/* * jsTree 0.7 * * Copyright (c) 2008 Ivan Bozhanov (vakata.com) * * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses: * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html * * Date: 2008-08-19 * */ function tree_component () { return { settings : { data : { type : "predefined", // ENUM [json, xml_flat, xml_nested, predefined] async : false, // BOOL - async loading onopen url : false, // FALSE or STRING - url to document to be used (async or not) json : false // FALSE or OBJECT if type is JSON and async is false - the tree dump as json }, dflt : false, // FALSE or STRING languages : [], // ARRAY of string values (which will be used as CSS classes - si they must be valid) path : false, // FALSE or STRING (if false - will be autodetected) cookies : false, // FALSE or OBJECT (prefix, opts - from jqCookie - expires, path, domain, secure) ui : { dots : true, // BOOL - dots or no dots rtl : false, // BOOL - is the tree right-to-left animation : 0, // INT - duration of open/close animations in miliseconds hover_mode : true // SHOULD get_* functions chage focus or change hovered item }, rules : { multiple : false, // FALSE | CTRL | ON - multiple selection off/ with or without holding Ctrl metadata : false, // FALSE or STRING - attribute name (use metadata plugin) type_attr : "rel", // STRING attribute name (where is the type stored if no metadata) multitree : false, // BOOL - is drag n drop between trees allowed createat : "bottom", // STRING (top or bottom) new nodes get inserted at top or bottom use_inline : false, // CHECK FOR INLINE RULES - REQUIRES METADATA clickable : "all", // which node types can the user select | default - all renameable : "all", // which node types can the user select | default - all deletable : "all", // which node types can the user delete | default - all creatable : "all", // which node types can the user create in | default - all draggable : "none", // which node types can the user move | default - none | "all" dragrules : "none" // what move operations between nodes are allowed | default - none | "all" }, lang : { new_node : "New folder", loading : "Loading ..." }, callback : { // various callbacks to attach custom logic to // before focus - should return true | false beforechange: function(NODE,TREE_OBJ) { return true }, // before move - should return true | false beforemove : function(NODE,REF_NODE,TYPE,TREE_OBJ) { return true }, // before create - should return true | false beforecreate: function(NODE,REF_NODE,TYPE,TREE_OBJ) { return true }, // before rename - should return true | false beforerename: function(NODE,LANG,TREE_OBJ) { return true }, // before delete - should return true | false beforedelete: function(NODE,TREE_OBJ) { return true }, onchange : function(NODE,TREE_OBJ) { }, // focus changed onrename : function(NODE,LANG,TREE_OBJ) { }, // node renamed ISNEW - TRUE|FALSE, current language onmove : function(NODE,REF_NODE,TYPE,TREE_OBJ) { }, // move completed (TYPE is BELOW|ABOVE|INSIDE) oncopy : function(NODE,REF_NODE,TYPE,TREE_OBJ) { }, // copy completed (TYPE is BELOW|ABOVE|INSIDE) oncreate : function(NODE,REF_NODE,TYPE,TREE_OBJ) { }, // node created, parent node (TYPE is insertAt) ondelete : function(NODE, TREE_OBJ) { }, // node deleted onopen : function(NODE, TREE_OBJ) { }, // node opened onclose : function(NODE, TREE_OBJ) { }, // node closed error : function(TEXT, TREE_OBJ) { }, // error occured // double click on node - defaults to open/close & select ondblclk : function(NODE, TREE_OBJ) { TREE_OBJ.toggle_branch.call(TREE_OBJ, NODE); TREE_OBJ.select_branch.call(TREE_OBJ, NODE); }, // right click - to prevent use: EV.preventDefault(); EV.stopPropagation(); return false onrgtclk : function(NODE, TREE_OBJ, EV) { } } }, // INITIALIZATION init : function(elem, opts) { var _this = this; this.container = $(elem); // MERGE OPTIONS WITH DEFAULTS if(opts && opts.cookies) { this.settings.cookies = $.extend({},this.settings.cookies,opts.cookies); delete opts.cookies; if(!this.settings.cookies.opts) this.settings.cookies.opts = {}; } if(opts && opts.callback) { this.settings.callback = $.extend({},this.settings.callback,opts.callback); delete opts.callback; } if(opts && opts.data) { this.settings.data = $.extend({},this.settings.data,opts.data); delete opts.data; } if(opts && opts.ui) { this.settings.ui = $.extend({},this.settings.ui,opts.ui); delete opts.ui; } if(opts && opts.rules) { this.settings.rules = $.extend({},this.settings.rules,opts.rules); delete opts.rules; } if(opts && opts.lang) { this.settings.lang = $.extend({},this.settings.lang,opts.lang); delete opts.lang; } this.settings = $.extend({},this.settings,opts); // PATH TO IMAGES AND XSL if(this.settings.path == false) { this.path = ""; $("script").each( function () { if(this.src.toString().match(/tree_component.js$/)) { _this.path = this.src.toString().replace("tree_component.js", ""); } }); } else this.path = this.settings.path; // DEAL WITH LANGUAGE VERSIONS this.current_lang = this.settings.languages && this.settings.languages.length ? this.settings.languages[0] : false; if(this.settings.languages && this.settings.languages.length) { this.sn = get_sheet_num("tree_component.css"); var st = false; var id = this.container.attr("id") ? "#" + this.container.attr("id") : ".tree"; for(var ln = 0; ln < this.settings.languages.length; ln++) { st = add_css(id + " ." + this.settings.languages[ln], this.sn); if(st !