# IBM(c) 2007 EPL license http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html package xCAT::MellanoxIB; BEGIN { $::XCATROOT = $ENV{'XCATROOT'} ? $ENV{'XCATROOT'} : '/opt/xcat'; } use lib "$::XCATROOT/lib/perl"; use IO::Socket; use Data::Dumper; use xCAT::NodeRange; use xCAT::Utils; use Sys::Syslog; use Expect; use Storable; use strict; #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head1 xCAT::MellanoxIB =head2 Package Description It handles Mellanox IB switch related function. It used the CLI interface of Mellanox IB switch =cut #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 getConfigure It queries the info from the given swithes. Arguments: noderange-- an array ref to switches. callback -- pointer for writes response back to the client. suncommand --- attribute to query about. Returns: 0 --- sucessful none 0 --- unsuccessful. =cut #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub getConfig { my $noderange=shift; if ($noderange =~ /xCAT::MellanoxIB/) { $noderange=shift; } my $callback=shift; my $subreq=shift; my $subcommand=shift; #handle sshcfg with expect script if ($subcommand eq "sshcfg") { return querySSHcfg($noderange,$callback,$subreq); } #get the username and the password my $swstab=xCAT::Table->new('switches',-create=>1); my $sws_hash = $swstab->getNodesAttribs($noderange,['sshusername']); my $passtab = xCAT::Table->new('passwd'); my $ent; ($ent) = $passtab->getAttribs({key => "switch"}, qw(username)); foreach my $node (@$noderange) { my $cmd; my $username; if ($sws_hash->{$node}->[0]) { $username=$sws_hash->{$node}->[0]->{sshusername}; } if (!$username) { if ($ent) { $username=$ent->{username}; } } if (!$username) { $username="xcat"; } if (($subcommand eq "alert") || ($subcommand eq "snmpcfg") || ($subcommand eq "community") || ($subcommand eq "snmpdest")) { $cmd='show snmp'; } elsif ($subcommand eq "logdest") { $cmd='show logging'; } else { my $rsp = {}; $rsp->{error}->[0] = "Unsupported subcommand: $subcommand"; $callback->($rsp); return; } #now goto the switch and get the output my $output = xCAT::Utils->runxcmd({command => ["xdsh"], node =>[$node], arg => ["--devicetype", "IBSwitch::Mellanox", "$cmd"], env=>["DSH_TO_USERID=$username"]}, $subreq, -1, 1); if ($output) { my $result=parseOutput($node, $subcommand, $output); my $rsp = {}; my $i=-1; foreach my $o (@$result) { $i++; $rsp->{data}->[$i] = $o; } $callback->($rsp); } } #end foreach } sub parseOutput { my $node=shift; my $subcommand=shift; my $input=shift; #an array pointer my $output; if ($subcommand eq "alert") { my $done=0; foreach my $tmpstr1 (@$input) { my @b=split("\n", $tmpstr1); foreach my $tmpstr (@b) { if ($tmpstr =~ /Traps enabled:/) { if ($tmpstr =~ /yes/) { $output=["$node: Switch Alerting enabled"]; } else { $output=["$node: Switch Alerting disabled"]; } $done=1; last; } } if ($done) { last;} } if ($output) { return $output; } } elsif ($subcommand eq "snmpcfg") { my $done=0; foreach my $tmpstr1 (@$input) { my @b=split("\n", $tmpstr1); foreach my $tmpstr (@b) { if ($tmpstr =~ /SNMP enabled:/) { if ($tmpstr =~ /yes/) { $output=["$node: SNMP enabled"]; } else { $output=["$node: SNMP disabled"]; } $done=1; last; } } if ($done) { last;} } if ($output) { return $output; } } elsif ($subcommand eq "snmpdest") { my $found=0; my $j=0; my $done=0; foreach my $tmpstr1 (@$input) { my @b=split("\n", $tmpstr1); foreach my $tmpstr (@b) { if ((!$found) && ($tmpstr =~ /Trap sinks:/)) { $found=1; $output->[0]="$node: SNMP Destination:"; next; } if ($tmpstr =~ /Events for which/) { if (!$found) { next; } else { $done=1; last; } } if ($found) { $tmpstr =~ s/$node: //g; $output->[++$j]=$tmpstr; } } if ($done) { last;} } if ($output) { return $output; } } elsif ($subcommand eq "community") { my $done=0; foreach my $tmpstr1 (@$input) { my @b=split("\n", $tmpstr1); foreach my $tmpstr (@b) { if ($tmpstr =~ /Read-only community:/) { my @a=split(':', $tmpstr); my $c_str; if (@a > 2) { $c_str=$a[2]; } $output=["$node: SNMP Community: $c_str"]; $done=1; last; } } if ($done) { last;} } if ($output) { return $output; } } elsif ($subcommand eq "logdest") { foreach my $tmpstr1 (@$input) { my @b=split("\n", $tmpstr1); foreach my $tmpstr (@b) { if ($tmpstr =~ /Remote syslog receiver:/) { my @a=split(':', $tmpstr); my $c_str; if (@a > 2) { for my $i (2..