# IBM(c) 2007 EPL license http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
#(C)IBM Corp


    $::XCATROOT =
      : -d '/opt/xcat'   ? '/opt/xcat'
      : '/usr';
use lib "$::XCATROOT/lib/perl";
use File::Basename;
use Getopt::Long;
use xCAT::MsgUtils;
use xCAT::Utils;
use File::Copy;


=head1   updateSNimage 

   This routine updates the service node diskless install image with
   the extra files it needs to support running the postgresql and xcatd
   daemon on the service node. If also creates a new fstab in the install image.

	  -n host ipaddress or name that can be used to scp, or blank for local host
	  -p full path to diskless image to update
	  -h help
	  -v version

	   0 = success
	   1 = error
     updateSNimage -n <hostipaddress/name> -i <path to image>
     updateSNimage -i <path to image>



# Main

my $rc = 0;

my $hostname;
my $path;
my $cpy;
my $cmd;

@hostpath = &getarg();
$path     = pop @hostpath;
my $hostname  = pop @hostpath;
my $thostname = $hostname;
if ($thostname eq "local")
{    # local host
    $cpy      = "cp";
    $hostname = "";     # no hostname in the copy and use local cp
    `unalias cp`;       # remove prompting
    $cpy = "scp";
    $hostname .= ":";

# check to see  /etc/xcat/ca and /etc/xcat/cert directory exist
# if not make them

if ($thostname eq "local")
{                       # local host
    $cmd = "ls $path/etc/xcat/ca";
    $cmd = "ssh $hostname ls $path/etc/xcat/ca";
my @output = xCAT::Utils->runcmd($cmd, -1);
if ($::RUNCMD_RC != 0)
    if ($thostname eq "local")
    {                   # local host
        $cmd = "mkdir $path/etc/xcat/ca";
        $cmd = "ssh $hostname mkdir $path/etc/xcat/ca";
    my @output = xCAT::Utils->runcmd($cmd, 0);
    if ($::RUNCMD_RC != 0)
        xCAT::MsgUtils->message("E", "Error from $cmd, @output");
if ($thostname eq "local")
{    # local host
    $cmd = "ls $path/etc/xcat/cert";
    $cmd = "ssh $hostname ls $path/etc/xcat/cert";
my @output = xCAT::Utils->runcmd($cmd, -1);
if ($::RUNCMD_RC != 0)
    if ($thostname eq "local")
    {    # local host
        $cmd = "mkdir $path/etc/xcat/cert";
        $cmd = "ssh $hostname mkdir $path/etc/xcat/cert";
    my @output = xCAT::Utils->runcmd($cmd, 0);
    if ($::RUNCMD_RC != 0)
        xCAT::MsgUtils->message("E", "Error from $cmd, @output");
if ($thostname eq "local")
{    # local host
    $cmd = "ls $path/root/.xcat";
    $cmd = "ssh $hostname ls $path/root/.xcat";
my @output = xCAT::Utils->runcmd($cmd, -1);
if ($::RUNCMD_RC != 0)
    if ($thostname eq "local")
    {    # local host
        $cmd = "mkdir $path/root/.xcat";
        $cmd = "ssh $hostname mkdir $path/root/.xcat";
    my @output = xCAT::Utils->runcmd($cmd, 0);
    if ($::RUNCMD_RC != 0)
        xCAT::MsgUtils->message("E", "Error from $cmd, @output");
my $path1 = "$path/";

# build each copy command
my $path1 = "$path/";

# build each copy command
# cp -p /etc/sysconfig/xcat $path/etc/sysconfig/xcat , if local or
# scp -p /etc/sysconfig/xcat $hostname:$path/etc/sysconfig/xcat if remote
#my $filename  = " /etc/sysconfig/xcat ";
#my $filename2 = "etc/sysconfig/xcat ";
#my $copy1     = $cpy;
#$copy1 .= " -p ";
#$copy1 .= $filename;
#$copy1 .= $hostname;
#$copy1 .= $path1;
#$copy1 .= $filename2;

# cp -p /etc/xcat/cfgloc $path/etc/xcat/cfgloc , if local or
# scp -p /etc/xcat/cfgloc $hostname:$path/etc/xcat/cfgloc if remote
$filename  = " /etc/xcat/cfgloc ";
$filename2 = "etc/xcat/cfgloc ";
my $copy2 = $cpy;
$copy2 .= " -p ";
$copy2 .= $filename;
$copy2 .= $hostname;
$copy2 .= $path1;
$copy2 .= $filename2;

# cp -p /root/.xcat/* $path/root/.xcat/. , if local or
# scp -p /root/.xcat/* $hostname:$path/root/.xcat/. if remote
$filename  = " /root/.xcat/* ";
$filename2 = "root/.xcat/. ";
my $copy3 = $cpy;
$copy3 .= " -p ";
$copy3 .= $filename;
$copy3 .= $hostname;
$copy3 .= $path1;
$copy3 .= $filename2;