== false) { if(this.settings.languages[ln] == this.current_lang) st.style.display = "inline"; else st.style.display = "none"; } } } this.container.addClass("tree").css({ position: "relative" }); if(this.settings.ui.rtl) this.container.addClass("rtl"); if(this.settings.rules.multiple) this.selected_arr = []; this.recent_range = []; this.offset = this.container.offset(); this.container.css({ position : "" }); if(this.settings.ui.dots == false) this.container.addClass("no_dots"); this.hovered = false; this.locked = false; // CREATE DUMMY FOR MOVING if(this.settings.rules.draggable != "none" && this.settings.rules.dragrules != "none") { var _this = this; $("") .attr({ id : "marker", src : _this.path + "images/marker.gif" }) .css({ height : "5px", width : "40px", display : "block", position : "absolute", left : "30px", top : "30px" }).hide().appendTo("body"); } this.refresh(); this.attachEvents(); }, // REPAINT TREE refresh : function () { if(this.locked) return this.error("LOCKED"); var _this = this; // SAVE SELECTED this.settings.dflt = (this.selected) ? "#" + this.selected.attr("id") : this.settings.dflt; if(this.settings.cookies) { var str = $.cookie(this.settings.cookies.prefix + '_selected'); if(str) this.settings.dflt = "#" + str; } this.opened = Array(); if(this.settings.cookies) { var str = $.cookie(this.settings.cookies.prefix + '_open'); if(str && str.length) str = str.split(","); else str = []; if(str.length) this.opened = str; } else { this.container.find("li.open").each(function (i) { _this.opened.push(this.id); }); } if(this.settings.data.type == "xml_flat" || this.settings.data.type == "xml_nested") { this.scrtop = this.container.get(0).scrollTop; var xsl = (this.settings.data.type == "xml_flat") ? "flat.xsl" : "nested.xsl"; this.container.getTransform(this.path + xsl, this.settings.data.url, { callback: function () { _this.reselect.apply(_this); } }); return; } else if(this.settings.data.type == "json") { if(this.settings.data.json) { this.container.html(""); this.container.find("li:last-child").addClass("last").end().find("li:has(ul)").not(".open").addClass("closed"); this.container.find("li").not(".open").not(".closed").addClass("leaf"); this.reselect(); } else { var _this = this; $.getJSON(this.settings.data.url, { id : 0 }, function (data) { var str = ""; for(var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { str += _this.parseJSON(data[i]); } _this.container.html(""); _this.container.find("li:last-child").addClass("last").end().find("li:has(ul)").not(".open").addClass("closed"); _this.container.find("li").not(".open").not(".closed").addClass("leaf"); _this.reselect.apply(_this); }); } } else { this.container.find("li:last-child").addClass("last").end().find("li:has(ul)").not(".open").addClass("closed"); this.container.find("li").not(".open").not(".closed").addClass("leaf"); this.reselect(); } }, // CONVERT JSON TO HTML parseJSON : function (data) { var str = ""; str += "
  • "; } } else { str += ""; } if(data.children && data.children.length) { str += ''; } str += "
  • "; return str; }, // getJSON from HTML getJSON : function (nod) { if(!nod || $(nod).size() == 0) nod = this.container.find("li:eq(0)"); else nod = $(nod); var _this = this; var obj = { attributes : {}, data : false, icons : false }; nod_d = nod.get(0); for(i in nod_d.attributes) { obj.attributes[nod_d.attributes[i].name] = nod_d.attributes[i].value; } var a = nod.children("a"); if(a.size() > 1) { obj.data = []; obj.icons = []; a.each(function () { obj.data.push(this.innerHTML); obj.icons.push(this.style.backgroundImage.replace("url(","").replace(")","")); }); } else { obj.data = a.text(); obj.icons = a.css("backgroundImage"); } if(nod.children("ul").size() > 0) { obj.children = []; nod.children("ul").children("li").each(function () { obj.children.push(_this.getJSON(this)); }); } return obj; }, // ALL EVENTS attachEvents : function () { var _this = this; var tmp = this.container.find("li.closed:eq(0)"); if(tmp.size() == 0) tmp = this.container.find("li.leaf:eq(0)"); this.li_height = tmp.height(); if(!this.li_height) this.li_height = 18; this.container .bind("click", function (event) { event.stopPropagation(); return true; }) .listen("click", "li", function(event) { // WHEN CLICK IS ON THE ARROW _this.toggle_branch.apply(_this, [event.target]); event.stopPropagation(); }) .listen("click", "a", function (event) { // WHEN CLICK IS ON THE TEXT OR ICON if(_this.locked) { event.preventDefault(); event.target.blur(); return _this.error("LOCKED"); } _this.select_branch.apply(_this, [event.target, event.ctrlKey || _this.settings.rules.multiple == "on", event.shiftKey]); if(_this.inp) { _this.inp.blur(); } event.preventDefault(); event.target.blur(); return false; }) .listen("dblclick", "a", function (event) { // WHEN DOUBLECLICK ON TEXT OR ICON if(_this.locked) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); event.target.blur(); return _this.error("LOCKED"); } _this.settings.callback.ondblclk.call(null, _this.get_node(event.target).get(0), _this); event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); event.target.blur(); }) .listen("contextmenu", "a", function (event) { if(_this.locked) return _this.error("LOCKED"); return _this.settings.callback.onrgtclk.call(null, _this.get_node(event.target).get(0), _this, event); }) .listen("mouseover", "a", function (event) { if(_this.locked) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); return _this.error("LOCKED"); } if(_this.settings.ui.hover_mode && _this.hovered !== false && event.target.tagName == "A") { _this.hovered.children("a").removeClass("hover"); _this.hovered = false; } }); // ATTACH DRAG & DROP ONLY IF NEEDED if(this.settings.rules.draggable != "none" && this.settings.rules.dragrules != "none") { $(this.container) .listen("mousedown", "a", function (event) { if(_this.locked) return _this.error("LOCKED"); // SELECT LIST ITEM NODE var obj = _this.get_node(event.target); // IF ITEM IS DRAGGABLE if(_this.settings.rules.multiple != false && _this.selected_arr.length > 1 && obj.children("a:eq(0)").hasClass("clicked")) { var counter = 0; for(i in _this.selected_arr) { if(_this.check("draggable", _this.selected_arr[i])) { _this.selected_arr[i].addClass("dragged"); counter ++; } } if(counter > 0) { if(_this.check("draggable", obj)) _this._drag = obj; else _this._drag = _this.container.find("li.dragged:eq(0)"); _this.isdown = true; _this.drag = _this._drag.get(0).cloneNode(true); _this.drag.id = "dragged"; $(_this.drag).children("a").html("Multiple selection").end().children("ul").remove(); } } else { if(_this.check("draggable", obj)) { _this._drag = obj; _this.drag = obj.get(0).cloneNode(true); _this.drag.id = "dragged"; _this.isdown = true; obj.addClass("dragged"); } } obj.blur(); event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); return false; }); $(document) .bind("mousedown", function (event) { event.stopPropagation(); return true; }) .bind("mouseup", function (event) { // CLEAR TIMEOUT FOR OPENING HOVERED NODES WHILE DRAGGING if(_this.to) clearTimeout(_this.to); if(_this.sto) clearTimeout(_this.sto); if(_this.drag && _this.drag.parentNode && _this.drag.parentNode == $(_this.container).get(0)) { $(_this.drag).remove(); // CALL FUNCTION FOR COMPLETING MOVE if(_this.moveType) _this.moved(_this.container.find("li.dragged"), _this.moveRef, _this.moveType); _this.moveType = false; _this.moveRef = false; } // RESET EVERYTHING $("#marker").hide(); _this._drag = false; _this.drag = false; _this.isdown = false; _this.appended = false; _this.container.find("li.dragged").removeClass("dragged"); event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); return false; }) .bind("mousemove", function (event) { if(_this.locked) return _this.error("LOCKED"); if(_this.isdown) { // CLEAR TIMEOUT FOR OPENING HOVERED NODES WHILE DRAGGING if(_this.to) clearTimeout(_this.to); if(!_this.appended) { _this.container.append(_this.drag); _this.po = $(_this.drag).offsetParent().offset({scroll : false}); _this.appended = true; } $(_this.drag).css({ "left" : (event.pageX - _this.po.left - (_this.settings.ui.rtl ? $(_this.drag).width() : -5 ) ), "top" : (event.pageY - _this.po.top + ($.browser.opera ? _this.container.scrollTop() : 0) + 15) }); var cnt = $(event.target).parents(".tree:eq(0)"); if(cnt.size() == 0) { if(_this.sto) clearTimeout(_this.sto); return false; } if(_this.sto) clearTimeout(_this.sto); _this.sto = setTimeout( function() { _this.scrollCheck(event.pageX,event.pageY, cnt); }, 50); var mov = false; var st = cnt.scrollTop(); if(!_this.settings.rules.multitree && cnt.get(0) != _this.container.get(0)) return false; if(event.target.tagName == "A" ) { var goTo = { x : ($(event.target).offset({scroll : false}).left - 1), y : (event.pageY - cnt.offset({scroll : false}).top) } if(cnt.hasClass("rtl")) { goTo.x += $(event.target).width() - 8; } if( (goTo.y + st)%_this.li_height < _this.li_height/3 + 1 ) { mov = "before"; goTo.y = event.pageY - (goTo.y + st)%_this.li_height - 2 ; } else if((goTo.y + st)%_this.li_height > _this.li_height*2/3 - 1 ) { mov = "after"; goTo.y = event.pageY - (goTo.y + st)%_this.li_height + _this.li_height - 2 ; } else { mov = "inside"; goTo.x -= 2; if(cnt.hasClass("rtl")) { goTo.x += 36; } goTo.y = event.pageY - (goTo.y + st)%_this.li_height + Math.floor(_this.li_height/2) - 2 ; if(_this.get_node(event.target).hasClass("closed")) { _this.to = setTimeout( function () { _this.open_branch(_this.get_node(event.target)); }, 