguments : $node - node name Returns : 1 - Use fsp 0 - Not use fsp =cut #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub is_fsp_node { my $class = shift; my $node = shift; my $nicstab = xCAT::Table->new('nics'); my $entry = $nicstab->getNodeAttribs($node, ['nictypes']); $nicstab->close(); if ($entry->{'nictypes'}){ my @nicattrslist = split(",", $entry->{'nictypes'}); foreach (@nicattrslist){ my @nicattrs; if ($_ =~ /!/) { @nicattrs = split("!", $_); } else { @nicattrs = split(":", $_); } if ($nicattrs[1] eq 'FSP'){ return 1; } } } return 0; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 get_nodes_cmm Description : Get the CMM of nodelist Arguments : $nodelist - the ref of node list array Returns : $cmm - the ref of hash like { "cmm1" => 1, "cmm2" => 1 } =cut #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub get_nodes_cmm { my $class = shift; my $nodelistref = shift; my @nodes = @$nodelistref; my %returncmm; my $mptab = xCAT::Table->new('mp'); my $entry = $mptab->getNodesAttribs($nodelistref, ['mpa']); $mptab->close(); foreach (@nodes) { my $mpa = $entry->{$_}->[0]->{'mpa'}; if ($mpa and not exists $returncmm{$mpa}){ $returncmm{$mpa} = 1; } } return \%returncmm } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 parse_nodeinfo_file Description: Parse node info file content. And put node info into 2 global vals: @::profiledNodeObjNames and %::profiledNodeAttrs. @::profiledNodeObjNames: recording all nodes' names. %::profiledNodeAttrs: recording all nodes' attributes. Arguments: $filedata: node info file content string. Returns: ($retcode, $msgstr). $retcode = 1. Parse success, the format of this file is OK. $retcode = 0. Parse failed, there are some errors in this file. Detailed errors will be set in $msgstr. =cut #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub parse_nodeinfo_file { my($class, $filedata) = @_; @::profiledNodeObjNames = (); %::profiledNodeAttrs = (); my @lines = split /\n/, $filedata; my $obj_found = 0; my $attr_found = 0; my $null_obj; my ($objname, $append); foreach my $line (@lines){ # skip blank and comment lines next if ($line =~ /^\s*$/ || $line =~ /^\s*#/); # The line ends with : if (grep(/:\s*$/, $line)){ $attr_found = 0; $null_obj = $line; ($objname, $append) = split(/:/, $line); $objname =~ s/^\s*//; # Remove any leading whitespace $objname =~ s/\s*$//; # Remove any trailing whitespace # OK we've found one object. if ($objname){ $obj_found = 1; push(@::profiledNodeObjNames, $objname); }else{ return 0, "No node name defined in line \'$line\'"; } } # The line has = elsif (($line =~ /^\s*(.*?)\s*=\s*(.*)\s*/)){ # No one object clarified yet. So this file format is illegal. if (! $obj_found){ return 0, "No node defined before line \'$line\'"; } $attr_found = 1; my $attr = $1; my $val = $2; $attr =~ s/^\s*//; # Remove any leading whitespace $attr =~ s/\s*$//; # Remove any trailing whitespace $val =~ s/^\s*//; $val =~ s/\s*$//; # remove spaces and quotes $val =~ s/^\s*"\s*//; $val =~ s/\s*"\s*$//; if($attr && $val){ $::profiledNodeAttrs{$objname}{$attr} = $val; }else{ return 0, "Line \'$line\' does not contain a valid key and value"; } } #invalid line. else{ return 0, "Invalid Line \'$line\' found"; } } # Defined object has no attributes if (! $attr_found){ return 0, "Invalid Line \'$null_obj\' found"; } return 1, ""; } #------------------------------------------------------- =head3 update the table prodkey, in order to support windows per node license key Returns: $retcode. $retcode = 1. update failed, the value is undef $retcode = 0. save into db is OK.. =cut #------------------------------------------------------- sub update_windows_prodkey { my $class = shift; my $node = shift; my $product = shift; my $key = shift; unless(defined($node) && defined($product) && defined($key)) { return 1; } # please notice this db usage my %keyhash; my %updates; $keyhash{'node'} = $node; $updates{'product'} = $product; $updates{'key'} = $key; my $tab = xCAT::Table->new('prodkey', -create=>1, -autocommit=>0); $tab->setAttribs( \%keyhash,\%updates ); $tab->commit; $tab->close; return 0; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 check_nicips Description: Check if the nicips defined in MAC file is correct format Arguments: $installnic: the installnic defined in networkprofile $netprofileattrsref: the attributes of all nics in networkprofile $freeipshash: the hash of networks' staticrange $nicips: the string of nicips defined in MAC file Returns: ($retcode, $output, $errmsg). $retcode = 1. Parse failed, there are some errors in nicips string. Detailed errors will be set in $errmsg. $retcode = 0. Parse success, the format of nicips is OK.. =cut #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub check_nicips{ my $class = shift; my $installnic = shift; my $netprofileattrsref = shift; my $freeipshash = shift; my $othernics = shift; my $errmsg = ""; my %nics_hash = (); my %netprofileattr = %$netprofileattrsref; foreach my $nic_ips (split(/,/, $othernics)) { my @nic_and_ips = (); my $nic = ""; my $nic_ip = ""; if($nic_ips =~ /!