#-- Do not remove following line if you want to make use of CVS version tracking
#-- $Id: compute.postinstall,v 1.21 2008/09/04 12:05:45 sikorsky Exp $
#-- jurij.sikorsky@t-systems.cz
#-- this script is run after all packages from $profile.pkglist are installed
#-- it gets these arguments:
#-- $1 = install root (chroot directory for profile)
#-- $2 = OS version
#-- $3 = architecture
#-- $4 = profile name
#-- $5 = work dir (where genimage is located)

#-- Example how /etc/fstab can be automatically generated during image generation:
#cat <<END >$installroot/etc/fstab
#proc            /proc    proc   rw 0 0
#sysfs           /sys     sysfs  rw 0 0
#devpts          /dev/pts devpts rw,gid=5,mode=620 0 0
#${profile}_${arch}      /        tmpfs  rw 0 1
#none            /tmp     tmpfs  defaults,size=10m 0 2
#none            /var/tmp tmpfs  defaults,size=10m 0 2

#-- Example of booted image versioning
#-- We want to know, with what configuration (version of the image) each node was booted.
#-- Hence, we keep image definition files and postscripts in CVS. During image generation we create file /etc/IMGVERSION and fill it with CVS "$Id$" of files with image definition (.pkglist, .exlist, .repolist, .postinstall). Then, during boot, each  "CVS enabled" postscript (see /install/postscripts/cvs_template.sh and /install/postscripts/cvs_template.pl) adds one line to /etc/IMGVERSION. Then you can determine in any time what image you are running and what postscipts in which versions were run.
#cat /dev/null > $installroot/etc/IMGVERSION
#for ext in pkglist exlist postinstall repolist; do
#  [ -r $workdir/$profile.$ext ] && cat $workdir/$profile.$ext | grep -E '^[[:space:]]*#.*[[:space:]]\$Id' >> $installroot/etc/IMGVERSION