# Sample job command template file used to generate cluster rolling update
# jobs that will be submitted to LoadLeveler.
# Use this template with the Rolling Update "update_all" feature
#   It only uses a node count and not a specific hostlist
# xCAT will substitute the following when creating the LL job command files:
#  [[NODESET]]   -  the update group name for the nodes in this reservation
#  [[JOBDIR]]    -  the directory specified in the rollupdate input stanza
#                   jobdir entry
#  [[LLCOUNT]] - REQUIRED - used by xCAT to set the number of machines to 
#                   reserve
#  [[UPDATEALLFEATURE]] - REQUIRED - used by xCAT to control the rolling update
#  [[MUTEXRESOURCES]] - the resources xCAT created for max_updates
# @ job_name = rollupdate_[[NODESET]]
# @ job_type = parallel
# @ node_usage = not_shared
# @ restart = no
# @ error   = [[JOBDIR]]/rollupdate_[[NODESET]].$(Host).$(Cluster).$(Process).err
# @ output  = [[JOBDIR]]/rollupdate_[[NODESET]].$(Host).$(Cluster).$(Process).out
# @ node = [[LLCOUNT]] 
# @ requirements = (Feature == "[[UPDATEALLFEATURE]]")
# @ step_resources = [[MUTEXRESOURCES]]
# @ queue