500); } } if(_this.checkMove(cnt.find("li.dragged"),$(event.target),mov)) { if(mov == "inside") $("#marker").attr("src", _this.path + "images/plus.gif").width(11); else { if(cnt.hasClass("rtl")) { $("#marker").attr("src", _this.path + "images/marker_rtl.gif").width(40); } else { $("#marker").attr("src", _this.path + "images/marker.gif").width(40); } } _this.moveType = mov; _this.moveRef = event.target; $(_this.drag).children("IMG").remove(); $("#marker").css({ "left" : goTo.x , "top" : goTo.y }).show(); } else { if($(_this.drag).children("IMG").size() == 0) { $(_this.drag).append(""); } _this.moveType = false; _this.moveRef = false; $("#marker").hide(); } } else if(event.target.tagName == "IMG" && event.target.id == "marker") { ; } else { _this.moveType = false; _this.moveRef = false; $("#marker").hide(); } event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); return false; } return true; }); } // ENDIF OF DRAG & DROP FUNCTIONS }, checkMove : function (NODES, REF_NODE, TYPE) { if(this.locked) return this.error("LOCKED"); var _this = this; // OVER SELF OR CHILDREN if(REF_NODE.parents("li.dragged").size() > 0 || REF_NODE.is(".dragged")) return this.error("MOVE: NODE OVER SELF"); // CHECK AGAINST DRAG_RULES if(NODES.size() == 1) { var NODE = NODES.eq(0); if(!this.check("dragrules", [NODE, TYPE, REF_NODE.parents("li:eq(0)")])) return this.error("MOVE: AGAINST DRAG RULES"); } else { var ok = true; NODES.each(function (i) { if(ok == false) return false; if(i > 0) { var ref = NODES.eq( (i - 1) ); var mv = "after"; } else { var ref = REF_NODE; var mv = TYPE; } if(!_this.check("dragrules", [$(this), mv, ref])) ok = false; }); if(ok == false) return this.error("MOVE: AGAINST DRAG RULES"); } // CHECK AGAINST METADATA if(this.settings.rules.use_inline && this.settings.rules.metadata) { var nd = false; if(TYPE == "inside") nd = REF_NODE.parents("li:eq(0)"); else nd = REF_NODE.parents("li:eq(1)"); if(nd.size()) { // VALID CHILDREN CHECK if(typeof nd.metadata()["valid_children"] != "undefined") { var tmp = nd.metadata()["valid_children"]; var ok = true; NODES.each(function (i) { if(ok == false) return false; if($.inArray(_this.get_type(this), tmp) == -1) ok = false; }); if(ok == false) return this.error("MOVE: NOT A VALID CHILD"); } // CHECK IF PARENT HAS FREE SLOTS FOR CHILDREN if(typeof nd.metadata()["max_children"] != "undefined") { if((nd.children("ul:eq(0)").children("li").not(".dragged").size() + NODES.size()) > nd.metadata().max_children) return this.error("MOVE: MAX CHILDREN REACHED"); } // CHECK FOR MAXDEPTH UP THE CHAIN var incr = 0; NODES.each(function (i) { var i = 1; var t = $(this); while(i < 100) { t = t.children("ul:eq(0)"); if(t.size() == 0) break; i ++ } incr = Math.max(i,incr); }); var ok = true; nd.parents("li").each(function(i) { if(ok == false) return false; if($(this).metadata().max_depth) { if( (i + incr) >= $(this).metadata().max_depth) ok = false; } }); if(ok == false) return this.error("MOVE: MAX_DEPTH REACHED"); } } return true; }, // USED AFTER REFRESH reselect : function () { var _this = this; // REOPEN BRANCHES if(this.opened && this.opened.length) { var opn = false; for(var j = 0; j < this.opened.length; j++) { if(this.settings.data.async) { if(this.get_node("#" + this.opened[j]).size() > 0) { opn = true; var tmp = this.opened[j]; delete this.opened[j]; this.open_branch("#" + tmp, true, function () { _this.reselect.apply(_this); } ) } /* if(this.open_branch("#" + this.opened[j], true, function () { _this.reselect.apply(_this); } )) { opn = true; delete this.opened[j]; $.log("Deleted"); } */ } else this.open_branch("#" + this.opened[j], true); } if(this.settings.data.async && opn) return; delete this.opened; } // REPOSITION SCROLL - WHEN QUEUE IMPLEMENTED - SHOULD BE AT THE END if(this.scrtop) { this.container.scrollTop(_this.scrtop); delete this.scrtop; } // RESELECT PREVIOUSLY SELECTED OR DEFAULT if(this.settings.rules.multiple != false && this.selected_arr.length > 1) { var tmp = this.selected_arr; this.selected_arr = []; for(i in tmp) { this.select_branch("#" + tmp[i].attr("id"), true); } } else if(this.settings.dflt && $(this.settings.dflt).size() == 1) { this.selected = $(this.settings.dflt); this.settings.dflt = false; this.select_branch(this.selected); } }, // GET THE EXTENDED LI ELEMENT get_node : function (obj) { var obj = $(obj); return obj.is("li") ? obj : obj.parents("li:eq(0)"); }, // GET THE TYPE OF THE NODE get_type : function (obj) { obj = !obj ? this.selected : this.get_node(obj); if(!obj) return; if(this.settings.rules.metadata) { $.metadata.setType("attr", this.settings.rules.metadata); return obj.metadata().type; } else return obj.attr(this.settings.rules.type_attr); }, // SCROLL CONTAINER WHILE DRAGGING scrollCheck : function (x,y, cntr) { var _this = this; if(!cntr) { var cnt = _this.container; var off = _this.offset; } else { var cnt = cntr; var off = cnt.offset({scroll:false}); } // NEAR TOP if(y - off.top < 20) { cnt.scrollTop(Math.max(cnt.scrollTop()-4,0)); } // NEAR BOTTOM (DETECT HORIZONTAL SCROLL) var h_cor = (cnt.get(0).scrollWidth > cnt.width()) ? 