# # Copyright 2009 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. # EPL license http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html # # CHANGES: # VERSION 1.3 - Adaptive Computing Enterprises Inc <lmsilva@adaptivecomputing.com> # (tested with a BladeSystem c3000 running iLO2 (firmware version: 1.50 Mar 14 2008)) # # - fixed ssl connection bug by introducing a 15 second sleep between boot commands (stat / on|off) in issuePowerCmd() # # VERSION 1.2 - Adaptive Computing Enterprises Inc <lmsilva@adaptivecomputing.com> # (tested with a BladeSystem c3000 running iLO2 (firmware version: 1.50 Mar 13 2008)) # # - fixed boot process (to account for different power states) # - found a bug in the Net::SSLeay library # - it seems we cannot trust the following instructions inside openSSLconnection # Net::SSLeay::connect($ssl) and die_if_ssl_error("ERROR: ssl connect") # - it seems this problem only happens during several requests at the same time, i believe the iLO service becomes unresponsive # - here is how to reproduce it: rpower node01 off ; rpower node01 on ; rpower node01 boot # - added a timeout to try and minimize the issue (it can be controlled by changing the $SSL_CONNECT_TIMEOUT variable # # VERSION 1.1 - Adaptive Computing Enterprises Inc <lmsilva@adaptivecomputing.com> # (tested with a BladeSystem c3000 running iLO2 (firmware version: 1.50 Mar 12 2008)) # # - fixed bug where we tried to use an existing xCAT library (xCAT::Utils->getNodesetStates()) # - fixed protocol handling logic (sendScript was returning an incorrect value) # - fixed processReply sub as it wasn't prepared to handle on/off requests (just STAT or BEACON requests) # - added TOGGLE parameter to HOLD_PWR_BTN command. Otherwise requests would not work as expected # - changed issuePowerCmd() so that "off" subcommands would use SET_HOST_POWER_NO requests instead of HOLD_PWR_BTN # - added CHANGES to module # # VERSION 1.0? - Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. # - first version of hpilo.pm module? # package xCAT_plugin::hpilo; BEGIN { $::XCATROOT = $ENV{'XCATROOT'} ? $ENV{'XCATROOT'} : '/opt/xcat'; } use lib "$::XCATROOT/lib/perl"; use strict; use warnings "all"; use xCAT::GlobalDef; use POSIX qw(ceil floor); use Storable qw(store_fd retrieve_fd thaw freeze); use xCAT::Utils; use xCAT::Usage; use Thread qw(yield); use Socket; use Net::SSLeay qw(die_now die_if_ssl_error); use POSIX "WNOHANG"; my $tfactor = 0; my $vpdhash; my %bmc_comm_pids; my $globalDebug = 0; my $outfd; my $currnode; my $status_noop="XXXno-opXXX"; my $SSL_CONNECT_TIMEOUT = 30; require Exporter; our @ISA = qw(Exporter); our @EXPORT = qw( hpiloinit hpilocmd ); our $VERSION = 1.1; sub handled_commands { return { rpower => 'nodehm:power,mgt', rvitals => 'nodehm:mgt', rbeacon => 'nodehm:mgt', reventlog => 'nodehm:mgt' } } # These commands do not map directly to iLO commands # boot: # if power is off # power the server on # else # issue a HARD BOOT to the server # # cycle: # Issue power off to server # Issue power on to server # my $INITIAL_HEADER = ' <LOCFG VERSION="2.21"/> <RIBCL VERSION="2.0"> <LOGIN USER_LOGIN="AdMiNnAmE" PASSWORD="PaSsWoRd">'; # Command