=head1 B<Name>

wvid - windowed remote video console for nodes

=head1 B<Synopsis>

B<wvid> I<noderange>

=head1 B<Description>

B<wvid> provides access to the remote node video console of a single node, or range of nodes or groups.
B<wvid> provides a simple front-end to the hardware's remote console capability.
Currently this command is supported for:  blades, BMC/IMM, KVM, and Xen

The B<nodehm.cons> attribute of the node determines the method used to open the console.  See L<nodehm(5)|nodehm.5> for further details.

=head1 B<Options>

No options are supported at this time.

=head1 B<Examples>

=over 3

=item 1.

To open video consoles for the 1st 2 nodes:

 wvid node1,node2


=head1 B<See Also>

L<noderange(3)|noderange.3>, L<rcons(1)|rcons.1>, L<wcons(1)|wcons.1>