40 : 20; if(cnt.height() - (y - off.top) < h_cor) { cnt.scrollTop(cnt.scrollTop()+4); } // NEAR LEFT if(x - off.left < 20) { cnt.scrollLeft(cnt.scrollLeft()-4); } // NEAR RIGHT if(cnt.width() - (x - off.left) < 40) { cnt.scrollLeft(cnt.scrollLeft()+4); } _this.sto = setTimeout( function() { _this.scrollCheck(x,y,cntr); }, 50); }, check : function (rule, nodes) { if(this.locked) return this.error("LOCKED"); // CHECK LOCAL RULES IF METADATA if(rule != "dragrules" && this.settings.rules.use_inline && this.settings.rules.metadata) { $.metadata.setType("attr", this.settings.rules.metadata); if(typeof this.get_node(nodes).metadata()[rule] != "undefined") return this.get_node(nodes).metadata()[rule]; } if(!this.settings.rules[rule]) return false; if(this.settings.rules[rule] == "none") return false; if(this.settings.rules[rule] == "all") return true; if(rule == "dragrules") return ($.inArray(this.get_type(nodes[0]) + " " + nodes[1] + " " + this.get_type(nodes[2]), this.settings.rules.dragrules) != -1) ? true : false; else return ($.inArray(this.get_type(nodes),this.settings.rules[rule]) != -1) ? true : false; }, hover_branch : function (obj) { if(this.locked) return this.error("LOCKED"); if(this.settings.ui.hover_mode == false) return this.select_branch(obj); var _this = this; var obj = _this.get_node(obj); if(!obj.size()) return this.error("HOVER: NOT A VALID NODE"); // CHECK AGAINST RULES FOR SELECTABLE NODES if(!_this.check("clickable", obj)) return this.error("SELECT: NODE NOT SELECTABLE"); if(this.hovered) this.hovered.children("A").removeClass("hover"); // SAVE NEWLY SELECTED this.hovered = obj; // FOCUS NEW NODE AND OPEN ALL PARENT NODES IF CLOSED this.hovered.children("a").removeClass("hover").addClass("hover"); // SCROLL SELECTED NODE INTO VIEW var off_t = this.hovered.offset({ scroll : false }).top; var beg_t = this.container.offset({ scroll : false }).top; var end_t = beg_t + this.container.height(); var h_cor = (this.container.get(0).scrollWidth > this.container.width()) ? 40 : 20; if(off_t + 5 < beg_t) this.container.scrollTop(this.container.scrollTop() - (beg_t - off_t + 5) ); if(off_t + h_cor > end_t) this.container.scrollTop(this.container.scrollTop() + (off_t + h_cor - end_t) ); }, select_branch : function (obj, multiple, ranged,rangechild) { if(this.locked) return this.error("LOCKED"); if(!obj && this.hovered !== false) obj = this.hovered; var _this = this; var _obj = obj; obj = _this.get_node(obj); if(!obj.size()) return this.error("SELECT: NOT A VALID NODE"); obj.children("a").removeClass("hover"); // CHECK AGAINST RULES FOR SELECTABLE NODES if(!_this.check("clickable", obj)) return this.error("SELECT: NODE NOT SELECTABLE"); if(_this.settings.callback.beforechange.call(null,obj.get(0),_this) === false) return this.error("SELECT: STOPPED BY USER"); // IF multiple AND obj IS ALREADY SELECTED - DESELECT IT if(this.settings.rules.multiple != false && multiple && obj.children("a.clicked").size() > 0) { if ($(obj).parent().children().index(obj) == $(obj).parent().children().index(this.shiftanchor)) { this.shiftanchor=null; } return this.deselect_branch(obj); } if(this.settings.rules.multiple != false && multiple) { //Add obj to selected items due to multiple this.selected_arr.push(obj); } if (ranged && this.shiftanchor != null) { for (var old_obj in this.recent_range) { this.deselect_branch(this.recent_range[old_obj],1); } this.recent_range=[]; var curidx = $(obj).parent().children().index(obj); var previdx = $(obj).parent().children().index(this.shiftanchor); if (curidx >= 0 && previdx >=0) { var firstidx=Math.min(curidx,previdx); var lastidx=Math.max(curidx,previdx); var siblings=$(obj).parent().children(); for (var idx = firstidx+1;idx < lastidx; idx++) { if (this.get_node($(siblings[idx])).children("a.clicked").size() == 0) { this.select_branch($(siblings[idx]),1,false,true); } this.recent_range.push(_this.get_node($(siblings[idx]))); // $(siblings[idx]).children("A").addClass("clicked"); } this.selected_arr.push(obj); this.recent_range.push(obj); } /* else { What to do when shift click tries to go somewhere totally different? too hard for now.. $("#rangedisplay").text(curidx); } */ var sel = window.getSelection(); sel.removeAllRanges(); } else { if (!rangechild) { this.shiftanchor = obj; this.recent_range=[]; this.selected_arr.push(obj); } } if(this.settings.rules.multiple != false && !multiple && !ranged) { //click without ctrl or shift for(i in this.selected_arr) { this.selected_arr[i].children("A").removeClass("clicked"); } this.selected_arr = []; this.selected_arr.push(obj); if(this.selected) this.selected.children("A").removeClass("clicked"); } if(!this.settings.rules.multiple) { if(this.selected) this.selected.children("A").removeClass("clicked"); } // SAVE NEWLY SELECTED this.selected = obj; if(this.settings.ui.hover_mode && this.hovered !