=head1 Name

B<rcons> - remotely accesses the serial console of a node

=head1 B<Synopsis>

B<rcons> I<singlenode>

B<rcons> [I<-h>|I<--help>|I<-v>|I<--version>]

=head1 B<Description>

B<rcons> provides access to a single remote node serial console.

=head1 B<Options>

=over 5

=item B<-h>|B<--help>

Print help.

=item B<-v>|B<--version>

Print version.


=head1 B<Files>

B<nodehm> table -
xCAT  node hardware management table.  See B<nodehm(5)> for
further details.  This is used  to  determine  the  console  access

=head1 B<Examples>

B<rcons> I<node5>

=head1 B<See> B<Also>