Definitions my $GET_HOST_POWER_STATUS = ' <SERVER_INFO MODE="write"> <GET_HOST_POWER_STATUS/> </SERVER_INFO> </LOGIN> </RIBCL>'; # This command enables or disables the Virtual Power Button my $SET_HOST_POWER_YES = ' <SERVER_INFO MODE="write"> <SET_HOST_POWER HOST_POWER="Yes"/> </SERVER_INFO> </LOGIN> </RIBCL>'; my $SET_HOST_POWER_NO = ' <SERVER_INFO MODE="write"> <SET_HOST_POWER HOST_POWER="No"/> </SERVER_INFO> </LOGIN> </RIBCL>'; my $RESET_SERVER = ' <SERVER_INFO MODE="write"> <RESET_SERVER/> </SERVER_INFO> </LOGIN> </RIBCL>'; my $PRESS_POWER_BUTTON = ' <SERVER_INFO MODE="write"> <PRESS_PWR_BTN/> </SERVER_INFO> </LOGIN> </RIBCL>'; my $HOLD_POWER_BUTTON = ' <SERVER_INFO MODE="write"> <HOLD_PWR_BTN TOGGLE="Yes"/> </SERVER_INFO> </LOGIN> </RIBCL>'; my $COLD_BOOT_SERVER = ' <SERVER_INFO MODE="write"> <COLD_BOOT_SERVER/> </SERVER_INFO> </LOGIN> </RIBCL>'; my $WARM_BOOT_SERVER = ' <SERVER_INFO MODE="write"> <WARM_BOOT_SERVER/> </SERVER_INFO> </LOGIN> </RIBCL>'; my $GET_UID_STATUS = ' <SERVER_INFO MODE="write"> <GET_UID_STATUS /> </SERVER_INFO> </LOGIN> </RIBCL>'; my $UID_CONTROL_ON = ' <SERVER_INFO MODE="write"> <UID_CONTROL UID="YES"/> </SERVER_INFO> </LOGIN> </RIBCL>'; my $UID_CONTROL_OFF = ' <SERVER_INFO MODE="write"> <UID_CONTROL UID="NO"/> </SERVER_INFO> </LOGIN> </RIBCL>'; my $GET_EMBEDDED_HEALTH = ' <SERVER_INFO MODE="read"> <GET_EMBEDDED_HEALTH /> </SERVER_INFO> </LOGIN> </RIBCL>'; my $GET_EVENT_LOG = ' <RIB_INFO MODE = "read" > <GET_EVENT_LOG /> </RIB_INFO> </LOGIN> </RIBCL>'; my $CLEAR_EVENT_LOG = ' <RIB_INFO MODE = "write" > <CLEAR_EVENT_LOG /> </RIB_INFO> </LOGIN> </RIBCL>'; my $IMPORT_SSH_KEY = ' <RIB_INFO MODE = "write" > <IMPORT_SSH_KEY> -----BEGIN SSH KEY -----'; my $IMPORT_SSH_KEY_ENDING = ' </IMPORT_SSH_KEY> </RIB_INFO> </LOGIN> </RIBLC> '; use Socket; use Net::SSLeay qw(die_now die_if_ssl_error) ; my $ctx; # Make this a global Net::SSLeay::load_error_strings(); Net::SSLeay::SSLeay_add_ssl_algorithms(); Net::SSLeay::randomize(); # # opens an ssl connection to port 443 of the passed host # sub openSSLconnection($) { my $host = shift; my ($ssl, $sin, $ip, $nip); if (not $ip = inet_aton($host)) { print "$host is a DNS Name, performing lookup\n" if $globalDebug; $ip = gethostbyname($host) or die "ERROR: Host $host notfound. \n"; } $nip = inet_ntoa($ip); #print STDERR "Connecting to $nip:443\n"; $sin = sockaddr_in(443, $ip); socket (S, &AF_INET, &SOCK_STREAM, 0) or die "ERROR: socket: $!"; connect (S, $sin) or die "connect: $!"; $ctx = Net::SSLeay::CTX_new() or die_now("ERROR: Failed to create SSL_CTX $! "); Net::SSLeay::CTX_set_options($ctx, &Net::SSLeay::OP_ALL); die_if_ssl_error("ERROR: ssl ctx set options"); $ssl = Net::SSLeay::new($ctx) or die_now("ERROR: Failed to create SSL $!"); Net::SSLeay::set_fd($ssl, fileno(S)); eval { local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "TIMEOUT" }; alarm $SSL_CONNECT_TIMEOUT; Net::SSLeay::connect($ssl) and die_if_ssl_error("ERROR: ssl connect"); alarm 0; }; if ($@) { die "TIMEOUT!" if $@ eq "TIMEOUT"; die "Caught ssl error!"; } #print STDERR 'SSL Connected '; print 'Using Cipher: ' . Net::SSLeay::get_cipher($ssl) if $globalDebug; #print STDERR "\n\n"; return $ssl; } sub closeSSLconnection($) { my $ssl = shift; Net::SSLeay::free ($ssl); # Tear down connection Net::SSLeay::CTX_free ($ctx); close S; } sub waitforack { my $sock = shift; my $select = new IO::Select; $select->add($sock); my $str; if ($select->can_read(10)) { # Continue after 10 seconds, even if not acked... if ($str = <$sock>) { } else { $select->remove($sock); #Block until parent acks data } } } # usage: sendscript(host, script) # sends the xmlscript script to host, returns reply sub sendScript($$) { my $host = shift; my $script = shift; my ($ssl, $reply, $lastreply, $res, $n); $ssl = openSSLconnection($host); # write header $n = Net::SSLeay::ssl_write_all($ssl, '<?xml version="1.0"?>'."\r\n"); print "Wrote $n\n" if $globalDebug; $n = Net::SSLeay::ssl_write_all($ssl, '<LOCFG version="2.21"/>'."\r\n"); print "Wrote $n\n" if $globalDebug; # write script $n = Net::SSLeay::ssl_write_all($ssl, $script); print "Wrote $n\n$script\n" if $globalDebug; $reply = ""; $lastreply = ""; my $reply2return; READLOOP: while(1) { $n++; $lastreply = Net::SSLeay::read($ssl); die_if_ssl_error("ERROR: ssl read"); if($lastreply eq "") { sleep(2); # wait 2 sec for more text. $lastreply = Net::SSLeay::read($ssl); die_if_ssl_error("ERROR: ssl read"); last READLOOP if($lastreply eq ""); } $reply .= $lastreply; print "lastreply $lastreply \b" if $globalDebug; # Check response to see if a error was returned. if($lastreply =~ m/STATUS="(0x[0-9A-F]+)"[\s]+MESSAGE='(.*)'[\s]+\/>[\s]*(([\s]|.)*?)<\/RIBCL>/) { if($1 eq "0x0000") { #print STDERR "$3\n" if $3; } else { $reply2return = "ERROR: STATUS: $1, MESSAGE: $2\n"; } } } print "READ: $lastreply\n" if $globalDebug; if($lastreply =~ m/STATUS="(0x[0-9A-F]+)"[\s]+MESSAGE='(.*)'[\s]+\/>[\s]*(([\s]|.)*?)<\/RIBCL>\n/) { if($1 eq "0x0000") { #Sprint STDERR "$3\n" if $3; } else { $reply2return = "ERROR: STATUS: $1, MESSAGE: $2\n"; } } else { $reply2return = $reply; } closeSSLconnection($ssl); return $reply2return; } sub process_request { my $request = shift; my $callback = shift; my $noderange = $request->{node}; #Should be arrayref my $command = $request->{command}->[0]; my $extrargs = $request->{arg}; my @exargs=($request->{arg}); my $ipmimaxp = 64; if (ref($extrargs)) { @exargs=@$extrargs; } my $ipmitab = xCAT::Table->new('ipmi'); my $ilouser = "USERID"; my $ilopass = "PASSW0RD"; # Go to the passwd table to see if usernames and passwords are defined my $passtab = xCAT::Table->new('passwd'); if ($passtab) { my ($tmp)=$passtab->getAttribs({'key'=>'ipmi'},'username','password'); if (defined($tmp)) { $ilouser = $tmp->{username}; $ilopass = $tmp->{password}; } } my @donargs = (); my $ipmihash = $ipmitab->getNodesAttribs($noderange,['bmc','username','password']); foreach(@$noderange) { my $node=$_; my $nodeuser=$ilouser; my $nodepass=$ilopass; my $nodeip = $node; my $ent; if (defined($ipmitab)) { $ent=$ipmihash->{$node}->[0]; if (ref($ent) and defined $ent->{bmc}) { $nodeip = $ent->{bmc}; } if (ref($ent) and defined $ent->{username}) { $nodeuser = $ent->{username}; } if (ref($ent) and defined $ent->{password}) { $nodepass = $ent->{password}; } } push @donargs,[$node,$nodeip,$nodeuser,$nodepass]; } #get new node