== false) { this.hovered.children("A").removeClass("hover"); this.hovered = obj; } // FOCUS NEW NODE AND OPEN ALL PARENT NODES IF CLOSED this.selected.children("a").removeClass("clicked").addClass("clicked").end().parents("li.closed").each( function () { _this.open_branch(this, true); }); // SCROLL SELECTED NODE INTO VIEW var off_t = this.selected.offset({ scroll : false }).top; var beg_t = this.container.offset({ scroll : false }).top; var end_t = beg_t + this.container.height(); var h_cor = (this.container.get(0).scrollWidth > this.container.width()) ? 40 : 20; if(off_t + 5 < beg_t) this.container.scrollTop(this.container.scrollTop() - (beg_t - off_t + 5) ); if(off_t + h_cor > end_t) this.container.scrollTop(this.container.scrollTop() + (off_t + h_cor - end_t) ); this.set_cookie("selected"); this.settings.callback.onchange.call(null, this.selected.get(0), _this); }, deselect_branch : function (obj) { if(this.locked) return this.error("LOCKED"); var _this = this; var obj = this.get_node(obj); obj.children("a").removeClass("clicked"); if(this.settings.rules.multiple != false && this.selected_arr.length > 1) { this.selected_arr = []; this.container.find("a.clicked").filter(":first-child").parent().each(function () { _this.selected_arr.push($(this)); }); if(obj.get(0) == this.selected.get(0)) { this.selected = this.selected_arr[0]; this.set_cookie("selected"); } this.settings.callback.onchange.call(null, this.selected.get(0), _this); } else { if(this.settings.rules.multiple != false) this.selected_arr = []; this.selected = false; this.set_cookie("selected"); this.settings.callback.onchange.call(null, null, _this); } }, toggle_branch : function (obj) { if(this.locked) return this.error("LOCKED"); var obj = this.get_node(obj); if(obj.hasClass("closed")) return this.open_branch(obj); if(obj.hasClass("open")) return this.close_branch(obj); }, open_branch : function (obj, disable_animation, callback) { if(this.locked) return this.error("LOCKED"); var obj = this.get_node(obj); if(!obj.size()) return this.error("OPEN: NO SUCH NODE"); if(this.settings.data.async && obj.find("li").size() == 0) { var _this = this; obj.children("ul:eq(0)").remove().end().append(""); obj.removeClass("closed").addClass("open"); if(this.settings.data.type == "xml_flat" || this.settings.data.type == "xml_nested") { var xsl = (this.settings.data.type == "xml_flat") ? "flat.xsl" : "nested.xsl"; var str = (this.settings.data.url.indexOf("?") == -1) ? "?id=" + obj.attr("id") : "&id=" + obj.attr("id"); obj.children("ul:eq(0)").getTransform(this.path + xsl, this.settings.data.url + str, { repl : true, callback: function (str, json) { if(str.length < 10) { obj.removeClass("closed").removeClass("open").addClass("leaf").children("ul").remove(); if(callback) callback.call(); return; } _this.open_branch.apply(_this, [obj]); if(callback) callback.call(); } }); } else { $.getJSON(this.settings.data.url, { id : obj.attr("id") }, function (data, textStatus) { if(!data || data.length == 0) { obj.removeClass("closed").removeClass("open").addClass("leaf").children("ul").remove(); if(callback) callback.call(); return; } var str = ""; for(var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { str += _this.parseJSON(data[i]); } obj.children("ul:eq(0)").replaceWith(""); obj.find("li:last-child").addClass("last").end().find("li:has(ul)").not(".open").addClass("closed"); obj.find("li").not(".open").not(".closed").addClass("leaf"); _this.open_branch.apply(_this, [obj]); if(callback) callback.call(); }); } return true; } else { if(parseInt(this.settings.ui.animation) > 0 && !disable_animation && !($.browser.msie && $.browser.version < 7) ) { obj.children("ul:eq(0)").css("display","none"); obj.removeClass("closed").addClass("open"); obj.children("ul:eq(0)").slideDown(parseInt(this.settings.ui.animation), function() { $(this).css("display",""); if(callback) callback.call(); }); } else { obj.removeClass("closed").addClass("open"); if(callback) callback.call(); } this.set_cookie("open"); this.settings.callback.onopen.call(null, obj.get(0), this); return true; } }, close_branch : function (obj, disable_animation) { if(this.locked) return this.error("LOCKED"); var _this = this; var obj = this.get_node(obj); if(parseInt(this.settings.ui.animation) > 0 && !disable_animation && !