/** * Load update page * * @return Nothing */ function loadUpdatePage() { repositoryDiv = $('
'); rpmDiv = $('
'); updateDiv = $('
'); $('#content').append(repositoryDiv); $('#content').append(rpmDiv); $('#content').append(updateDiv); repositoryDiv.append("


"); $.ajax( { url : 'lib/systemcmd.php', dataType : 'json', data : { cmd : 'ostype' }, success : showRepository }); rpmDiv.append("

xCAT Update Info

"); $.ajax({ url: 'lib/systemcmd.php', dataType : 'json', data : { cmd : 'rpm -q xCAT-client perl-xCAT xCAT-server xCAT xCAT-rmc xCAT-UI' }, success : showRpmInfo }); } /** * Show the Rpm Repository, it can use user's last choice and input * * @return Nothing */ function showRepository(data) { var DevelRepository = ""; var StableRepository = ""; var Show = ""; //get the corresponding repository by OS Type if ("aix" == data.rsp) { DevelRepository = "http://xcat.sourceforge.net/aix/devel/xcat-core/"; StableRepository = "http://xcat.sourceforge.net/aix/xcat-core/"; } else { DevelRepository = "http://xcat.sourceforge.net/yum/devel/xcat-core/"; StableRepository = "http://xcat.sourceforge.net/yum/xcat-core/"; } //dispaly the Devel Repository, remember user's last selection Show = Show + ""; Show = Show + DevelRepository + "(Devel)
"; $('#repository').append(Show); //dispaly the Stable Repository, remember user's last selection Show = ""; Show = Show + StableRepository + "(Stable)
"; $('#repository').append(Show); //dispaly the Input Repository, remember user's last selection if (($.cookie('xcatrepository')) && (1 != $.cookie('xcatrepository')) && (2 != $.cookie('xcatrepository'))) { Show = "Other:"; Show += ""; } else { Show = "Other:"; Show += ""; } $('#repository').append(Show); } function showRpmInfo(data) { var Rpms = null; var Show = ""; var RpmNames = new Array("xCAT-client","perl-xCAT","xCAT-server","xCAT","xCAT-rmc","xCAT-UI"); var temp = 0; if(null == data.rsp) { $('#rpm').append("Get Rpm Info Error!"); return; } Rpms = data.rsp.split(/\n/); //no rpm installed, return if (1 > Rpms.length) { $('#rpm').append("No Rpm installed!"); return; } Show = ""; Show += ""; Show += ""; Show += ""; Show += ""; $('#rpm').append(Show); for (temp = 0; temp < Rpms.length; temp++) { //empty line continue if ("" == Rpms[temp]) { continue; } //the rpm is not installed, continue if (-1 != Rpms[temp].indexOf("not")) { continue; } //show the version in table Show = ""; Show += ""; Show += ""; Show += ""; $('#rpm').append(Show); } Show = "
Package NameVersion
" + RpmNames[temp] + "" + Rpms[temp].substr(RpmNames[temp].length + 1) + "
"; Show = "" Show += ""; $('#rpm').append(Show); } function updateSelectAll() { var check_status = $('#selectall').attr('checked'); $('input:checkbox').attr('checked', check_status); } function updateRpm() { var rpmPath = $('input[type=radio]:checked').val(); var rpmPathType = "0"; var rpms = ""; var temp = ""; if(undefined == rpmPath) { rpmPath = ""; } //select other and we should use the value in the input if ("" == rpmPath) { //user input the repo, and we must stroe it in the cookie rpmPath = $('#repositoryaddr').val(); rpmPathType = rpmPath; } else { if(-1 == rpmPath.toLowerCase().indexOf("devel")) { rpmPathType = "2"; } else { rpmPathType = "1";; } } $("input[type=checkbox]:checked").each(function(){ temp = $(this).val(); if("" == temp) { //continue; return true; } var pattern = new RegExp("^" + temp + ",|," + temp + ",");; if (pattern.test(rpms)) { return true; } rpms = rpms + temp + ","; }); if(0 < rpms.length) { rpms = rpms.slice(0, -1); } if ("" == rpms) { $('#update').empty(); $('#update').append("Please select the rpm!"); return; } if ("" == rpmPath) { $('#update').empty(); $('#update').append("Please select or input the repository!"); return; } //remember users' choice and input $.cookie('xcatrepository', rpmPathType, { path: '/xcat', expires: 10 }); $('#update').empty(); $('#update').append("

update " + rpms + " from " + rpmPath + "

"); // send the update command to server $.ajax( { url : 'lib/cmd.php', dataType : 'json', data : { cmd : 'webrun', tgt : '', args : 'update;' + rpms + ";" + rpmPath, msg : '' }, success : ShowUpdateResult }); } function ShowUpdateResult(data) { var temp = 0; $('#update').append("Update finished."); for (temp = 0; temp < data.rsp.length; temp++) { $('#update').append(data.rsp[temp] + ""); } }