status my %nodestat=(); my $check=0; my $newstat; if ($command eq 'rpower') { if (($extrargs->[0] ne 'stat') && ($extrargs->[0] ne 'status') && ($extrargs->[0] ne 'state')) { $check=1; my @allnodes; foreach (@donargs) { push(@allnodes, $_->[0]); } if ($extrargs->[0] eq 'off') { $newstat=$::STATUS_POWERING_OFF; } else { $newstat=$::STATUS_BOOTING;} foreach (@allnodes) { $nodestat{$_}=$newstat; } if ($extrargs->[0] ne 'off') { #get the current nodeset stat if (@allnodes>0) { my $nsh={}; my ($ret, $msg)=xCAT::SvrUtils->getNodesetStates(\@allnodes, $nsh); if (!$ret) { foreach (keys %$nsh) { my $currstate=$nsh->{$_}; $nodestat{$_}=xCAT_monitoring::monitorctrl->getNodeStatusFromNodesetState($currstate, "rpower"); } } } } } } # fork off separate processes to handle the requested command on each node. my $children = 0; $SIG{CHLD} = sub {my $kpid; do { $kpid = waitpid(-1, &WNOHANG); if ($kpid > 0) { delete $bmc_comm_pids{$kpid}; $children--; } } while $kpid > 0; }; my $sub_fds = new IO::Select; foreach (@donargs) { while ($children > $ipmimaxp) { my $errornodes={}; forward_data($callback,$sub_fds,$errornodes); #update the node status to the nodelist.status table if ($check) { updateNodeStatus(\%nodestat, $errornodes); } } $children++; my $cfd; my $pfd; socketpair($pfd, $cfd,AF_UNIX,SOCK_STREAM,PF_UNSPEC) or die "socketpair: $!"; $cfd->autoflush(1); $pfd->autoflush(1); my $child = xCAT::Utils->xfork(); unless (defined $child) { die "Fork failed" }; if ($child == 0) { close($cfd); my $rrc=execute_cmd($pfd,$_->[0],$_->[1],$_->[2],$_->[3],$command,-args=>\@exargs); close($pfd); exit(0); } $bmc_comm_pids{$child}=1; close ($pfd); $sub_fds->add($cfd) } while ($sub_fds->count > 0 and $children > 0) { my $errornodes={}; forward_data($callback,$sub_fds,$errornodes); #update the node status to the nodelist.status table if ($check) { updateNodeStatus(\%nodestat, $errornodes); } } #Make sure they get drained, this probably is overkill but shouldn't hurt #my $rc=1; #while ( $rc > 0 ) { #my $errornodes={}; #$rc=forward_data($callback,$sub_fds,$errornodes); #update the node status to the nodelist.status table #if ($check ) { #updateNodeStatus(\%nodestat, $errornodes); #} #} } sub updateNodeStatus { my $nodestat=shift; my $errornodes=shift; my %node_status=(); foreach my $node (keys(%$errornodes)) { if ($errornodes->{$node} == -1) { next;} #has error, not updating status my $stat=$nodestat->{$node}; if (exists($node_status{$stat})) { my $pa=$node_status{$stat}; push(@$pa, $node); }else { $node_status{$stat}=[$node]; } } xCAT_monitoring::monitorctrl::setNodeStatusAttributes(\%node_status, 1); } sub processReply { my $command = shift; my $subcommand = shift; my $reply = shift; # This is the returned xml string from the iLO that we will now parse my $replyToReturn = ""; my $rc = 0; if ($command eq "power" ) { if($subcommand =~ m/stat/) { # Process power status command $replyToReturn = "on" if $reply =~ m/HOST_POWER="ON"/; $replyToReturn = "off" if $reply =~ m/HOST_POWER="OFF"/; $replyToReturn = "timeout!" if $reply =~ m/ERROR: timed out/; } elsif (($subcommand =~/on/) || ($subcommand =~/off/) || ($subcommand =~ /reset/)) { # Power commands do not actually return anything we can use # so we have to check for error RESPONSE STATUS! my $error_check = 0; while ($reply =~ m/STATUS="(0x[0-9A-F]+)"[\s]+MESSAGE='(.