$#a) { $c_str.= $a[$i]. ':'; } chop($c_str); } if ($output) { push(@$output, " $c_str"); } else { $output=["$node: Logging destination:\n $c_str"]; } } } } if ($output) { return $output; } } return $input #an array pointer } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 setConfigure It configures the the given swithes. Arguments: noderange-- an array ref to switches. callback -- pointer for writes response back to the client. suncommand --- attribute to set. Returns: 0 --- sucessful none 0 --- unsuccessful. =cut #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub setConfig { my $noderange=shift; if ($noderange =~ /xCAT::MellanoxIB/) { $noderange=shift; } my $callback=shift; my $subreq=shift; my $subcommand=shift; my $argument=shift; #handle sshcfg with expect script if ($subcommand eq "sshcfg") { if($argument eq "on" or $argument =~ /^en/ or $argument =~ /^enable/) { return setSSHcfg($noderange, $callback, $subreq, 1); } elsif ($argument eq "off" or $argument =~ /^dis/ or $argument =~ /^disable/) { return setSSHcfg($noderange, $callback, $subreq, 0); } else { my $rsp = {}; $rsp->{error}->[0] = "Unsupported argument for sshcfg: $argument"; $callback->($rsp); return; } } #get the username and the password my $swstab=xCAT::Table->new('switches',-create=>1); my $sws_hash = $swstab->getNodesAttribs($noderange,['sshusername']); my $passtab = xCAT::Table->new('passwd'); my $ent; ($ent) = $passtab->getAttribs({key => "switch"}, qw(username)); foreach my $node (@$noderange) { my @cfgcmds; my $username; if ($sws_hash->{$node}->[0]) { $username=$sws_hash->{$node}->[0]->{sshusername}; } if (!$username) { if ($ent) { $username=$ent->{username}; } } if (!$username) { $username="xcat"; #default ssh username } if ($subcommand eq "alert") { if($argument eq "on" or $argument =~ /^en/ or $argument =~ /^enable/) { $cfgcmds[0]="snmp-server enable traps"; } elsif ($argument eq "off" or $argument =~ /^dis/ or $argument =~ /^disable/) { $cfgcmds[0]="no snmp-server enable traps"; } else { my $rsp = {}; $rsp->{error}->[0] = "Unsupported argument for $subcommand: $argument"; $callback->($rsp); return; } } elsif ($subcommand eq "snmpcfg") { if($argument eq "on" or $argument =~ /^en/ or $argument =~ /^enable/) { $cfgcmds[0]="snmp-server enable"; } elsif ($argument eq "off" or $argument =~ /^dis/ or $argument =~ /^disable/) { $cfgcmds[0]="no snmp-server enable"; } else { my $rsp = {}; $rsp->{error}->[0] = "Unsupported argument for $subcommand: $argument"; $callback->($rsp); return; } } elsif ($subcommand eq "community") { $cfgcmds[0]="snmp-server community $argument"; } elsif ($subcommand eq "snmpdest") { my @a=split(' ', $argument); if (@a>1) { if ($a[1] eq 'remove') { $cfgcmds[0]="no snmp-server host $a[0]"; } else { my $rsp = {}; $rsp->{error}->[0] = "Unsupported action for $subcommand: $a[1]\nThe valide action is: remove."; $callback->($rsp); return; } } else { $cfgcmds[0]="snmp-server host $a[0] traps version 2c public"; } } elsif ($subcommand eq "logdest") { #one can run rspconfig <switch> logdest=<ip> level # where level can be: # remove Remove this ip from receiving logging # none Disable logging # emerg Emergency: system is unusable # alert Action must be taken immediately # crit Critical conditions # err Error conditions # warning Warning conditions # notice Normal but significant condition # info Informational messages # debug Debug-level messages my @a=split(' ', $argument); if ((@a>1) && ($a[1] eq 'remove')) { $cfgcmds[0]="no logging $a[0]"; } else { if (@a>1) { if ($a[1] eq "none" || $a[1] eq "emerg" || $a[1] eq "alert" || $a[1] eq "crit" || $a[1] eq "err" || $a[1] eq "warning" || $a[1] eq "notice" || $a[1] eq "info" || $a[1] eq "debug") { $cfgcmds[0]="logging $a[0] trap $a[1]"; } else { my $rsp = {}; $rsp->{error}->[0] = "Unsupported loging level for $subcommand: $a[1].