#step 1, determine the realm and such DNSDOMAIN=`dnsdomainname` UPDNSDOMAIN=`echo $DNSDOMAIN|tr a-z A-Z` LDAPBASEDN=dc=`echo $DNSDOMAIN|sed -e 's/\./,dc=/'` HOSTPRINC=`hostname` #generate a random 32 character password MYPASS=$(tr -dc A-Za-z0-9 /etc/krb5.hostpass umask $OLDUMASK #ok, time for ldap LDAPSRV=`host -t SRV _ldap._tcp.$DNSDOMAIN|awk '{print $NF}'` #sed -ie 's/#uri ldap:\/\/ ldap:\/\/$LDAPSRV\//' /etc/nslcd.conf #sed -ie 's/# base dc.*/base $LDAPBASEDN/' /etc/nslcd.conf echo use_sasl on >> /etc/nslcd.conf echo sasl_mech GSSAPI >> /etc/nslcd.conf echo sasl_secprops maxssf=0 >> /etc/nslcd.conf echo krb5_ccname /var/run/ldap_krb5cc >> /etc/nslcd.conf sed -i '/# Mappings for Active Directory/,/^[^#]/ s/^#\([^ ]\)/\1/' /etc/nslcd.conf authconfig --update --enableldap --ldapserver=$LDAPSRV --ldapbasedn=$LDAPBASEDN echo 'kinit '$HOSTPRINC'-c /var/run/ldap_krb5cc < /etc/krb5.hostpass >& /dev/null' >> /etc/rc.local echo 'kinit '$HOSTPRINC'-c /var/run/ldap_krb5cc < /etc/krb5.hostpass >& /dev/null' >> /etc/cron.hourly/nslcdkrb.cron chmod +x /etc/cron.hourly/nslcdkrb.cron fi #TODO: SLES/maybe RHEL5. Uncomfortable with libnss_ldap without root_krb5_ccname, ldap needs diff credentials per user # or else the host private key must be wide open...