=head1 NAME B - add or delete routes to/from the os route table on nodes. =head1 SYNOPSIS B [B<-r>|B<--routename> I[I<,r2...>]] B B<-d>|B<--delete> [B<-r>|B<--routenames> I[I<,r2...>]] B I [B<-r>|B<--routename> I[I<,r2...>]] B I B<-d>|B<--delete> [B<-r>|B<--routenames> I[I<,r2...>]] B [B<-h> B<--help>|B<-v>|B<--version>] =head1 DESCRIPTION The B command adds or deletes routes on the management node or any given nodes. The B specifies the nodes where the routes are to be added or removed. When the I is omitted, the action will be done on the management node. The B<-r> option specifies the name of routes. The details of the routes are defined in the B table which contians the route name, subnet, net mask and gateway. If -r option is omitted, the names of the routes found on B for the nodes or on B for the management node will be used. If you want the routes be automatically setup during node deployment, first put a list of route names to B and then add I script name to the B for the nodes. =head1 Parameters I specifies the nodes where the routes are to be added or removed. If omitted, the operation will be done on the management node. =head1 OPTIONS =over 10 =item B<-d|--delete> Specifies to delete the given routes. If not specified, the action is to add routes. =item B<-r|--routename> Specifies a list of comma separated route names defined in the B table. If omitted, all routes defined in B for nodes or B for the management node will be used. =item B<-h|--help> Display usage message. =item B<-v|--version> Command Version. =back =head1 EXAMPLES =over 3 =item 1. To add all routes from the B to the os route table for the management node. makeroutes =item 2. To add all the routes from B to the os route table for node1. makeroutes node1 =item 3. To add route rr1 and rr2 to the os route table for the management node. makeroutes -r rr1,rr2 =item 4. To delete route rr1 and rr2 from the os route table on node1 and node1. makeroutes node1,node2 -d -r rr1,rr2 =back =head1 FILES /opt/xcat/sbin/makeroutes =head1 SEE ALSO