\nThe valid levels are: emerg, alert, crit, err, warning, notice, info, debug, none, remove"; $callback->($rsp); return; } } else { $cfgcmds[0]="logging $a[0]"; } } } else { my $rsp = {}; $rsp->{error}->[0] = "Unsupported subcommand: $subcommand"; $callback->($rsp); return; } #now do the real bussiness my $cmd="enable;configure terminal"; foreach (@cfgcmds) { $cmd .= ";$_"; } my $output = xCAT::Utils->runxcmd({command => ["xdsh"], node =>[$node], arg => ["--devicetype", "IBSwitch::Mellanox", "$cmd"], env=>["DSH_TO_USERID=$username"]}, $subreq, -1, 1); #only print out the error if ($::RUNCMD_RC != 0) { if ($output) { my $rsp = {}; my $i=-1; foreach my $o (@$output) { $i++; $rsp->{data}->[$i] = $o; } $callback->($rsp); } } #now qerry return getConfig($noderange, $callback, $subreq, $subcommand); } } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 querySSHcfg It checks if the current host can ssh to the given switches without password. Arguments: noderange-- an array ref to switches. callback -- pointer for writes response back to the client. Returns: 0 --- sucessful none 0 --- unsuccessful. =cut #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub querySSHcfg { my $noderange=shift; if ($noderange =~ /xCAT::MellanoxIB/) { $noderange=shift; } my $callback=shift; my $subreq=shift; #get the username and the password my $swstab=xCAT::Table->new('switches',-create=>1); my $sws_hash = $swstab->getNodesAttribs($noderange,['sshusername']); my $passtab = xCAT::Table->new('passwd'); my $ent; ($ent) = $passtab->getAttribs({key => "switch"}, qw(username)); #get the ssh public key from this host my $fname = ((xCAT::Utils::isAIX()) ? "/.ssh/":"/root/.ssh/")."id_rsa.pub"; unless ( open(FH,"<$fname") ) { $callback->({error=>["Error opening file $fname."],errorcode=>[1]}); return 1; } my ($sshkey) = <FH>; close(FH); chomp($sshkey); my $cmd="enable;show ssh client"; foreach my $node (@$noderange) { my $username; if ($sws_hash->{$node}->[0]) { $username=$sws_hash->{$node}->[0]->{sshusername}; } if (!$username) { if ($ent) { $username=$ent->{username}; } } if (!$username) { $username="xcat"; } #now goto the switch and get the output my $output = xCAT::Utils->runxcmd({command => ["xdsh"], node =>[$node], arg => ["--devicetype", "IBSwitch::Mellanox", "$cmd"], env=>["DSH_TO_USERID=$username"]}, $subreq, -1, 1); if ($output) { my $keys=getMatchingKeys($node, $username, $output, $sshkey); my $rsp = {}; if (@$keys > 0) { $rsp->{data}->[0] = "$node: SSH enabled"; } else { $rsp->{data}->[0] = "$node: SSH disabled"; } $callback->($rsp); } } #end foreach node } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 getMatchingKeys It checks if the given outout contians the given ssh key for the given user. Returns: An array pointer to the matching keys. =cut #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub getMatchingKeys { my $node=shift; my $username=shift; my $output=shift; my $sshkey=shift; my @keys=(); my $user_found=0; my $start=0; my $end=0; foreach my $tmpstr1 (@$output) { my @b=split("\n", $tmpstr1); foreach my $o (@b) { #print "o=$o\n"; $o =~ s/$node: //g; if ($o =~ /SSH authorized keys:/) { $start=1; next; } if ($start) { if ($o =~ /User $username:/) { $user_found=1; next; } if ($user_found) { if ($o =~ /Key (\d+): (.