*)'[\s]+\/>[\s]*(([\s]|.)*?)<\/RIBCL>/g) { if ($1 ne "0x0000") { $error_check = 1; last; } } if (!$error_check) { return lc($subcommand); } else { return "could not process command!\n"; } } } elsif ($command eq "beacon") { if($subcommand =~ m/stat/) { $replyToReturn = "on" if $reply =~ /GET_UID_STATUS UID="ON"/; $replyToReturn = "off" if $reply =~ /GET_UID_STATUS UID="OFF"/; } } if (! $replyToReturn) { $rc = -1; } return ($rc, $replyToReturn); } sub makeGEHXML { my $inputreply = shift; # process response my $geh_output = ""; my @lines = split/^/, $inputreply; my $capture = 0; foreach my $line (@lines) { if ($capture == 0 && $line =~ m/GET_EMBEDDED_HEALTH_DATA/) { $capture = 1; } elsif ($capture == 1 && $line =~ m/GET_EMBEDDED_HEALTH_DATA/) { $geh_output .= $line; last; } $geh_output .= $line if $capture; } return ($geh_output); } sub processGEHReply { my $subcommand = shift; my $reply = shift ; use XML::Simple; # Process the reply from the ilo. Parse out all the untereting # stuff so we then have some XML which represents only the output of the GEH command. my $gehXML = makeGEHXML($reply); my $gehOutput = ""; # Now use XML::Simple to build a perl hash representation of the output my $gehHash =XMLin($gehXML); # We now have the reply in a format which is easy to parse. Now we # figure out what the user wants and return it. my $numoftemps = $#{$gehHash->{TEMPERATURE}->{TEMP}}; if($subcommand eq "temp" || $subcommand eq "all") { for my $index (0 .. $numoftemps) { my $location = $gehHash->{TEMPERATURE}->{TEMP}[$index]->{LOCATION}->{VALUE}; my $temperature = $gehHash->{TEMPERATURE}->{TEMP}[$index]->{CURRENTREADING}->{VALUE}; my $unit = $gehHash->{TEMPERATURE}->{TEMP}[$index]->{CURRENTREADING}->{UNIT}; $gehOutput .= "$location "."Temperature: "."$temperature $unit \n"; } } if($subcommand eq "cputemp" || $subcommand eq "ambtemp") { my $temp2look4 = "CPU" if ($subcommand eq "cputemp"); $temp2look4 = "Ambient" if ($subcommand eq "ambtemp"); for my $index (0 .. $numoftemps) { if($gehHash->{TEMPERATURE}->{TEMP}[$index]->{LOCATION} =~ m/$temp2look4/) { my $location = $gehHash->{TEMPERATURE}->{TEMP}[$index]->{LOCATION}->{VALUE}; my $temperature = $gehHash->{TEMPERATURE}->{TEMP}[$index]->{CURRENTREADING}->{VALUE}; my $unit = $gehHash->{TEMPERATURE}->{TEMP}[$index]->{CURRENTREADING}->{UNIT}; $gehOutput .= " $location "."Temperature: "."$temperature $unit \n"; } } } if($subcommand eq "fanspeed" || $subcommand eq "all") { foreach my $fan (keys %{$gehHash->{FANS}}) { my $fanLabel = $gehHash->{FANS}->{$fan}->{LABEL}->{VALUE}; my $fanStatus = $gehHash->{FANS}->{$fan}->{STATUS}->{VALUE}; my $fanZone = $gehHash->{FANS}->{$fan}->{ZONE}->{VALUE}; my $fanUnit = $gehHash->{FANS}->{$fan}->{SPEED}->{UNIT}; my $fanSpeedValue = $gehHash->{FANS}->{$fan}->{SPEED}->{VALUE}; if($fanUnit eq "Percentage") { $fanUnit = "%"; } $gehOutput .