# IBM(c) 2007 EPL license http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html package xCAT::PPCfsp; use strict; use Getopt::Long; use LWP; use HTTP::Cookies; use HTML::Form; use xCAT::PPCcli qw(SUCCESS EXPECT_ERROR RC_ERROR NR_ERROR); use xCAT::Usage; use Socket; use xCAT::PPCdb; ########################################## # Globals ########################################## my %cmds = ( rpower => { state => ["Power On/Off System", \&state], powercmd => ["Power On/Off System", \&powercmd], powercmd_boot => ["Power On/Off System", \&boot], reset => ["System Reboot", \&reset] }, reventlog => { all => ["Error/Event Logs", \&all], all_clear => ["Error/Event Logs", \&all_clear], entries => ["Error/Event Logs", \&entries], clear => ["Error/Event Logs", \&clear] }, rspconfig => { memdecfg => ["Memory Deconfiguration", \&memdecfg], decfg => ["Deconfiguration Policies", \&decfg], procdecfg => ["Processor Deconfiguration", \&procdecfg], iocap => ["I/O Adapter Enlarged Capacity", \&iocap], time => ["Time Of Day", \&time], date => ["Time Of Day", \&date], autopower => ["Auto Power Restart", \&autopower], sysdump => ["System Dump", \&sysdump], spdump => ["Service Processor Dump", \&spdump], network => ["Network Configuration", \&netcfg], dev => ["Service Processor Command Line", \&devenable], celogin1 => ["Service Processor Command Line", \&ce1enable]}, ); ########################################################################## # FSP command handler through HTTP interface ########################################################################## sub handler { my $server = shift; my $request = shift; my $exp = shift; ##################################### # Convert command to correct format ##################################### if ( ref($request->{method}) ne "HASH" ) { $request->{method} = [{$request->{method}=>undef}]; } ##################################### # Process FSP command ##################################### my @outhash; my $result = process_cmd( $exp, $request ); foreach ( @$result ) { my %output; $output{node}->[0]->{name}->[0] = $request->{host}; $output{node}->[0]->{data}->[0]->{contents}->[0] = $server. ": ".@$_[1]; $output{node}->[0]->{cmd}->[0] = @$_[2]; $output{errorcode} = @$_[0]; push @outhash, \%output; } ##################################### # Disconnect from FSP ##################################### xCAT::PPCfsp::disconnect( $exp ); return( \@outhash ); } ########################################################################## # Logon through remote FSP HTTP-interface ########################################################################## my %logonname = ( hmc => ["hscroot","abc123"], ivm => ["padmin", "padmin"], fsp => ["admin", "admin"], bpa => ["admin", "admin"], frame => ["admin", "admin"], cec => ["admin", "admin"], ); sub connect { my $req = shift; my $server = shift; my $verbose = $req->{verbose}; my $timeout = $req->{fsptimeout}; my $lwp_log; ################################## # Use timeout from site table ################################## if ( !$timeout ) { $timeout = 30; } ################################## # Get userid/password ################################## my $cred = $req->{$server}{cred}; ################################## # Redirect STDERR to variable ################################## if ( $verbose ) { close STDERR; if ( !open( STDERR, '>', \$lwp_log )) { return( "Unable to redirect STDERR: $!" ); } } $IO::Socket::SSL::VERSION = undef; eval { require Net::SSL }; ################################## # Turn on tracing ################################## if ( $verbose ) { LWP::Debug::level( '+' ); } ################################## # Create cookie ################################## my $cookie = HTTP::Cookies->new(); $cookie->set_cookie( 0,'asm_session','0','cgi-bin','','443',0,0,3600,0 ); ################################## # Create UserAgent ################################## my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new(); ################################## # Set options ################################## my $hosttab = xCAT::Table->new( 'hosts' ); if ( $hosttab) { my $hostshash = $hosttab->getNodeAttribs( $server, [qw(otherinterfaces)]); if ( $hostshash ) { $server = $hostshash->{ip}; } } # my $serverip = inet_ntoa(inet_aton($server)); my $url = "https://$server/cgi-bin/cgi?form=2"; $ua->cookie_jar( $cookie ); $ua->timeout( $timeout ); ################################## # Submit logon ################################## my $res = $ua->post( $url, [ user => @$cred[0], password => @$cred[1], lang => "0", submit => "Log in" ] ); ################################## # Logon failed ################################## if ( !$res->is_success() ) { return( $lwp_log.$res->status_line ); } ################################## # To minimize number of GET/POSTs, # if we successfully logon, we should # get back a valid cookie: # Set-Cookie: asm_session=3038839768778613290 # ################################## if ( $res->as_string =~ /Set-Cookie: asm_session=(\d+)/ ) { ############################## # Successful logon.... # Return: # UserAgent # Server hostname # UserId # Redirected STDERR/STDOUT ############################## return( $ua, $server, @$cred[0], \$lwp_log ); } ############################## # Logon error ############################## $res = $ua->get( $url ); if ( !$res->is_success() ) { return( $lwp_log.$res->status_line ); } ############################## # Check for specific failures ############################## if ( $res->content =~ /(Invalid user ID or password|Too many users)/i ) { return( $lwp_log.$1 . ". Please check node attribute hcp and its password settings."); } return( $lwp_log."Logon failure" ); } sub ce1enable { return &loginenable($_[0], $_[1], $_[2], "celogin1"); } sub devenable { return &loginenable($_[0], $_[1], $_[2], "dev"); } my %cmdline_for_log = ( dev => { enable => "registry -Hw nets/DevEnabled 1", disable => "registry -Hw nets/DevEnabled 0", check_pwd => "registry -l DevPwdFile", create_pwd => "netsDynPwdTool --create dev FipSdev", password => "FipSdev" }, celogin1 => { enable => "registry -Hw nets/CE1Enabled 1", disable => "registry -Hw nets/CE1Enabled 0", check_pwd => "registry -l Ce1PwdFile", create_pwd => "netsDynPwdTool --create celogin1 FipSce1", password => "FipSce1" }, ); sub send_command { my $ua = shift; my $server = shift; my $id = shift; my $log_name = shift; my $cmd = shift; my $cmd_line = $cmdline_for_log{$log_name}{$cmd}; if (!defined($cmd_line)) { return undef; } my $res = $ua->post( "https://$server/cgi-bin/cgi", [ form => $id, cmd => $cmd_line, submit => "Execute" ] ); if ( !$res->is_success() ) { return undef; } if ( $res->content =~ /(not allowed.*\.|Invalid entry)/ ) { return undef; } return $res->content; } sub loginstate { my $ua = shift; my $server = shift; my $log_name = shift; my $url = "https://$server/cgi-bin/cgi?form=4"; my $res = $ua->get($url); if (!$res->is_success()) { return ([RC_ERROR, $res->status_line]); } if ($res->content =~ m#$log_name
([\w\s:]+) ) {
$result.= "$1\n";
my @group = split //, $res->content;
foreach ( @group ) {
my @maxlen = ();
my @values = ();
# Entry heading
my @heading = split /<\/th> /, $1;
foreach ( @heading ) {
push @maxlen, length($_);
# Entry values
foreach ( split /\n/ ) {
if ( s/^ // ) {
/ /g;
my $i = 0;
my @d = split /<\/td>/;
# Length formatting
foreach ( @d ) {
if ( length($_) > $maxlen[$i] ) {
$maxlen[$i] = length($_);