# cp -p /etc/syslog $path/etc/syslog , if local or
# scp -p /etc/syslog $hostname:$path/etc/syslog if remote
$filename  = " /etc/syslog.conf ";
$filename2 = "etc/syslog.conf ";
my $copy4 = $cpy;
$copy4 .= " -p ";
$copy4 .= $filename;
$copy4 .= $hostname;
$copy4 .= $path1;
$copy4 .= $filename2;

# cp -rp /etc/xcat/ca/* $path/etc/xcat/ca/. , if local or
# scp -rp /etc/xcat/ca/* $hostname:$path/etc/xcat/ca/. if remote
$filename  = " /etc/xcat/ca/* ";
$filename2 = "etc/xcat/ca/. ";
my $copy5 = $cpy;
$copy5 .= " -rp ";
$copy5 .= $filename;
$copy5 .= $hostname;
$copy5 .= $path1;
$copy5 .= $filename2;

# cp -p /etc/xcat/cert/* $path/etc/xcat/cert/. , if local or
# scp -p /etc/xcat/cert/* $hostname:$path/etc/xcat/cert/. if remote
$filename  = " /etc/xcat/cert/* ";
$filename2 = "etc/xcat/cert/. ";
my $copy6 = $cpy;
$copy6 .= " -p ";
$copy6 .= $filename;
$copy6 .= $hostname;
$copy6 .= $path1;
$copy6 .= $filename2;

#my @cmd = ($copy1, $copy2, $copy3, $copy4, $copy5, $copy6);
my @cmd = ($copy2, $copy3, $copy4, $copy5, $copy6);

foreach $cmd (@cmd)

    my @output = xCAT::Utils->runcmd($cmd, 0);
    if ($::RUNCMD_RC != 0)
        xCAT::MsgUtils->message("E", "Error from $cmd, @output");

# create a new fstab

$rc = &create_fstab($path);

exit $rc;


=head2   getarg 

  parses input 



sub getarg

    my @output;
    my %options = ();

    if (
            'h|help'    => \$options{'help'},
            'n|node=s'  => \$options{'node'},
            'p|path=s'  => \$options{'path'},
            'v|version' => \$options{'version'}


        exit 1;
    if ($options{'help'})
        exit 0;
    if ($options{'version'})
        xCAT::MsgUtils->message("I", "Version 2.0\n");
        exit 0;

    # must input hostname and path
    if (!($options{'path'}))    # required
        xCAT::MsgUtils->message("E", "-p path to image is required\n");
        exit 1;
    if ($options{'node'})
        push @output, $options{'node'};
        push @output, "local";
    push @output, $options{'path'};

    return @output;


=head2   usage 

  displays usages message 


sub usage
    my $usage;
    my $usage1 = " updateSNimage -h \n updateSNimage -v \n ";
    my $usage2 = "updateSNimage {-n hostname | hostip } [-p path to image] \n ";
    my $usage3 =
      "               -n hostname or ipadress where image is located \n ";
    "                  if not input copies to local host. \n ";
    my $usage4 = "               -p full path to image to update with  \n ";
    my $usage5 = "                   service node files. \n ";
    $usage .= $usage1 .= $usage2 .= $usage3 .= $usage4 .= $usage5;
    xCAT::MsgUtils->message("I", $usage);
    return 0;


=head2   create_fstab 

 Saves old fstab and creates a new one, if not already done 



sub create_fstab
    my ($path) = @_;
    my $cmd;
    my $file = "$path/etc/fstab";
    my $file2 = "$path/etc/fstab.ORIG";
    if (!(-e $file2))
    {    # if not already done
        $cmd = "cp -p $file $file2";
        my @output = xCAT::Utils->runcmd($cmd, 0);
        if ($::RUNCMD_RC != 0)
            xCAT::MsgUtils->message("E", "Error from $cmd, @output");
            return 1;

        # build the fstab file
        my @fstabtemplate;
        $fstabtemplate[0] = "proc        /proc            proc     rw 0 0\n";
        $fstabtemplate[1] = "sysfs       /sys             sysfs    rw 0 0\n";
        $fstabtemplate[2] =
          "devpts      /dev/pts         devpts   rw,gid=5,mode=620 0 0\n";
        $fstabtemplate[3] = "#tmpfs      /dev/shm         tmpfs    rw 0 0\n";
        $fstabtemplate[4] = "compute_x86_64 /             tmpfs    rw 0 1\n";
        $fstabtemplate[5] =
          "#none        /tmp             tmpfs    defaults,size=10m 0 2\n";
        $fstabtemplate[6] =
          "#none        /var/tmp         tmpfs    defaults,size=10m 0 2\n";

        open(FSTABCFG, ">$file")
          xCAT::MsgUtils->message('S', "Cannot open $file for fstab setup. \n");
        print FSTABCFG @fstabtemplate;
        close FSTABCFG;
    return 0;