*)$/) { my $key=$1; my $key_value=$2; #print "key=$key\n"; #print "key_value=$key_value\n"; chomp($key_value); if ("$sshkey" eq "$key_value") { push(@keys, $key); } next; } elsif ($o =~ /^(\s*)$/) { next; } else { $end=1; } } } } if ($end) { last; } } return \@keys; } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head3 setSSHcfg It enables/diables the current host to ssh to the given switches without password. Arguments: noderange-- an array ref to switches. callback -- pointer for writes response back to the client. Returns: 0 --- sucessful none 0 --- unsuccessful. =cut #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub setSSHcfg { my $noderange=shift; if ($noderange =~ /xCAT::MellanoxIB/) { $noderange=shift; } my $callback=shift; my $subreq=shift; my $enable=shift; my $mysw; my $enable_cmd="enable\r"; my $config_cmd="configure terminal\r"; my $exit_cmd="exit\r"; my $pwd_prompt = "Password: "; my $sw_prompt = "^.*\] > "; my $enable_prompt="^.*\] \#"; my $config_prompt="^.*\\\(config\\\) \#"; my $debug = 0; if ($::VERBOSE) { $debug = 1; } #get the username and the password my $swstab=xCAT::Table->new('switches',-create=>1); my $sws_hash = $swstab->getNodesAttribs($noderange,['sshusername','sshpassword']); my $passtab = xCAT::Table->new('passwd'); my $ent; ($ent) = $passtab->getAttribs({key => "switch"}, qw(username password)); #get the ssh public key from this host my $fname = ((xCAT::Utils::isAIX()) ? "/.ssh/":"/root/.ssh/")."id_rsa.pub"; unless ( open(FH,"<$fname") ) { $callback->({error=>["Error opening file $fname."],errorcode=>[1]}); return 1; } my ($sshkey) = <FH>; close(FH); #remove the userid@host part #my @tmpa=split(' ', $sshkey); #if (@tmpa > 2) { # $sshkey=$tmpa[0] . ' ' . $tmpa[1]; #} foreach my $node (@$noderange) { my $username; my $passwd; if ($sws_hash->{$node}->[0]) { #print "got to switches table\n"; $username=$sws_hash->{$node}->[0]->{sshusername}; $passwd=$sws_hash->{$node}->[0]->{sshpassword}; } if (!$username) { #print "got to passwd table\n"; if ($ent) { $username=$ent->{username}; $passwd=$ent->{password}; } } unless ($username) { $callback->({error=>["Unable to get the username and the password for node $node. Please fill the switches table or the password table."],errorcode=>[1]}); next; } #print "username=$username, password=$passwd\n"; if($enable > 0) { $mysw = new Expect; $mysw->exp_internal($debug); # # log_stdout(0) prevent the program's output from being shown. # turn on if debugging error $mysw->log_stdout($debug); my @cfgcmds=(); $cfgcmds[0]="ssh client user $username authorized-key sshv2 \"$sshkey\"\r"; my $login_cmd = "ssh -l $username $node\r"; my $passwd_cmd="$passwd\r"; unless ($mysw->spawn($login_cmd)) { $mysw->soft_close(); my $rsp; $rsp->{data}->[0]="Unable to run $login_cmd."; xCAT::MsgUtils->message("I", $rsp, $callback); next; } my @result = $mysw->expect( 5, [ $pwd_prompt, sub { $mysw->clear_accum(); $mysw->send($passwd_cmd); #print "$node: password sent\n"; $mysw->exp_continue(); } ], [ "-re", $sw_prompt, sub { #print "$node: sending command: $enable_cmd\n"; $mysw->clear_accum(); $mysw->send($enable_cmd); $mysw->exp_continue(); } ], [ "-re", $enable_prompt, sub { #print "$node: sending command: $config_cmd\n"; $mysw->clear_accum(); $mysw->send($config_cmd); $mysw->exp_continue(); } ], [ "-re", $config_prompt, sub { #print "$node: sending command: $cfgcmds[0]\n"; $mysw->clear_accum(); $mysw->send($cfgcmds[0]); sleep 1; $mysw->send($exit_cmd); } ], ); if (defined($result[1])) { my $errmsg = $result[1]; $mysw->soft_close(); my $rsp; $rsp->{data}->[0]="$node: command error: $result[1]"; $callback->($rsp); next; } $mysw->soft_close(); } else { #now goto the switch and get the matching keys my $output = xCAT::Utils->runxcmd({command => ["xdsh"], node =>[$node], arg => ["--devicetype", "IBSwitch::Mellanox", "enable;show ssh client"], env=>["DSH_TO_USERID=$username"]}, $subreq, -1, 1); if ($output) { chomp($sshkey); my $keys=getMatchingKeys($node, $username, $output, $sshkey); if (@$keys > 0) { my $cmd="enable;configure terminal"; foreach my $key (@$keys) { $cmd .= ";no ssh client user admin authorized-key sshv2 $key"; } #now remove the keys $output = xCAT::Utils->runxcmd({command => ["xdsh"], node =>[$node], arg => ["--devicetype", "IBSwitch::Mellanox", $cmd], env=>["DSH_TO_USERID=$username"]}, $subreq, -1, 1); } } } #now query again querySSHcfg( [$node], $callback, $subreq); } } 1;