push @values, [@d];
# Output header
my $i = 0;
foreach ( @heading ) {
my $format = sprintf( "%%-%ds",$maxlen[$i++]+2 );
$result.= sprintf( $format, $_ );
$result.= "\n";
# Output values
foreach ( @values ) {
$i = 0;
foreach ( @$_ ) {
my $format = sprintf( "%%-%ds",$maxlen[$i++]+2 );
$result.= sprintf( $format, $_ );
$result.= "\n";
$result.= "\n";
return( [SUCCESS,$result] );
# Gets/sets Deconfiguration Policies
sub decfg {
my $exp = shift;
my $request = shift;
my $id = shift;
my $ua = @$exp[0];
my $server = @$exp[1];
my $value = $request->{method}{decfg};
# Get Deconfiguration Policy URL
my $res = $ua->get( "https://$server/cgi-bin/cgi?form=$id" );
# Return error
if ( !$res->is_success() ) {
return( [RC_ERROR,$res->status_line] );
my %d = ();
my $len = 0;
my $i = 0;
my $html = $res->content;
my $result;
while ( $html =~ s/
(.*:)\s+/ ) {
my $desc = $1;
my $value = "unknown";
my $name;
# Get values
if ( $html =~ s/selected value='\d+'>(\w+)/ ) {
$value = $1;
# Get name
if ( $html =~ s/select name='(\w+)'// ) {
$name = $1;
# Save for formatting output
if ( length( $desc ) > $len ) {
$len = length( $desc );
$d{$desc} = [$value,$name];
# Get Deconfiguration Policy
if ( !defined( $value )) {
my $format = sprintf( "\n%%-%ds %%s",$len );
foreach ( keys %d ) {
$result.= sprintf( $format,$_,$d{$_}[0] );
return( [SUCCESS,$result] );
# Set Deconfiguration Policy
my ($op,$names) = split /:/, $value;
my @policy = split /,/, $names;
my $state = ($op =~ /^enable$/i) ? 0 : 1;
# Check for duplicate policies
foreach my $name ( @policy ) {
if ( grep( /^$name$/, @policy ) > 1 ) {
return( [RC_ERROR,"Duplicate policy specified: $name"] );
# Get Deconfiguration Policy form
my $form = HTML::Form->parse( $res->content, $res->base );
# Return error
if ( !defined( $form )) {
return( [RC_ERROR,"'Deconfiguration Policies' form not found"] );
# Get hidden inputs
my @inputs = $form->inputs();
my (@hidden) = grep( $_->{type} eq "hidden", @inputs );
if ( !@hidden ) {
return( [RC_ERROR," not found"] );
# Check for invalid policies
foreach my $name ( @policy ) {
my @p = grep( $_->{value_name}=~/\b$name\b/i, @hidden );
if ( @p > 1 ) {
return( [RC_ERROR,"Ambiguous policy: $name"] );
} elsif ( !@p ) {
return( [RC_ERROR,"Invalid policy: $name"] );
my $value_name = $p[0]->{value_name};
$policy[$i++] = @{$d{$value_name}}[1];
# Select option
foreach my $name ( @policy ) {
my ($in) = grep( $_->{name} eq $name, @inputs );
$in->value( $state );
# Send command
my $data = $form->click( "submit" );
$res = $ua->request( $data );
# Return error
if ( !$res->is_success() ) {
return( [RC_ERROR,$res->status_line] );
return( [SUCCESS,"Success"] );
# Performs a System Dump
sub sysdump {
my $exp = shift;
my $request = shift;
my $id = shift;
my $ua = @$exp[0];
my $server = @$exp[1];
# Get Dump URL
my $url = "https://$server/cgi-bin/cgi?form=$id";
my $res = $ua->get( $url );
# Return error
if ( !$res->is_success() ) {
return( [RC_ERROR,$res->status_line] );
# Possible errors:
# not allowed when a dump of this type exists.
# not allowed when system is powered off.
if ( $res->content =~ /(not allowed.*\.)/ ) {
return( [RC_ERROR,$1] );
my @d;
my $html = $res->content;
# Get current dump settings
foreach ( my $i=0; $i<3; $i++ ) {
if ($i == 0) {
if ($html !~ /Dump policy:\s+(\w+)/) {
goto ERROR;
if ($i != 0) {
if ($html !~ s/selected value='(\d+)'//) {
return( [RC_ERROR,"Error getting dump settings"] );
push @d, $1;
# Send dump command
$res = $ua->post( "https://$server/cgi-bin/cgi",
[ form => $id,
policy => $d[0],
content => $d[1],
phyp => $d[2],
page => "1",
takedump => "Save settings and initiate dump" ]
# Return error
if ( !$res->is_success() ) {
return( [RC_ERROR,$res->status_line] );