= "Fan Status $fanStatus Fan Speed: $fanSpeedValue $fanUnit Label - $fanLabel Zone - $fanZone"; } } return(0, $gehOutput); } sub execute_cmd { $outfd = shift; my $node = shift; $currnode= $node; my $iloip = shift; my $user = shift; my $pass = shift; my $command = shift; my %namedargs = @_; my $extra=$namedargs{-args}; my @exargs=@$extra; my $subcommand = $exargs[0]; my ($rc, @reply); if($command eq "rpower" ) { # THe almighty power command ($rc, @reply) = issuePowerCmd($iloip, $user, $pass, $subcommand); } elsif ($command eq "rvitals" ) { ($rc, @reply) = issueEmbHealthCmd($iloip, $user, $pass, $subcommand); } elsif ($command eq "rbeacon") { ($rc, @reply) = issueUIDCmd($iloip, $user, $pass, $subcommand); } elsif ($command eq "reventlog") { ($rc, @reply) = issueEventLogCmd($iloip, $user, $pass, $subcommand); } sendoutput($rc, @reply); return $rc; } sub issueUIDCmd { my $ipaddr = shift; my $username = shift; my $password = shift; my $subcommand = shift; my $cmdString; if($subcommand eq "on") { $cmdString = $UID_CONTROL_ON; } elsif ($subcommand eq "off") { $cmdString = $UID_CONTROL_OFF; } elsif ($subcommand eq "stat") { $cmdString = $GET_UID_STATUS; } else { # anything else is not supported by the ilo return(-1, "not supported"); } # All figured out.... send the command my ($rc, $reply) = iloCmd($ipaddr, $username, $password, 0, $cmdString); my $condensedReply = processReply("beacon", $subcommand, $reply); return ($rc, $condensedReply); } sub issuePowerCmd { my $ipaddr = shift; my $username = shift; my $password = shift; my $subcommand = shift; my $cmdString = ""; my ($rc, $reply); if ($subcommand eq "on") { $cmdString = $SET_HOST_POWER_YES; } elsif($subcommand eq "off") { $cmdString = $SET_HOST_POWER_NO; #$cmdString = $HOLD_POWER_BUTTON; } elsif ($subcommand eq "stat" || $subcommand eq "state") { $cmdString = $GET_HOST_POWER_STATUS; } elsif ($subcommand eq "reset") { $cmdString = $RESET_SERVER; } elsif ($subcommand eq "softoff") { $cmdString = $HOLD_POWER_BUTTON; # Handle two special cases here. For these commands we will need to issue a series of # commands to the ilo to emulate the desired operation } elsif ($subcommand eq "cycle") { ($rc, $reply) = iloCmd($ipaddr, $username, $password, 0, $SET_HOST_POWER_NO); sleep 15; if ($rc != 0) { print STDERR "issuePowerCmd:cycle Command to power down server failed. \n"; return ($rc, $reply); } $cmdString = $SET_HOST_POWER_YES; } elsif ($subcommand eq "boot") { # Determine the current power status of the server ($rc, $reply) = iloCmd($ipaddr, $username, $password, 0, $GET_HOST_POWER_STATUS); if ($rc == 0) { my $powerstatus = processReply("power", "status", $reply); if ($powerstatus eq "on") { $subcommand = "on reset"; $cmdString = $RESET_SERVER; } else { $subcommand = "on"; $cmdString = $SET_HOST_POWER_YES; } # iLO doesn't seem to handle several connections in a small amount of time # so let's just wait a few seconds... sleep(15); } else { print STDERR "issuePowerCmd:boot Power status of server failed. \n"; return ($rc, $reply); } } ($rc, $reply) = iloCmd($ipaddr, $username, $password, 0, $cmdString); my $condensedReply = processReply("power", $subcommand, $reply); return ($rc, $condensedReply); } sub issueEmbHealthCmd { my $ipaddr = shift; my $username = shift; my $password = shift; my $subcommand = shift; my ($rc, $reply) = iloCmd($ipaddr, $username, $password, 