($.browser.msie && $.browser.version < 7) && obj.children("ul:eq(0)").size() == 1) { obj.children("ul:eq(0)").slideUp(parseInt(this.settings.ui.animation), function() { obj.removeClass("open").addClass("closed"); _this.set_cookie("open"); $(this).css("display",""); }); } else { obj.removeClass("open").addClass("closed"); this.set_cookie("open"); } if(this.selected && obj.children("ul:eq(0)").find("a.clicked").size() > 0) { obj.find("li:has(a.clicked)").each(function() { _this.deselect_branch(this); //Commenting this out could preserve selection on close //I could see this as extremely useful, however it could be easy for someone to trip up //with lack of visual cue... perhaps a semi-shaded style for collapsed if wanting to preserve selection }); //I disagree with the following scheme, that an entire group would be selected just for collapsing a selected child.. //if(obj.children("a.clicked").size() == 0) this.select_branch(obj, (this.settings.rules.multiple != false && this.selected_arr.length > 0) ); } this.settings.callback.onclose.call(null, obj.get(0), this); }, open_all : function (obj) { if(this.locked) return this.error("LOCKED"); var _this = this; obj = obj ? $(obj) : this.container; obj.find("li.closed").each( function () { var __this = this; _this.open_branch.apply(_this, [this, true, function() { _this.open_all.apply(_this, [__this]); } ]); }); }, close_all : function () { if(this.locked) return this.error("LOCKED"); var _this = this; $(this.container).find("li.open").each( function () { _this.close_branch(this); }); }, show_lang : function (i) { if(this.locked) return this.error("LOCKED"); if(this.settings.languages[i] == this.current_lang) return true; var st = false; var id = this.container.attr("id") ? "#" + this.container.attr("id") : ".tree"; st = get_css(id + " ." + this.current_lang, this.sn); if(st !== false) st.style.display = "none"; st = get_css(id + " ." + this.settings.languages[i], this.sn); if(st !== false) st.style.display = "block"; this.current_lang = this.settings.languages[i]; return true; }, cycle_lang : function() { if(this.locked) return this.error("LOCKED"); var i = $.inArray(this.current_lang, this.settings.languages); i ++; if(i > this.settings.languages.length - 1) i = 0; this.show_lang(i); }, create : function (type) { if(this.locked) return this.error("LOCKED"); // NOTHING SELECTED if(!this.selected) return this.error("CREATE: NO NODE SELECTED"); if(!this.check("creatable", this.selected)) return this.error("CREATE: CANNOT CREATE IN NODE"); var t = type || this.get_type(); if(this.settings.rules.use_inline && this.settings.rules.metadata) { $.metadata.setType("attr", this.settings.rules.metadata); if(typeof this.selected.metadata()["valid_children"] != "undefined") { if($.inArray(t, this.selected.metadata()["valid_children"]) == -1) return this.error("CREATE: NODE NOT A VALID CHILD"); } if(typeof this.selected.metadata()["max_children"] != "undefined") { if( (this.selected.children("ul:eq(0)").children("li").size() + 1) > this.selected.metadata().max_children) return this.error("CREATE: MAX_CHILDREN REACHED"); } var ok = true; this.selected.parents("li").each(function(i) { if($(this).metadata().max_depth) { if( (i + 1) >= $(this).metadata().max_depth) { ok = false; } } }); if(!ok) return this.error("CREATE: MAX_DEPTH REACHED"); } if(this.selected.hasClass("closed")) { var _this = this; return this.open_branch(this.selected, true, function () { _this.create.apply(_this, [type]); } ); } $li = $("
  • "); // NEW NODE IS OF PASSED TYPE OR PARENT'S TYPE if(this.settings.rules.metadata) { $.metadata.setType("attr", this.settings.rules.metadata); $li.attr(this.settings.rules.metadata, "type: '" + t + "'"); } else { $li.attr(this.settings.rules.type_attr, t) } if(this.settings.languages.length) { for(i = 0; i < this.settings.languages.length; i++) { var val = "New folder"; if(this.settings.lang.new_node) { if((typeof this.settings.lang.new_node).toLowerCase() != "string" && this.settings.lang.new_node[i]) val = this.settings.lang.new_node[i]; else val = this.settings.lang.new_node; } $li.append("" + val + ""); } } else { $li.append("" + (this.settings.lang.new_node || "New folder") + ""); } $li.addClass("leaf"); if(this.settings.rules.createat == "top" || this.selected.children("ul").size() == 0) { this.moved($li,this.selected.children("a:eq(0)"),"inside", true); } else { this.moved($li,this.selected.children("ul:eq(0)").children("li:last").children("a:eq(0)"),"after",true); } this.select_branch($li.children("a:eq(0)")); this.rename(); return $li; }, rename : function () { if(this.locked) return this.error("LOCKED"); if(this.selected) { var _this = this; if(!this.check("renameable", this.selected)) return this.error("RENAME: NODE NOT RENAMABLE"); if(!this.settings.callback.beforerename.call(null,this.selected.get(0), _this.current_lang, _this)) return this.error("RENAME: STOPPED BY USER"); var obj = this.selected; if(this.current_lang) obj = obj.find("a." + this.current_lang).get(0); else obj = obj.find("a:first").get(0); last_value = obj.innerHTML; /* var w_max = 170; var w_min = 10; var c_wid = (obj.offsetWidth - 25); c_wid = Math.max(w_min,c_wid); c_wid = Math.min(w_max,c_wid); */ _this.inp = $(""); _this.inp .bind("mousedown", function (event) { event.stopPropagation(); }) .bind("mouseup", function (event) { event.stopPropagation(); }) .bind("click", function (event) { event.stopPropagation(); }) .bind("keyup", function (event) { var key = event.keyCode || event.which; if(key == 27) { this.blur(); return } if(key == 13) { this.blur(); return } }); _this.inp.blur(function(event) { if(this.value == "") this.value == last_value; $(obj).html( $(obj).parent().find("input").eq(0).attr("value") ).get(0).style.display = ""; $(obj).prevAll("span").remove(); _this.settings.callback.onrename.call(null, _this.get_node(obj).get(0), _this.current_lang, _this); _this.inp = false; }); var spn = $("").addClass(obj.className).append(_this.inp); spn.attr("style", $(obj).attr("style")); obj.style.display = "none"; $(obj).parent().prepend(spn); _this.inp.get(0).focus(); _this.inp.get(0).select(); } else return this.error("RENAME: NO NODE SELECTED"); }, // REMOVE NODES remove : function() { if(this.locked) return this.error("LOCKED"); if(this.selected) { if(!this.check("deletable", this.selected)) return this.error("DELETE: NODE NOT DELETABLE"); if(!this.settings.callback.beforedelete.call(null,this.selected.get(0), _this)) return this.error("DELETE: STOPPED BY USER"); $parent = this.selected.parent(); var obj = this.selected; if(!this.settings.rules.multiple != false || this.selected_arr.length == 1) { var stop = true; this.get_prev(); } obj = obj.remove(); $parent.children("li:last").addClass("last"); if($parent.children("li").size() == 0) { $li = $parent.parents("li:eq(0)"); $li.removeClass("open").removeClass("closed").addClass("leaf").children("ul").remove(); this.set_cookie("open"); } this.selected = false; this.settings.callback.ondelete.call(null, obj, this); if(this.settings.rules.multiple != false && !stop) { var _this = this; this.selected_arr = []; this.container.find("a.clicked").filter(":first-child").parent().each(function () { _this.selected_arr.push($(this)); }); if(this.selected_arr.length > 0) { this.selected = this.selected_arr[0]; this.remove(); } } } else return this.error("DELETE: NO NODE SELECTED"); }, // FOR EXPLORER-LIKE KEYBOARD SHORTCUTS get_next : function() { var obj = this.hovered || this.selected; if(obj) { if(obj.hasClass("open")) return this.hover_branch(obj.find("li:eq(0)")); else if($(obj).nextAll("li").size() > 0) return this.hover_branch(obj.nextAll("li:eq(0)")); else return this.hover_branch(obj.parents("li").next("li").eq(0)); } }, get_prev : function() { var obj = this.hovered || this.selected; if(obj) { if(obj.prev("li").size()) { var obj = obj.prev("li").eq(0); while(obj.hasClass("open")) obj = obj.children("ul:eq(0)").children("li:last"); return this.hover_branch(obj); } else { return this.hover_branch(obj.parents("li:eq(0)")); } } }, get_left : function() { var obj = this.hovered || this.selected; if(obj) { if(obj.hasClass("open")) this.close_branch(obj); else this.get_prev(); } }, get_right : function() { var obj = this.hovered || this.selected; if(obj) { if(obj.hasClass("closed")) this.open_branch(obj); else this.get_next(); } }, toggleDots : function () { this.container.toggleClass("no_dots"); }, set_cookie : function (type) { if(this.settings.cookies === false) return false; switch(type) { case "selected": var val = this.selected ? this.selected.attr("id") : false; $.cookie(this.settings.cookies.prefix + '_selected',val,this.settings.cookies.opts); break; case "open": var str = ""; this.container.find("li.open").each(function (i) { str += this.id + ","; }); $.cookie(this.settings.cookies.prefix + '_open',str.replace(/,$/ig,""),this.settings.cookies.opts); break; } }, moved : function (what, where, how, is_new, is_copy) { var what = $(what); var $parent = $(what).parents("ul:eq(0)"); var $where = $(where); // IF MULTIPLE if(what.size() > 1) { var _this = this; var tmp = this.moved(what.eq(0),where,how, false, is_copy); what.each(function (i) { if(i == 0) return; tmp = _this.moved(this, tmp.children("a:eq(0)"), "after"); }) return; } if(is_new) { if(!this.settings.callback.beforecreate.call(null,this.get_node(what).get(0), this.get_node(where).get(0),how,this)) return; } else { if(!this.settings.callback.beforemove.call(null,this.get_node(what).get(0), this.get_node(where).get(0),how,this)) return; } // ADD NODE TO NEW PLACE switch(how) { case "before": $where.parents("ul:eq(0)").children("li.last").removeClass("last"); $where.parent().before(what.removeClass("last")); $where.parents("ul:eq(0)").children("li:last").addClass("last"); break; case "after": $where.parents("ul:eq(0)").children("li.last").removeClass("last"); $where.parent().after(what.removeClass("last")); $where.parents("ul:eq(0)").children("li:last").addClass("last"); break; case "inside": if(this.settings.data.async) { var obj = this.get_node($where); if(obj.hasClass("closed")) { var _this = this; return this.open_branch(obj, true, function () { _this.moved.apply(_this, [what, where, how, is_new, is_copy]); }) } } if($where.parent().children("ul:first").size()) { if(this.settings.rules.createat == "top") $where.parent().children("ul:first").prepend(what.removeClass("last")).children("li:last").addClass("last"); else $where.parent().children("ul:first").children(".last").removeClass("last").end().append(what.removeClass("last")).children("li:last").addClass("last"); } else { what.addClass("last"); $where.parent().append("