# Continue ?
if ( !$res->is_success() ) {
return( [RC_ERROR,$res->status_line] );
$res = $ua->post( "https://$server/cgi-bin/cgi",
[ form => $id,
policy => $d[0],
content => $d[1],
phyp => $d[2],
page => "2",
takedump => "Save settings and initiate dump",
submit => "Continue"]
# Return error
if ( !$res->is_success() ) {
return( [RC_ERROR,$res->status_line] );
return( [SUCCESS,"Success"] );
# Performs a Service Processor Dump
sub spdump {
my $exp = shift;
my $request = shift;
my $id = shift;
my $ua = @$exp[0];
my $server = @$exp[1];
my $button = "Save settings and initiate dump";
my $dump_setting = 1;
# Get Dump URL
my $url = "https://$server/cgi-bin/cgi?form=$id";
my $res = $ua->get( $url );
# Return error
if ( !$res->is_success() ) {
return( [RC_ERROR,$res->status_line] );
# Dump disabled - enable it
if ( $res->content =~ /selected value='0'>Disabled/ ) {
$res = $ua->post( "https://$server/cgi-bin/cgi",
[ form => $id,
bdmp => "1",
save => "Save settings" ]
# Return error
if ( !$res->is_success() ) {
return( [RC_ERROR,$res->status_line] );
if ( $res->content !~ /Operation completed successfully/ ) {
return( [RC_ERROR,"Error enabling dump setting"] );
# Get Dump URL again
$res = $ua->get( $url );
if ( !$res->is_success() ) {
return( [RC_ERROR,$res->status_line] );
# Restore setting after dump
$dump_setting = 0;
if ( $res->content !~ /$button/ ) {
# For some firmware levels, button is changed to "initiate dump"
$button = "Initiate dump";
if ( $res->content !~ /$button/ ) {
return( [RC_ERROR,"'$button' button not found"] );
# We will lose conection after dump
# Send dump command
$res = $ua->post( "https://$server/cgi-bin/cgi",
[ form => $id,
bdmp => $dump_setting,
dump => $button ]
# Will lose connection on success -500
if ( !$res->is_success() ) {
if ( $res->code ne "500" ) {
return( [RC_ERROR,$res->status_line] );
return( [SUCCESS,"Success"] );
# Gets all Error/Event Logs entries
sub all {
return( entries(@_) );
# Gets all Error/Event Logs entries then clears the logs
sub all_clear {
my $result = entries( @_ );
clear( @_);
return( $result );
# Gets and set network configuration
sub netcfg
my $exp = shift;
my $request = shift;
my $id = shift;
# Parsing arg
my $set_config = 0;
my ($inc_name, $inc_ip, $inc_host, $inc_gateway, $inc_netmask) = ();
my $real_inc_name = undef;
if ( $request->{'method'}->{'network'})
$set_config = 1;
my $interfaces = undef;
my $form = undef;
my $res = get_netcfg( $exp, $request, $id, \$interfaces, \$form);
return $res if ( $res->[0] == RC_ERROR);
my $output = "";
# Set configuration
if ( $set_config)
return set_netcfg( $exp, $request, $interfaces, $form);
# Get configuration and format output
return format_netcfg( $interfaces);
# Gets network configuration
sub get_netcfg
my $exp = shift;
my $request = shift;
my $id = shift;
my $interfaces = shift;
my $form = shift;
my $ua = @$exp[0];
my $server = @$exp[1];
# Get Network Configuration URL
my $url = "https://$server/cgi-bin/cgi?form=$id";
my $res = $ua->get( $url );
# Return error
if ( !$res->is_success() ) {
return( [RC_ERROR,$res->status_line] );
# Get "Network Configuraiton" form
$$form = HTML::Form->parse( $res->content, $res->base );
# Return error
if ( !defined( $$form )) {
return( [RC_ERROR,"'Network Configuration' form not found"] );
# For some P6 machines
if ( $$form->find_input('ip', 'radio', 1))
my $ipv4Radio = $$form->find_input('ip', 'radio', 1);
if (!$ipv4Radio)
print "Cannot find IPv4 option\n";
my $data = $$form->click('submit');
$res = $ua->request( $data);
$$form = HTML::Form->parse( $res->content, $res->base );
if ( !defined( $$form )) {