/ and $nic_ips !~ /!$/) { @nic_and_ips = split(/!/, $nic_ips); my $len = @nic_and_ips; $nic = $nic_and_ips[0]; $nic_ip = $nic_and_ips[1]; if (exists $nics_hash{$nic} or $len ne 2) { $errmsg = "The specified nicips is incorrect. It must be formatted correctly, in the form: !,!,..."; return (1, "", $errmsg); } # Check whether other interfaces contain provision nic if ($nic eq $installnic) { $errmsg = "The specified nicips cannot contain NICs used for provisioning."; return (1, "", $errmsg); } # Check whether this interface is defined in networkprofile unless (exists $netprofileattr{$nic}){ $errmsg = "The specified nicips contains NICs that are not defined in the network profile."; return (1, "", $errmsg); } # Check whether specified IP is in each network's static range my $nicnetwork = $netprofileattr{$nic}{'network'}; my $freeipsref = $freeipshash->{$nicnetwork}; unless (grep{ $_ eq $nic_ip} @$freeipsref){ $errmsg = "Specified IP address $nic_ip not in static range of network $netprofileattr{$nic}{'network'}"; return (1, "", $errmsg); } }else { $errmsg = "The specified nicips is incorrect. It must be formatted correctly, in the form: !,!,..."; return (1, "", $errmsg); } $nics_hash{$nic} = $nic_ip; } return (0, \%nics_hash, ""); } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 gen_chain_for_profiles Description: Generate a chain string based on Network/Hardware/Image profiles. Arguments: $profiles_hash: The reference for profiles hash. For example: $profiles_hash = { 'HardwareProfile' => 'IBM_NeXtScale_M4', 'ImageProfile' => 'rhels6.5-x86_64-stateful-compute', 'NetworkProfile' => 'default_network_profile', } $hw_reconfig: the flag shows whether we need re-configure all hardware relative settings or not: like runcmds, runimg...etc Returns: ($retcode, $chain) $retcode = 1. Generate chain failed, $chain stands for error message. $retcode = 0. Generate chain OK. $chain stands for the chain string. =cut #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub gen_chain_for_profiles{ my $class = shift; my $profiles_hashref = shift; my $hw_reconfig = shift; my $final_chain = ""; if (! $profiles_hashref){ return (1, "Missing parameter for gen_chain_for_profiles."); } # A node must have at least imageprofile and network profile. unless (defined $profiles_hashref->{'ImageProfile'}){ return (1, "No imageprofile specified in profiles hash."); } unless (defined $profiles_hashref->{'NetworkProfile'}){ return (1, "No networkprofile specified in profiles hash."); } my $hwprofile = $profiles_hashref->{'HardwareProfile'}; my $imgprofile = $profiles_hashref->{'ImageProfile'}; my $netprofile = $profiles_hashref->{'NetworkProfile'}; # Get node's provisioning method my $provmethod = xCAT::ProfiledNodeUtils->get_imageprofile_prov_method($imgprofile); unless ($provmethod ){ return (1, "Can not get provisioning method for image profile $imgprofile"); } my $netprofileattr = xCAT::ProfiledNodeUtils->get_nodes_nic_attrs([$netprofile])->{$netprofile}; unless ($netprofileattr){ return (1, "Can not get attributes for network profile $netprofile"); } $final_chain = 'osimage='.$provmethod.":--noupdateinitrd"; # get the chain attribute from hardwareprofile and insert it to node. if (defined $hwprofile and $hwprofile and $hw_reconfig){ my $chaintab = xCAT::Table->new('chain'); my $chain = $chaintab->getNodeAttribs($hwprofile, ['chain']); if (exists $chain->{'chain'}) { my $hw_chain = $chain->{'chain'}; $final_chain = $hw_chain.',osimage='.$provmethod.":--noupdateinitrd"; } } #run bmcsetups. if ((exists $netprofileattr->{"bmc"}) and $hw_reconfig){ if (index($final_chain, "runcmd=bmcsetup") == -1){ $final_chain = 'runcmd=bmcsetup,'.$final_chain.':reboot4deploy'; } else{ $final_chain = $final_chain.':reboot4deploy'; } } return (0, $final_chain); } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 get_all_vmhosts Description : Get all vm hosts/hypervisor from DB. Arguments : N/A Returns : ref for vm hosts/hypervisor hash. Example : my $hashref = xCAT::ProfiledNodeUtils->get_all_vmhosts(); =cut #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub get_all_vmhosts { my %vmhostshash; my $nodelisttab = xCAT::Table->new('nodelist'); # groups like '__Hypervisor_pkvm' means this node is Power KVM hypervisor my @vmhosts = $nodelisttab->getAllAttribsWhere("groups like '%__Hypervisor_kvm%'", 'node'); foreach (@vmhosts) { if($_->{'node'}) { $vmhostshash{$_->{'node'}} = 1; } } $nodelisttab->close(); # Return the ref accordingly return \%vmhostshash; }