0, $GET_EMBEDDED_HEALTH); my $condensedReply = processGEHReply($subcommand, $reply); return ($rc, $condensedReply); } sub issueEventLogCmd { my $ipaddr = shift; my $username = shift; my $password = shift; my $subcommand = shift; my $numberOfEntries = ""; my $errorLogOutput; my ($rc, $reply); if($subcommand eq "clear") { ($rc, $reply) = iloCmd($ipaddr, $username, $password, 0, $CLEAR_EVENT_LOG); return($rc, $reply); } if(! $subcommand =~ /\D/) { $numberOfEntries = $subcommand; } if($subcommand eq "all" || $numberOfEntries) { ($rc, $reply) = iloCmd($ipaddr, $username, $password, 0, $GET_EVENT_LOG); if ($rc != 0) { print STDERR "issueEventLogCmd: Failed get error log \n"; } $errorLogOutput = processErrorLogReply($reply); } return ($rc, $errorLogOutput); } sub iloCmd { my $ipaddr = shift; my $username = shift; my $password = shift; my $localdebug = shift; my $command = shift; # Before we open the connection to the iLO, build the command we are going # to send my $cmdToSend = $INITIAL_HEADER; $cmdToSend =~ s/AdMiNnAmE/$username/; $cmdToSend =~ s/PaSsWoRd/$password/; $cmdToSend = "$cmdToSend"."$command"; if($localdebug) { print STDERR "Command built. Command is $cmdToSend \n"; } my $reply = sendScript($ipaddr, $cmdToSend); return(0, $reply); } sub forward_data { #unserialize data from pipe, chunk at a time, use magic to determine end of data structure my $callback = shift; my $fds = shift; my $errornodes=shift; my @ready_fds = $fds->can_read(1); my $rfh; my $rc = @ready_fds; foreach $rfh (@ready_fds) { my $data; if ($data = <$rfh>) { while ($data !~ /ENDOFFREEZE6sK4ci/) { $data .= <$rfh>; } print $rfh "ACK\n"; my $responses=thaw($data); foreach (@$responses) { #save the nodes that has errors and the ones that has no-op for use by the node status monitoring my $no_op=0; if (exists($_->{node}->[0]->{errorcode})) { $no_op=1; } else { my $text=$_->{node}->[0]->{data}->[0]->{contents}->[0]; #print "data:$text\n"; if (($text) && ($text =~ /$status_noop/)) { $no_op=1; #remove the symbols that meant for use by node status $_->{node}->[0]->{data}->[0]->{contents}->[0] =~ s/ $status_noop//; } } #print "data:". $_->{node}->[0]->{data}->[0]->{contents}->[0] . "\n"; if ($no_op) { if ($errornodes) { $errornodes->{$_->{node}->[0]->{name}->[0]}=-1; } } else { if ($errornodes) { $errornodes->{$_->{node}->[0]->{name}->[0]}=1; } } $callback->($_); } } else { $fds->remove($rfh); close($rfh); } } yield; #Avoid useless loop iterations by giving children a chance to fill pipes return $rc; } sub sendoutput { my $rc=shift; foreach (@_) { my %output; (my $desc,my $text) = split(/:/,$_,2); unless ($text) { $text=$desc; } else { $desc =~ s/^\s+//; $desc =~ s/\s+$//; if ($desc) { $output{node}->[0]->{data}->[0]->{desc}->[0]=$desc; } } $text =~ s/^\s+//; $text =~ s/\s+$//; $output{node}->[0]->{name}->[0]=$currnode; $output{node}->[0]->{data}->[0]->{contents}->[0]=$text; if ($rc) { $output{node}->[0]->{errorcode}=[$rc]; } #push @outhashes,\%output; #Save everything for the end, don't know how to be slicker with Storable and a pipe print $outfd freeze([\%output]); print $outfd "\nENDOFFREEZE6sK4ci\n"; yield; waitforack($outfd); } } 1;