return( [RC_ERROR,"'Network Configuration' form not found"] );
} elsif ( $$form->find_input('submit', 'submit', 1) ) {
my $data = $$form->click('submit');
$res = $ua->request( $data);
$$form = HTML::Form->parse( $res->content, $res->base );
if ( !defined( $$form )) {
return( [RC_ERROR,"'Network Configuration' form not found' form not found"] );
if ( $$form->find_input('ip', 'radio', 1))
my $ipv4Radio = $$form->find_input('ip', 'radio', 1);
if (!$ipv4Radio)
print "Cannot find IPv4 option\n";
my $data = $$form->click('submit');
$res = $ua->request( $data);
$$form = HTML::Form->parse( $res->content, $res->base );
if ( !defined( $$form )) {
return( [RC_ERROR,"'Network Configuration' form not found"] );
# Parse the form to get the inc input
my $has_found_all = 0;
my $i = 0;
while ( not $has_found_all)
my $input = $$form->find_input( "interface$i", 'checkbox');
if ( ! $input)
$has_found_all = 1;
$$interfaces->{"interface$i"}->{'selected'} = $input;
$$interfaces->{"interface$i"}->{'type'} = $$form->find_input("ip$i", 'option');
$$interfaces->{"interface$i"}->{'hostname'} = $$form->find_input("host$i", 'text');
$$interfaces->{"interface$i"}->{'ip'} = $$form->find_input("static_ip$i", 'text');
$$interfaces->{"interface$i"}->{'gateway'} = $$form->find_input("gateway$i", 'text');
$$interfaces->{"interface$i"}->{'netmask'} = $$form->find_input("subnet$i", 'text');
#we do not support dns yet, just in case of future support
$$interfaces->{"interface$i"}->{'dns0'} = $$form->find_input("dns0$i", 'text');
$$interfaces->{"interface$i"}->{'dns1'} = $$form->find_input("dns1$i", 'text');
$$interfaces->{"interface$i"}->{'dns2'} = $$form->find_input("dns2$i", 'text');
return ( [RC_ERROR,"Cannot find any network interface on $server"]) if ( ! $$interfaces);
return ( [SUCCESS, undef]);
# Set network configuration
sub set_netcfg
my $exp = shift;
my $request = shift;
my $interfaces = shift;
my $form = shift;
my $ua = @$exp[0];
my $real_inc_name;
my ($inc_name, $inc_ip, $inc_host, $inc_gateway, $inc_netmask) = split /,/, $request->{'method'}->{'network'};
chomp ($inc_name, $inc_ip, $inc_host, $inc_gateway, $inc_netmask);
if ( $inc_name =~ /^eth(\d)$/)
$real_inc_name = "interface$1";
elsif ( $inc_name =~/(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)/)
for my $inc (keys %$interfaces)
if ($interfaces->{ $inc}->{'ip'}->value() eq $inc_name)
$real_inc_name = $inc;
return( [RC_ERROR, "Incorrect network interface name $inc_name"] );
return ( [RC_ERROR,"Cannot find interface $inc_name"]) if ( ! exists ($$interfaces{ $real_inc_name}));
my $inc_type;
my @set_entries = ();
if ( $inc_ip eq '')
$inc_type = 'Dynamic';
push @set_entries, 'IP type to dynamic.';
elsif ( $inc_ip eq '*')
$inc_type = 'Static';
($inc_ip, $inc_host, $inc_gateway, $inc_netmask) = xCAT::Utils::getNodeNetworkCfg(@$exp[1]);
$inc_type = 'Static';
#not work on AIX
# $interfaces->{ $real_inc_name}->{'selected'}->check();
my @tmp_options = $interfaces->{ $real_inc_name}->{'selected'}->possible_values();
$interfaces->{ $real_inc_name}->{'selected'}->value(@tmp_options[1] );
if ( $interfaces->{ $real_inc_name}->{'type'})
my @type_options = @{$interfaces->{ $real_inc_name}->{'type'}->{'menu'}};
if (ref( $type_options[0]) eq 'HASH')
for my $typeopt ( @type_options)
if ( $typeopt->{'name'} eq $inc_type)
$interfaces->{ $real_inc_name}->{'type'}->value($typeopt->{'value'});
else #AIX made the things more complicated, it didn't ship the
#last HTML::Form. So let's take a guess of the type value
#Not sure if it can work for all AIX version
my @types = $interfaces->{ $real_inc_name}->{'type'}->possible_values();
if ( $inc_type eq 'Dynamic')
