#!/bin/bash allowcred.awk & CREDPID=$! if [ -z "$XCATDEST" ]; then XCATDEST=$1 fi #retry in case certkey.pem is not right, yet while ! openssl req -new -key /etc/xcat/certkey.pem -out /tmp/tls.csr -subj "/CN=`hostname`" >& /dev/null; do sleep 1 done echo "<xcatrequest> <command>getcredentials</command> <arg>x509cert</arg> <callback_port>300</callback_port> <csr>" > /tmp/certreq.xml cat /tmp/tls.csr >> /tmp/certreq.xml echo "</csr> <sha512sig> </sha512sig> </xcatrequest>" >> /tmp/certreq.xml openssl dgst -sha512 -out /tmp/certreq.sha512 -sign /etc/xcat/privkey.pem /tmp/certreq.xml #chain off the switch published key openssl enc -e -a -in /tmp/certreq.sha512 > /tmp/certreq.b64sig cat /tmp/certreq.xml |while read line; do if [ "$line" = "</sha512sig>" ]; then cat /tmp/certreq.b64sig >> /tmp/certreq.xml.new fi echo $line >> /tmp/certreq.xml.new done mv /tmp/certreq.xml.new /tmp/certreq.xml rm /tmp/certreq.b64sig /tmp/certreq.sha512 cat /tmp/certreq.xml | openssl s_client -connect $XCATDEST -quiet 2> /dev/null > /tmp/certresp.xml if grep 'BEGIN CERTIFICATE' /tmp/certresp.xml > /dev/null; then awk '/BEGIN CERTIFICATE/,/END CERTIFICATE/' < /tmp/certresp.xml > /etc/xcat/cert.pem #stop transmitting sysDesc, allowing the public key to age out of validity for iface in `grep '^ e' /var/lib/lldpad/lldpad.conf|awk '{print $1}' `; do lldptool -T -i $iface -V sysDesc enableTx=no done fi rm /tmp/certreq.xml rm /tmp/certresp.xml kill $CREDPID