$interfaces->{ $real_inc_name}->{'type'}->value(@types[0]);
$interfaces->{ $real_inc_name}->{'type'}->value(@types[1]);
#not work on AIX
# $interfaces->{ $real_inc_name}->{'type'}->value('Static');
return ( [RC_ERROR,"Cannot change interface type"]);
if ( $inc_type eq 'Static')
if ( $inc_ip)
return ( [RC_ERROR,"Cannot set IP address to $inc_ip"]) if (! $interfaces->{ $real_inc_name}->{'ip'});
$interfaces->{ $real_inc_name}->{'ip'}->value( $inc_ip);
push @set_entries, 'IP address';
if ( $inc_host)
return ( [RC_ERROR,"Cannot set hostname to $inc_host"]) if (! $interfaces->{ $real_inc_name}->{'hostname'});
$interfaces->{ $real_inc_name}->{'hostname'}->value( $inc_host);
push @set_entries, 'hostname';
if( ! $interfaces->{ $real_inc_name}->{'hostname'}->value())
$inc_host = $exp->[1];
if ( $inc_gateway)
return ( [RC_ERROR,"Cannot set gateway to $inc_gateway"]) if (! $interfaces->{ $real_inc_name}->{'gateway'});
$interfaces->{ $real_inc_name}->{'gateway'}->value( $inc_gateway);
push @set_entries, 'gateway';
if ( $inc_netmask)
return ( [RC_ERROR,"Cannot set netmask to $inc_netmask"]) if (! $interfaces->{ $real_inc_name}->{'netmask'});
$interfaces->{ $real_inc_name}->{'netmask'}->value( $inc_netmask);
push @set_entries, 'netmask';
#Click "Continue" button
my $data = $form->click('save');
my $res = $ua->request( $data);
if (!$res->is_success())
return ( [RC_ERROR, "Failed to set " . join ',', @set_entries]);
#Go to the confirm page
if ( $res->content !~ /content;
my @lines_to_print;
for my $page_line (@page_lines)
chomp $page_line;
if ( $page_line =~ s/
push @lines_to_print, $page_line;
return ( [RC_ERROR,join "\n", @lines_to_print]);
$ua->timeout( 2 );
$form = HTML::Form->parse( $res->content, $res->base );
$data = $form->click('submit');
$res = $ua->request( $data);
# We cannot get the result of this update, since the network
# is updated, the old URI is invalid anymore
# Return success directory
return ( [SUCCESS, "Success to set " . join ',', @set_entries]);
# Format the output of network configuration
sub format_netcfg
my $interfaces = shift;
my $output = undef;
for my $inc ( sort keys %$interfaces)
#improve needed: need to make the output consistent to MM
$output .= "\n\t" . $inc . ":\n";
$output =~ s/interface(\d)/eth$1/;
# There are 2 possible value for $type,
# the first means "Dynamic", 2nd means "Static"
# Now to find the correct type name
my $curr_type = $interfaces->{$inc}->{'type'}->value();
my @possible_values = $interfaces->{$inc}->{'type'}->possible_values();
my $type;
if ($curr_type == @possible_values[0])
$type = "Dynamic";
$type = "Static";
#not work on AIX
#my @possible_names = $interfaces->{$inc}->{'type'}->value_names();
#my %value_names = {};
#for ( my $i = 0; $i < scalar( @possible_values); $i++)
# $value_names{ @possible_values[$i]} = @possible_names[$i];
#my $type = $interfaces->{$inc}->{'type'} ? $value_names{ $interfaces->{$inc}->{'type'}->value()} : undef;;
$type = "Static" if ( $type == 2);
my $ip = $interfaces->{$inc}->{'ip'} ? $interfaces->{$inc}->{'ip'}->value() : undef;
my $hostname = $interfaces->{$inc}->{'hostname'} ? $interfaces->{$inc}->{'hostname'}->value() : undef;
my $gateway = $interfaces->{$inc}->{'gateway'} ? $interfaces->{$inc}->{'gateway'}->value() : undef;
my $netmask = $interfaces->{$inc}->{'netmask'} ? $interfaces->{$inc}->{'netmask'}->value() : undef;
$output .= "\t\tIP Type: " . $type . "\n";
$output .= "\t\tIP Address: " . $ip . "\n";
$output .= "\t\tHostname: " . $hostname . "\n";
$output .= "\t\tGateway: " . $gateway . "\n";
$output .= "\t\tNetmask: " . $netmask . "\n";
return( [SUCCESS,$output] );